The stucture of the Filter represents an expression in disjunctive-normal-form Each filter contain a set of subfilters (the conjunctions) with the total filter being the disjunction of them
        private bool SupportsRequestedDimensions(MetricDefinition definition, MetricFilter filter)
            MetricDimension metric = filter.DimensionFilters.FirstOrDefault(df => string.Equals(df.Name, definition.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
            var             supportedDimensionNames  = definition.Dimensions.Select(dim => dim.Name);
            var             supportedDimensionValues = definition.Dimensions.ToDictionary(dim => dim.Name.Value, dim => dim.Values.Select(v => v.Value));

            // No dimensions specified for this metric
            if (metric == null || metric.Dimensions == null)

            foreach (MetricFilterDimension dimension in metric.Dimensions)
                // find dimension in definition
                Dimension d = definition.Dimensions.FirstOrDefault(dim => string.Equals(dim.Name.Value, dimension.Name));

                // Dimension name does't show up in definition
                if (d == null)

                // Requested dimension has any value that don't show up in the values list for the definiton
                if (dimension.Values.Any(value => !d.Values.Select(v => v.Value).Contains(value, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the metric values from the shoebox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter">The $filter query string</param>
        /// <param name="location">The MetricLocation object</param>
        /// <param name="invocationId">The invocation id</param>
        /// <returns>The MetricValueListResponse</returns>
        // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
        internal static async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsInternalAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
            // TODO [davmc]: ShoeboxClient doesn't support dimensions
            if (filter.DimensionFilters != null && filter.DimensionFilters.Any(df => df.Dimensions != null))
                if (TracingAdapter.IsEnabled)
                    TracingAdapter.Information("InvocationId: {0}. ShoeboxClient encountered metrics with dimensions specified. These will be ignored.", invocationId);

                // Remove dimensions from filter (The MetricFilter class has strict mutation rules used in parsing so the best way to modify it is to create a new one)
                filter = new MetricFilter()
                    TimeGrain        = filter.TimeGrain,
                    StartTime        = filter.StartTime,
                    EndTime          = filter.EndTime,
                    DimensionFilters = filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => new MetricDimension()
                        Name = df.Name

            // If metrics are requested by name, get those metrics specifically, unless too many are requested.
            // If no names or too many names are provided, get all metrics and filter if necessary.
            return(new MetricListResponse()
                MetricCollection = await(filter.DimensionFilters == null || filter.DimensionFilters.Count() > MaxParallelRequestsByName
                    ? GetMetricsByTimestampAsync(filter, location, invocationId)
                    : GetMetricsByNameAsync(filter, location, invocationId)).ConfigureAwait(false)
 private static IEnumerable <CloudTable> GetNdayTables(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location)
     // Get the tables that overlap the timerange and create a table reference for each table
            .Where(info => info.StartTime < filter.EndTime && info.EndTime > filter.StartTime)
            .Select(info => new CloudTableClient(new Uri(location.TableEndpoint), new StorageCredentials(info.SasToken)).GetTableReference(info.TableName)));
 public static string GenerateMetricFilterString(MetricFilter filter)
     return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}timeGrain eq duration'{1}' and startTime eq {2} and endTime eq {3}",
                          IsNullOrEmpty(filter.DimensionFilters) ? string.Empty : "(" + GenerateMetricDimensionFilterString(filter.DimensionFilters) + ") and ",
 private string GetFilterStringForDefinitions(MetricFilter filter, IEnumerable <MetricDefinition> definitions)
     return(ShoeboxHelper.GenerateMetricFilterString(new MetricFilter()
         TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
         StartTime = filter.StartTime,
         EndTime = filter.EndTime,
         DimensionFilters = filter.DimensionFilters.Where(df =>
                                                          definitions.Any(d => string.Equals(df.Name, d.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
        // Generates queries for each metric by name (name-timestamp rowKey format) at collects the results
        // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
        private static async Task <MetricCollection> GetMetricsByNameAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
            // Create a query for each metric name
            Dictionary <string, TableQuery> queries = GenerateMetricNameQueries(filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name), location.PartitionKey,
                                                                                filter.StartTime, filter.EndTime);

