public override SdkResult ResolveSdk(int submissionId, SdkReference sdk, LoggingContext loggingContext, ElementLocation sdkReferenceLocation, string solutionPath, string projectPath, bool interactive, bool isRunningInVisualStudio)
            bool wasResultCached = true;

            MSBuildEventSource.Log.OutOfProcSdkResolverServiceRequestSdkPathFromMainNodeStart(submissionId, sdk.Name, solutionPath, projectPath);

            // Get a cached response if possible, otherwise send the request
            Lazy <SdkResult> sdkResultLazy = _responseCache.GetOrAdd(
                key => new Lazy <SdkResult>(() =>
                wasResultCached = false;

                return(RequestSdkPathFromMainNode(submissionId, sdk, loggingContext, sdkReferenceLocation, solutionPath, projectPath, interactive, isRunningInVisualStudio));

            SdkResult sdkResult = sdkResultLazy.Value;

            if (sdkResult.Version != null && !SdkResolverService.IsReferenceSameVersion(sdk, sdkResult.Version))
                // MSB4240: Multiple versions of the same SDK "{0}" cannot be specified. The SDK version "{1}" already specified by "{2}" will be used and the version "{3}" will be ignored.
                loggingContext.LogWarning(null, new BuildEventFileInfo(sdkReferenceLocation), "ReferencingMultipleVersionsOfTheSameSdk", sdk.Name, sdkResult.Version, sdkResult.ElementLocation, sdk.Version);

            MSBuildEventSource.Log.OutOfProcSdkResolverServiceRequestSdkPathFromMainNodeStop(submissionId, sdk.Name, solutionPath, projectPath, _lastResponse.Success, wasResultCached);

        /// <summary>
        /// Processes all requests that are currently in the queue.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessRequests()
            // Store a list of threads which are resolving SDKs
            List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(_requests.Count);

            SdkResolverRequest item;

            while (_requests.TryDequeue(out item))
                SdkResolverRequest request = item;

                // Start a thread to resolve an SDK and add it to the list of threads
                tasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
                    // Create an SdkReference from the request
                    SdkReference sdkReference = new SdkReference(request.Name, request.Version, request.MinimumVersion);

                    ILoggingService loggingService = Host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.LoggingService) as ILoggingService;

                    // This call is usually cached so is very fast but can take longer for a new SDK that is downloaded.  Other queued threads for different SDKs will complete sooner and continue on which unblocks evaluations
                    SdkResult result = GetSdkResultAndCache(request.SubmissionId, sdkReference, new EvaluationLoggingContext(loggingService, request.BuildEventContext, request.ProjectPath), request.ElementLocation, request.SolutionPath, request.ProjectPath);

                    // Create a response
                    SdkResolverResponse response = new SdkResolverResponse(result.Path, result.Version);

                    // Get the node manager and send the response back to the node that requested the SDK
                    INodeManager nodeManager = Host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.NodeManager) as INodeManager;

                    nodeManager.SendData(request.NodeId, response);

            // Wait for all tasks to complete
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a response from the main node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response"></param>
        private void HandleResponse(SdkResult response)
            // Store the last response so the awaiting thread can use it
            _lastResponse = response;

            // Signal that a response has been received
            private SdkResult CloneSdkResult(SdkResult sdkResult)
                if (!sdkResult.Success)
                    return(new SdkResult(sdkResult.SdkReference, sdkResult.Warnings, sdkResult.Errors));

                IEnumerable <string> sdkResultPaths;

                if (sdkResult.Path == null)
                    sdkResultPaths = Enumerable.Empty <string>();
                    List <string> pathList = new List <string>();
                    if (sdkResult.AdditionalPaths != null)
                    sdkResultPaths = pathList;

