public async Task RegisterAsync(BlobServiceClient blobServiceClient, BlobContainerClient container, ITriggerExecutor <BlobTriggerExecutorContext> triggerExecutor, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Register and Execute are not concurrency-safe.
            // Avoiding calling Register while Execute is running is the caller's responsibility.

            // Register all in logPolling, there is no problem if we get 2 notifications of the new blob
            await _pollLogStrategy.RegisterAsync(blobServiceClient, container, triggerExecutor, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!_scanInfo.TryGetValue(container, out ContainerScanInfo containerScanInfo))
                // First, try to load serialized scanInfo for this container.
                DateTime?latestStoredScan = await _blobScanInfoManager.LoadLatestScanAsync(blobServiceClient.AccountName, container.Name).ConfigureAwait(false);

                containerScanInfo = new ContainerScanInfo()
                    Registrations = new List <ITriggerExecutor <BlobTriggerExecutorContext> >(),
                    LastSweepCycleLatestModified    = latestStoredScan ?? DateTime.MinValue,
                    CurrentSweepCycleLatestModified = DateTime.MinValue,
                    ContinuationToken = null

                Logger.InitializedScanInfo(_logger, container.Name, containerScanInfo.LastSweepCycleLatestModified);

                _scanInfo.Add(container, containerScanInfo);

        private async Task PollAndNotify(BlobContainerClient container, ContainerScanInfo containerScanInfo,
                                         List <BlobNotification> failedNotifications, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            DateTime lastScan = containerScanInfo.LastSweepCycleLatestModified;

            // For tracking
            string clientRequestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            IEnumerable <BlobBaseClient> newBlobs = await PollNewBlobsAsync(container, containerScanInfo, clientRequestId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            foreach (var newBlob in newBlobs)
                await NotifyRegistrationsAsync(new BlobWithContainer <BlobBaseClient>(container, newBlob), failedNotifications, clientRequestId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // if the 'LatestModified' has changed, update it in the manager
            if (containerScanInfo.LastSweepCycleLatestModified > lastScan)
                DateTime latestScan = containerScanInfo.LastSweepCycleLatestModified;

                // It's possible that we had some blobs that we failed to move to the queue. We want to make sure
                // we continue to find these if the host needs to restart.
                if (failedNotifications.Any())
                    // TODO (kasobol-msft) this call to GetProperties is suboptimal figure out how to propagate data from listing here.
                    latestScan = failedNotifications.Select(p => p.Blob).Min(n => n.BlobClient.GetProperties().Value.LastModified.UtcDateTime);

                // Store our timestamp slightly earlier than the last timestamp. This is a failsafe for any blobs that created
                // milliseconds after our last scan (blob timestamps round to the second). This way we make sure to pick those
                // up on a host restart.
                await _blobScanInfoManager.UpdateLatestScanAsync(container.AccountName,
                                                                 container.Name, latestScan.AddMilliseconds(-1)).ConfigureAwait(false);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called each polling interval for all containers. The method divides the
        /// budget of allocated number of blobs to query, for each container we query a page of
        /// that size and we keep the continuation token for the next time. AS a curser, we use
        /// the time stamp when the current cycle on the container started. blobs newer than that
        /// time will be considered new and registrations will be notified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <param name="containerScanInfo"> Information that includes the last cycle start
        /// the continuation token and the current cycle start for a container</param>
        /// <param name="clientRequestId"></param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <IEnumerable <BlobBaseClient> > PollNewBlobsAsync(
            BlobContainerClient container, ContainerScanInfo containerScanInfo, string clientRequestId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IEnumerable <BlobItem> currentBlobs;
            int             blobPollLimitPerContainer = _scanBlobLimitPerPoll / _scanInfo.Count;
            string          continuationToken         = containerScanInfo.ContinuationToken;
            Page <BlobItem> page;

            // if starting the cycle, reset the sweep time
            if (continuationToken == null)
                containerScanInfo.CurrentSweepCycleLatestModified = DateTime.MinValue;

            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                AsyncPageable <BlobItem>            blobsAsyncPageable = container.GetBlobsAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
                IAsyncEnumerable <Page <BlobItem> > pages           = blobsAsyncPageable.AsPages(continuationToken: continuationToken, pageSizeHint: blobPollLimitPerContainer);
                IAsyncEnumerator <Page <BlobItem> > pagesEnumerator = pages.GetAsyncEnumerator(cancellationToken);
                if (await pagesEnumerator.MoveNextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
                    page         = pagesEnumerator.Current;
                    currentBlobs = page.Values;
                    return(Enumerable.Empty <BlobBaseClient>());
            catch (RequestFailedException exception)
                if (exception.IsNotFound())
                    Logger.ContainerDoesNotExist(_logger, container.Name);
                    return(Enumerable.Empty <BlobBaseClient>());

            List <BlobBaseClient> newBlobs = new List <BlobBaseClient>();

            // Type cast to IStorageBlob is safe due to useFlatBlobListing: true above.
            foreach (BlobItem currentBlob in currentBlobs)

                var      properties            = currentBlob.Properties;
                DateTime lastModifiedTimestamp = properties.LastModified.Value.UtcDateTime;

                if (lastModifiedTimestamp > containerScanInfo.CurrentSweepCycleLatestModified)
                    containerScanInfo.CurrentSweepCycleLatestModified = lastModifiedTimestamp;

                // Blob timestamps are rounded to the nearest second, so make sure we continue to check
                // the previous timestamp to catch any blobs that came in slightly after our previous poll.
                if (lastModifiedTimestamp >= containerScanInfo.LastSweepCycleLatestModified)

            Logger.PollBlobContainer(_logger, container.Name, containerScanInfo.LastSweepCycleLatestModified, clientRequestId,
                                     newBlobs.Count, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(page.ContinuationToken));

            // record continuation token for next chunk retrieval
            containerScanInfo.ContinuationToken = page.ContinuationToken;

            // if ending a cycle then copy currentSweepCycleStartTime to lastSweepCycleStartTime, if changed
            if (page.ContinuationToken == null &&
                containerScanInfo.CurrentSweepCycleLatestModified > containerScanInfo.LastSweepCycleLatestModified)
                containerScanInfo.LastSweepCycleLatestModified = containerScanInfo.CurrentSweepCycleLatestModified;
