protected override async Task <MessagingExtensionActionResponse> OnTeamsMessagingExtensionFetchTaskAsync(ITurnContext <IInvokeActivity> turnContext, MessagingExtensionAction action, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (action.CommandId.ToUpper() == "SHOWPROFILE")
                var state         = action.State; // Check the state value
                var tokenResponse = await GetTokenResponse(turnContext, state, cancellationToken);

                if (tokenResponse == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenResponse.Token))
                    // There is no token, so the user has not signed in yet.

                    // Retrieve the OAuth Sign in Link to use in the MessagingExtensionResult Suggested Actions
                    var signInLink = await(turnContext.Adapter as IUserTokenProvider).GetOauthSignInLinkAsync(turnContext, _connectionName, cancellationToken);

                    return(new MessagingExtensionActionResponse
                        ComposeExtension = new MessagingExtensionResult
                            Type = "auth",
                            SuggestedActions = new MessagingExtensionSuggestedAction
                                Actions = new List <CardAction>
                                    new CardAction
                                        Type = ActionTypes.OpenUrl,
                                        Value = signInLink,
                                        Title = "Bot Service OAuth",
                var client  = new SimpleGraphClient(tokenResponse.Token);
                var profile = await client.GetMyProfile();

                var imagelink = _siteUrl + await client.GetPublicURLForProfilePhoto(profile.Id);

                return(new MessagingExtensionActionResponse
                    Task = new TaskModuleContinueResponse
                        Value = new TaskModuleTaskInfo
                            Card = GetProfileCard(profile, imagelink),
                            Height = 250,
                            Width = 400,
                            Title = "Adaptive Card: Inputs",
            if (action.CommandId.ToUpper() == "SIGNOUTCOMMAND")
                await(turnContext.Adapter as IUserTokenProvider).SignOutUserAsync(turnContext, _connectionName, turnContext.Activity.From.Id, cancellationToken);

                return(new MessagingExtensionActionResponse
                    Task = new TaskModuleContinueResponse
                        Value = new TaskModuleTaskInfo
                            Card = new Microsoft.Bot.Schema.Attachment
                                Content = new AdaptiveCard(new AdaptiveSchemaVersion("1.0"))
                                    Body = new List <AdaptiveElement>()
                                        new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                                            Text = "You have been signed out."
                                    Actions = new List <AdaptiveAction>()
                                        new AdaptiveSubmitAction()
                                            Title = "Close"
                                ContentType = AdaptiveCard.ContentType,
                            Height = 200,
                            Width = 400,
                            Title = "Adaptive Card: Inputs",