public void TestCopyLSMToGSM()
            ShardMapManager smm = ShardMapManagerFactory.GetSqlShardMapManager(

            RangeShardMap<int> rsm = smm.GetRangeShardMap<int>(RecoveryManagerTests.s_rangeShardMapName);


            ShardLocation sl = new ShardLocation(Globals.ShardMapManagerTestsDatasourceName, RecoveryManagerTests.s_shardedDBs[0]);

            Shard s = rsm.CreateShard(sl);


            RangeMapping<int> r1 = rsm.CreateRangeMapping(new Range<int>(1, 10), s);

            // Add a range to the gsm
            RangeMapping<int> r2 = rsm.CreateRangeMapping(new Range<int>(11, 20), s);


            // Delete everything from GSM (yes, this is overkill.)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Globals.ShardMapManagerTestConnectionString))

                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(String.Format("delete from {0}.__ShardManagement.ShardMappingsGlobal", Globals.ShardMapManagerDatabaseName), conn))

            RecoveryManager rm = new RecoveryManager(smm);

            // Briefly validate that there are, in fact, the two ranges of inconsistency we are expecting.
            IEnumerable<RecoveryToken> gs = rm.DetectMappingDifferences(sl);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, gs.Count(), "The test environment was not expecting more than one local shardmap.");

            // Briefly validate that 
            foreach (RecoveryToken g in gs)
                var kvps = rm.GetMappingDifferences(g);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, kvps.Keys.Count, "The count of differences does not match the expected.");

                foreach (var kvp in kvps)
                    ShardRange range = kvp.Key;
                    MappingLocation mappingLocation = kvp.Value;
                    Assert.AreEqual(MappingLocation.MappingInShardOnly, mappingLocation, "An unexpected difference between global and local shardmaps was detected. This is likely a false positive and implies a bug in the detection code.");
                // Recover the GSM from the LSM
                rm.ResolveMappingDifferences(g, MappingDifferenceResolution.KeepShardMapping);

            // Validate that there are no more differences.
            IEnumerable<RecoveryToken> gsAfterFix = rm.DetectMappingDifferences(sl);
            foreach (RecoveryToken g in gsAfterFix)
                var kvps = rm.GetMappingDifferences(g);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, kvps.Keys.Count, "There were still differences after resolution.");
        public void TestGeoFailoverAttach()
            ShardMapManager smm = ShardMapManagerFactory.GetSqlShardMapManager(

            ListShardMap<int> listsm = smm.GetListShardMap<int>(RecoveryManagerTests.s_listShardMapName);


            ShardLocation sl = new ShardLocation(Globals.ShardMapManagerTestsDatasourceName, RecoveryManagerTests.s_shardedDBs[0]);
            ShardLocation slNew = new ShardLocation(Globals.ShardMapManagerTestsDatasourceName, RecoveryManagerTests.s_shardedDBs[0] + "_new");

            // deploy LSM version 1.1 at location 'sl' before calling CreateShard() so that createshard will not deploy latest LSM version
            smm.UpgradeLocalStore(sl, new Version(1, 1));

            Shard s = listsm.CreateShard(sl);


            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                PointMapping<int> r = listsm.CreatePointMapping(creationInfo: new PointMappingCreationInfo<int>(i, s, MappingStatus.Online));

            // rename shard1 as shard1_new
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Globals.ShardMapManagerTestConnectionString))

                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("alter database shard1 set single_user with rollback immediate", conn))

                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("alter database shard1 modify name = shard1_new", conn))

                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("alter database shard1_new set multi_user with rollback immediate", conn))

            RecoveryManager rm = new RecoveryManager(smm);



            // Verify that shard location in LSM is updated to show databasename as 'shard1_new'

            IStoreResults result;

            using (IStoreOperationLocal op = smm.StoreOperationFactory.CreateGetShardsLocalOperation(
                result = op.Do();

            Assert.AreEqual("shard1_new", result.StoreShards.First().Location.Database);