            // Create a task for each query. Each query will correspond to one metric
            IEnumerable <Task <Metric> > queryTasks = queries.Select(async kvp => await GetMetricByNameAsync(kvp.Key, kvp.Value, filter, location, invocationId).ConfigureAwait(false));

            // Execute the queries in parallel and collect the results
            IList <Metric> metrics = await Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(queryTasks.ToArray(), tasks => new List <Metric>(tasks.Select(t => t.Result))).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Wrap metrics in MetricCollectionObject
            return(new MetricCollection()
                Value = metrics
        public async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsAsync(string resourceUri, string filterString, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (resourceUri == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("resourceUri");

            // Generate filter strings
            MetricFilter filter = MetricFilterExpressionParser.Parse(filterString);
            string       filterStringNamesOnly = filter.DimensionFilters == null ? null
                : ShoeboxHelper.GenerateMetricDefinitionFilterString(filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name));

            // Get definitions for requested metrics
            IList <MetricDefinition> definitions =
                (await this.Client.MetricDefinitionOperations.GetMetricDefinitionsAsync(

            // Get Metrics with definitions
            return(await this.GetMetricsAsync(resourceUri, filterString, definitions, cancellationToken));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Filter object from the ($filter) query string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">The query string</param>
        /// <returns>A filter object representing the query</returns>
        public static MetricFilter Parse(string query)
            MetricFilter filter = new MetricFilter();

            string[] clauses = splitOnAndRegex.Split(query);

            // Grab all the top-level items (separated by ANDs), which can be either simple clauses or a parenthesized group of 'name' clauses
            foreach (string clause in clauses)
                Match nameGroup = nameGroupRegex.Match(clause);

                // If it's in parentheses, it must be a group of 'name' clauses, only 1 is allowed
                if (nameGroup.Success && filter.DimensionFilters == null)
                    // The capturing group strips off the parentheses, leaving the clauses separated by ORs (nested parentheses are not allowed)
                    string[]      namesClauses = splitOnORegex.Split(nameGroup.Groups["clauses"].Captures[0].Value);
                    List <string> names        = new List <string>();

                    // Parse each 'name' clause and collect the values
                    foreach (string nameClause in namesClauses)
                        Match match = nameClauseRegex.Match(nameClause);

                        if (!match.Success)
                            throw new FormatException(
                                      "Only conditions of the form 'name.value eq <value>' are allowed inside parentheses");


                    // an empty group will cause this assignment to throw InvalidOperationException
                    filter.DimensionFilters = names.Select(n => new MetricDimension()
                        Name = n
                else if (clause.Trim().StartsWith("("))
                    throw new FormatException("Parentheses Error: only one set of parentheses is allowed; " +
                                              "If present, only (and all) constraints on 'name.value' must appear inside. " +
                                              "No 'and' (and all 'or') operators may appear within parentheses.");
                    // It's not in a group, so it must be a simple clause
                    Match match = clauseRegex.Match(clause);

                    if (!match.Success || match.Groups["name"].Captures.Count <= 0 ||
                        match.Groups["value"].Captures.Count <= 0)
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  "only conditions of the form '<name> eq <value>' are allowed, where <name> = 'timeGrain', 'startTime', 'endTime', or 'name.value'");

                    // Collect name and value
                    string name  = match.Groups["name"].Captures[0].Value;
                    string value = match.Groups["value"].Captures[0].Value;

                    // Case sensitivity is handled in the regex
                    switch (name)
                    case "timeGrain":
                        // verify the OData duration value indicator
                        string prefix = "duration'";
                        if (value.StartsWith("duration'") && value.EndsWith("'") && value.Length > prefix.Length)
                            // Strip off prefix and end quote
                            filter.TimeGrain =
                                XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan(value.Substring(9, value.Length - prefix.Length - 1));
                            throw new FormatException("Invalid duration value for timeGrain");

                    case "startTime":
                        filter.StartTime = DateTime.Parse(value);

                    case "endTime":
                        filter.EndTime = DateTime.Parse(value);

                    case "name.value":     // single name (without) parentheses is allowed, but only one
                        if (filter.DimensionFilters == null)
                            // verify quotes
                            if (value.StartsWith("'") && value.EndsWith("'") && value.Length >= 2)
                                // strip off quotes and store
                                filter.DimensionFilters = new List <MetricDimension>()
                                    new MetricDimension()
                                        Name = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2)
                                throw new FormatException("Invalid string value for name.value");
                            throw new FormatException("Multiple 'name' conditions must be within parentheses");

