public override async Task OnAuthorizationAsync(HttpActionContext actionContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            MicrosoftAppId = MicrosoftAppId ?? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[MicrosoftAppIdSettingName ?? "MicrosoftAppId"];

            if (Debugger.IsAttached && String.IsNullOrEmpty(MicrosoftAppId))
                // then auth is disabled

            var tokenExtractor = new JwtTokenExtractor(JwtConfig.GetToBotFromChannelTokenValidationParameters(MicrosoftAppId), OpenIdConfigurationUrl);
            var identity = await tokenExtractor.GetIdentityAsync(actionContext.Request);

            // No identity? If we're allowed to, fall back to MSA
            // This code path is used by the emulator
            if (identity == null && !DisableSelfIssuedTokens)
                tokenExtractor = new JwtTokenExtractor(JwtConfig.ToBotFromMSATokenValidationParameters, JwtConfig.ToBotFromMSAOpenIdMetadataUrl);
                identity = await tokenExtractor.GetIdentityAsync(actionContext.Request);

                // Check to make sure the app ID in the token is ours
                if (identity != null)
                    // If it doesn't match, throw away the identity
                    if (tokenExtractor.GetBotIdFromClaimsIdentity(identity) != MicrosoftAppId)
                        identity = null;

            // Still no identity? Fail out.
            if (identity == null)

            Thread.CurrentPrincipal = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity);

            // Inside of ASP.NET this is required
            if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                HttpContext.Current.User = Thread.CurrentPrincipal;

            await base.OnAuthorizationAsync(actionContext, cancellationToken);
        public override async Task OnActionExecutingAsync(HttpActionContext actionContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            MicrosoftAppId = MicrosoftAppId ?? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[MicrosoftAppIdSettingName ?? "MicrosoftAppId"];

            if (Debugger.IsAttached && String.IsNullOrEmpty(MicrosoftAppId))
                // then auth is disabled

            var tokenExtractor = new JwtTokenExtractor(JwtConfig.GetToBotFromChannelTokenValidationParameters(MicrosoftAppId), OpenIdConfigurationUrl);
            var identity = await tokenExtractor.GetIdentityAsync(actionContext.Request);

            // No identity? If we're allowed to, fall back to MSA
            // This code path is used by the emulator
            if (identity == null && !DisableSelfIssuedTokens)
                tokenExtractor = new JwtTokenExtractor(JwtConfig.ToBotFromMSATokenValidationParameters, JwtConfig.ToBotFromMSAOpenIdMetadataUrl);
                identity = await tokenExtractor.GetIdentityAsync(actionContext.Request);

                // Check to make sure the app ID in the token is ours
                if (identity != null)
                    // If it doesn't match, throw away the identity
                    if (tokenExtractor.GetBotIdFromClaimsIdentity(identity) != MicrosoftAppId)
                        identity = null;

            // Still no identity? Fail out.
            if (identity == null)

            var activity = actionContext.ActionArguments.Select(t => t.Value).OfType<Activity>().FirstOrDefault();
            if (activity != null)
                // No model binding to activity check if we can find JObject or JArray
                var obj = actionContext.ActionArguments.Where(t => t.Value is JObject || t.Value is JArray).Select(t => t.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                if (obj != null)
                    Activity[] activities = (obj is JObject) ? new Activity[] { ((JObject)obj).ToObject<Activity>() } : ((JArray)obj).ToObject<Activity[]>();
                    foreach (var jActivity in activities)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jActivity.ServiceUrl))
                    Trace.TraceWarning("No activity in the Bot Authentication Action Arguments");

            Thread.CurrentPrincipal = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity);

            // Inside of ASP.NET this is required
            if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                HttpContext.Current.User = Thread.CurrentPrincipal;

            await base.OnActionExecutingAsync(actionContext, cancellationToken);