/// <summary> /// This method will delete rows for the table name specified corresponding to the filter criteria. If no filter criteria is specified, all rows will be deleted. /// </summary> /// <param name="TableNameToDelete">Name of table from entries will be deleted.</param> /// <param name="TimeoutSeconds">Set timeout for table client.</param> /// <param name="filters">A list of Filter objects to be applied to table rows to delete.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating the result of the operation.</returns> public string DeleteAzureTableRows(string TableNameToDelete, int TimeoutSeconds = 30, List <Filter> filters = default(List <Filter>)) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TableNameToDelete)) { throw new ParameterSpecException("TableNameToDelete rows from is missing."); } if (!Filter.AreFiltersValid(filters)) { throw new ParameterSpecException(String.Format("One or more of the supplied filter criteria is invalid.")); } try { if (!CosmosTable.CloudStorageAccount.TryParse(new System.Net.NetworkCredential("", AzureTableConnectionSpec).Password, out CosmosTable.CloudStorageAccount StorageAccountSource)) { throw new ConnectionException("Can not connect to CloudStorage Account for Source Table. Verify connection string."); } CosmosTable.CloudTableClient clientSource = CosmosTable.CloudStorageAccountExtensions.CreateCloudTableClient(StorageAccountSource, new CosmosTable.TableClientConfiguration()); CosmosTable.CloudTable TableSource = clientSource.GetTableReference(TableNameToDelete); TableSource.ServiceClient.DefaultRequestOptions.ServerTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, TimeoutSeconds); //CosmosTable.CloudTable TableDest = TableSource; bool BatchWritten = true; string PartitionKey = String.Empty; CosmosTable.TableBatchOperation Batch = new CosmosTable.TableBatchOperation(); int BatchSize = 100; int BatchCount = 0; long TotalRecordCountIn = 0; long TotalRecordCountOut = 0; CosmosTable.TableContinuationToken token = null; do { CosmosTable.TableQuery <CosmosTable.DynamicTableEntity> tq; if (default(List <Filter>) == filters) { tq = new CosmosTable.TableQuery <CosmosTable.DynamicTableEntity>(); } else { tq = new CosmosTable.TableQuery <CosmosTable.DynamicTableEntity>().Where(Filter.BuildFilterSpec(filters)); } var queryResult = TableSource.ExecuteQuerySegmented(tq, token); foreach (CosmosTable.DynamicTableEntity dte in queryResult.Results) { TotalRecordCountIn++; if (String.Empty.Equals(PartitionKey)) { PartitionKey = dte.PartitionKey; } if (dte.PartitionKey == PartitionKey) { Batch.Delete(dte); //Batch.InsertOrReplace(dte); BatchCount++; TotalRecordCountOut++; BatchWritten = false; } else { try { TableSource.ExecuteBatch(Batch); Batch = new CosmosTable.TableBatchOperation(); PartitionKey = dte.PartitionKey; Batch.Delete(dte); //Batch.InsertOrReplace(dte); BatchCount = 1; TotalRecordCountOut++; BatchWritten = false; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DeleteFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' row delete failed.", TableNameToDelete), ex); } } if (BatchCount >= BatchSize) { try { TableSource.ExecuteBatch(Batch); PartitionKey = String.Empty; Batch = new CosmosTable.TableBatchOperation(); BatchWritten = true; BatchCount = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DeleteFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' row deletion failed.", TableNameToDelete), ex); } } } token = queryResult.ContinuationToken; } while (token != null); if (!BatchWritten) { try { TableSource.ExecuteBatch(Batch); PartitionKey = String.Empty; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DeleteFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' row deletion failed.", TableNameToDelete), ex); } } return(String.Format("Table '{0}' total rows deleted {1}.", TableNameToDelete, TotalRecordCountIn)); } catch (ConnectionException cex) { throw cex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DeleteFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' row deletion failed.", TableNameToDelete), ex); } finally { } }
