 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the value of an attribute, removing the attribute if the value is null, but still setting it 
 /// if the value is the empty string. Returns the attribute, or null if it was removed.
 /// UNDONE: Make this return a bool if the attribute did not change, so we can avoid dirtying.
 /// </summary>
 internal static XmlAttributeWithLocation SetOrRemoveAttribute(XmlElementWithLocation element, string name, string value, bool allowSettingEmptyAttributes)
     if (value == null || (!allowSettingEmptyAttributes && value.Length == 0))
         // The caller passed in a null or an empty value.  So remove the attribute.
         return null;
         // Set the new attribute value
         element.SetAttribute(name, value);
         XmlAttributeWithLocation attribute = (XmlAttributeWithLocation)element.Attributes[name];
         return attribute;
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the &lt;Folder&gt; element, and adds an appropriate item to the
        /// filesItemGroup.
        /// </summary>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private void ProcessFolderElement
            XmlElementWithLocation      folderElement,
            ProjectItemGroupElement filesItemGroup
            // Make sure this is the <Folder> element.
            error.VerifyThrow((folderElement != null) &&
                (folderElement.Name == VSProjectElements.folder),
                "Expected <Folder> element.");

            // Make sure the caller has already created an ProjectItemGroupElement for us to
            // put the new items in.
            error.VerifyThrow(filesItemGroup != null, "Received null ProjectItemGroupElement");

            // Get the required "RelPath" attribute.
            string relPath = folderElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.relPath);
            ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject((relPath != null) && (relPath.Length > 0),
                folderElement.Location, "MissingAttribute", VSProjectAttributes.relPath, VSProjectElements.folder);
            // Remove the "RelPath" attribute, so we don't end up adding it twice.

            // We need to find out what type of folder this is -- a web references
            // folder, a web reference URL, or just an empty project folder.

            // See if there's a "WebReferences" attribute on the <Folder> element.  If so,
            // and the value is set to "True", then it's a web reference folder.
            string webReferences = folderElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.webReferences);
            // Remove the "WebReferences" attribute, so we don't end up adding it twice.

            // See if there's a "WebReferenceURL" attribute.  If so, it's a web reference
            // URL.
            string webReferenceUrl = folderElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.webReferenceUrl);
            // Remove the "WebReferenceURL" attribute, so we don't end up adding it twice.

            ProjectItemElement newFolderItem;

            if ((webReferences != null) && (0 == String.Compare(webReferences, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                // This is a web reference folder.

                // The <Folder> element gets converted to XMake as an item of type
                // "WebReferences".  The "Include" will contain the relative path.
                // For example,
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                // Everett format:
                // ===============
                //    <Folder
                //        RelPath = "Web References\"
                //        WebReferences = "TRUE"
                //    />
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                // XMake format:
                // =============
                //    <WebReferences Include = "Web References\" />
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                newFolderItem = filesItemGroup.AddItem(XMakeProjectStrings.webReferences,
            else if ((webReferenceUrl != null) && (webReferenceUrl.Length > 0))
                // This is an actual web reference URL.

                // The <Folder> element gets converted to XMake as an item of type
                // "WebReferenceURL".  The "Include" will contain the URL.
                // For example,
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                // Everett format:
                // ===============
                //    <Folder
                //        RelPath = "Web References\mobileakipman\"
                //        WebReferenceUrl = "http://mobileakipman/HelloName/service1.asmx"
                //        UrlBehavior = "Static"
                //    />
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                // XMake format:
                // =============
                //    <WebReferenceUrl Include="http://mobileakipman/HelloName/service1.asmx">
                //          <RelPath>Web References\mobileakipman\</RelPath>
                //          <UrlBehavior>Static</UrlBehavior>
                //    </WebReferenceUrl>
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                newFolderItem = filesItemGroup.AddItem(XMakeProjectStrings.webReferenceUrl,
                newFolderItem.AddMetadata(XMakeProjectStrings.relPath, ProjectCollection.Escape(relPath));

                // Whidbey projects have some new properties to control the behavior of the
                // proxy generation.  For projects migrated from Everett, we want to force
                // the proxy generation to mimic the Everett behavior, so that people's projects
                // still work the same as they did in Everett.  (These properties did not
                // exist in Everett.)  See spec at:
                // http://devdiv/SpecTool/Documents/Whidbey/VSCore/Solution%20Project%20Build/FeatureSpecs/Project-WebReferences.doc
                if (!this.newWebReferencePropertiesAdded)
                        (this.language == VSProjectElements.visualJSharp) ? "false" : "true");
                    this.globalPropertyGroup.AddProperty(XMakeProjectStrings.webRefEnableSqlTypes, "false");
                    this.globalPropertyGroup.AddProperty(XMakeProjectStrings.webRefEnableLegacyEventing, "true");

                    this.newWebReferencePropertiesAdded = true;
                // This is just a project folder that happens not to have any files in it.

