public async Task PausesAndResumesRequestBodyTimeoutOnBackpressure() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var mockTimeoutControl = new Mock <ITimeoutControl>(); input.Http1ConnectionContext.TimeoutControl = mockTimeoutControl.Object; var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "12" }, input.Http1Connection); // Add some input and read it to start PumpAsync var readTask1 = body.ReadAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[6])); input.Add("hello,"); Assert.Equal(6, await readTask1); var readTask2 = body.ReadAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[6])); input.Add(" world"); Assert.Equal(6, await readTask2); // Due to the limits set on HttpProtocol.RequestBodyPipe, backpressure should be triggered on every write to that pipe. mockTimeoutControl.Verify(timeoutControl => timeoutControl.StopTimingRead(), Times.Exactly(2)); mockTimeoutControl.Verify(timeoutControl => timeoutControl.StartTimingRead(), Times.Exactly(2)); } }
public async Task CanReadAsyncFromChunkedEncoding() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderTransferEncoding = "chunked" }, input.Http1Connection); var stream = new HttpRequestStream(Mock.Of <IHttpBodyControlFeature>()); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); input.Add("5\r\nHello\r\n"); var buffer = new byte[1024]; var count = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Assert.Equal(5, count); AssertASCII("Hello", new ArraySegment <byte>(buffer, 0, count)); input.Add("0\r\n\r\n"); count = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Assert.Equal(0, count); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task ReadExitsGivenIncompleteChunkedExtension() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderTransferEncoding = "chunked" }, input.Http1Connection); var stream = new HttpRequestStream(Mock.Of <IHttpBodyControlFeature>()); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); input.Add("5;\r\0"); var buffer = new byte[1024]; var readTask = stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Assert.False(readTask.IsCompleted); input.Add("\r\r\r\nHello\r\n0\r\n\r\n"); Assert.Equal(5, await readTask.TimeoutAfter(TestConstants.DefaultTimeout)); Assert.Equal(0, await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task CanHandleLargeBlocks() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http10, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "8197" }, input.Http1Connection); var stream = new HttpRequestStream(Mock.Of <IHttpBodyControlFeature>()); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); // Input needs to be greater than 4032 bytes to allocate a block not backed by a slab. var largeInput = new string('a', 8192); input.Add(largeInput); // Add a smaller block to the end so that SocketInput attempts to return the large // block to the memory pool. input.Add("Hello"); var ms = new MemoryStream(); await stream.CopyToAsync(ms); var requestArray = ms.ToArray(); Assert.Equal(8197, requestArray.Length); AssertASCII(largeInput + "Hello", new ArraySegment <byte>(requestArray, 0, requestArray.Length)); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task CanReadFromChunkedEncoding() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderTransferEncoding = "chunked" }, input.Http1Connection); var mockBodyControl = new Mock <IHttpBodyControlFeature>(); mockBodyControl.Setup(m => m.AllowSynchronousIO).Returns(true); var stream = new HttpRequestStream(mockBodyControl.Object); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); input.Add("5\r\nHello\r\n"); var buffer = new byte[1024]; var count = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Assert.Equal(5, count); AssertASCII("Hello", new ArraySegment <byte>(buffer, 0, count)); input.Add("0\r\n\r\n"); count = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Assert.Equal(0, count); input.Http1Connection.RequestBodyPipe.Reader.Complete(); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task ConsumeAsyncThrowsOnTimeout() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var mockTimeoutControl = new Mock <ITimeoutControl>(); input.FrameContext.TimeoutControl = mockTimeoutControl.Object; var body = MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new FrameRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "5" }, input.Frame); // Add some input and read it to start PumpAsync input.Add("a"); Assert.Equal(1, await body.ReadAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1]))); // Time out on the next read mockTimeoutControl .Setup(timeoutControl => timeoutControl.TimedOut) .Returns(true); input.Cancel(); var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <BadHttpRequestException>(() => body.ConsumeAsync()); Assert.Equal(StatusCodes.Status408RequestTimeout, exception.StatusCode); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task CanReadAsyncFromContentLength(HttpVersion