        public static SpecFlowProject LoadSpecFlowProjectFromMsBuild(string projectFile)
            projectFile = Path.GetFullPath(projectFile);
            Project project = new Project();
            project.Load(projectFile, ProjectLoadSettings.IgnoreMissingImports);

            string projectFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectFile);

            SpecFlowProject specFlowProject = new SpecFlowProject();
            specFlowProject.ProjectFolder = projectFolder;
            specFlowProject.ProjectName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(projectFile);
            specFlowProject.AssemblyName = project.GetEvaluatedProperty("AssemblyName");
            specFlowProject.DefaultNamespace = project.GetEvaluatedProperty("RootNamespace");

            var items = project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("None").Cast<BuildItem>()
            foreach (BuildItem item in items)
                var extension = Path.GetExtension(item.FinalItemSpec);
                if (extension.Equals(".feature", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    var featureFile = new SpecFlowFeatureFile(item.FinalItemSpec);
                    var ns = item.GetEvaluatedMetadata("CustomToolNamespace");
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ns))
                        featureFile.CustomNamespace = ns;

                if (Path.GetFileName(item.FinalItemSpec).Equals("app.config", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    GeneratorConfigurationReader.UpdateConfigFromFile(specFlowProject.GeneratorConfiguration, Path.Combine(projectFolder, item.FinalItemSpec));
            return specFlowProject;
        public Assembly CompileProject(string projectFileName)
            Assembly existing;
            if (Compilations.TryGetValue(Path.GetFullPath(projectFileName), out existing))
                return existing;

            var project = new Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Project();

            var projectName = Environment.NameTable.GetNameFor(project.EvaluatedProperties["AssemblyName"].Value);
            var projectPath = project.FullFileName;
            var compilerOptions = new SpecSharpOptions();
            var assemblyReferences = new List<IAssemblyReference>();
            var moduleReferences = new List<IModuleReference>();
            var programSources = new List<SpecSharpSourceDocument>();
            var assembly = new SpecSharpAssembly(projectName, projectPath, Environment, compilerOptions, assemblyReferences, moduleReferences, programSources);
            var helper = new SpecSharpCompilationHelper(assembly.Compilation);

            Compilations[Path.GetFullPath(projectFileName)] = assembly;

            foreach (BuildItem item in project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("ReferencePath"))
                var assemblyName = new System.Reflection.AssemblyName(item.GetEvaluatedMetadata("FusionName"));
                var name = Environment.NameTable.GetNameFor(assemblyName.Name);
                var culture = assemblyName.CultureInfo != null ? assemblyName.CultureInfo.Name : "";
                var version = assemblyName.Version == null ? new Version(0, 0) : assemblyName.Version;
                var token = assemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken();
                if (token == null) token = new byte[0];
                var location = item.FinalItemSpec;
                var identity = new AssemblyIdentity(name, culture, version, token, location);
                var reference = Environment.LoadAssembly(identity);

            foreach (BuildItem item in project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("ProjectReference"))
                var name = Environment.NameTable.GetNameFor(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item.FinalItemSpec));
                var location = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullFileName), item.FinalItemSpec));
                var reference = CompileProject(location);

            foreach (BuildItem item in project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("Compile"))
                var location = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullFileName), item.FinalItemSpec));
                var name = Environment.NameTable.GetNameFor(location);
                var programSource = new SpecSharpSourceDocument(helper, name, location, File.ReadAllText(location));

            return assembly;
		public void ResolveBinary_FancyStuff ()
			engine = new Engine (Consts.BinPath);
			project = engine.CreateNewProject ();
			project.LoadXml (ResolveAssembly (null, @"Test\resources\binary\FancyStuff.dll"));
			Assert.IsTrue (project.Build ("A"), "A1");
			big = project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName ("ResolvedFiles");
			Assert.AreEqual (1, big.Count, "A2");
			Assert.IsTrue (big[0].Include.EndsWith ("FancyStuff.dll"), "A3");
			big = project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName ("ResolvedDependencyFiles");
			Assert.AreEqual (1, big.Count, "A4");
			Assert.IsTrue (big.Cast<BuildItem> ().Any (item => item.Include.EndsWith ("SimpleWrite.dll")), "A5");
		/// <summary>
		/// Executes this instance.
		/// </summary>
		public override bool Execute() {
			foreach (ITaskItem taskItem in this.Projects) {
				switch (GetClassification(taskItem)) {
					case ProjectClassification.VS2010Project:
						this.Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Downgrading project \"{0}\".", taskItem.ItemSpec);
						Project project = new Project();
						project.DefaultToolsVersion = "3.5";

						if (this.DowngradeMvc2ToMvc1) {
							string projectTypeGuids = project.GetEvaluatedProperty("ProjectTypeGuids");
							if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectTypeGuids)) {
								projectTypeGuids = projectTypeGuids.Replace("{F85E285D-A4E0-4152-9332-AB1D724D3325}", "{603c0e0b-db56-11dc-be95-000d561079b0}");
								project.SetProperty("ProjectTypeGuids", projectTypeGuids);