                        throw new FormatException(
                                  "Condition name must be one of: 'timeGrain', 'startTime', 'endTime', or 'name.value'");

            // Verify no missing values?
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Filter object from the ($filter) query string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">The query string</param>
        /// <returns>A filter object representing the query</returns>
        public static MetricFilter Parse(string query)
            MetricFilter filter = new MetricFilter();

            string[] clauses = splitOnAndRegex.Split(query);

            // Grab all the top-level items (separated by ANDs), which can be either simple clauses or a parenthesized group of 'name' clauses
            foreach (string clause in clauses)
                Match nameGroup = nameGroupRegex.Match(clause);

                // If it's in parentheses, it must be a group of 'name' clauses, only 1 is allowed
                if (nameGroup.Success && filter.DimensionFilters == null)
                    // The capturing group strips off the parentheses, leaving the clauses separated by ORs (nested parentheses are not allowed)
                    string[] namesClauses = splitOnORegex.Split(nameGroup.Groups["clauses"].Captures[0].Value);
                    List<string> names = new List<string>();

                    // Parse each 'name' clause and collect the values
                    foreach (string nameClause in namesClauses)
                        Match match = nameClauseRegex.Match(nameClause);

                        if (!match.Success)
                            throw new FormatException(
                                "Only conditions of the form 'name.value eq <value>' are allowed inside parentheses");


                    // an empty group will cause this assignment to throw InvalidOperationException
                    filter.DimensionFilters = names.Select(n => new MetricDimension()
                        Name = n
                else if (clause.Trim().StartsWith("("))
                    throw new FormatException("Parentheses Error: only one set of parentheses is allowed; " +
                                              "If present, only (and all) constraints on 'name.value' must appear inside. " +
                                              "No 'and' (and all 'or') operators may appear within parentheses.");
                    // It's not in a group, so it must be a simple clause
                    Match match = clauseRegex.Match(clause);

                    if (!match.Success || match.Groups["name"].Captures.Count <= 0 ||
                        match.Groups["value"].Captures.Count <= 0)
                        throw new FormatException(
                            "only conditions of the form '<name> eq <value>' are allowed, where <name> = 'timeGrain', 'startTime', 'endTime', or 'name.value'");

                    // Collect name and value
                    string name = match.Groups["name"].Captures[0].Value;
                    string value = match.Groups["value"].Captures[0].Value;

                    // Case sensitivity is handled in the regex
                    switch (name)
                        case "timeGrain":
                            // verify the OData duration value indicator
                            string prefix = "duration'";
                            if (value.StartsWith("duration'") && value.EndsWith("'") && value.Length > prefix.Length)
                                // Strip off prefix and end quote
                                filter.TimeGrain =
                                    XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan(value.Substring(9, value.Length - prefix.Length - 1));
                            else throw new FormatException("Invalid duration value for timeGrain");
                        case "startTime":
                            filter.StartTime = DateTime.Parse(value);
                        case "endTime":
                            filter.EndTime = DateTime.Parse(value);
                        case "name.value": // single name (without) parentheses is allowed, but only one
                            if (filter.DimensionFilters == null)
                                // verify quotes
                                if (value.StartsWith("'") && value.EndsWith("'") && value.Length >= 2)
                                    // strip off quotes and store
                                    filter.DimensionFilters = new List<MetricDimension>()
                                        new MetricDimension()
                                            Name = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2)
                                    throw new FormatException("Invalid string value for name.value");
                            else throw new FormatException("Multiple 'name' conditions must be within parentheses");
                            throw new FormatException(
                                "Condition name must be one of: 'timeGrain', 'startTime', 'endTime', or 'name.value'");