/// <summary> /// Restore file created by BackupAzureTables to the destination table name specified. /// </summary> /// <param name="DestinationTableName">Name of the Azure Table to restore to - may be different than name backed up originally.</param> /// <param name="InFilePathName">Complete file name and path containing the data to be restored.</param> /// <param name="TimeoutSeconds">Set timeout for table client.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating the table restored and record count.</returns> public string RestoreTableFromFile(string DestinationTableName, string InFilePathName, int TimeoutSeconds = 30) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DestinationTableName)) { throw new ParameterSpecException("DestinationTableName is missing."); } if (Path.GetFullPath(InFilePathName) != InFilePathName) { throw new ParameterSpecException(String.Format("Invalid file name/path '{0}' specified.", InFilePathName)); } else { if (!File.Exists(InFilePathName)) { throw new ParameterSpecException(String.Format("File '{0}' does not exist.", InFilePathName)); } } TableSpec footer = null; try { if (!CosmosTable.CloudStorageAccount.TryParse(new System.Net.NetworkCredential("", AzureTableConnectionSpec).Password, out CosmosTable.CloudStorageAccount StorageAccount)) { throw new ConnectionException("Can not connect to CloudStorage Account. Verify connection string."); } CosmosTable.CloudTableClient client = CosmosTable.CloudStorageAccountExtensions.CreateCloudTableClient(StorageAccount, new CosmosTable.TableClientConfiguration()); CosmosTable.CloudTable TableDest = client.GetTableReference(DestinationTableName); TableDest.ServiceClient.DefaultRequestOptions.ServerTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, TimeoutSeconds); TableDest.CreateIfNotExists(); DynamicTableEntityJsonSerializer serializer = new DynamicTableEntityJsonSerializer(); bool BatchWritten = true; string PartitionKey = String.Empty; CosmosTable.TableBatchOperation Batch = new CosmosTable.TableBatchOperation(); int BatchSize = 100; int BatchCount = 0; long TotalRecordCount = 0; using (StreamReader InputFileStream = new StreamReader(InFilePathName)) { string InFileLine = InputFileStream.ReadLine(); while (InFileLine != null) { if (InFileLine.Contains("ProcessingMetaData") && InFileLine.Contains("Header")) { System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Header {0}", InFileLine)); } else if (InFileLine.Contains("ProcessingMetaData") && InFileLine.Contains("Footer")) { footer = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TableSpec>(InFileLine); System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Footer {0}", InFileLine)); } else { CosmosTable.DynamicTableEntity dte2 = serializer.Deserialize(InFileLine); if (String.Empty.Equals(PartitionKey)) { PartitionKey = dte2.PartitionKey; } if (dte2.PartitionKey == PartitionKey) { Batch.InsertOrReplace(dte2); BatchCount++; TotalRecordCount++; BatchWritten = false; } else { try { TableDest.ExecuteBatch(Batch); Batch = new CosmosTable.TableBatchOperation(); PartitionKey = dte2.PartitionKey; Batch.InsertOrReplace(dte2); BatchCount = 1; TotalRecordCount++; BatchWritten = false; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RestoreFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' restore failed.", DestinationTableName), ex); } } if (BatchCount >= BatchSize) { try { TableDest.ExecuteBatch(Batch); PartitionKey = String.Empty; Batch = new CosmosTable.TableBatchOperation(); BatchWritten = true; BatchCount = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RestoreFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' restore failed.", DestinationTableName), ex); } } } InFileLine = InputFileStream.ReadLine(); } // while (InFileLine != null) //final batch if (!BatchWritten) { try { TableDest.ExecuteBatch(Batch); PartitionKey = String.Empty; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RestoreFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' restore failed.", DestinationTableName), ex); } } } // using (StreamReader if (null == footer) { throw new RestoreFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' restore failed, no footer record found.", DestinationTableName)); } else if (TotalRecordCount == footer.RecordCount) { //OK, do nothing } else { throw new RestoreFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' restore failed, records read {1} does not match expected count {2} in footer record.", DestinationTableName, TotalRecordCount, footer.RecordCount)); } return(String.Format("Restore to table '{0}' Successful; {1} entries.", DestinationTableName, TotalRecordCount)); } catch (ConnectionException cex) { throw cex; } catch (RestoreFailedException rex) { throw rex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RestoreFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' restore failed.", DestinationTableName), ex); } finally { } }