						// Web projects usually have an import that includes these substrings
						foreach (Import import in project.Imports) {
							import.ProjectPath = import.ProjectPath
								.Replace("$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)", "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)")
								.Replace("VisualStudio\\v10.0", "VisualStudio\\v9.0");

						// VS2010 won't let you have a System.Core reference, but VS2008 requires it.
						BuildItemGroup references = project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("Reference");
						if (!references.Cast<BuildItem>().Any(item => item.FinalItemSpec.StartsWith("System.Core", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) {
							project.AddNewItem("Reference", "System.Core");

					case ProjectClassification.VS2010Solution:
						this.Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Downgrading solution \"{0}\".", taskItem.ItemSpec);
						string[] contents = File.ReadAllLines(taskItem.ItemSpec);
						if (contents[1] != "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00" ||
							contents[2] != "# Visual Studio 2010") {
							this.Log.LogError("Unrecognized solution file header in \"{0}\".", taskItem.ItemSpec);

						contents[1] = "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00";
						contents[2] = "# Visual Studio 2008";

						for (int i = 3; i < contents.Length; i++) {
							contents[i] = contents[i].Replace("TargetFrameworkMoniker = \".NETFramework,Version%3Dv", "TargetFramework = \"");

						File.WriteAllLines(taskItem.ItemSpec, contents);
						this.Log.LogWarning("Unrecognized project type for \"{0}\".", taskItem.ItemSpec);

			return !this.Log.HasLoggedErrors;
		public void TestHintPath1 ()
			engine = new Engine (Consts.BinPath);
			project = engine.CreateNewProject ();
			project.LoadXml (ResolveAssembly (null, @"Test\resources\test.dll"));
			Assert.IsTrue (project.Build ("A"), "A1");
			big = project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName ("ResolvedFiles");
			Assert.AreEqual (1, big.Count, "A2");
			Assert.IsTrue (big [0].Include.EndsWith (".dll"), "A3");
		public override bool Execute() {
			foreach (var project in Projects) {
				Project doc = new Project();
				var reference = doc.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("Reference").OfType<BuildItem>().
					Where(item => string.Equals(item.GetMetadata("HintPath"), OldReference, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Single();
				reference.SetMetadata("HintPath", NewReference);


			return true;
		public void TestGac1 ()
			var gacDir = GetGacDir ();

			if (gacDir == null || !System.IO.Directory.Exists (gacDir))
				Assert.Ignore ("GAC not found.");

			engine = new Engine (Consts.BinPath);
			project = engine.CreateNewProject ();
			project.LoadXml (ResolveAssembly ("System", null));
			Assert.IsTrue (project.Build ("A"), "A1");
			big = project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName ("ResolvedFiles");
			Assert.AreEqual (1, big.Count, "A2");
			Assert.IsTrue (big [0].Include.EndsWith (".dll"), "A3");
		private string GetItems (Project proj, string name)
			BuildItemGroup big = proj.GetEvaluatedItemsByName (name);
			string str = String.Empty;
			if (big == null)
				return str;

			foreach (BuildItem bi in big) {
				if (str == String.Empty)
					str = bi.FinalItemSpec;
					str += ";" + bi.FinalItemSpec;
			return str;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds references to this container from a MSBuild project.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadReferencesFromBuildProject(MSBuild.Project buildProject)
            foreach (string referenceType in SupportedReferenceTypes)
                MSBuild.BuildItemGroup refererncesGroup = buildProject.GetEvaluatedItemsByName(referenceType);