                // The <Folder> element gets converted to XMake as an item of type "Folder".
                // However, we do need to remove the trailing backslash, because XMake
                // interprets that as a recursion (bug # 58591).  For example,
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                // Everett format:
                // ===============
                //    <Folder
                //        RelPath = "MyEmptyProjectFolder\"
                //    />
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                // XMake format:
                // =============
                //    <Folder Include="MyEmptyProjectFolder" />
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

                // Remove the trailing backslash.  XMake interprets trailing backslashes
                // as a recursive wildcard.  This will be fixed in M2 -- bug # 58591
                if (relPath.EndsWith("\\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    relPath = relPath.Remove(relPath.Length - 1, 1);

                newFolderItem = filesItemGroup.AddItem(XMakeProjectStrings.folder,

            // Add all the rest of the attributes on the <Folder> element to the new
            // XMake item.
            foreach (XmlAttribute folderAttribute in folderElement.Attributes)
                newFolderItem.AddMetadata(folderAttribute.Name, ProjectCollection.Escape(folderAttribute.Value));

            // There should be no children of the <Folder> element.
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the &lt;Service&gt; element, and add an appropriate reference
        /// items to the startupServicesItemGroup.
        /// </summary>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private void ProcessServiceElement
            XmlElementWithLocation      serviceElement,
            ProjectItemGroupElement startupServicesItemGroup
            // Make sure this is the <Service> element.
            error.VerifyThrow((serviceElement != null) &&
                (serviceElement.Name == VSProjectElements.service),
                "Expected <Service> element.");

            // Make sure the caller has already created an ProjectItemGroupElement for us to
            // put the new items in.
            error.VerifyThrow(startupServicesItemGroup != null, "Received null ProjectItemGroupElement");

            // Get the required "ID" attribute.
            string id = serviceElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.id);
            ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject((id != null) && (id.Length > 0), serviceElement.Location,
                "MissingAttribute", VSProjectAttributes.id, VSProjectElements.service);
            // Remove the "ID" attribute, so it doesn't show up in our loop later.

            // The <Service> element gets converted to XMake as an item of type "Service".
            // The "ID" attribute becomes the "Include" for the new item.  For
            // example,
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Everett format:
            // ===============
            //    <Service ID = "ABCD1234-78F4-4F98-AFD6-720DA6E648A2" />
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // XMake format:
            // =============
            //    <Service Include="ABCD1234-78F4-4F98-AFD6-720DA6E648A2" />
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            startupServicesItemGroup.AddItem(XMakeProjectStrings.service, ProjectCollection.Escape(id));

            // There should be no other attributes on the <Service> element (besides
            // "ID" which we already took care of).  But loop through them
            // anyway, so we can emit a useful error message.
            foreach (XmlAttributeWithLocation serviceAttribute in serviceElement.Attributes)
                ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject(false, serviceAttribute.Location, "UnrecognizedAttribute",
                    serviceAttribute.Name, VSProjectElements.service);

            // There should be no children of the <Service> element.
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the &lt;Import&gt; element, and add an appropriate reference
        /// items to the importsItemGroup.
        /// </summary>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private void ProcessImportElement
            XmlElementWithLocation importElement,
            ProjectItemGroupElement importsItemGroup
            // Make sure this is the <Import> element.
            error.VerifyThrow((importElement != null) &&
                (importElement.Name == VSProjectElements.import),
                "Expected <Import> element.");

            // Make sure the caller has already created an ProjectItemGroupElement for us to
            // put the new items in.
            error.VerifyThrow(importsItemGroup != null, "Received null ProjectItemGroupElement");

            // Get the required "Namespace" attribute.
            string importNamespace = importElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.importNamespace);
            ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject((importNamespace != null) && (importNamespace.Length > 0),
                importElement.Location, "MissingAttribute", VSProjectAttributes.importNamespace, VSProjectElements.import);
            // Remove the "Namespace" attribute, so it doesn't show up in our loop later.