} // RestoreTableFromBlobDirect private string RestoreFromStream(StreamReader InputFileStream, CosmosTable.CloudTable TableDest, string DestinationTableName) { bool BatchWritten = true; string PartitionKey = String.Empty; CosmosTable.TableBatchOperation Batch = new CosmosTable.TableBatchOperation(); int BatchSize = 100; int BatchCount = 0; long TotalRecordCount = 0; TableSpec footer = null; DynamicTableEntityJsonSerializer serializer = new DynamicTableEntityJsonSerializer(); try { string InFileLine = InputFileStream.ReadLine(); while (InFileLine != null) { if (InFileLine.Contains("ProcessingMetaData") && InFileLine.Contains("Header")) { System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Header {0}", InFileLine)); } else if (InFileLine.Contains("ProcessingMetaData") && InFileLine.Contains("Footer")) { footer = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TableSpec>(InFileLine); System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Footer {0}", InFileLine)); } else { CosmosTable.DynamicTableEntity dte2 = serializer.Deserialize(InFileLine); if (String.Empty.Equals(PartitionKey)) { PartitionKey = dte2.PartitionKey; } if (dte2.PartitionKey == PartitionKey) { Batch.InsertOrReplace(dte2); BatchCount++; TotalRecordCount++; BatchWritten = false; } else { try { TableDest.ExecuteBatch(Batch); Batch = new CosmosTable.TableBatchOperation(); PartitionKey = dte2.PartitionKey; Batch.InsertOrReplace(dte2); BatchCount = 1; TotalRecordCount++; BatchWritten = false; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RestoreFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' restore failed.", DestinationTableName), ex); } } if (BatchCount >= BatchSize) { try { TableDest.ExecuteBatch(Batch); PartitionKey = String.Empty; Batch = new CosmosTable.TableBatchOperation(); BatchWritten = true; BatchCount = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RestoreFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' restore failed.", DestinationTableName), ex); } } } InFileLine = InputFileStream.ReadLine(); } // while (InFileLine != null) //final batch if (!BatchWritten) { try { TableDest.ExecuteBatch(Batch); PartitionKey = String.Empty; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RestoreFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' restore failed.", DestinationTableName), ex); } } if (null == footer) { throw new RestoreFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' restore failed, no footer record found.", DestinationTableName)); } else if (TotalRecordCount == footer.RecordCount) { //OK, do nothing } else { throw new RestoreFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' restore failed, records read {1} does not match expected count {2} in footer record.", DestinationTableName, TotalRecordCount, footer.RecordCount)); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RestoreFailedException(String.Format("Table '{0}' restore failed.", DestinationTableName), ex); } return(String.Format("Restore to table '{0}' Successful; {1} entries.", DestinationTableName, TotalRecordCount)); }
public virtual Task <TableBatchResult> ExecuteBatchAsync(TableBatchOperation batch) { return(ExecuteBatchAsync(batch, CancellationToken.None)); }
public virtual TableBatchResult ExecuteBatch(TableBatchOperation batch, TableRequestOptions requestOptions = null, OperationContext operationContext = null) { CommonUtility.AssertNotNull("batch", batch); return(batch.Execute(ServiceClient, this, requestOptions, operationContext)); }
public virtual Task <TableBatchResult> ExecuteBatchAsync(TableBatchOperation batch, TableRequestOptions requestOptions, OperationContext operationContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { CommonUtility.AssertNotNull("batch", batch); return(batch.ExecuteAsync(ServiceClient, this, requestOptions, operationContext, cancellationToken)); }
public virtual Task <TableBatchResult> ExecuteBatchAsync(TableBatchOperation batch, TableRequestOptions requestOptions, OperationContext operationContext) { return(ExecuteBatchAsync(batch, requestOptions, operationContext, CancellationToken.None)); }
public virtual Task <TableBatchResult> ExecuteBatchAsync(TableBatchOperation batch, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { return(ExecuteBatchAsync(batch, null, null, cancellationToken)); }