            // detect mapping differences and add local mappings to GSM
            var gs = rm.DetectMappingDifferences(slNew);

            foreach (RecoveryToken g in gs)
                var kvps = rm.GetMappingDifferences(g);
                Assert.AreEqual(5, kvps.Keys.Count, "Count of Mapping differences for shard1_new does not match expected value.");
                rm.ResolveMappingDifferences(g, MappingDifferenceResolution.KeepShardMapping);

            gs = rm.DetectMappingDifferences(slNew);

            foreach (RecoveryToken g in gs)
                var kvps = rm.GetMappingDifferences(g);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, kvps.Keys.Count, "GSM and LSM at shard1_new do not have consistent mappings");

            // rename shard1_new back to shard1 so that test cleanup operations will succeed
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Globals.ShardMapManagerTestConnectionString))

                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("alter database shard1_new set single_user with rollback immediate", conn))

                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("alter database shard1_new modify name = shard1", conn))

                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("alter database shard1 set multi_user with rollback immediate", conn))
        public void TestPointMappingRecoverFromLSM()
            ShardMapManager smm = ShardMapManagerFactory.GetSqlShardMapManager(

            ListShardMap<int> listsm = smm.GetListShardMap<int>(RecoveryManagerTests.s_listShardMapName);


            ShardLocation sl = new ShardLocation(Globals.ShardMapManagerTestsDatasourceName, RecoveryManagerTests.s_shardedDBs[0]);

            Shard s = listsm.CreateShard(sl);


            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                PointMapping<int> r = listsm.CreatePointMapping(creationInfo: new PointMappingCreationInfo<int>(i, s, MappingStatus.Online));

            // Delete all the ranges and shardmaps from the shardlocation.
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Globals.ShardMapManagerTestConnectionString))

                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("delete from shard1.__ShardManagement.ShardMappingsLocal", conn))

            RecoveryManager rm = new RecoveryManager(smm);
            var gs = rm.DetectMappingDifferences(sl);

            // Validate that all the shard locations are in fact missing from the LSM.
            foreach (RecoveryToken g in gs)
                var kvps = rm.GetMappingDifferences(g);
                Assert.AreEqual(5, kvps.Keys.Count, "The count of differences does not match the expected.");

                foreach (var kvp in kvps)
                    ShardRange range = kvp.Key;
                    MappingLocation mappingLocation = kvp.Value;
                    Assert.AreEqual(MappingLocation.MappingInShardMapOnly, mappingLocation, "An unexpected difference between global and local shardmaps was detected. This is likely a false positive and implies a bug in the detection code.");
                rm.RebuildMappingsOnShard(g, kvps.Keys.Take(3));

            gs = rm.DetectMappingDifferences(sl);

            foreach (RecoveryToken g in gs)
                var kvps = rm.GetMappingDifferences(g);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, kvps.Values.Where(loc => loc != MappingLocation.MappingInShardMapAndShard).Count(), "The count of differences does not match the expected.");

                // We expect that the last two ranges only are missing from the shards.
                var expectedLocations = new List<MappingLocation>()

                Assert.IsTrue(expectedLocations.Zip(kvps.Values, (x, y) => x == y).Aggregate((x, y) => x && y), "RebuildRangeShardMap rebuilt the shards out of order with respect to its keeplist.");

                // Rebuild the range, leaving 1 inconsistency
                rm.RebuildMappingsOnShard(g, kvps.Keys.Skip(1));

            gs = rm.DetectMappingDifferences(sl);

            foreach (RecoveryToken g in gs)
                var kvps = rm.GetMappingDifferences(g);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, kvps.Values.Where(loc => loc != MappingLocation.MappingInShardMapAndShard).Count(), "The count of differences does not match the expected.");

                // Rebuild the range, leaving no inconsistencies
                rm.RebuildMappingsOnShard(g, kvps.Keys);

            gs = rm.DetectMappingDifferences(sl);

            // Everything should be semantically consistent now.
            foreach (RecoveryToken g in gs)
                var kvps = rm.GetMappingDifferences(g);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, kvps.Values.Where(loc => loc != MappingLocation.MappingInShardMapAndShard).Count(), "The count of differences does not match the expected.");

                // As a sanity check, make sure the root is restorable from this LSM.
                rm.ResolveMappingDifferences(g, MappingDifferenceResolution.KeepShardMapping);

            gs = rm.DetectMappingDifferences(sl);
            foreach (RecoveryToken g in gs)
                var kvps = rm.GetMappingDifferences(g);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, kvps.Keys.Count, "The GSM is not restorable from a rebuilt local shard.");
        public void TestPointMappingRecoverFromGSM()
            ShardMapManager smm = ShardMapManagerFactory.GetSqlShardMapManager(