            // The <Import> element gets converted to XMake as an item of type "Import".
            // The "Namespace" attribute becomes the "Include" for the new item.  For
            // example,
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Everett format:
            // ===============
            //    <Import Namespace = "System.Collections" />
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // XMake format:
            // =============
            //    <Import Include="System.Collections" />
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            importsItemGroup.AddItem(XMakeProjectStrings.import, ProjectCollection.Escape(importNamespace));

            // There should be no other attributes on the <Import> element (besides
            // "Namespace" which we already took care of).  But loop through them
            // anyway, so we can emit a useful error message.
            foreach (XmlAttributeWithLocation importAttribute in importElement.Attributes)
                ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject(false, importAttribute.Location, "UnrecognizedAttribute",
                    importAttribute.Name, VSProjectElements.import);

            // There should be no children of the <Import> element.
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the &lt;File&gt; element, and adds an appropriate item to the
        /// filesItemGroup.
        /// </summary>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private void ProcessFileElement
            XmlElementWithLocation      fileElement,
            ProjectItemGroupElement filesItemGroup
            // Make sure this is the <File> element.
            error.VerifyThrow((fileElement != null) &&
                (fileElement.Name == VSProjectElements.file),
                "Expected <File> element.");

            // Make sure the caller has already created an ProjectItemGroupElement for us to
            // put the new items in.
            error.VerifyThrow(filesItemGroup != null, "Received null ProjectItemGroupElement");

            // Get the required "RelPath" attribute.
            string relPath = fileElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.relPath);
            ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject((relPath != null) && (relPath.Length > 0),
                fileElement.Location, "MissingAttribute", VSProjectAttributes.relPath, VSProjectElements.file);
            // Remove the "RelPath" attribute, so we don't end up adding it twice.

            // Get the "Link" attribute.  This is for linked items only.
            string linkPath = fileElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.link);
            // Remove the "Link" attribute, so we don't end up adding it twice.

            // Get the "BuildAction" attribute.  If it doesn't exist, figure out
            // what the build action is based on the file extension.  This is
            // what the project loading code does in VS.
            string buildAction = fileElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.buildAction);
            if ((buildAction == null) || (buildAction.Length == 0))
                buildAction = VSProjectAttributes.buildActionNone;
            // Remove the "BuildAction" attribute, so we don't end up adding it twice.

            ProjectItemElement newFileItem;

            // Bug Whidbey #248965. If a .resx file is completely empty, do not include a reference
            // to it in the upgraded project file.
            if (!
                (0 == String.Compare(Path.GetExtension(relPath), ".resx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                 && IsFilePresentButEmpty(relPath, linkPath))

                // Add the new item to XMake.
                if ((linkPath == null) || (linkPath.Length == 0))
                    // Normal item.

                    // The <File> element gets converted to XMake as a new item, where
                    // the item type is the BuildAction, and the "Include" contains
                    // the relative path to the item.  For
                    // example,
                    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Everett format:
                    // ===============
                    //    <File
                    //        RelPath = "Properties\PropertyGroupCollection.cs"
                    //        SubType = "Code"
                    //        BuildAction = "Compile"
                    //    />
                    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    // XMake format:
                    // =============
                    //    <Compile Include = "Properties\PropertyGroupCollection.cs">
                    //          <SubType>Code</SubType>
                    //    </Compile>
                    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    newFileItem = filesItemGroup.AddItem(buildAction, ProjectCollection.Escape(relPath));
                    // Linked item.

                    // The <File> element gets converted to XMake as a new item, where
                    // the item type is the BuildAction, the "Include" contains
                    // the physical relative path to the item, and the non-XMake "Link"
                    // attribute contains the project-relative path for item (for display
                    // purposes in the Solution Explorer).  For example,
                    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Everett format:
                    // ===============
                    //    <File
                    //        RelPath = "Properties\PropertyGroupCollection.cs"
                    //        Link = "c:\Rajeev\External\PropertyGroupCollection.cs"
                    //        SubType = "Code"
                    //        BuildAction = "Compile"
                    //    />
                    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    // XMake format:
                    // =============
                    //    <Compile Include = "c:\Rajeev\External\PropertyGroupCollection.cs">
                    //          <Link>Properties\PropertyGroupCollection.cs</Link>
                    //          <SubType>Code</SubType>
                    //    </Compile>
                    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    newFileItem = filesItemGroup.AddItem(buildAction, ProjectCollection.Escape(linkPath));
                    newFileItem.AddMetadata(XMakeProjectStrings.link, ProjectCollection.Escape(relPath));

                // Add all the rest of the attributes on the <File> element to the new
                // XMake item.
                foreach (XmlAttribute fileAttribute in fileElement.Attributes)
                    newFileItem.AddMetadata(fileAttribute.Name, ProjectCollection.Escape(fileAttribute.Value));

