 public PropertyContainer(Models.NetworkConfiguration protocolObject) : base(BindingState.Bound)
     this.SubnetIdProperty = this.CreatePropertyAccessor(
 public PropertyContainer(Models.NetworkConfiguration protocolObject) : base(BindingState.Bound)
     this.DynamicVNetAssignmentScopeProperty = this.CreatePropertyAccessor(
         UtilitiesInternal.MapNullableEnum <Models.DynamicVNetAssignmentScope, Common.DynamicVNetAssignmentScope>(protocolObject.DynamicVNetAssignmentScope),
     this.EndpointConfigurationProperty = this.CreatePropertyAccessor(
         UtilitiesInternal.CreateObjectWithNullCheck(protocolObject.EndpointConfiguration, o => new PoolEndpointConfiguration(o).Freeze()),
     this.SubnetIdProperty = this.CreatePropertyAccessor(
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the PoolAddParameter class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">A string that uniquely identifies the Pool within
 /// the Account.</param>
 /// <param name="vmSize">The size of virtual machines in the Pool. All
 /// virtual machines in a Pool are the same size.</param>
 /// <param name="displayName">The display name for the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="cloudServiceConfiguration">The cloud service
 /// configuration for the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="virtualMachineConfiguration">The virtual machine
 /// configuration for the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="resizeTimeout">The timeout for allocation of Compute
 /// Nodes to the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="targetDedicatedNodes">The desired number of dedicated
 /// Compute Nodes in the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="targetLowPriorityNodes">The desired number of
 /// low-priority Compute Nodes in the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="enableAutoScale">Whether the Pool size should
 /// automatically adjust over time.</param>
 /// <param name="autoScaleFormula">A formula for the desired number of
 /// Compute Nodes in the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="autoScaleEvaluationInterval">The time interval at
 /// which to automatically adjust the Pool size according to the
 /// autoscale formula.</param>
 /// <param name="enableInterNodeCommunication">Whether the Pool permits
 /// direct communication between Compute Nodes.</param>
 /// <param name="networkConfiguration">The network configuration for
 /// the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="startTask">A Task specified to run on each Compute
 /// Node as it joins the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="certificateReferences">The list of Certificates to be
 /// installed on each Compute Node in the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="applicationPackageReferences">The list of Packages to
 /// be installed on each Compute Node in the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="applicationLicenses">The list of application licenses
 /// the Batch service will make available on each Compute Node in the
 /// Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="taskSlotsPerNode">The number of task slots that can be
 /// used to run concurrent tasks on a single compute node in the
 /// pool.</param>
 /// <param name="taskSchedulingPolicy">How Tasks are distributed across
 /// Compute Nodes in a Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="userAccounts">The list of user Accounts to be created
 /// on each Compute Node in the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="metadata">A list of name-value pairs associated with
 /// the Pool as metadata.</param>
 /// <param name="mountConfiguration">Mount storage using specified file
 /// system for the entire lifetime of the pool.</param>
 public PoolAddParameter(string id, string vmSize, string displayName = default(string), CloudServiceConfiguration cloudServiceConfiguration = default(CloudServiceConfiguration), VirtualMachineConfiguration virtualMachineConfiguration = default(VirtualMachineConfiguration), System.TimeSpan?resizeTimeout = default(System.TimeSpan?), int?targetDedicatedNodes = default(int?), int?targetLowPriorityNodes = default(int?), bool?enableAutoScale = default(bool?), string autoScaleFormula = default(string), System.TimeSpan?autoScaleEvaluationInterval = default(System.TimeSpan?), bool?enableInterNodeCommunication = default(bool?), NetworkConfiguration networkConfiguration = default(NetworkConfiguration), StartTask startTask = default(StartTask), IList <CertificateReference> certificateReferences = default(IList <CertificateReference>), IList <ApplicationPackageReference> applicationPackageReferences = default(IList <ApplicationPackageReference>), IList <string> applicationLicenses = default(IList <string>), int?taskSlotsPerNode = default(int?), TaskSchedulingPolicy taskSchedulingPolicy = default(TaskSchedulingPolicy), IList <UserAccount> userAccounts = default(IList <UserAccount>), IList <MetadataItem> metadata = default(IList <MetadataItem>), IList <MountConfiguration> mountConfiguration = default(IList <MountConfiguration>))