                ReferenceNode node;

                bool isComReference      = referenceType == ProjectFileConstants.COMReference;
                bool isAssemblyReference = referenceType == ProjectFileConstants.Reference;
                bool isProjectReference  = referenceType == ProjectFileConstants.ProjectReference;

                if (isAssemblyReference && this.ProjectMgr.Build(MsBuildTarget.ResolveAssemblyReferences) != MSBuildResult.Sucessful)

                foreach (MSBuild.BuildItem item in refererncesGroup)
                    ProjectElement element = new ProjectElement(this.ProjectMgr, item, false);
                    if (isComReference)
                        node = this.CreateComReferenceNode(element);
                    else if (isAssemblyReference)
                        node = this.CreateAssemblyReferenceNode(element);
                    else if (isProjectReference)
                        node = this.CreateProjectReferenceNode(element);
                        // JRock: Added support for other references
                        node = this.CreateOtherReferenceNode(element);

                    if (node != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds references to this container from a MSBuild project.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadReferencesFromBuildProject(MSBuild.Project buildProject)
            foreach (string referenceType in SupportedReferenceTypes)
                MSBuild.BuildItemGroup refererncesGroup = buildProject.GetEvaluatedItemsByName(referenceType);

                bool isAssemblyReference = referenceType == ProjectFileConstants.Reference;
                // If the project was loaded for browsing we should still create the nodes but as not resolved.
                if (this.ProjectMgr.HasPassedSecurityChecks && isAssemblyReference && this.ProjectMgr.Build(MsBuildTarget.ResolveAssemblyReferences) != MSBuildResult.Successful)

                foreach (MSBuild.BuildItem item in refererncesGroup)
                    ProjectElement element = new ProjectElement(this.ProjectMgr, item, false);

                    ReferenceNode node = CreateReferenceNode(referenceType, element);

                    if (node != null)
                        // Make sure that we do not want to add the item twice to the ui hierarchy
                        // We are using here the UI representation of the Node namely the Caption to find that out, in order to
                        // avoid different representation problems.
                        // Example :<Reference Include="EnvDTE80, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
                        //		  <Reference Include="EnvDTE80" />
                        bool found = false;
                        for (HierarchyNode n = this.FirstChild; n != null && !found; n = n.NextSibling)
                            if (String.Compare(n.Caption, node.Caption, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                                found = true;

                        if (!found)
		/// <summary>
		/// Executes this instance.
		/// </summary>
		public override bool Execute() {
			if (this.References.Length == 0 || this.Projects.Length == 0) {
				this.Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Skipping reference hintpath fixup because no projects or no references were supplied.");
				return !this.Log.HasLoggedErrors;

			// Figure out what the assembly names are of the references that are available.
			AssemblyName[] availableReferences = new AssemblyName[this.References.Length];
			for (int i = 0; i < this.References.Length; i++) {
				if (File.Exists(this.References[i].ItemSpec)) {
					availableReferences[i] = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(this.References[i].ItemSpec);
				} else {
					availableReferences[i] = new AssemblyName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.References[i].ItemSpec)) {
						CodeBase = this.References[i].GetMetadata("FullPath"),

			foreach (var projectTaskItem in this.Projects) {
				var project = new Project();
				Uri projectUri = new Uri(projectTaskItem.GetMetadata("FullPath"));

				foreach (BuildItem referenceItem in project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("Reference")) {
					var referenceAssemblyName = new AssemblyName(referenceItem.Include);
					var matchingReference = availableReferences.FirstOrDefault(r => string.Equals(r.Name, referenceAssemblyName.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
					if (matchingReference != null) {
						var originalSuppliedReferenceItem = this.References[Array.IndexOf(availableReferences, matchingReference)];
						string hintPath = originalSuppliedReferenceItem.GetMetadata("HintPath");
						if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hintPath)) {
							hintPath = projectUri.MakeRelativeUri(new Uri(matchingReference.CodeBase)).OriginalString.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
						this.Log.LogMessage("Fixing up HintPath to \"{0}\" in project \"{1}\".", referenceAssemblyName.Name, projectTaskItem.ItemSpec);
						referenceItem.SetMetadata("HintPath", hintPath);


			return !this.Log.HasLoggedErrors;
		public void TestGac1 ()
			string documentString = @"
                                <Project xmlns=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"">
						<Reference Include='System' />
					<Target Name='A'>
							<Output TaskParameter='ResolvedFiles' ItemName='ResolvedFiles'/>
			engine = new Engine (Consts.BinPath);
			project = engine.CreateNewProject ();
			project.LoadXml (documentString);