                // If this is a VSD(devices) project and we're dealing with a content file,
                // mark it to copy if newer.
                if ( ( ( ( this.language == VSProjectElements.ECSharp ) ||
                         ( this.language == VSProjectElements.EVisualBasic ) ) ) &&
                     ( 0 == String.Compare ( buildAction, XMakeProjectStrings.content, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) )
                    newFileItem.AddMetadata ( XMakeProjectStrings.copytooutput,
                                              XMakeProjectStrings.preservenewest );
                string warning = ResourceUtilities.FormatString(

            // There should be no children of the <File> element.
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an element corresponding to a .NET Assembly reference, create the appropriate element in the new project
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="referenceElement"></param>
        /// <param name="referencesItemGroup"></param>
        /// <param name="referenceName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ProjectItemElement ConvertAssemblyReference(XmlElementWithLocation referenceElement, ProjectItemGroupElement referencesItemGroup, string referenceName)
            ProjectItemElement newReferenceItem;
            // This is a regular .NET assembly reference.

            // This gets added as a new XMake item of type "Reference".  The "Include"
            // attribute is the assembly name, and all the other attributes remain
            // the same.  For example,
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Everett format:
            // ===============
            //    <Reference
            //        Name = "System.Xml"
            //        AssemblyName = "System.Xml"
            //        HintPath = "..\..\binaries\x86chk\bin\i386\System.Xml.dll"
            //    />
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // XMake format:
            // =============
            //    <Reference Include="System.Xml">
            //          <Name>System.Xml</Name>
            //          <HintPath>..\..\binaries\x86chk\bin\i386\System.Xml.dll</HintPath>
            //    </Reference>
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Get the "AssemblyName" attribute.  If not found, just use the value from the
            // "Name" attribute.  This is what the project loading code does in VS.
            string assemblyName = referenceElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.assemblyName);
            if ((assemblyName == null) || (assemblyName.Length == 0))
                assemblyName = referenceName;
                // Remove the "AssemblyName" attribute so we don't add it again at
                // the end.

            // MyType should only be added when System.Windows.Forms is present. If this
            // reference is seen, then set a flag so we can later add MyType.
            if (0 == String.Compare("System.Windows.Forms", assemblyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                hasWindowsFormsReference = true;

            // Remove hint paths that we think are to RTM or Everett framework assemblies
            string hintPath = referenceElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.hintPath);
            if (hintPath != null)
                hintPath = hintPath.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (hintPath.IndexOf(LegacyFrameworkPaths.RTMFrameworkPath, StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1 ||
                    hintPath.IndexOf(LegacyFrameworkPaths.EverettFrameworkPath, StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1 ||
                    hintPath.IndexOf(LegacyFrameworkPaths.JSharpRTMFrameworkPath, StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)

            newReferenceItem = referencesItemGroup.AddItem(XMakeProjectStrings.reference, ProjectCollection.Escape(assemblyName));
            return newReferenceItem;
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an element corresponding to a COM reference, create the appropriate element in the new project
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="referenceElement"></param>
        /// <param name="referencesItemGroup"></param>
        /// <param name="referenceName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static ProjectItemElement ConvertClassicComReference(XmlElementWithLocation referenceElement, ProjectItemGroupElement referencesItemGroup, string referenceName)
            ProjectItemElement newReferenceItem;
            // This is a classic COM reference.

            // This gets added as a new XMake item of type "COMReference".
            // The "Include" attribute will contain the reference name,
            // and all the other attributes remain the same.  For example,
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Everett format:
            // ===============
            //    <Reference
            //        Name = "UTILITIESLib"
            //        Guid = "{0EF79DA1-6555-11D2-A889-00AA006C2A9A}"
            //        VersionMajor = "1"
            //        VersionMinor = "0"
            //        Lcid = "0"
            //        WrapperTool = "tlbimp"
            //    />
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // XMake format:
            // =============
            //    <COMReference Include = "UTILITIESLib">
            //          <Guid>{0EF79DA1-6555-11D2-A889-00AA006C2A9A}</Guid>
            //          <VersionMajor>1</VersionMajor>
            //          <VersionMinor>0</VersionMinor>
            //          <Lcid>0</Lcid>
            //          <WrapperTool>tlbimp</WrapperTool>
            //    </COMReference>
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Remove the "Name" attribute so we don't add it again at the end.