httpVersion) { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = MessageBody.For(httpVersion, new FrameRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "5" }, input.Frame); var stream = new FrameRequestStream(Mock.Of <IHttpBodyControlFeature>()); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); input.Add("Hello"); var buffer = new byte[1024]; var count = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Assert.Equal(5, count); AssertASCII("Hello", new ArraySegment <byte>(buffer, 0, count)); count = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Assert.Equal(0, count); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task OnlyEnforcesRequestBodyTimeoutAfterFirstRead() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var startRequestBodyCalled = false; var minReadRate = input.Http1Connection.MinRequestBodyDataRate; var mockTimeoutControl = new Mock <ITimeoutControl>(); mockTimeoutControl .Setup(timeoutControl => timeoutControl.StartRequestBody(minReadRate)) .Callback(() => startRequestBodyCalled = true); input.Http1ConnectionContext.TimeoutControl = mockTimeoutControl.Object; var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "5" }, input.Http1Connection); Assert.False(startRequestBodyCalled); // Add some input and read it to start PumpAsync var readTask = body.ReadAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1])); Assert.True(startRequestBodyCalled); input.Add("a"); await readTask; input.Http1Connection.RequestBodyPipe.Reader.Complete(); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task LogsWhenStartsReadingRequestBody() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var mockLogger = new Mock <IKestrelTrace>(); input.Frame.ServiceContext.Log = mockLogger.Object; input.Frame.ConnectionIdFeature = "ConnectionId"; input.Frame.TraceIdentifier = "RequestId"; var body = MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new FrameRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "2" }, input.Frame); var stream = new FrameRequestStream(Mock.Of <IHttpBodyControlFeature>()); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); // Add some input and consume it to ensure PumpAsync is running input.Add("a"); Assert.Equal(1, await stream.ReadAsync(new byte[1], 0, 1)); mockLogger.Verify(logger => logger.RequestBodyStart("ConnectionId", "RequestId")); input.Fin(); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task DoesNotEnforceRequestBodyTimeoutOnUpgradeRequests() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var mockTimeoutControl = new Mock <ITimeoutControl>(); input.Http1ConnectionContext.TimeoutControl = mockTimeoutControl.Object; var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderConnection = "upgrade" }, input.Http1Connection); // Add some input and read it to start PumpAsync input.Add("a"); Assert.Equal(1, await body.ReadAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1]))); input.Fin(); Assert.Equal(0, await body.ReadAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1]))); mockTimeoutControl.Verify(timeoutControl => timeoutControl.StartTimingReads(), Times.Never); mockTimeoutControl.Verify(timeoutControl => timeoutControl.StopTimingReads(), Times.Never); // Due to the limits set on HttpProtocol.RequestBodyPipe, backpressure should be triggered on every // write to that pipe. Verify that read timing pause and resume are not called on upgrade // requests. mockTimeoutControl.Verify(timeoutControl => timeoutControl.PauseTimingReads(), Times.Never); mockTimeoutControl.Verify(timeoutControl => timeoutControl.ResumeTimingReads(), Times.Never); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task CanReadAsyncFromRemainingData(HttpVersion httpVersion) { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(httpVersion, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderConnection = "upgrade" }, input.Http1Connection); var stream = new HttpRequestStream(Mock.Of <IHttpBodyControlFeature>()); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); input.Add("Hello"); var buffer = new byte[1024]; var count = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Assert.Equal(5, count); AssertASCII("Hello", new ArraySegment <byte>(buffer, 0, count)); input.Fin(); input.Http1Connection.RequestBodyPipe.Reader.Complete(); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task OnlyEnforcesRequestBodyTimeoutAfterSending100Continue() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var produceContinueCalled = false; var startTimingReadsCalledAfterProduceContinue = false; var mockHttpResponseControl = new Mock <IHttpResponseControl>(); mockHttpResponseControl .Setup(httpResponseControl => httpResponseControl.ProduceContinue()) .Callback(() => produceContinueCalled = true); input.Http1Connection.HttpResponseControl = mockHttpResponseControl.Object; var mockTimeoutControl = new Mock <ITimeoutControl>(); mockTimeoutControl .Setup(timeoutControl => timeoutControl.StartTimingReads()) .Callback(() => startTimingReadsCalledAfterProduceContinue = produceContinueCalled); input.Http1ConnectionContext.TimeoutControl = mockTimeoutControl.Object; var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "5" }, input.Http1Connection); // Add some input and read it to start PumpAsync var readTask = body.ReadAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1])); Assert.True(startTimingReadsCalledAfterProduceContinue); input.Add("a"); await readTask; await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task CopyToAsyncThrowsOnTimeout() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var mockTimeoutControl = new Mock <ITimeoutControl>(); input.Http1ConnectionContext.TimeoutControl = mockTimeoutControl.Object; var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "5" }, input.Http1Connection); // Add some input and read it to start PumpAsync input.Add("a"); Assert.Equal(1, await body.ReadAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1]))); // Time out on the next read input.Http1Connection.SendTimeoutResponse(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <BadHttpRequestException>(() => body.CopyToAsync(ms)); Assert.Equal(StatusCodes.Status408RequestTimeout, exception.StatusCode); } await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task LogsWhenStopsReadingRequestBody() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var logEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(); var mockLogger = new Mock <IKestrelTrace>(); mockLogger .Setup(logger => logger.RequestBodyDone("ConnectionId", "RequestId")) .Callback(() => logEvent.Set()); input.Http1Connection.ServiceContext.Log = mockLogger.Object; input.Http1Connection.ConnectionIdFeature = "ConnectionId"; input.Http1Connection.TraceIdentifier = "RequestId"; var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "2" }, input.Http1Connection); var stream = new HttpRequestStream(Mock.Of <IHttpBodyControlFeature>()); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); // Add some input and consume it to ensure PumpAsync is running input.Add("a"); Assert.Equal(1, await stream.ReadAsync(new byte[1], 0, 1)); input.Fin(); Assert.True(logEvent.Wait(TestConstants.DefaultTimeout)); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task UpgradeConnectionAcceptsContentLengthZero() { // // "A user agent SHOULD NOT send a Content-Length header field when the request message does not contain // a payload body and the method semantics do not anticipate such a body." // ==> it can actually send that header var headerConnection = "Upgrade, Keep-Alive"; using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderConnection = headerConnection, ContentLength = 0 }, input.Http1Connection); var stream = new HttpRequestStream(Mock.Of <IHttpBodyControlFeature>()); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); input.Add("Hello"); var buffer = new byte[1024]; Assert.Equal(5, await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)); AssertASCII("Hello", new ArraySegment <byte>(buffer, 0, 5)); input.Fin(); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task ConsumeAsyncCompletesAndDoesNotThrowOnTimeout() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var mockTimeoutControl = new Mock <ITimeoutControl>(); input.Http1ConnectionContext.TimeoutControl = mockTimeoutControl.Object; var mockLogger = new Mock <IKestrelTrace>(); input.Http1Connection.ServiceContext.Log = mockLogger.Object; var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "5" }, input.Http1Connection); // Add some input and read it to start PumpAsync input.Add("a"); Assert.Equal(1, await body.ReadAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1]))); // Time out on the next read input.Http1Connection.SendTimeoutResponse(); await body.ConsumeAsync(); mockLogger.Verify(logger => logger.ConnectionBadRequest( It.IsAny <string>(), It.Is <BadHttpRequestException>(ex => ex.Reason == RequestRejectionReason.RequestBodyTimeout))); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task CanReadFromContentLength(HttpVersion httpVersion) { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(httpVersion, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "5" }, input.Http1Connection); var mockBodyControl = new Mock <IHttpBodyControlFeature>(); mockBodyControl.Setup(m => m.AllowSynchronousIO).Returns(true); var stream = new HttpRequestStream(mockBodyControl.Object); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); input.Add("Hello"); var buffer = new byte[1024]; var count = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Assert.Equal(5, count); AssertASCII("Hello", new ArraySegment <byte>(buffer, 0, count)); count = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Assert.Equal(0, count); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task PumpAsyncDoesNotReturnAfterCancelingInput() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "2" }, input.Http1Connection); var