			Assert.IsTrue (project.Build ("A"), "A1");
			big = project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName ("ResolvedFiles");
			Assert.AreEqual (1, big.Count, "A2");
			Assert.IsTrue (big [0].Include.EndsWith (".dll"), "A3");
		private void CheckItems (Project proj, string name, string prefix, params string [] values)
			BuildItemGroup big = proj.GetEvaluatedItemsByName (name);
			if (big == null) {
				Assert.Fail ("{0}: Item corresponding '{1}' not found.", prefix, name);

			if (values.Length != big.Count) {
				Console.Write ("Expected> ");
				foreach (string s in values)
					Console.Write ("{0}|", s);
				Console.WriteLine ();
				Console.Write ("Actual> ");
				foreach (BuildItem item in big)
					Console.Write ("{0}|", item.FinalItemSpec);
				Console.WriteLine ();
				Assert.AreEqual (values.Length, big.Count, String.Format ("{0}: Number of items", prefix));
			for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i ++)
				Assert.AreEqual (values [i], big [i].FinalItemSpec,
					String.Format ("{0}: Item named {1}, numbered {2}", prefix, name, i));
		public override bool Execute() {
			if (this.ProjectReferences.Length != this.References.Length) {
				this.Log.LogError("ProjectReferences and References arrays do not have matching lengths.");
				this.Log.LogError("ProjectReferences contents ({0} elements): {1}", this.ProjectReferences.Length, String.Join<ITaskItem>(";", this.ProjectReferences));
				this.Log.LogError("References contents ({0} elements): {1}", this.References.Length, String.Join<ITaskItem>(";", this.References));
				return false;

			foreach (var project in Projects) {
				Project doc = new Project();
				doc.Load(project.ItemSpec, ProjectLoadSettings.IgnoreMissingImports);

				var projectReferences = doc.EvaluatedItems.OfType<BuildItem>().Where(item => item.Name == "ProjectReference");
				var matchingReferences = from reference in projectReferences
										 join refToRemove in this.ProjectReferences on reference.Include equals refToRemove.ItemSpec
										 let addIndex = Array.IndexOf(this.ProjectReferences, refToRemove)
										 select new { Remove = reference, Add = this.References[addIndex] };
				foreach (var matchingReference in matchingReferences) {
					this.Log.LogMessage("Removing project reference to \"{0}\" from \"{1}\".", matchingReference.Remove.Include, project.ItemSpec);
					if (matchingReference.Add.ItemSpec != "REMOVE") {
						this.Log.LogMessage("Adding assembly reference to \"{0}\" to \"{1}\".", matchingReference.Add.ItemSpec, project.ItemSpec);

						string newItemSpec = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(matchingReference.Add.ItemSpec);
						if (!doc.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("Reference").OfType<BuildItem>().Any(bi => String.Equals(bi.Include, newItemSpec, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) {
							var newReference = doc.AddNewItem("Reference", newItemSpec, true);
							newReference.SetMetadata("HintPath", matchingReference.Add.ItemSpec);


			return true;
 public void GetEvaluatedItemsByName_Null()
     Project p = new Project();
     string name = null;
     BuildItemGroup emptyGroup = p.GetEvaluatedItemsByName(name);
 public void AddFileToContentProject(String filename, bool shouldCompile, bool copyToOuputFolder, 
     String processor, String importer)
         foreach (var item in _currentProject.VSProj.EvaluatedItems)
             if (item is Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.BuildItem)
                 BuildItem buildItem = (BuildItem)item;
                 if (buildItem.Name == "NestedContentProject")
                     string _name = buildItem.Include;
                     _name = Path.Combine(_currentProject.Path, _name);
                     Project p = new Project();
                     string _root = Path.GetDirectoryName(buildItem.Include);
                     String action = "None";
                     if (shouldCompile == true)
                         action = "Compile";
                     BuildItemGroup grp = p.GetEvaluatedItemsByName(action);
                     string include = filename.Replace(_root, "").Replace("/", "\\");
                     if (include.StartsWith("\\"))
                         include = include.Substring(1);
                     bool found = false;
                     foreach (BuildItem item2 in grp)
                         if (item2.Include == include)
                             found = true;
                     if (found == false)
                         BuildItem item1 = p.AddNewItem(action, include);                                
                         item1.SetMetadata("Name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename));
                         if (copyToOuputFolder == true)
                             item1.SetMetadata("CopyToOutputDirectory", "PreserveNewest");
                         if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(importer) == false)
                             item1.SetMetadata("Importer", importer);
                         if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(processor) == false)
                             item1.SetMetadata("Processor", processor);
                     p = null;
     catch (Exception err)
 public void GetEvaluatedItemsByNameTwoItems()
     Project p = new Project();
     string name = "new";
     p.SetProperty("condition", "false");            
     BuildItem buildItem = p.AddNewItem(name, "i1");
     buildItem.Condition = "$(condition)";
     p.AddNewItem(name, "i2");
     BuildItemGroup foundGroup = p.GetEvaluatedItemsByName(name);
     Assertion.AssertEquals(1, foundGroup.Count);
 public void GetEvaluatedItemsByNameDoesNotExistItem()
     Project p = new Project();
     string name = "notFound";
     BuildItemGroup emptyGroup = p.GetEvaluatedItemsByName(name);
     Assertion.AssertEquals(0, emptyGroup.Count);  
		void CheckEvaluatedMetadata (Project p, string itemname, string metadataname, string[] values, string prefix)
			BuildItemGroup group = p.GetEvaluatedItemsByName (itemname);