     Id          = id;
     DisplayName = displayName;
     VmSize      = vmSize;
     CloudServiceConfiguration   = cloudServiceConfiguration;
     VirtualMachineConfiguration = virtualMachineConfiguration;
     ResizeTimeout                = resizeTimeout;
     TargetDedicatedNodes         = targetDedicatedNodes;
     TargetLowPriorityNodes       = targetLowPriorityNodes;
     EnableAutoScale              = enableAutoScale;
     AutoScaleFormula             = autoScaleFormula;
     AutoScaleEvaluationInterval  = autoScaleEvaluationInterval;
     EnableInterNodeCommunication = enableInterNodeCommunication;
     NetworkConfiguration         = networkConfiguration;
     StartTask                    = startTask;
     CertificateReferences        = certificateReferences;
     ApplicationPackageReferences = applicationPackageReferences;
     ApplicationLicenses          = applicationLicenses;
     TaskSlotsPerNode             = taskSlotsPerNode;
     TaskSchedulingPolicy         = taskSchedulingPolicy;
     UserAccounts                 = userAccounts;
     Metadata           = metadata;
     MountConfiguration = mountConfiguration;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the CloudPool class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">A string that uniquely identifies the Pool within
 /// the Account.</param>
 /// <param name="displayName">The display name for the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="url">The URL of the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="eTag">The ETag of the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="lastModified">The last modified time of the
 /// Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="creationTime">The creation time of the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="state">The current state of the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="stateTransitionTime">The time at which the Pool
 /// entered its current state.</param>
 /// <param name="allocationState">Whether the Pool is resizing.</param>
 /// <param name="allocationStateTransitionTime">The time at which the
 /// Pool entered its current allocation state.</param>
 /// <param name="vmSize">The size of virtual machines in the Pool. All
 /// virtual machines in a Pool are the same size.</param>
 /// <param name="cloudServiceConfiguration">The cloud service
 /// configuration for the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="virtualMachineConfiguration">The virtual machine
 /// configuration for the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="resizeTimeout">The timeout for allocation of Compute
 /// Nodes to the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="resizeErrors">A list of errors encountered while
 /// performing the last resize on the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="currentDedicatedNodes">The number of dedicated Compute
 /// Nodes currently in the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="currentLowPriorityNodes">The number of low-priority
 /// Compute Nodes currently in the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="targetDedicatedNodes">The desired number of dedicated
 /// Compute Nodes in the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="targetLowPriorityNodes">The desired number of
 /// low-priority Compute Nodes in the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="enableAutoScale">Whether the Pool size should
 /// automatically adjust over time.</param>
 /// <param name="autoScaleFormula">A formula for the desired number of
 /// Compute Nodes in the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="autoScaleEvaluationInterval">The time interval at
 /// which to automatically adjust the Pool size according to the
 /// autoscale formula.</param>
 /// <param name="autoScaleRun">The results and errors from the last
 /// execution of the autoscale formula.</param>
 /// <param name="enableInterNodeCommunication">Whether the Pool permits
 /// direct communication between Compute Nodes.</param>
 /// <param name="networkConfiguration">The network configuration for
 /// the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="startTask">A Task specified to run on each Compute
 /// Node as it joins the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="certificateReferences">The list of Certificates to be
 /// installed on each Compute Node in the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="applicationPackageReferences">The list of Packages to
 /// be installed on each Compute Node in the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="applicationLicenses">The list of application licenses