                Dictionary <string, SdkResultItem> sdkResultItems;

                if (sdkResult.ItemsToAdd == null)
                    sdkResultItems = null;
                    sdkResultItems = new Dictionary <string, SdkResultItem>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    foreach (var item in sdkResult.ItemsToAdd)
                        Dictionary <string, string> newMetadata = null;
                        if (item.Value.Metadata != null)
                            newMetadata = new Dictionary <string, string>(item.Value.Metadata, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        sdkResultItems.Add(item.Key, new SdkResultItem(item.Value.ItemSpec, newMetadata));

                return(new SdkResult(sdkResult.SdkReference,
                                     version: sdkResult.Version,
                                     sdkResult.PropertiesToAdd == null ? null : new Dictionary <string, string>(sdkResult.PropertiesToAdd, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves the specified SDK without caching the result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="submissionId">The current build submission ID that is resolving an SDK.</param>
        /// <param name="sdk">The <see cref="SdkReference"/> containing information about the SDK to resolve.</param>
        /// <param name="loggingContext">The <see cref="LoggingContext"/> to use when logging messages during resolution.</param>
        /// <param name="sdkReferenceLocation">The <see cref="ElementLocation"/> of the element that referenced the SDK.</param>
        /// <param name="solutionPath">The full path to the solution, if any, that is being built.</param>
        /// <param name="projectPath">The full path to the project that referenced the SDK.</param>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="SdkResult"/> containing information about the SDK if one was resolved, otherwise <code>null</code>.</returns>
        private SdkResult GetSdkResult(int submissionId, SdkReference sdk, LoggingContext loggingContext, ElementLocation sdkReferenceLocation, string solutionPath, string projectPath)
            SdkResult sdkResult = SdkResolverService.Instance.GetSdkResult(submissionId, sdk, loggingContext, sdkReferenceLocation, solutionPath, projectPath);

            if (sdkResult != null)
                if (!SdkResolverService.IsReferenceSameVersion(sdk, sdkResult.Version))
                    // MSB4241: The SDK reference "{0}" version "{1}" was resolved to version "{2}" instead.  You could be using a different version than expected if you do not update the referenced version to match.
                    loggingContext.LogWarning(null, new BuildEventFileInfo(sdkReferenceLocation), "SdkResultVersionDifferentThanReference", sdk.Name, sdk.Version, sdkResult.Version);

                // Associate the element location of the resolved SDK reference
                sdkResult.ElementLocation = sdkReferenceLocation;

        private SdkResult RequestSdkPathFromMainNode(int submissionId, SdkReference sdk, LoggingContext loggingContext, ElementLocation sdkReferenceLocation, string solutionPath, string projectPath, bool interactive)
            // Clear out the last response for good measure
            _lastResponse = null;

            // Create the SdkResolverRequest packet to send
            INodePacket packet = SdkResolverRequest.Create(submissionId, sdk, loggingContext.BuildEventContext, sdkReferenceLocation, solutionPath, projectPath, interactive);


            // Wait for either the response or a shutdown event.  Either event means this thread should return
            WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { _responseReceivedEvent, ShutdownEvent });

            // Keep track of the element location of the reference
            _lastResponse.ElementLocation = sdkReferenceLocation;

            // Return the response which was set by another thread.  In the case of shutdown, it should be null.
        public override void PacketReceived(int node, INodePacket packet)
            if (packet is not SdkResolverRequest request)

            // Associate the node with the request
            request.NodeId = node;

            SdkResult response = null;

                // Create an SdkReference from the request
                SdkReference sdkReference = new SdkReference(request.Name, request.Version, request.MinimumVersion);

                ILoggingService loggingService = Host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.LoggingService) as ILoggingService;

                // This call is usually cached so is very fast but can take longer for a new SDK that is downloaded.  Other queued threads for different SDKs will complete sooner and continue on which unblocks evaluations
                response = ResolveSdk(request.SubmissionId, sdkReference, new EvaluationLoggingContext(loggingService, request.BuildEventContext, request.ProjectPath), request.ElementLocation, request.SolutionPath, request.ProjectPath, request.Interactive, request.IsRunningInVisualStudio);
            catch (Exception e)
                ILoggingService loggingService = Host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.LoggingService) as ILoggingService;

                EvaluationLoggingContext loggingContext = new EvaluationLoggingContext(loggingService, request.BuildEventContext, request.ProjectPath);

                loggingService.LogFatalBuildError(loggingContext.BuildEventContext, e, new BuildEventFileInfo(request.ElementLocation));
                // Get the node manager and send the response back to the node that requested the SDK
                INodeManager nodeManager = Host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.NodeManager) as INodeManager;

                nodeManager.SendData(request.NodeId, response);
        private static void LogWarnings(LoggingContext loggingContext, ElementLocation location, SdkResult result)
            if (result.Warnings == null)