			Assert.AreEqual (values.Length, group.Count, "Number of items for itemname " + itemname);

			for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) {
				Assert.AreEqual (values[i], group [i].GetEvaluatedMetadata (metadataname), prefix + "#" + i.ToString ());
        public Assembly CompileProject(string projectFileName)
            Assembly existing;

            if (Compilations.TryGetValue(Path.GetFullPath(projectFileName), out existing))

            var project = new Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Project();


            var projectName        = Environment.NameTable.GetNameFor(project.EvaluatedProperties["AssemblyName"].Value);
            var projectPath        = project.FullFileName;
            var compilerOptions    = new SpecSharpOptions();
            var assemblyReferences = new List <IAssemblyReference>();
            var moduleReferences   = new List <IModuleReference>();
            var programSources     = new List <SpecSharpSourceDocument>();
            var assembly           = new SpecSharpAssembly(projectName, projectPath, Environment, compilerOptions, assemblyReferences, moduleReferences, programSources);
            var helper             = new SpecSharpCompilationHelper(assembly.Compilation);

            Compilations[Path.GetFullPath(projectFileName)] = assembly;

            foreach (BuildItem item in project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("ReferencePath"))
                var assemblyName = new System.Reflection.AssemblyName(item.GetEvaluatedMetadata("FusionName"));
                var name         = Environment.NameTable.GetNameFor(assemblyName.Name);
                var culture      = assemblyName.CultureInfo != null ? assemblyName.CultureInfo.Name : "";
                var version      = assemblyName.Version == null ? new Version(0, 0) : assemblyName.Version;
                var token        = assemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken();
                if (token == null)
                    token = new byte[0];
                var location  = item.FinalItemSpec;
                var identity  = new AssemblyIdentity(name, culture, version, token, location);
                var reference = Environment.LoadAssembly(identity);

            foreach (BuildItem item in project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("ProjectReference"))
                var name      = Environment.NameTable.GetNameFor(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item.FinalItemSpec));
                var location  = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullFileName), item.FinalItemSpec));
                var reference = CompileProject(location);

            foreach (BuildItem item in project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("Compile"))
                var location      = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullFileName), item.FinalItemSpec));
                var name          = Environment.NameTable.GetNameFor(location);
                var programSource = new SpecSharpSourceDocument(helper, name, location, File.ReadAllText(location));

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads each MSBuild project in this solution and looks for its project-to-project references so that
        /// we know what build order we should use when building the solution. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        static private void ScanProjectDependencies(SolutionParser solution, Engine parentEngine, string childProjectToolsVersion, string fullSolutionConfigurationName, BuildEventContext projectBuildEventContext)
            string message = null;

            // Don't bother with all this if the solution configuration doesn't even exist.
            if (fullSolutionConfigurationName == null)

            foreach (ProjectInSolution project in solution.ProjectsInOrder)
                // Skip the project if we don't have its configuration in this solution configuration
                if (!project.ProjectConfigurations.ContainsKey(fullSolutionConfigurationName))

                if ((project.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.ManagedProject) || 
                    ((project.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.Unknown) && (project.CanBeMSBuildProjectFile(out message))))
                        //Will fail to load a throw an error if the tools version is incorrect.
                        Project msbuildProject = new Project(parentEngine, childProjectToolsVersion);
                        msbuildProject.IsLoadedByHost = false;
                        // this is before building the solution wrapper project, so the current directory may be not set to
                        // the one containing the solution file, and we'd get the relative path wrong

                        // Project references for MSBuild projects could be affected by the active configuration, 
                        // so set it before retrieving references.
                            project.ProjectConfigurations[fullSolutionConfigurationName].ConfigurationName, true /* treat as literal */);
                            project.ProjectConfigurations[fullSolutionConfigurationName].PlatformName, true /* treat as literal */);
                        BuildItemGroup references = msbuildProject.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("ProjectReference");
                        foreach (BuildItem reference in references)
                            string referencedProjectGuid = reference.GetEvaluatedMetadata("Project");   // Need unescaped data here.
                            AddDependencyByGuid(solution, project, parentEngine, projectBuildEventContext, referencedProjectGuid);