 /// the Batch service will make available on each Compute Node in the
 /// Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="taskSlotsPerNode">The number of task slots that can be
 /// used to run concurrent tasks on a single compute node in the
 /// pool.</param>
 /// <param name="taskSchedulingPolicy">How Tasks are distributed across
 /// Compute Nodes in a Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="userAccounts">The list of user Accounts to be created
 /// on each Compute Node in the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="metadata">A list of name-value pairs associated with
 /// the Pool as metadata.</param>
 /// <param name="stats">Utilization and resource usage statistics for
 /// the entire lifetime of the Pool.</param>
 /// <param name="mountConfiguration">A list of file systems to mount on
 /// each node in the pool.</param>
 public CloudPool(string id = default(string), string displayName = default(string), string url = default(string), string eTag = default(string), System.DateTime?lastModified = default(System.DateTime?), System.DateTime?creationTime = default(System.DateTime?), PoolState?state = default(PoolState?), System.DateTime?stateTransitionTime = default(System.DateTime?), AllocationState?allocationState = default(AllocationState?), System.DateTime?allocationStateTransitionTime = default(System.DateTime?), string vmSize = default(string), CloudServiceConfiguration cloudServiceConfiguration = default(CloudServiceConfiguration), VirtualMachineConfiguration virtualMachineConfiguration = default(VirtualMachineConfiguration), System.TimeSpan?resizeTimeout = default(System.TimeSpan?), IList <ResizeError> resizeErrors = default(IList <ResizeError>), int?currentDedicatedNodes = default(int?), int?currentLowPriorityNodes = default(int?), int?targetDedicatedNodes = default(int?), int?targetLowPriorityNodes = default(int?), bool?enableAutoScale = default(bool?), string autoScaleFormula = default(string), System.TimeSpan?autoScaleEvaluationInterval = default(System.TimeSpan?), AutoScaleRun autoScaleRun = default(AutoScaleRun), bool?enableInterNodeCommunication = default(bool?), NetworkConfiguration networkConfiguration = default(NetworkConfiguration), StartTask startTask = default(StartTask), IList <CertificateReference> certificateReferences = default(IList <CertificateReference>), IList <ApplicationPackageReference> applicationPackageReferences = default(IList <ApplicationPackageReference>), IList <string> applicationLicenses = default(IList <string>), int?taskSlotsPerNode = default(int?), TaskSchedulingPolicy taskSchedulingPolicy = default(TaskSchedulingPolicy), IList <UserAccount> userAccounts = default(IList <UserAccount>), IList <MetadataItem> metadata = default(IList <MetadataItem>), PoolStatistics stats = default(PoolStatistics), IList <MountConfiguration> mountConfiguration = default(IList <MountConfiguration>))
     Id                            = id;
     DisplayName                   = displayName;
     Url                           = url;
     ETag                          = eTag;
     LastModified                  = lastModified;
     CreationTime                  = creationTime;
     State                         = state;
     StateTransitionTime           = stateTransitionTime;
     AllocationState               = allocationState;
     AllocationStateTransitionTime = allocationStateTransitionTime;
     VmSize                        = vmSize;
     CloudServiceConfiguration     = cloudServiceConfiguration;
     VirtualMachineConfiguration   = virtualMachineConfiguration;
     ResizeTimeout                 = resizeTimeout;
     ResizeErrors                  = resizeErrors;
     CurrentDedicatedNodes         = currentDedicatedNodes;
     CurrentLowPriorityNodes       = currentLowPriorityNodes;
     TargetDedicatedNodes          = targetDedicatedNodes;
     TargetLowPriorityNodes        = targetLowPriorityNodes;
     EnableAutoScale               = enableAutoScale;
     AutoScaleFormula              = autoScaleFormula;
     AutoScaleEvaluationInterval   = autoScaleEvaluationInterval;
     AutoScaleRun                  = autoScaleRun;
     EnableInterNodeCommunication  = enableInterNodeCommunication;
     NetworkConfiguration          = networkConfiguration;
     StartTask                     = startTask;
     CertificateReferences         = certificateReferences;
     ApplicationPackageReferences  = applicationPackageReferences;
     ApplicationLicenses           = applicationLicenses;
     TaskSlotsPerNode              = taskSlotsPerNode;
     TaskSchedulingPolicy          = taskSchedulingPolicy;
     UserAccounts                  = userAccounts;
     Metadata                      = metadata;
     Stats                         = stats;
     MountConfiguration            = mountConfiguration;