public static ArraySegment <byte> GetArraySegment(this MemoryPoolIterator2 start, MemoryPoolIterator2 end) { if (start.IsDefault || end.IsDefault) { return(default(ArraySegment <byte>)); } if (end.Block == start.Block) { return(new ArraySegment <byte>(start.Block.Array, start.Index, end.Index - start.Index)); } var length = start.GetLength(end); var array = new byte[length]; start.CopyTo(array, 0, length, out length); return(new ArraySegment <byte>(array, 0, length)); }
public unsafe static string GetAsciiString(this MemoryPoolIterator2 start, MemoryPoolIterator2 end) { if (start.IsDefault || end.IsDefault) { return(null); } var length = start.GetLength(end); if (length == 0) { return(null); } // Bytes out of the range of ascii are treated as "opaque data" // and kept in string as a char value that casts to same input byte value // var inputOffset = start.Index; var block = start.Block; var asciiString = new string('\0', length); fixed(char *outputStart = asciiString) { var output = outputStart; var remaining = length; var endBlock = end.Block; var endIndex = end.Index; while (true) { int following = (block != endBlock ? block.End : endIndex) - inputOffset; if (following > 0) { fixed(byte *blockStart = block.Array) { var input = blockStart + inputOffset; var i = 0; while (i < following - 11) { i += 12; *(output) = (char)*(input); *(output + 1) = (char)*(input + 1); *(output + 2) = (char)*(input + 2); *(output + 3) = (char)*(input + 3); *(output + 4) = (char)*(input + 4); *(output + 5) = (char)*(input + 5); *(output + 6) = (char)*(input + 6); *(output + 7) = (char)*(input + 7); *(output + 8) = (char)*(input + 8); *(output + 9) = (char)*(input + 9); *(output + 10) = (char)*(input + 10); *(output + 11) = (char)*(input + 11); output += 12; input += 12; } if (i < following - 5) { i += 6; *(output) = (char)*(input); *(output + 1) = (char)*(input + 1); *(output + 2) = (char)*(input + 2); *(output + 3) = (char)*(input + 3); *(output + 4) = (char)*(input + 4); *(output + 5) = (char)*(input + 5); output += 6; input += 6; } if (i < following - 3) { i += 4; *(output) = (char)*(input); *(output + 1) = (char)*(input + 1); *(output + 2) = (char)*(input + 2); *(output + 3) = (char)*(input + 3); output += 4; input += 4; } while (i < following) { i++; *output = (char)*input; output++; input++; } remaining -= following; } } if (remaining == 0) { break; } block = block.Next; inputOffset = block.Start; } } return(asciiString); }
public static string GetUtf8String(this MemoryPoolIterator2 start, MemoryPoolIterator2 end) { if (start.IsDefault || end.IsDefault) { return(default(string)); } if (end.Block == start.Block) { return(_utf8.GetString(start.Block.Array, start.Index, end.Index - start.Index)); } var decoder = _utf8.GetDecoder(); var length = start.GetLength(end); var charLength = length * 2; var chars = new char[charLength]; var charIndex = 0; var block = start.Block; var index = start.Index; var remaining = length; while (true) { int bytesUsed; int charsUsed; bool completed; var following = block.End - index; if (remaining <= following) { decoder.Convert( block.Array, index, remaining, chars, charIndex, charLength - charIndex, true, out bytesUsed, out charsUsed, out completed); return(new string(chars, 0, charIndex + charsUsed)); } else if (block.Next == null) { decoder.Convert( block.Array, index, following, chars, charIndex, charLength - charIndex, true, out bytesUsed, out charsUsed, out completed); return(new string(chars, 0, charIndex + charsUsed)); } else { decoder.Convert( block.Array, index, following, chars, charIndex, charLength - charIndex, false, out bytesUsed, out charsUsed, out completed); charIndex += charsUsed; remaining -= following; block = block.Next; index = block.Start; } } }