            // Add a new item to XMake of type "COMReference".
            newReferenceItem = referencesItemGroup.AddItem(XMakeProjectStrings.comReference, ProjectCollection.Escape(referenceName));
            return newReferenceItem;
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the &lt;Reference&gt; element, and add an appropriate reference
        /// items to the referencesItemGroup.
        /// </summary>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private void ProcessReferenceElement
            XmlElementWithLocation      referenceElement,
            ProjectItemGroupElement referencesItemGroup
            // Make sure this is the <Reference> element.
            error.VerifyThrow((referenceElement != null) &&
                (referenceElement.Name == VSProjectElements.reference),
                "Expected <Reference> element.");

            // Make sure the caller has already created an ProjectItemGroupElement for us to
            // put the new items in.
            error.VerifyThrow(referencesItemGroup != null, "Received null ProjectItemGroupElement");

            // Before we do anything else, look for the "Platform" attribute.
            //   If it's available, we need to remove it, and if it ends in
            //   "-Designer", we need to disregard this reference entirely.

            string platform = referenceElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.platform);
            if ((platform != null) && (platform.Length > 0))
                if (platform.IndexOf("-Designer", 0, platform.Length, StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)

                referenceElement.RemoveAttribute ( VSProjectAttributes.platform );

            ProjectItemElement newReferenceItem;

            // Get the "Name" attribute.  This is a required attribute in the VS7/
            // Everett format.
            string referenceName = referenceElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.name);
            ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject((referenceName != null) && (referenceName.Length > 0),
                referenceElement.Location, "MissingAttribute", VSProjectAttributes.name, VSProjectElements.reference);

            // Before we go any further, we must special-case some assemblies for VSD projects.

            if ( ( ( this.language == VSProjectElements.ECSharp ) ||
                   ( this.language == VSProjectElements.EVisualBasic ) ) )
                if ( ( this.frameworkVersionForVSD == XMakeProjectStrings.vTwo ) &&
                     ( 0 == String.Compare ( referenceName, VSProjectElements.SystemDataCommon, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) )
                    // We need to remove all references to "System.Data.Common" for VSD projects only.
                    //   Note : We only want to do this for projects that will be updated to v2.0
                    //          System.Data.Common is still valid for v1.0 upgraded projects.
                else if ( 0 == String.Compare ( referenceName, VSProjectElements.SystemSR, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
                    // We always want to remove all references to "System.SR"

            if ( ( this.language == VSProjectElements.EVisualBasic ) &&
                 ( 0 == String.Compare ( referenceName, VSProjectElements.MSCorLib, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) )
                // We also want to get rid of all 'mscorlib' references for VB projects only.

            // We need to find out what type of reference this is -- a .NET assembly
            // reference, a COM reference, or a project reference.  In the XMake format,
            // we use separate item types for each of these.

            // See if there's a "Guid" attribute on the <Reference> element.  If so,
            // it's a classic COM reference.
            string comReferenceGuid = referenceElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.guid);

            // See if there's a "Project" guid attribute.  If so, it's a project
            // reference.
            string referencedProjectGuid = referenceElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.project);

            if ((comReferenceGuid != null) && (comReferenceGuid.Length > 0) &&
                (comReferenceGuid != "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"))
                newReferenceItem = ConvertClassicComReference(referenceElement, referencesItemGroup, referenceName);
            else if ((referencedProjectGuid != null) && (referencedProjectGuid.Length > 0))
                newReferenceItem = ConvertProjectToProjectReference(referenceElement, referencesItemGroup, referenceName, ref referencedProjectGuid);
                newReferenceItem = ConvertAssemblyReference(referenceElement, referencesItemGroup, referenceName);

            // Add all the rest of the attributes on the <Reference> element to the new
            // XMake item.
            foreach (XmlAttribute referenceAttribute in referenceElement.Attributes)
                newReferenceItem.AddMetadata(referenceAttribute.Name, ProjectCollection.Escape(referenceAttribute.Value));

            // There should be no children of the <Reference> element.
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the &lt;Config&gt; element, and everything within it.  As it is
        /// doing this, it will add stuff to the xmakeProject, including new
        /// configuration-specific property groups.
        /// </summary>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private void ProcessConfigElement
            XmlElementWithLocation      configElement
            // Make sure this is the <Config> element.
            error.VerifyThrow((configElement != null) &&
                (configElement.Name == VSProjectElements.config),
                "Expected <Config> element.");

            // Make sure the caller has given us a valid xmakeProject object.
            error.VerifyThrow(xmakeProject != null, "Expected valid XMake project object.");

