public async Task CreateTwoUdfRoleAssignments() { (var httpClient, var httpHandler) = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.CreateWithSpace( postResponseGuids: new [] { roleAssignmentGuid1, roleAssignmentGuid2 }, getResponses: new [] { space1GetResponse, function1GetResponse, function2GetResponse } ); var descriptions = new [] { new SpaceDescription() { name = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.Space.Name, roleassignments = new [] { new RoleAssignmentDescription() { roleId = roleIdGuid.ToString(), objectName = "Function 1", objectIdType = "UserDefinedFunctionId" }, new RoleAssignmentDescription() { roleId = roleIdGuid.ToString(), objectName = "Function 2", objectIdType = "UserDefinedFunctionId" } }, } }; await Actions.CreateSpaces(httpClient, Loggers.SilentLogger, descriptions, Guid.Empty); Assert.Equal(2, httpHandler.PostRequests["roleassignments"].Count); Assert.Equal(2, httpHandler.GetRequests["userdefinedfunctions"].Count); Assert.False(httpHandler.GetRequests.ContainsKey("roleassignments")); }
public async Task CreateRoleAssignmentWithUnknownTypeAndNameFails() { // How 'objectName' is used is based on objectIdType. In this test we choose an unknow type // and expect it then to fail the role assignment creation since it doesn't know how to use the name (var httpClient, var httpHandler) = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.CreateWithSpace( postResponseGuids: null, getResponses: new [] { space1GetResponse } ); var descriptions = new [] { new SpaceDescription() { name = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.Space.Name, roleassignments = new [] { new RoleAssignmentDescription() { roleId = roleIdGuid.ToString(), objectName = "SomeName", objectIdType = "UnknownObjectIdType" } }, } }; await Actions.CreateSpaces(httpClient, Loggers.SilentLogger, descriptions, Guid.Empty); Assert.False(httpHandler.PostRequests.ContainsKey("roleassignments")); }
public async Task UpdateUserDefinedFunction() { (var httpClient, var httpHandler) = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.CreateWithSpace( postResponseGuids: new [] { udfGuid1, udfGuid2 }, getResponses: new [] { matcher1GetResponse, udf1GetResponse }, patchResponses: new [] { Responses.OK } ); var descriptions = new [] { new SpaceDescription() { name = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.Space.Name, userdefinedfunctions = new [] { new UserDefinedFunctionDescription() { name = "Function 1", matcherNames = new [] { "Matcher1" }, script = "userDefinedFunctions/function1.js", } }, } }; await Actions.CreateSpaces(httpClient, Loggers.SilentLogger, descriptions, Guid.Empty); Assert.False(httpHandler.PostRequests.ContainsKey("userdefinedfunctions")); Assert.Equal(1, httpHandler.PatchRequests["userdefinedfunctions"].Count); Assert.Equal(1, httpHandler.GetRequests["matchers"].Count); Assert.Equal(1, httpHandler.GetRequests["userdefinedfunctions"].Count); }
public async Task CreateTwoMatchers() { (var httpClient, var httpHandler) = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.CreateWithSpace( postResponseGuids: new [] { matcher1Guid, matcher2Guid }, getResponses: null ); var descriptions = new [] { new SpaceDescription() { name = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.Space.Name, matchers = new [] { new MatcherDescription() { name = "Matcher1", dataTypeValue = "DataType1", }, new MatcherDescription() { name = "Matcher2", dataTypeValue = "DataType2", } }, } }; await Actions.CreateSpaces(httpClient, Loggers.SilentLogger, descriptions, Guid.Empty); Assert.Equal(2, httpHandler.PostRequests["matchers"].Count); Assert.False(httpHandler.GetRequests.ContainsKey("matchers")); }
public async Task CreateSpacesWithAlreadyCreatedSpaceUsesIt() { (var httpClient, var httpHandler) = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.CreateWithSpace( postResponseGuids: new [] { guid1 }, space: space1); var descriptions = new [] { new SpaceDescription() { name = space1.Name, } }; var results = await Actions.CreateSpaces(httpClient, Loggers.SilentLogger, descriptions, Guid.Empty); Assert.Equal(guid1, results.Single().Id); Assert.False(httpHandler.PostRequests.ContainsKey("spaces")); Assert.Equal(1, httpHandler.GetRequests["spaces"].Count); }
