        /// <summary>
        /// Adds tasks to a job.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tasksToAdd">The <see cref="CloudTask"/>s to add.</param>
        /// <param name="additionalBehaviors">A collection of <see cref="BatchClientBehavior"/> instances that are applied to the Batch service request after the <see cref="CustomBehaviors"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="parallelOptions">
        /// Controls the number of simultaneous parallel AddTaskCollection requests issued to the Batch service.  Each AddTaskCollection request contains at most
        /// <see cref="Constants.MaxTasksInSingleAddTaskCollectionRequest"/> tasks in it.
        /// Also controls the cancellation token for the operation.
        /// If omitted, the default is used (see <see cref="BatchClientParallelOptions"/>.)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="fileStagingArtifacts">An optional collection to receive information about the file staging process (see <see cref="CloudTask.FilesToStage"/>).
        /// An entry is added to the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> for each set of tasks grouped for submission to the Batch service.
        /// Unlike single-task adds, you cannot use this parameter to customize the file staging process.
        /// For more information about the format of each entry, see <see cref="IFileStagingArtifact"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="timeout">The amount of time after which the operation times out.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>This is a blocking operation; for a non-blocking equivalent, see <see cref="AddTaskAsync(IEnumerable{CloudTask}, BatchClientParallelOptions, ConcurrentBag{ConcurrentDictionary{Type, IFileStagingArtifact}}, TimeSpan?, IEnumerable{BatchClientBehavior})"/>.</para>
        /// <para>This method is not atomic; that is, it is possible for the method to start adding tasks and
        /// then fail. The collection of tasks to add is broken down into chunks of size at most <see cref="Constants.MaxTasksInSingleAddTaskCollectionRequest"/>,
        /// and an AddTaskCollection request is issued for each chunk.  Requests may be issued in parallel according to
        /// the <paramref name="parallelOptions"/>.</para>
        /// <para>Issuing a large number of simultaneous requests to the Batch service can incur HTTP connection restrictions.
        /// If you are performing many of these operations in parallel (or have specified a large MaxDegreeOfParallelism in
        /// the parallelOptions) and are seeing client side timeouts (a <see cref="TaskCanceledException"/>), please see
        /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.servicepointmanager.defaultconnectionlimit%28v=vs.110%29.aspx .</para>
        /// <para>The progress of the operation in the face of errors is determined by <see cref="AddTaskCollectionResultHandler"/> behavior.
        /// You do not normally need to specify this behavior, as the Batch client uses a default which works in normal circumstances.
        /// If you do want to customize this behavior, specify an AddTaskCollectionResultHandler in the <see cref="CustomBehaviors"/>
        /// or <paramref name="additionalBehaviors"/> collections.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ParallelOperationsException">Thrown if one or more requests to the Batch service fail.</exception>
        public void AddTask(
            IEnumerable <CloudTask> tasksToAdd,
            BatchClientParallelOptions parallelOptions = null,
            ConcurrentBag <ConcurrentDictionary <Type, IFileStagingArtifact> > fileStagingArtifacts = null,
            TimeSpan?timeout = null,
            IEnumerable <BatchClientBehavior> additionalBehaviors = null)

            Task asyncTask = this.AddTaskAsync(tasksToAdd, parallelOptions, fileStagingArtifacts, timeout, additionalBehaviors);