            // Verify no missing values?
            return filter;
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the metric values from the shoebox
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">The $filter query string</param>
 /// <param name="location">The MetricLocation object</param>
 /// <param name="invocationId">The invocation id</param>
 /// <returns>The MetricValueListResponse</returns>
 // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
 internal static MetricListResponse GetMetricsInternal(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
     return(GetMetricsInternalAsync(filter, location, invocationId).Result);
        // Gets the named metric by calling the provided query on each table that overlaps the given time range
        // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
        private static async Task <Metric> GetMetricByNameAsync(string name, TableQuery query, MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
            Metric metric = new Metric()
                Name = new LocalizableString()
                    Value = name
                StartTime    = filter.StartTime,
                EndTime      = filter.EndTime,
                TimeGrain    = filter.TimeGrain,
                MetricValues = new List <MetricValue>()

            var instanceMetrics = new List <MetricValue>();
            var globalMetrics   = new List <DynamicTableEntity>();

            // The GetEnititesAsync function provides one task that will call all the queries in parallel
            var entities = await GetEntitiesAsync(GetNdayTables(filter, location), query, invocationId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Iterate over the instances to do conversion and aggregation when needed
            foreach (var entity in entities)
                // Skip aggregated entities
                if (!IsInstanceMetric(entity.RowKey))
                    // We ignore the aggergated metrics if there are instance metrics.
                    if (instanceMetrics.Count == 0)


                MetricValue lastMetricValue = instanceMetrics.LastOrDefault();
                if (lastMetricValue == null)
                    if (lastMetricValue.Timestamp.Ticks == GetTimestampFromIndexMetricNameTimestamp(entity))
                        Aggregate(lastMetricValue, entity);

            if (instanceMetrics.Count > 0)
                foreach (var metricValue in instanceMetrics)
                    metricValue.Average = metricValue.Total / metricValue.Count;

                metric.MetricValues = instanceMetrics;
                metric.MetricValues = globalMetrics.Select(me => ResolveMetricEntity(me)).ToList();

        // Generates queries for all metrics by timestamp (timestamp-name rowKey format) and filters the results to the requested metrics (if any)
        // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
        private static async Task <MetricCollection> GetMetricsByTimestampAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
            // Find all the tables that fall partially or fully within the timerange
            IEnumerable <CloudTable> tables = GetNdayTables(filter, location);

            // Generate a query for the partition key and time range
            TableQuery query = GenerateMetricTimestampQuery(location.PartitionKey, filter.StartTime, filter.EndTime);

            // Get all the entities for the query
            IEnumerable <DynamicTableEntity> entities = await GetEntitiesAsync(tables, query, invocationId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            ICollection <string> dimensionFilterNames = null;

            if (filter.DimensionFilters != null)
                dimensionFilterNames = new HashSet <string>(filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => ShoeboxHelper.TrimAndEscapeKey(df.Name)));

            var metricWraps = new Dictionary <string, MetricWrap>();
            var metrics     = new List <Metric>();

            // Iterate over the instances to do conversion and aggregation when needed.
            foreach (var entity in entities)
                string encodedName = GetMetricNameFromRowKeyByTimestampByMetricName(entity.RowKey);

                // When there is filter, skip entities not included in the filter.
                if (dimensionFilterNames != null && !dimensionFilterNames.Contains(encodedName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                MetricWrap metricWrap;
                if (!metricWraps.TryGetValue(encodedName, out metricWrap))
                    metricWrap = new MetricWrap
                        Metric = new Metric()
                            Name = new LocalizableString()
                                Value = encodedName
                            StartTime    = filter.StartTime,
                            EndTime      = filter.EndTime,
                            TimeGrain    = filter.TimeGrain,
                            MetricValues = new List <MetricValue>()
                        InstanceMetrics = new List <MetricValue>(),
                        GlobalMetrics   = new List <DynamicTableEntity>()

                    metricWraps[encodedName] = metricWrap;

                // Skip aggregated entities
                if (!IsInstanceMetric(entity.RowKey))
                    // We ignore the aggergated metrics if there are instance metrics.
                    if (metricWrap.InstanceMetrics.Count == 0)