            // All of the attributes on the <Config> tag get converted to XMake
            // properties, except for the "Name" attribute which becomes part of
            // the "Condition" on the <PropertyGroup>.  For example,
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Everett format:
            // ===============
            //    <Config
            //        Name = "Debug"
            //        AllowUnsafeBlocks = "false"
            //        BaseAddress = "285212672"
            //        CheckForOverflowUnderflow = "false"
            //        ConfigurationOverrideFile = ""
            //        DefineConstants = "DEBUG;TRACE"
            //        DocumentationFile = ""
            //        DebugSymbols = "true"
            //        FileAlignment = "4096"
            //        IncrementalBuild = "true"
            //        NoStdLib = "false"
            //        NoWarn = ""
            //        Optimize = "false"
            //        OutputPath = "bin\Debug\"
            //        RegisterForComInterop = "false"
            //        RemoveIntegerChecks = "false"
            //        TreatWarningsAsErrors = "true"
            //        WarningLevel = "4"
            //    />
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // XMake format:
            // =============
            //    <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
            //        <AllowUnsafeBlocks>false</AllowUnsafeBlocks>
            //        <BaseAddress>285212672</BaseAddress>
            //        <CheckForOverflowUnderflow>false</CheckForOverflowUnderflow>
            //        <ConfigurationOverrideFile></ConfigurationOverrideFile>
            //        <DefineConstants>DEBUG;TRACE</DefineConstants>
            //        <DocumentationFile></DocumentationFile>
            //        <DebugSymbols>true</DebugSymbols>
            //        <FileAlignment>4096</FileAlignment>
            //        <NoStdLib>false</NoStdLib>
            //        <NoWarn></NoWarn>
            //        <Optimize>false</Optimize>
            //        <OutputPath>bin\Debug\</OutputPath>
            //        <RegisterForComInterop>false</RegisterForComInterop>
            //        <RemoveIntegerChecks>false</RemoveIntegerChecks>
            //        <TreatWarningsAsErrors>true</TreatWarningsAsErrors>
            //        <WarningLevel>4</WarningLevel>
            //    </PropertyGroup>
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Get the "Name" attribute of the <Config> element.
            string configName = configElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.name);
            ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject((configName != null) && (configName.Length > 0),
                configElement.Location, "MissingAttribute", VSProjectElements.config, VSProjectAttributes.name);

            // In the case of VSD projects, the "Name" attribute will have a pipe in it,
            // followed by the device platform.  This last part needs to be removed,
            // leaving just the config name.
            if ( ( this.language == VSProjectElements.ECSharp ) ||
                 ( this.language == VSProjectElements.EVisualBasic ) )
                int pipeLocation = configName.IndexOf ( '|' );
                if ( pipeLocation != -1 )
                    configName = configName.Remove ( pipeLocation,
                                                     configName.Length - pipeLocation );

            // Remove the "Name" attribute from the <Config> element, so it doesn't get
            // added as an XMake property.

            // PPD@31111: J# Only: We need to remove the AdditionalOptions attribute
            // (and note it down) before we create the property group out of the configElement
            string additionalOptionsValue = null;
            if (VSProjectElements.visualJSharp == this.language)
                additionalOptionsValue = configElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.additionalOptions);
                // Dont bother about getting a null value for additionalOptionsValue
                // GetAttribute return String.Empty if the attribute is not present

            // Create a new property group, and add all of the XML attributes as XMake
            // properties.
            ProjectPropertyGroupElement configPropertyGroup = xmakeProject.AddPropertyGroup();

            // Process OutputPath attribute separately to ensure it contains trailing backslash
            string outputPath = configElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.outputPath);
            if (outputPath != null && outputPath.Length > 0)
                if (outputPath[outputPath.Length-1] != Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
                    outputPath += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

                configPropertyGroup.AddProperty(VSProjectAttributes.outputPath, ProjectCollection.Escape(outputPath));

            // If the "SelectedDevice" or "DeploymentPlatform" attributes exist in the per-user
            //   project file, we should get rid of them.
            string selectedDevice = configElement.GetAttribute ( VSProjectAttributes.selectedDevice );
            if ( isUserFile && ( selectedDevice != null ) && ( selectedDevice.Length > 0 ) )
                configElement.RemoveAttribute ( VSProjectAttributes.selectedDevice );

            string deploymentPlatform = configElement.GetAttribute ( VSProjectAttributes.deploymentPlatform );
            if ( isUserFile && ( deploymentPlatform != null ) && ( deploymentPlatform.Length > 0 ) )
                configElement.RemoveAttribute ( VSProjectAttributes.deploymentPlatform );