public async Task CreateTwoDevices() { (var httpClient, var httpHandler) = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.CreateWithSpace( postResponseGuids: new [] { device1Guid, device2Guid }, getResponses: new [] { Responses.NotFound, getDeviceResponse_device1, Responses.NotFound, getDeviceResponse_device2 } ); var descriptions = new [] { new SpaceDescription() { name = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.Space.Name, devices = new [] { new DeviceDescription() { name = "Device1", hardwareId = "HardwareId1", }, new DeviceDescription() { name = "Device2", hardwareId = "HardwareId2", } }, } }; var spaceResult = (await Actions.CreateSpaces(httpClient, Loggers.SilentLogger, descriptions, Guid.Empty)) .Single(); Assert.Equal(2, httpHandler.PostRequests["devices"].Count); Assert.Equal(4, httpHandler.GetRequests["devices"].Count); Assert.Equal(new [] { new ProvisionResults.Device() { ConnectionString = "ConnectionString1", HardwareId = "HardwareId1", }, new ProvisionResults.Device() { ConnectionString = "ConnectionString2", HardwareId = "HardwareId2", } }, spaceResult.Devices); }
public async Task CreateSingleResource() { (var httpClient, var httpHandler) = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.CreateWithSpace( postResponseGuids: new [] { resource1Guid }, getResponses: new [] { resource1GetResponse }); var descriptions = new [] { new SpaceDescription() { name = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.Space.Name, resources = new [] { new ResourceDescription() { type = "ResourceType", } }, } }; await Actions.CreateSpaces(httpClient, Loggers.SilentLogger, descriptions, Guid.Empty); Assert.Equal(1, httpHandler.PostRequests["resources"].Count); Assert.Equal(1, httpHandler.GetRequests["resources"].Count); }
public async Task CreateTwoUserDefinedFunctions() { (var httpClient, var httpHandler) = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.CreateWithSpace( postResponseGuids: new [] { udfGuid1, udfGuid2 }, getResponses: new [] { matchers1And2GetResponse, Responses.NotFound, matcher1GetResponse, Responses.NotFound } ); var descriptions = new [] { new SpaceDescription() { name = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.Space.Name, userdefinedfunctions = new [] { new UserDefinedFunctionDescription() { name = "Function 1", matcherNames = new [] { "Matcher1", "Matcher2" }, script = "userDefinedFunctions/function1.js", }, new UserDefinedFunctionDescription() { name = "Function 2", matcherNames = new [] { "Matcher1" }, script = "userDefinedFunctions/function2.js", } }, } }; await Actions.CreateSpaces(httpClient, Loggers.SilentLogger, descriptions, Guid.Empty); Assert.Equal(2, httpHandler.PostRequests["userdefinedfunctions"].Count); Assert.Equal(2, httpHandler.GetRequests["matchers"].Count); Assert.Equal( ",Matcher2&spaceIds=90000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", httpHandler.GetRequests["matchers"][0].RequestUri.ToString()); Assert.Equal( "", httpHandler.GetRequests["matchers"][1].RequestUri.ToString()); Assert.Equal(2, httpHandler.GetRequests["userdefinedfunctions"].Count); }
public async Task CreateDeviceReusesMatchingPreexistingDevice() { (var httpClient, var httpHandler) = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.CreateWithSpace( postResponseGuids: null, getResponses: new [] { getDevicesResponse_device1, getDeviceResponse_device1 } ); var descriptions = new [] { new SpaceDescription() { name = FakeDigitalTwinsHttpClient.Space.Name, devices = new [] { new DeviceDescription() { name = device1.Name, hardwareId = device1.HardwareId, } }, } }; await Actions.CreateSpaces(httpClient, Loggers.SilentLogger, descriptions, Guid.Empty); Assert.False(httpHandler.PostRequests.ContainsKey("devices")); Assert.Equal(2, httpHandler.GetRequests["devices"].Count); }