                MetricValue lastMetricValue = metricWrap.InstanceMetrics.LastOrDefault();
                if (lastMetricValue == null)
                    if (lastMetricValue.Timestamp.Ticks == GetTimestampFromIndexTimestampMetricName(entity))
                        Aggregate(lastMetricValue, entity);

            foreach (var metricWrap in metricWraps.Values)
                // Decide whether to return the aggregation of the instance metrics on the fly or the final value in the storage account
                // If there are instance metrics, the aggregation on the fly is used.
                Metric metric = metricWrap.Metric;
                metric.Name.Value = FindMetricName(metric.Name.Value, dimensionFilterNames);
                if (metricWrap.InstanceMetrics.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var metricValue in metricWrap.InstanceMetrics)
                        metricValue.Average = metricValue.Total / metricValue.Count;

                    metric.MetricValues = metricWrap.InstanceMetrics;
                    metric.MetricValues = metricWrap.GlobalMetrics.Select(me => ResolveMetricEntity(me)).ToList();

            return(new MetricCollection()
                Value = metrics
        // Alternate method for getting metrics by passing in the definitions
        public async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsAsync(
            string resourceUri, string filterString, IEnumerable <MetricDefinition> definitions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (definitions == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("definitions");

            if (resourceUri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceUri");

            // Remove any '/' characters from the start since these are handled by the hydra (thin) client
            // Don't encode Uri segments here since this will mess up the SAS retrievers (they use the resourceUri directly)
            resourceUri = resourceUri.TrimStart('/');

            MetricListResponse result;
            string             invocationId = TracingAdapter.NextInvocationId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // If no definitions provided, return empty collection
            if (!definitions.Any())
                this.LogStartGetMetrics(invocationId, resourceUri, filterString, definitions);
                result = new MetricListResponse()
                    RequestId        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                    StatusCode       = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                    MetricCollection = new MetricCollection()
                        Value = new Metric[0]

                this.LogEndGetMetrics(invocationId, result);


            // Parse MetricFilter
            MetricFilter filter = MetricFilterExpressionParser.Parse(filterString);

            // Names in filter must match the names in the definitions
            if (filter.DimensionFilters != null && filter.DimensionFilters.Any())
                IEnumerable <string> filterNames     = filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name);
                IEnumerable <string> definitionNames = definitions.Select(d => d.Name.Value);
                IEnumerable <string> filterOnly      = filterNames.Where(fn => !definitionNames.Contains(fn, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                IEnumerable <string> definitionOnly  = definitionNames.Where(df => !filterNames.Contains(df, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                if (filterOnly.Any() || definitionOnly.Any())
                    throw new ArgumentException("Set of names specified in filter string must match set of names in provided definitions", "filterString");

                // "Filter out" metrics with unsupported dimensions
                definitions = definitions.Where(d => SupportsRequestedDimensions(d, filter));
                filter = new MetricFilter()
                    TimeGrain        = filter.TimeGrain,
                    StartTime        = filter.StartTime,
                    EndTime          = filter.EndTime,
                    DimensionFilters = definitions.Select(d => new MetricDimension()
                        Name = d.Name.Value

            // Parse out provider name and determine if provider is storage
            string providerName      = this.GetProviderFromResourceId(resourceUri);
            bool   isStorageProvider =
                string.Equals(providerName, "Microsoft.Storage", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                string.Equals(providerName, "Microsoft.ClassicStorage", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Create supported MetricRetrievers
            IMetricRetriever proxyRetriever             = new ProxyMetricRetriever(this);
            IMetricRetriever shoeboxRetriever           = new ShoeboxMetricRetriever();
            IMetricRetriever storageRetriever           = new StorageMetricRetriever();
            IMetricRetriever blobShoeboxMetricRetriever = new BlobShoeboxMetricRetriever();
            IMetricRetriever emptyRetriever             = EmptyMetricRetriever.Instance;

            // Create the selector function here so it has access to the retrievers, filter, and providerName
            Func <MetricDefinition, IMetricRetriever> retrieverSelector = (d) =>
                if (!d.MetricAvailabilities.Any())

                if (isStorageProvider)

                if (IsBlobSasMetric(d, filter.TimeGrain))

                if (IsTableSasMetric(d, filter.TimeGrain))