            // Get rid of the "IncrementalBuild" attribute
            string incrementalBuild = configElement.GetAttribute ( VSProjectAttributes.incrementalBuild );
            if (incrementalBuild != null && incrementalBuild.Length > 0)
                configElement.RemoveAttribute ( VSProjectAttributes.incrementalBuild );

            // VSWhidbey bug 261464.  For VB projects migrated from VS7/Everett, the VB team would
            // like to enable XML documentation by default (this feature was unavailable to VB users
            // in VS7/Everett. To enable for VB, set the DocumentationFile property to <assemblyname>.xml
            if ((!this.isUserFile) && (VSProjectElements.visualBasic == this.language))
                string documentationFile = this.assemblyName + XMakeProjectStrings.xmlFileExtension;
                configPropertyGroup.AddProperty(VSProjectAttributes.documentationFile, ProjectCollection.Escape(documentationFile));

            // process the rest of Config attributes
            this.AddXMakePropertiesFromXMLAttributes(configPropertyGroup, configElement);

            // PPD@31111: J# Only: We now need to parse the additionalOptionsValue for properties and
            // add the individual properties to configPropertyGroup.
            // This needs to be done after the AddXMakePropertiesFromXMLAttributes call above since
            // an property defined in the AdditionalOptions takes precedence.
            if (VSProjectElements.visualJSharp == this.language)
                AdditionalOptionsParser addnlOptParser = new AdditionalOptionsParser();
                addnlOptParser.ProcessAdditionalOptions(additionalOptionsValue, configPropertyGroup);

            // VSWhidbey bug 302946.  For VB projects migrated from VS7/Everett, the VB team would
            // like to disable the following new warnings for Whidbey:  42016,42017,42018,42019,42032
            // New projects created in Whidbey already have these warnings disabled by default.
            if ((!this.isUserFile) && (VSProjectElements.visualBasic == this.language))
                configPropertyGroup.AddProperty(XMakeProjectStrings.noWarn, XMakeProjectStrings.disabledVBWarnings);

            // VSWhidbey bug 472064.  For all projects that are converted, if "DebugSymbols" is set for a
            // particular platform/configuration, we set a "DebugType" property if and only if "DebugType" property
            // is not already there.  DebugType is set to "full" for DebugSymbols=true, DebugType is set to "none"
            // if DebugSymbols=false, and we don't do anything if DebugSymbols is not present in the source project.
            if (!this.isUserFile)
                string debugType = configElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.debugType);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(debugType))
                    string debugSymbols = configElement.GetAttribute(XMakeProjectStrings.debugSymbols);
                    if (  0 == String.Compare ( debugSymbols, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
                        configPropertyGroup.AddProperty(VSProjectAttributes.debugType, VSProjectAttributes.debugTypeFull);
                    else if ( 0 == String.Compare(debugSymbols, "false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) )
                        configPropertyGroup.AddProperty(VSProjectAttributes.debugType, VSProjectAttributes.debugTypeNone);

            // VSWhidbey bug 472064.  For all VC# projects that are converted, we add an ErrorReport
            // property, always set to "prompt"
            if ( !this.isUserFile && this.language == VSProjectElements.cSharp )
                configPropertyGroup.AddProperty(VSProjectAttributes.errorReport, VSProjectAttributes.errorReportPrompt);

            // Platform of course depends on the language we are dealing with - J# in whidbey supports only x86
            string platform = (this.language != VSProjectElements.visualJSharp)
                ? XMakeProjectStrings.defaultPlatform
                : XMakeProjectStrings.x86Platform;

            // Add the "Condition" to the new <PropertyGroup>.
            configPropertyGroup.Condition = XMakeProjectStrings.configplatformPrefix +
                ProjectCollection.Escape(configName) + XMakeProjectStrings.configplatformSeparator +
                ProjectCollection.Escape(platform) + XMakeProjectStrings.configplatformSuffix;

            // Loop through all the direct child elements of the <Config> element.
            foreach(XmlNode configChildNode in configElement)
                // Handle XML comments under the the <Config> node (just ignore them).
                if ((configChildNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment) ||
                    (configChildNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace))

                if (configChildNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    XmlElementWithLocation configChildElement = (XmlElementWithLocation)configChildNode;
                    switch (configChildElement.Name)
                        // The <InteropRegistration> element.
                        case VSProjectElements.interopRegistration:
                            this.ProcessInteropRegistrationElement((XmlElementWithLocation)configChildElement, configPropertyGroup);

