private object ReadNode()
            var name   = reader.ReadString();
            var node   = Serialization.CreateNode(name);
            var folder = node as Folder;

            if (folder != null)
                folder.Name = name;

            int childrenCount = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (childrenCount > 0)
                var treeNode = (TreeNode)node;
                for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++)
                    var child = ReadNode();

            if (node is Build build && formatSupportsEmbeddedProjectImportsArchive)
                build.SourceFilesArchive = reader.ReadByteArray();

        private object ReadNode()
            var name   = reader.ReadString();
            var node   = Serialization.CreateNode(name);
            var folder = node as Folder;

            if (folder != null)
                folder.Name = name;

            int childrenCount = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (childrenCount > 0)
                if (!(node is TreeNode))
                    // OK we got ourselves into a situation here.
                    // There's a design flaw in the BuildLog format. I took a shortcut
                    // and for Folder nodes I just write the name of the folder instead
                    // of specifying that the element is a Folder in the first place.
                    // Unfortunately I didn't think about Folders named "Property",
                    // "Target", etc.
                    // So the deserialization logic when it sees a string called "Property"
                    // it assumes we have a property here, instead of a Folder named
                    // "Property". But properties have children! We're in a pickle now.
                    // Longer term I need to modify the format to not do this optimization
                    // and always write "Folder" for folders and write the name separately.
                    // For now I don't have time to do this right, so put in the dirty
                    // hack to recover from this situation. If it says it's a "Property"
                    // but expects children, it means it's actually a folder with name
                    // "Property".
                    folder      = new Folder();
                    folder.Name = Serialization.GetNodeName(node);
                    node        = folder;

                var treeNode = (TreeNode)node;
                for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++)
                    var child = ReadNode();

            if (node is Build build && formatSupportsEmbeddedProjectImportsArchive)
                build.SourceFilesArchive = reader.ReadByteArray();