            // Group definitions by retriever so we can make one request to each retriever
            IEnumerable <IGrouping <IMetricRetriever, MetricDefinition> > groups = definitions.GroupBy(retrieverSelector);

            // Get Metrics from each retriever (group)
            IEnumerable <Task <MetricListResponse> > locationTasks = groups.Select(g =>
                                                                                   g.Key.GetMetricsAsync(resourceUri, GetFilterStringForDefinitions(filter, g), g, invocationId));

            // Aggregate metrics from all groups
            this.LogStartGetMetrics(invocationId, resourceUri, filterString, definitions);
            MetricListResponse[] results = (await Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(locationTasks.ToArray(), tasks => tasks.Select(t => t.Result))).ToArray();
            IEnumerable <Metric> metrics = results.Aggregate <MetricListResponse, IEnumerable <Metric> >(
                new List <Metric>(), (list, response) => list.Union(response.MetricCollection.Value));

            this.LogMetricCountFromResponses(invocationId, metrics.Count());

            // Fill in values (resourceUri, displayName, unit) from definitions
            CompleteShoeboxMetrics(metrics, definitions, resourceUri);

            // Add empty objects for metrics that had no values come back, ensuring a metric is returned for each definition
            IEnumerable <Metric> emptyMetrics = (await emptyRetriever.GetMetricsAsync(
                                                     definitions.Where(d => !metrics.Any(m => string.Equals(m.Name.Value, d.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))),

            // Create response (merge and wrap metrics)
            result = new MetricListResponse()
                RequestId        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                StatusCode       = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                MetricCollection = new MetricCollection()
                    Value = metrics.Union(emptyMetrics).ToList()

            this.LogEndGetMetrics(invocationId, result);

        // Alternate method for getting metrics by passing in the definitions
        public async Task<MetricListResponse> GetMetricsAsync(
            string resourceUri, string filterString, IEnumerable<MetricDefinition> definitions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (definitions == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("definitions");

            if (resourceUri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceUri");

            // Remove any '/' characters from the start since these are handled by the hydra (thin) client
            // Don't encode Uri segments here since this will mess up the SAS retrievers (they use the resourceUri directly)
            resourceUri = resourceUri.TrimStart('/');

            MetricListResponse result;
            string invocationId = TracingAdapter.NextInvocationId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // If no definitions provided, return empty collection
            if (!definitions.Any())
                this.LogStartGetMetrics(invocationId, resourceUri, filterString, definitions);
                result = new MetricListResponse()
                    RequestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                    StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                    MetricCollection = new MetricCollection()
                        Value = new Metric[0]

                this.LogEndGetMetrics(invocationId, result);

                return result;

            // Parse MetricFilter
            MetricFilter filter = MetricFilterExpressionParser.Parse(filterString);

            // Names in filter must match the names in the definitions
            if (filter.DimensionFilters != null && filter.DimensionFilters.Any())
                IEnumerable<string> filterNames = filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name);
                IEnumerable<string> definitionNames = definitions.Select(d => d.Name.Value);
                IEnumerable<string> filterOnly = filterNames.Where(fn => !definitionNames.Contains(fn, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                IEnumerable<string> definitionOnly = definitionNames.Where(df => !filterNames.Contains(df, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                if (filterOnly.Any() || definitionOnly.Any())
                    throw new ArgumentException("Set of names specified in filter string must match set of names in provided definitions", "filterString");

                // "Filter out" metrics with unsupported dimensions
                definitions = definitions.Where(d => SupportsRequestedDimensions(d, filter));
                filter = new MetricFilter()
                    TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
                    StartTime = filter.StartTime,
                    EndTime = filter.EndTime,
                    DimensionFilters = definitions.Select(d => new MetricDimension()
                        Name = d.Name.Value