                        // ProjectDependency items work exactly like ProjectReference items from the point of 
                        // view of determining that project B depends on project A.  This item must cause
                        // project A to be built prior to project B.
                        references = msbuildProject.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("ProjectDependency");

                        foreach (BuildItem reference in references)
                            string referencedProjectGuid = reference.GetEvaluatedMetadata("Project");   // Need unescaped data here.
                            AddDependencyByGuid(solution, project, parentEngine, projectBuildEventContext, referencedProjectGuid);

                        // If this is a web deployment project, we have a reference specified as a property
                        // "SourceWebProject" rather than as a ProjectReference item.  This has the format
                        // {GUID}|PATH_TO_CSPROJ
                        // where
                        // GUID is the project guid for the "source" project
                        // PATH_TO_CSPROJ is the solution-relative path to the csproj file.
                        // NOTE: This is obsolete and is intended only for backward compatability with
                        // Whidbey-generated web deployment projects.  New projects should use the
                        // ProjectDependency item above.
                        string referencedWebProjectGuid = msbuildProject.GetEvaluatedProperty("SourceWebProject");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(referencedWebProjectGuid))
                            // Grab the guid with its curly braces...
                            referencedWebProjectGuid = referencedWebProjectGuid.Substring(0, 38);
                            AddDependencyByGuid(solution, project, parentEngine, projectBuildEventContext, referencedWebProjectGuid);
                    // We don't want any problems scanning the project file to result in aborting the build.
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (ExceptionHandling.IsCriticalException(e)) throw;

                        parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogWarning(projectBuildEventContext, "SubCategoryForSolutionParsingErrors", new BuildEventFileInfo(project.RelativePath),
                            "SolutionScanProjectDependenciesFailed", project.RelativePath, e.Message);
                else if (project.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.VCProject)
                        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                        project.IsStaticLibrary = VCProjectParser.IsStaticLibrary(doc, project.ProjectConfigurations[fullSolutionConfigurationName].FullName);

                        // this is before building the solution wrapper project, so the current directory may be not set to
                        // the one containing the solution file, and we'd get the relative path wrong
                        List<string> referencedProjectGuids = VCProjectParser.GetReferencedProjectGuids(doc);

                        foreach (string referencedProjectGuid in referencedProjectGuids)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(referencedProjectGuid))
                                if (solution.ProjectsByGuid.ContainsKey(referencedProjectGuid))
                                    parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogWarning(projectBuildEventContext, "SubCategoryForSolutionParsingErrors", new BuildEventFileInfo(solution.SolutionFile),
                                        "SolutionParseProjectDepNotFoundError", project.ProjectGuid, referencedProjectGuid);
                    // We don't want any problems scanning the project file to result in aborting the build.
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (ExceptionHandling.IsCriticalException(e)) throw;

                        parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogWarning(projectBuildEventContext, "SubCategoryForSolutionParsingErrors", new BuildEventFileInfo(project.RelativePath),
                            "SolutionScanProjectDependenciesFailed", project.RelativePath, e.Message);
		void CheckCopyBuildItems (Project project, string [] source_files, string destination_folder, string prefix)
			int num = source_files.Length;
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i ++)
				Assert.IsTrue (File.Exists (source_files [i]), prefix + " C1");

			BuildItemGroup big = project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName ("I0");

			Assert.AreEqual (num, big.Count, prefix + " C2");
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
				string suffix = (i + 1).ToString ();
				BuildItem bi = big [i];
				Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine (destination_folder, Path.GetFileName (source_files [i])),
					bi.FinalItemSpec, prefix + " C3 #" + suffix);

				Assert.AreEqual (suffix, bi.GetMetadata ("Md"), prefix + " C4 #" + suffix);

			big = project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName ("I1");
			Assert.AreEqual (num, big.Count, prefix + " C6");
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
				string suffix = (i + 1).ToString ();
				BuildItem bi = big [i];
				Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine (destination_folder, Path.GetFileName (source_files [i])),
					bi.FinalItemSpec, prefix + " C7 #" + suffix);
				Assert.AreEqual (suffix, bi.GetMetadata ("Md"), prefix + " C8 #" + suffix);
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a cache loaded into a project, determines whether it is up to date with respect to the projects and the solution file listed
        /// with it, and was created with the same configuration/platform and tools version values as the ones currently in use.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool IsCacheUpToDate(Engine parentEngine, string solutionFile,  string solutionFileDirectory, Project msbuildProject, BuildEventContext projectBuildEventContext, string fullSolutionConfigurationName, string wrapperProjectToolsVersion)
            // Check the full solution configuration matches, eg "Debug|AnyCPU"
            string cacheSolutionConfigurationName = msbuildProject.GetEvaluatedProperty(cacheSolutionConfigurationPropertyName);
            string cacheToolsVersion = msbuildProject.GetEvaluatedProperty(cacheToolsVersionPropertyName);
            string cacheVersion = msbuildProject.GetEvaluatedProperty(cacheVersionNumber);

