        /// <summary>
        /// Marks the request as being blocked by new requests whose results we must get before we can proceed.
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleRequestBlockedByNewRequests(SchedulableRequest parentRequest, BuildRequestBlocker blocker, List<ScheduleResponse> responses)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(blocker, "blocker");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(responses, "responses");

            // The request is waiting on new requests.
            bool abortRequestBatch = false;
            Stack<BuildRequest> requestsToAdd = new Stack<BuildRequest>(blocker.BuildRequests.Length);
            foreach (BuildRequest request in blocker.BuildRequests)
                // Assign a global request id to this request.
                if (request.GlobalRequestId == BuildRequest.InvalidGlobalRequestId)

                int nodeForResults = (parentRequest == null) ? InvalidNodeId : parentRequest.AssignedNode;
                TraceScheduler("Received request {0} (node request {1}) with parent {2} from node {3}", request.GlobalRequestId, request.NodeRequestId, request.ParentGlobalRequestId, nodeForResults);

                // First, determine if we have already built this request and have results for it.  If we do, we prepare the responses for it
                // directly here.  We COULD simply report these as blocking the parent request and let the scheduler pick them up later when the parent
                // comes back up as schedulable, but we prefer to send the results back immediately so this request can (potentially) continue uninterrupted.
                ScheduleResponse response = TrySatisfyRequestFromCache(nodeForResults, request, skippedResultsAreOK: false);
                if (null != response)
                    TraceScheduler("Request {0} (node request {1}) satisfied from the cache.", request.GlobalRequestId, request.NodeRequestId);

                    // BuildResult result = (response.Action == ScheduleActionType.Unblock) ? response.Unblocker.Results[0] : response.BuildResult;
                    LogRequestHandledFromCache(request, response.BuildResult);

                    // If we wish to implement an algorithm where the first failing request aborts the remaining request, check for
                    // overall result being failure rather than just circular dependency.  Sync with BasicScheduler.ReportResult and
                    // BuildRequestEntry.ReportResult.
                    if (response.BuildResult.CircularDependency)
                        abortRequestBatch = true;
                    // Ensure there is no affinity mismatch between this request and a previous request of the same configuration.
                    NodeAffinity requestAffinity = GetNodeAffinityForRequest(request);
                    NodeAffinity existingRequestAffinity = NodeAffinity.Any;
                    if (requestAffinity != NodeAffinity.Any)
                        bool affinityMismatch = false;
                        int assignedNodeId = _schedulingData.GetAssignedNodeForRequestConfiguration(request.ConfigurationId);
                        if (assignedNodeId != Scheduler.InvalidNodeId)
                            if (!_availableNodes[assignedNodeId].CanServiceRequestWithAffinity(GetNodeAffinityForRequest(request)))
                                // This request's configuration has already been assigned to a node which cannot service this affinity.
                                if (_schedulingData.GetRequestsAssignedToConfigurationCount(request.ConfigurationId) == 0)
                                    // If there are no other requests already scheduled for that configuration, we can safely reassign.
                                    existingRequestAffinity = (_availableNodes[assignedNodeId].ProviderType == NodeProviderType.InProc) ? NodeAffinity.InProc : NodeAffinity.OutOfProc;
                                    affinityMismatch = true;
                        else if (_schedulingData.GetRequestsAssignedToConfigurationCount(request.ConfigurationId) > 0)
                            // Would any other existing requests for this configuration mismatch?
                            foreach (SchedulableRequest existingRequest in _schedulingData.GetRequestsAssignedToConfiguration(request.ConfigurationId))
                                existingRequestAffinity = GetNodeAffinityForRequest(existingRequest.BuildRequest);
                                if (existingRequestAffinity != NodeAffinity.Any && existingRequestAffinity != requestAffinity)
                                    // The existing request has an affinity which doesn't match this one, so this one could never be scheduled.
                                    affinityMismatch = true;

                        if (affinityMismatch)
                            BuildResult result = new BuildResult(request, new InvalidOperationException(ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("AffinityConflict", requestAffinity, existingRequestAffinity)));
                            response = GetResponseForResult(nodeForResults, request, result);

                    // Now add the requests so they would naturally be picked up by the scheduler in the order they were issued,
                    // but before any other requests in the list.  This makes us prefer a depth-first traversal.

            // Now add any unassigned build requests.
            if (!abortRequestBatch)
                if (requestsToAdd.Count == 0)
                    // All of the results are being reported directly from the cache (from above), so this request can continue on its merry way.
                    if (parentRequest != null)
                        // responses.Add(new ScheduleResponse(parentRequest.AssignedNode, new BuildRequestUnblocker(parentRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId)));
                        responses.Add(ScheduleResponse.CreateResumeExecutionResponse(parentRequest.AssignedNode, parentRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId));
                    while (requestsToAdd.Count > 0)
                        BuildRequest requestToAdd = requestsToAdd.Pop();
                        SchedulableRequest blockingRequest = _schedulingData.CreateRequest(requestToAdd, parentRequest);

                        if (parentRequest != null)
                            parentRequest.BlockByRequest(blockingRequest, blocker.TargetsInProgress);
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks the request as being blocked by another request which is currently building a target whose results we need to proceed.
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleRequestBlockedOnInProgressTarget(SchedulableRequest blockedRequest, BuildRequestBlocker blocker)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(blockedRequest, "blockedRequest");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(blocker, "blocker");

            // We are blocked on an in-progress request building a target whose results we need.
            SchedulableRequest blockingRequest = _schedulingData.GetScheduledRequest(blocker.BlockingRequestId);

            // The request we blocked on couldn't have been executing (because we are) so it must either be yielding (which is ok because
            // it isn't modifying its own state, just running a background process), ready, or still blocked.
            blockingRequest.VerifyOneOfStates(new SchedulableRequestState[] { SchedulableRequestState.Yielding, SchedulableRequestState.Ready, SchedulableRequestState.Blocked });

            blockedRequest.BlockByRequest(blockingRequest, blocker.TargetsInProgress);