                            ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject(false, configChildElement.Location,
                                "UnrecognizedChildElement", configChildElement.Name,
                    ProjectXmlUtilities.ThrowProjectInvalidChildElement(configChildNode.Name, configElement.Name, configElement.Location);
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the &lt;Settings&gt; element, and everything within it.  As it is
        /// doing this, it will add stuff to the xmakeProject.
        /// </summary>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private void ProcessSettingsElement
            XmlElementWithLocation      settingsElement
            // Make sure this is the <Settings> element.
            error.VerifyThrow((settingsElement != null) &&
                (settingsElement.Name == VSProjectElements.settings),
                "Expected <Settings> element.");

            // Make sure the caller has given us a valid xmakeProject object.
            error.VerifyThrow(xmakeProject != null, "Expected valid XMake project object.");

            // Make sure the caller has given us a valid globalPropertyGroup object.
            error.VerifyThrow(globalPropertyGroup != null, "Expected valid global ProjectPropertyElementGroup.");

            // All of the attributes on the <Settings> tag get converted to XMake
            // properties, except for PreBuildEvent and PostBuildEvent.  For example,
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Everett format:
            // ===============
            //      <Settings
            //          ApplicationIcon = ""
            //          AssemblyKeyContainerName = ""
            //          AssemblyName = "XMakeBuildEngine"
            //          AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile = ""
            //          DefaultClientScript = "JScript"
            //          DefaultHTMLPageLayout = "Grid"
            //          DefaultTargetSchema = "IE50"
            //          DelaySign = "false"
            //          OutputType = "Library"
            //          PreBuildEvent = ""
            //          PostBuildEvent = "..\..\PostBuildEvent.bat"
            //          RootNamespace = "XMakeBuildEngine"
            //          RunPostBuildEvent = "OnBuildSuccess"
            //          StartupObject = ""
            //      >
            //          ...
            //          ...
            //          ...
            //      </Settings>
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // XMake format:
            // =============
            //    <PropertyGroup>
            //        <ApplicationIcon></ApplicationIcon>
            //        <AssemblyKeyContainerName></AssemblyKeyContainerName>
            //        <AssemblyName>XMakeBuildEngine</AssemblyName>
            //        <AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile></AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile>
            //        <DefaultClientScript>JScript</DefaultClientScript>
            //        <DefaultHTMLPageLayout>Grid</DefaultHTMLPageLayout>
            //        <DefaultTargetSchema>IE50</DefaultTargetSchema>
            //        <DelaySign>false</DelaySign>
            //        <OutputType>Library</OutputType>
            //        <RootNamespace>XMakeBuildEngine</RootNamespace>
            //        <RunPostBuildEvent>OnBuildSuccess</RunPostBuildEvent>
            //        <StartupObject></StartupObject>
            //    </PropertyGroup>
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

            // The "PreBuildEvent" and "PostBuildEvent" properties need to be handled
            // specially.  These can contain references to predefined macros, such
            // as "$(ProjectDir)".  But these get defined in Microsoft.CSharp.targets, so the
            // "PreBuildEvent" and "PostBuildEvent" properties need to get added to
            // the project file *after* the <Import> for Microsoft.CSharp.targets.  For now,
            // just save the values of these two properties.
            this.preBuildEvent = settingsElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.preBuildEvent);
            this.postBuildEvent = settingsElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.postBuildEvent);

            // cache the assembly name in case its needed to upgrade the
            // documentation file property)
            this.assemblyName = settingsElement.GetAttribute(VSProjectAttributes.assemblyName);

            // cache the output type.
            this.outputType = settingsElement.GetAttribute(XMakeProjectStrings.outputType);

            // Take care of copying all the other normal properties.
            this.AddXMakePropertiesFromXMLAttributes(this.globalPropertyGroup, settingsElement);

            // Loop through all the direct child elements of the <Build> element.
            foreach(XmlNode settingsChildNode in settingsElement)
                // Handle XML comments under the the <Settings> node (just ignore them).
                if ((settingsChildNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment) ||
                    (settingsChildNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace))

                if (settingsChildNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    XmlElementWithLocation settingsChildElement = (XmlElementWithLocation)settingsChildNode;
                    switch (settingsChildElement.Name)
                        // The <Config> element.
                        case VSProjectElements.config:

                        // In the case of a VSD project, the <Platform> element
                        case VSProjectElements.platform:

                            ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject(false, settingsChildElement.Location,
                                "UnrecognizedChildElement", settingsChildElement.Name,
                    ProjectXmlUtilities.ThrowProjectInvalidChildElement(settingsChildNode.Name, settingsElement.Name, settingsElement.Location);