            if (cacheSolutionConfigurationName == null || cacheToolsVersion == null)
                // Unexpected cache format; we can't use it
                return false;

            if (!String.Equals(fullSolutionConfigurationName, cacheSolutionConfigurationName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogComment(projectBuildEventContext, "SolutionCacheNotApplicable", "Configuration", cacheSolutionConfigurationName, fullSolutionConfigurationName);
                return false;
            if (!String.Equals(wrapperProjectToolsVersion, cacheToolsVersion, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogComment(projectBuildEventContext, "SolutionCacheNotApplicable", "ToolsVersion", cacheToolsVersion, wrapperProjectToolsVersion);
                return false;

	    // We also store the version of MSBuild that wrote the file and verify it's the same as ours: that ensures that we 
	    // don't read possibly incompatible caches.
            string thisVersion = Constants.AssemblyVersion;
            if (!String.Equals(cacheVersion, thisVersion, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogComment(projectBuildEventContext, "SolutionCacheNotApplicableDueToCacheVersion", cacheVersion, thisVersion);
                return false;

            // Finally check timestamps
            BuildItemGroup allProjects = msbuildProject.GetEvaluatedItemsByName(cacheProjectListName);
            List<string> inputs = new List<string>();
            foreach (BuildItem item in allProjects.Items)

            if (inputs.Count == 0)
                // There's no inputs; either an old-format cache file, or there's really
                // no projects in this solution. In the former case, we need to regenerate.
                // In the latter case, we don't really care if we do. So say it's out of date.
                return false;

            // If there are inputs to check, we should also add the solution file, as we need to make sure the 
            // solution file is up to date with respect to the cache file

            // Get the solution file name because the solution file may be something like myDirectory\mysolution.sln
            // and since we have already calculated the directory for the solution file, we just need the filename name to 
            // combine with the directory to get the full path to the solution file without having to call GetFullPath again.
            string solutionFileName = Path.GetFileName(solutionFile);
            string solutionFileLocation = Path.Combine(solutionFileDirectory, solutionFileName);

            List<string> outputs = new List<string>();

            DependencyAnalysisLogDetail dependencyAnalysisDetail;
            bool isAnyOutOfDate = TargetDependencyAnalyzer.IsAnyOutOfDate(out dependencyAnalysisDetail, solutionFileDirectory, inputs, outputs);

            if (isAnyOutOfDate)
                string reason = TargetDependencyAnalyzer.GetFullBuildReason(dependencyAnalysisDetail);

                string message = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("SolutionCacheOutOfDate", reason);

                parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogCommentFromText(projectBuildEventContext, MessageImportance.Low, message);
                return false;
                return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// This helper method checks the project to determine whether a particular item of a particular
        /// name exists in the project, such that the build process (the tasks) would see it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project"></param>
        /// <param name="itemType"></param>
        /// <param name="itemSpec"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private bool ItemExistsInBuildProcessHelper
            Project project,
            string itemType,
            string itemSpec
            BuildItemGroup evaluatedItemsOfParticularType = project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName(itemType);


            // Search all the evaluated items for the one with the item spec we want
            // to remove.
            foreach (BuildItem evaluatedItem in evaluatedItemsOfParticularType)
                if (evaluatedItem.FinalItemSpecEscaped == itemSpec)
                    return true;

            return false;
		/// <summary>
		/// Executes this instance.
		/// </summary>
		public override bool Execute() {
			var newProjectToOldProjectMapping = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
			var createdProjectFiles = new List<TaskItem>();

			foreach (ITaskItem taskItem in this.Projects) {
				switch (GetClassification(taskItem)) {
					case ProjectClassification.VS2010Project:
					case ProjectClassification.VS2010Solution:
						string projectNameForVS2008 = InPlaceDowngrade
														? taskItem.ItemSpec
														: Path.Combine(
															Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(taskItem.ItemSpec) + "-vs2008" +
						newProjectToOldProjectMapping[taskItem.ItemSpec] = projectNameForVS2008;

			foreach (ITaskItem taskItem in this.Projects) {
				switch (GetClassification(taskItem)) {
					case ProjectClassification.VS2010Project:
						this.Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Downgrading project \"{0}\".", taskItem.ItemSpec);
						var project = new Project();
						project.Load(taskItem.ItemSpec, ProjectLoadSettings.IgnoreMissingImports);
						project.DefaultToolsVersion = "3.5";

						if (this.DowngradeMvc2ToMvc1) {
							string projectTypeGuids = project.GetEvaluatedProperty("ProjectTypeGuids");
							if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectTypeGuids)) {
								projectTypeGuids = projectTypeGuids.Replace("{F85E285D-A4E0-4152-9332-AB1D724D3325}", "{603c0e0b-db56-11dc-be95-000d561079b0}");
								project.SetProperty("ProjectTypeGuids", projectTypeGuids);