            foreach (string warning in result.Warnings)
                loggingContext.LogWarningFromText(null, null, null, new BuildEventFileInfo(location), warning);
        /// <inheritdoc cref="ISdkResolverService.ResolveSdk"/>
        public override string ResolveSdk(int submissionId, SdkReference sdk, LoggingContext loggingContext, ElementLocation sdkReferenceLocation, string solutionPath, string projectPath)
            SdkResult result = GetSdkResultAndCache(submissionId, sdk, loggingContext, sdkReferenceLocation, solutionPath, projectPath);

 public ConfigurableMockSdkResolver(SdkResult result)
     _resultMap = new Dictionary <string, SdkResult> {
         [result.SdkReference.Name] = result
        private bool TryResolveSdkUsingSpecifiedResolvers(IList <SdkResolver> resolvers, int submissionId, SdkReference sdk, LoggingContext loggingContext, ElementLocation sdkReferenceLocation, string solutionPath, string projectPath, bool interactive, bool isRunningInVisualStudio, out SdkResult sdkResult)
            List <SdkResult> results = new List <SdkResult>();

            // Loop through resolvers which have already been sorted by priority, returning the first result that was successful
            SdkLogger buildEngineLogger = new SdkLogger(loggingContext);

            loggingContext.LogComment(MessageImportance.Low, "SdkResolving", sdk.ToString());

            foreach (SdkResolver sdkResolver in resolvers)
                SdkResolverContext context = new SdkResolverContext(buildEngineLogger, projectPath, solutionPath, ProjectCollection.Version, interactive, isRunningInVisualStudio)
                    State = GetResolverState(submissionId, sdkResolver)

                SdkResultFactory resultFactory = new SdkResultFactory(sdk);

                SdkResult result;

                    result = (SdkResult)sdkResolver.Resolve(sdk, context, resultFactory);
                    MSBuildEventSource.Log.SdkResolverResolveSdkStop(sdkResolver.Name, sdk.Name, solutionPath, projectPath, result?.Path, result?.Success ?? false);
                catch (Exception e) when((e is FileNotFoundException || e is FileLoadException) && sdkResolver.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Name.Equals("NuGetSdkResolver", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // Since we explicitly add the NuGetSdkResolver, we special case this.  The NuGetSdkResolver has special logic
                    // to load NuGet assemblies at runtime which could fail if the user is not running installed MSBuild.  Rather
                    // than give them a generic error, we want to give a more specific message.  This exception cannot be caught by
                    // the resolver itself because it is usually thrown before the class is loaded
                    // The NuGet-based SDK resolver failed to run because NuGet assemblies could not be located.  Check your installation of MSBuild or set the environment variable "{0}" to the folder that contains the required NuGet assemblies. {1}
                    throw new SdkResolverException("CouldNotRunNuGetSdkResolver", sdkResolver, sdk, e, MSBuildConstants.NuGetAssemblyPathEnvironmentVariableName, e.ToString());
                catch (Exception e)
                    // The SDK resolver "{0}" failed while attempting to resolve the SDK "{1}": {2}
                    throw new SdkResolverException("SDKResolverFailed", sdkResolver, sdk, e, sdkResolver.Name, sdk.ToString(), e.ToString());

                SetResolverState(submissionId, sdkResolver, context.State);

                if (result == null)

                if (result.Success)
                    LogWarnings(loggingContext, sdkReferenceLocation, result);

                    if (!IsReferenceSameVersion(sdk, result.Version))
                        // MSB4241: The SDK reference "{0}" version "{1}" was resolved to version "{2}" instead.  You could be using a different version than expected if you do not update the referenced version to match.
                        loggingContext.LogWarning(null, new BuildEventFileInfo(sdkReferenceLocation), "SdkResultVersionDifferentThanReference", sdk.Name, sdk.Version, result.Version);

                    // Associate the element location of the resolved SDK reference
                    result.ElementLocation = sdkReferenceLocation;

                    sdkResult = result;


            foreach (SdkResult result in results)
                LogWarnings(loggingContext, sdkReferenceLocation, result);

                if (result.Errors != null)
                    foreach (string error in result.Errors)
                        loggingContext.LogErrorFromText(subcategoryResourceName: null, errorCode: null, helpKeyword: null, file: new BuildEventFileInfo(sdkReferenceLocation), message: error);

            sdkResult = new SdkResult(sdk, null, null);