            // Parse out provider name and determine if provider is storage
            string providerName = this.GetProviderFromResourceId(resourceUri);
            bool isStorageProvider =
                string.Equals(providerName, "Microsoft.Storage", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                string.Equals(providerName, "Microsoft.ClassicStorage", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Create supported MetricRetrievers
            IMetricRetriever proxyRetriever = new ProxyMetricRetriever(this);
            IMetricRetriever shoeboxRetriever = new ShoeboxMetricRetriever();
            IMetricRetriever storageRetriever = new StorageMetricRetriever();
            IMetricRetriever blobShoeboxMetricRetriever = new BlobShoeboxMetricRetriever();
            IMetricRetriever emptyRetriever = EmptyMetricRetriever.Instance;

            // Create the selector function here so it has access to the retrievers, filter, and providerName
            Func<MetricDefinition, IMetricRetriever> retrieverSelector = (d) =>
                if (!d.MetricAvailabilities.Any())
                    return emptyRetriever;

                if (isStorageProvider)
                    return storageRetriever;

                if (IsBlobSasMetric(d, filter.TimeGrain))
                    return blobShoeboxMetricRetriever;

                if (IsTableSasMetric(d, filter.TimeGrain))
                    return shoeboxRetriever;

                return proxyRetriever;

            // Group definitions by retriever so we can make one request to each retriever
            IEnumerable<IGrouping<IMetricRetriever, MetricDefinition>> groups = definitions.GroupBy(retrieverSelector);

            // Get Metrics from each retriever (group)
            IEnumerable<Task<MetricListResponse>> locationTasks = groups.Select(g =>
                g.Key.GetMetricsAsync(resourceUri, GetFilterStringForDefinitions(filter, g), g, invocationId));

            // Aggregate metrics from all groups
            this.LogStartGetMetrics(invocationId, resourceUri, filterString, definitions);
            MetricListResponse[] results = (await Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(locationTasks.ToArray(), tasks => tasks.Select(t => t.Result))).ToArray();
            IEnumerable<Metric> metrics = results.Aggregate<MetricListResponse, IEnumerable<Metric>>(
                new List<Metric>(), (list, response) => list.Union(response.MetricCollection.Value));

            this.LogMetricCountFromResponses(invocationId, metrics.Count());

            // Fill in values (resourceUri, displayName, unit) from definitions
            CompleteShoeboxMetrics(metrics, definitions, resourceUri);

            // Add empty objects for metrics that had no values come back, ensuring a metric is returned for each definition
            IEnumerable<Metric> emptyMetrics = (await emptyRetriever.GetMetricsAsync(
                definitions.Where(d => !metrics.Any(m => string.Equals(m.Name.Value, d.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))),

            // Create response (merge and wrap metrics)
            result = new MetricListResponse()
                RequestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                MetricCollection = new MetricCollection()
                    Value = metrics.Union(emptyMetrics).ToList()

            this.LogEndGetMetrics(invocationId, result);

            return result;
        private bool SupportsRequestedDimensions(MetricDefinition definition, MetricFilter filter)
            MetricDimension metric = filter.DimensionFilters.FirstOrDefault(df => string.Equals(df.Name, definition.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
            var supportedDimensionNames = definition.Dimensions.Select(dim => dim.Name);
            var supportedDimensionValues = definition.Dimensions.ToDictionary(dim => dim.Name.Value, dim => dim.Values.Select(v => v.Value));

            // No dimensions specified for this metric
            if (metric == null || metric.Dimensions == null)
                return true;

            foreach (MetricFilterDimension dimension in metric.Dimensions)
                // find dimension in definition
                Dimension d = definition.Dimensions.FirstOrDefault(dim => string.Equals(dim.Name.Value, dimension.Name));

                // Dimension name does't show up in definition
                if (d == null)
                    return false;

                // Requested dimension has any value that don't show up in the values list for the definiton
                if (dimension.Values.Any(value => !d.Values.Select(v => v.Value).Contains(value, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    return false;

            return true;
 private string GetFilterStringForDefinitions(MetricFilter filter, IEnumerable<MetricDefinition> definitions)
     return ShoeboxHelper.GenerateMetricFilterString(new MetricFilter()
         TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
         StartTime = filter.StartTime,
         EndTime = filter.EndTime,
         DimensionFilters = filter.DimensionFilters.Where(df =>
             definitions.Any(d => string.Equals(df.Name, d.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))