stream = new HttpRequestStream(Mock.Of <IHttpBodyControlFeature>()); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); // Add some input and consume it to ensure PumpAsync is running input.Add("a"); Assert.Equal(1, await stream.ReadAsync(new byte[1], 0, 1)); input.Transport.Input.CancelPendingRead(); // Add more input and verify is read input.Add("b"); Assert.Equal(1, await stream.ReadAsync(new byte[1], 0, 1)); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task StopAsyncPreventsFurtherDataConsumption() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "2" }, input.Http1Connection); var stream = new HttpRequestStream(Mock.Of <IHttpBodyControlFeature>()); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); // Add some input and consume it to ensure PumpAsync is running input.Add("a"); Assert.Equal(1, await stream.ReadAsync(new byte[1], 0, 1)); await body.StopAsync(); // Add some more data. Checking for cancelation and exiting the loop // should take priority over reading this data. input.Add("b"); // There shouldn't be any additional data available Assert.Equal(0, await stream.ReadAsync(new byte[1], 0, 1)); } }
public async Task ReadAsyncFromNoContentLengthReturnsZero(HttpVersion httpVersion) { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(httpVersion, new HttpRequestHeaders(), input.Http1Connection); var stream = new HttpRequestStream(Mock.Of <IHttpBodyControlFeature>()); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); input.Add("Hello"); var buffer = new byte[1024]; Assert.Equal(0, await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task ConsumeAsyncConsumesAllRemainingInput() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http10, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "5" }, input.Http1Connection); input.Add("Hello"); await body.ConsumeAsync(); Assert.Equal(0, await body.ReadAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1]))); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task ReadFromNoContentLengthReturnsZero(HttpVersion httpVersion) { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(httpVersion, new HttpRequestHeaders(), input.Http1Connection); var mockBodyControl = new Mock <IHttpBodyControlFeature>(); mockBodyControl.Setup(m => m.AllowSynchronousIO).Returns(true); var stream = new HttpRequestStream(mockBodyControl.Object); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); input.Add("Hello"); var buffer = new byte[1024]; Assert.Equal(0, stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task CopyToAsyncDoesNotCompletePipeReader() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http10, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderContentLength = "5" }, input.Http1Connection); input.Add("Hello"); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { await body.CopyToAsync(ms); } Assert.Equal(0, await body.ReadAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1]))); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task ConnectionUpgradeKeepAlive(string headerConnection) { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderConnection = headerConnection }, input.Http1Connection); var stream = new HttpRequestStream(Mock.Of <IHttpBodyControlFeature>()); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); input.Add("Hello"); var buffer = new byte[1024]; Assert.Equal(5, await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)); AssertASCII("Hello", new ArraySegment <byte>(buffer, 0, 5)); input.Fin(); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task ReadThrowsGivenChunkPrefixGreaterThan8Bytes() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = Http1MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new HttpRequestHeaders { HeaderTransferEncoding = "chunked" }, input.Http1Connection); var stream = new HttpRequestStream(Mock.Of <IHttpBodyControlFeature>()); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); input.Add("012345678\r"); var buffer = new byte[1024]; var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <BadHttpRequestException>(async() => await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)); Assert.Equal(CoreStrings.BadRequest_BadChunkSizeData, ex.Message); await body.StopAsync(); } }
public async Task ReadThrowsGivenChunkPrefixGreaterThanMaxInt() { using (var input = new TestInput()) { var body = MessageBody.For(HttpVersion.Http11, new FrameRequestHeaders { HeaderTransferEncoding = "chunked" }, input.Frame); var stream = new FrameRequestStream(Mock.Of <IHttpBodyControlFeature>()); stream.StartAcceptingReads(body); input.Add("80000000\r\n"); var buffer = new byte[1024]; var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <IOException>(async() => await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)); Assert.IsType <OverflowException>(ex.InnerException); Assert.Equal(CoreStrings.BadRequest_BadChunkSizeData, ex.Message); await body.StopAsync(); } }