            ListShardMap<int> listsm = smm.GetListShardMap<int>(RecoveryManagerTests.s_listShardMapName);


            ShardLocation sl = new ShardLocation(Globals.ShardMapManagerTestsDatasourceName, RecoveryManagerTests.s_shardedDBs[0]);

            Shard s = listsm.CreateShard(sl);


            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                PointMapping<int> r = listsm.CreatePointMapping(creationInfo: new PointMappingCreationInfo<int>(i, s, MappingStatus.Online));

            // Delete all the ranges and shardmaps from the shardlocation.
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Globals.ShardMapManagerTestConnectionString))

                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("delete from shard1.__ShardManagement.ShardMappingsLocal", conn))

            RecoveryManager rm = new RecoveryManager(smm);
            var gs = rm.DetectMappingDifferences(sl);

            // Validate that all the shard locations are in fact missing from the LSM.
            foreach (RecoveryToken g in gs)
                var kvps = rm.GetMappingDifferences(g);
                Assert.AreEqual(5, kvps.Keys.Count, "The count of differences does not match the expected.");

                foreach (var kvp in kvps)
                    ShardRange range = kvp.Key;
                    MappingLocation mappingLocation = kvp.Value;
                    Assert.AreEqual(MappingLocation.MappingInShardMapOnly, mappingLocation, "An unexpected difference between global and local shardmaps was detected. This is likely a false positive and implies a bug in the detection code.");

                // Recover the LSM from the GSM
                rm.ResolveMappingDifferences(g, MappingDifferenceResolution.KeepShardMapMapping);

            gs = rm.DetectMappingDifferences(sl);

            foreach (RecoveryToken g in gs)
                var kvps = rm.GetMappingDifferences(g);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, kvps.Values.Count(), "The count of differences does not match the expected.");
        public void TestRebuildShardFromGSMRangeKeepNonconflicts()
            ShardMapManager smm = ShardMapManagerFactory.GetSqlShardMapManager(

            RangeShardMap<int> rsm = smm.GetRangeShardMap<int>(RecoveryManagerTests.s_rangeShardMapName);


            ShardLocation sl1 = new ShardLocation(Globals.ShardMapManagerTestsDatasourceName, RecoveryManagerTests.s_shardedDBs[0]);

            Shard s1 = rsm.CreateShard(sl1);

            // set initial ranges as non-intersecting.
            RangeMapping<int> r1 = rsm.CreateRangeMapping(new Range<int>(1, 6), s1);
            RangeMapping<int> r2 = rsm.CreateRangeMapping(new Range<int>(6, 10), s1);

            // Only mess up the range on the right.
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Globals.ShardMapManagerTestConnectionString))

                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("update shard1.__ShardManagement.ShardMappingsLocal set MaxValue = 0x8000000B, MappingId = newid() where MaxValue = 0x8000000A", conn))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("update shard1.__ShardManagement.ShardMappingsLocal set MinValue = 0x8000000B where MinValue = 0x8000000A", conn))
            RecoveryManager rm = new RecoveryManager(smm);
            var gs = rm.DetectMappingDifferences(sl1);
            foreach (RecoveryToken g in gs)
                var kvps = rm.GetMappingDifferences(g);

                Assert.AreEqual(2, kvps.Keys.Count, "The count of differences does not match the expected.");

                // Let's make sure that rebuild does not unintuitively delete ranges 1-6.
                rm.RebuildMappingsOnShard(g, new List<ShardRange>());

            gs = rm.DetectMappingDifferences(sl1);
            foreach (RecoveryToken g in gs)
                // Take local.
                rm.ResolveMappingDifferences(g, MappingDifferenceResolution.KeepShardMapping);

            var resultingMappings = rsm.GetMappings(new Range<int>(1, 11), s1);

            // Make sure the mapping [1-6) is still around.
            Assert.AreEqual(1, resultingMappings.Count(), "RebuildShard unexpectedly removed a non-conflicting range.");