						// MSBuild v3.5 doesn't support the GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove function
						var enlistmentInfoImports = project.Imports.Cast<Import>().Where(i => i.ProjectPath.IndexOf("[MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);
						enlistmentInfoImports.ToList().ForEach(i => project.Imports.RemoveImport(i));

						// Web projects usually have an import that includes these substrings));)
						foreach (Import import in project.Imports) {
							import.ProjectPath = import.ProjectPath
								.Replace("$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)", "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)")
								.Replace("VisualStudio\\v10.0", "VisualStudio\\v9.0");

						// VS2010 won't let you have a System.Core reference, but VS2008 requires it.
						BuildItemGroup references = project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("Reference");
						if (!references.Cast<BuildItem>().Any(item => item.FinalItemSpec.StartsWith("System.Core", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) {
							project.AddNewItem("Reference", "System.Core");

						// Rewrite ProjectReferences to other renamed projects.
						BuildItemGroup projectReferences = project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("ProjectReference");
						foreach (var mapping in newProjectToOldProjectMapping) {
							string oldName = Path.GetFileName(mapping.Key);
							string newName = Path.GetFileName(mapping.Value);
							foreach (BuildItem projectReference in projectReferences) {
								projectReference.Include = Regex.Replace(projectReference.Include, oldName, newName, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

						createdProjectFiles.Add(new TaskItem(taskItem) { ItemSpec = newProjectToOldProjectMapping[taskItem.ItemSpec] });
					case ProjectClassification.VS2010Solution:
						this.Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Downgrading solution \"{0}\".", taskItem.ItemSpec);
						string[] contents = File.ReadAllLines(taskItem.ItemSpec);
						if (contents[1] != "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00" ||
							contents[2] != "# Visual Studio 2010") {
							this.Log.LogError("Unrecognized solution file header in \"{0}\".", taskItem.ItemSpec);

						contents[1] = "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00";
						contents[2] = "# Visual Studio 2008";

						for (int i = 3; i < contents.Length; i++) {
							contents[i] = contents[i].Replace("TargetFrameworkMoniker = \".NETFramework,Version%3Dv", "TargetFramework = \"");

						foreach (var mapping in newProjectToOldProjectMapping) {
							string oldName = Path.GetFileName(mapping.Key);
							string newName = Path.GetFileName(mapping.Value);
							for (int i = 0; i < contents.Length; i++) {
								contents[i] = Regex.Replace(contents[i], oldName, newName, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

						File.WriteAllLines(newProjectToOldProjectMapping[taskItem.ItemSpec], contents);
						createdProjectFiles.Add(new TaskItem(taskItem) { ItemSpec = newProjectToOldProjectMapping[taskItem.ItemSpec] });
						this.Log.LogWarning("Unrecognized project type for \"{0}\".", taskItem.ItemSpec);

			if (InPlaceDowngrade) {
				this.DowngradedProjects = new ITaskItem[0];
			} else {
				this.DowngradedProjects = createdProjectFiles.ToArray();

			return !this.Log.HasLoggedErrors;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an item list from the project and assert that it contains
        /// exactly one item with the supplied name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="itemInclude"></param>
        /// <owner>JomoF</owner>
        static internal BuildItem AssertSingleItem(Project p, string type, string itemInclude)
            BuildItemGroup items = p.GetEvaluatedItemsByName(type);
            int count = 0;
            foreach(BuildItem item in items)
                // This was item.Include before, but I believe it really should have been item.FinalItemSpec, which
                // is what is actually used by tasks, etc.
                Assertion.AssertEquals(itemInclude.ToUpperInvariant(), item.FinalItemSpec.ToUpperInvariant());

            Assertion.AssertEquals(1, count);

            return items[0];
 /// <summary>
 /// Asserts that there are no items in the project of the specified type
 /// </summary>
 static internal void AssertNoItem(Project p, string type)
     BuildItemGroup items = p.GetEvaluatedItemsByName(type);
     Assertion.AssertEquals(0, items.Count);