            asyncTask.WaitAndUnaggregateException(this.CustomBehaviors, additionalBehaviors);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds tasks to a job.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tasksToAdd">The <see cref="CloudTask"/>s to add.</param>
        /// <param name="additionalBehaviors">A collection of <see cref="BatchClientBehavior"/> instances that are applied to the Batch service request after the <see cref="CustomBehaviors"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="parallelOptions">
        /// Controls the number of simultaneous parallel AddTaskCollection requests issued to the Batch service.  Each AddTaskCollection request contains at most
        /// <see cref="Constants.MaxTasksInSingleAddTaskCollectionRequest"/> tasks in it.
        /// Also controls the cancellation token for the operation.
        /// If omitted, the default is used (see <see cref="BatchClientParallelOptions"/>.)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="fileStagingArtifacts">An optional collection to receive information about the file staging process (see <see cref="CloudTask.FilesToStage"/>).
        /// An entry is added to the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> for each set of tasks grouped for submission to the Batch service.
        /// Unlike single-task adds, you cannot use this parameter to customize the file staging process.
        /// For more information about the format of each entry, see <see cref="IFileStagingArtifact"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="timeout">The amount of time after which the operation times out.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/> object that represents the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>The add task operation runs asynchronously.</para>
        /// <para>This method is not atomic; that is, it is possible for the method to start adding tasks and
        /// then fail. The collection of tasks to add is broken down into chunks of size at most <see cref="Constants.MaxTasksInSingleAddTaskCollectionRequest"/>,
        /// and an AddTaskCollection request is issued for each chunk.  Requests may be issued in parallel according to
        /// the <paramref name="parallelOptions"/>.</para>
        /// <para>Issuing a large number of simultaneous requests to the Batch service can incur HTTP connection restrictions.
        /// If you are performing many of these operations in parallel (or have specified a large MaxDegreeOfParallelism in
        /// the parallelOptions) and are seeing client side timeouts (a <see cref="TaskCanceledException"/>), please see
        /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.servicepointmanager.defaultconnectionlimit%28v=vs.110%29.aspx .</para>
        /// <para>The progress of the operation in the face of errors is determined by <see cref="AddTaskCollectionResultHandler"/> behavior.
        /// You do not normally need to specify this behavior, as the Batch client uses a default which works in normal circumstances.
        /// If you do want to customize this behavior, specify an AddTaskCollectionResultHandler in the <see cref="CustomBehaviors"/>
        /// or <paramref name="additionalBehaviors"/> collections.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ParallelOperationsException">Thrown if one or more requests to the Batch service fail.</exception>
        public async Task AddTaskAsync(
            IEnumerable <CloudTask> tasksToAdd,
            BatchClientParallelOptions parallelOptions = null,
            ConcurrentBag <ConcurrentDictionary <Type, IFileStagingArtifact> > fileStagingArtifacts = null,
            TimeSpan?timeout = null,
            IEnumerable <BatchClientBehavior> additionalBehaviors = null)

            // craft the behavior manager for this call
            BehaviorManager behaveMgr = new BehaviorManager(this.CustomBehaviors, additionalBehaviors);

            Task asyncTask = this.parentBatchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsyncImpl(this.Id, tasksToAdd, parallelOptions, fileStagingArtifacts, timeout, behaveMgr);

            await asyncTask.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext : false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the AddTasks workflow manager with the specified arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jobOperations"></param>
        /// <param name="jobId"></param>
        /// <param name="parallelOptions">The parallel options associated with this operation.  If this is null, the default is used.</param>
        /// <param name="fileStagingArtifacts">File staging artifacts associated with this operation.  If the customer does not set this, it is unviewable by them.</param>
        /// <param name="bhMgr">The behavior manager.</param>
        internal AddTasksWorkflowManager(
            JobOperations jobOperations,
            string jobId,
            BatchClientParallelOptions parallelOptions,
            ConcurrentBag <ConcurrentDictionary <Type, IFileStagingArtifact> > fileStagingArtifacts,
            BehaviorManager bhMgr)
            // Setup some defaults for the parameters if they were null
            if (parallelOptions == null)
                parallelOptions = new BatchClientParallelOptions();

            // Set up the data structures associated with this workflow
            this._jobOperations                       = jobOperations;
            this._jobId                               = jobId;
            this._remainingTasksToAdd                 = new ConcurrentQueue <TrackedCloudTask>();
            this._addTaskResultHandlerCollection      = new List <Func <AddTaskResult, CancellationToken, AddTaskResultStatus> >();
            this._parallelOptions                     = parallelOptions;
            this._pendingAsyncOperations              = new List <Task>();
            this._customerVisibleFileStagingArtifacts = fileStagingArtifacts ?? new ConcurrentBag <ConcurrentDictionary <Type, IFileStagingArtifact> >();
            this._behaviorManager                     = bhMgr;
            this._maxTasks                            = Constants.MaxTasksInSingleAddTaskCollectionRequest;
            this._hasRun                              = HasNotRun; //Has not run by default

            //Read the behavior manager and populate the collection
            List <AddTaskCollectionResultHandler> behaviorList = this._behaviorManager.GetBehaviors <AddTaskCollectionResultHandler>();

            foreach (AddTaskCollectionResultHandler handler in behaviorList)

            //Validation that there is a handler for AddTaskResult
            if (this._addTaskResultHandlerCollection.Count == 0)
                throw new BatchClientException(
                          string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, BatchErrorMessages.GeneralBehaviorMissing, typeof(AddTaskCollectionResultHandler)));