public QuantifierExpr RewriteMatchingLoops(QuantifierWithTriggers q) { // rewrite quantifier to avoid matching loops // before: // assert forall i :: 0 <= i < a.Length-1 ==> a[i] <= a[i+1]; // after: // assert forall i,j :: j == i+1 ==> 0 <= i < a.Length-1 ==> a[i] <= a[j]; substMap = new List <Tuple <Expression, IdentifierExpr> >(); foreach (var m in q.LoopingMatches) { var e = m.OriginalExpr; if (TriggersCollector.IsPotentialTriggerCandidate(e) && triggersCollector.IsTriggerKiller(e)) { foreach (var sub in e.SubExpressions) { if (triggersCollector.IsTriggerKiller(sub) && (!TriggersCollector.IsPotentialTriggerCandidate(sub))) { var entry = substMap.Find(x => ExprExtensions.ExpressionEq(sub, x.Item1)); if (entry == null) { var newBv = new BoundVar(sub.tok, "_t#" + substMap.Count, sub.Type); var ie = new IdentifierExpr(sub.tok, newBv.Name); ie.Var = newBv; ie.Type = newBv.Type; substMap.Add(new Tuple <Expression, IdentifierExpr>(sub, ie)); } } } } } var expr = (QuantifierExpr)q.quantifier; if (substMap.Count > 0) { var s = new Translator.ExprSubstituter(substMap); expr = s.Substitute(q.quantifier) as QuantifierExpr; } else { // make a copy of the expr if (expr is ForallExpr) { expr = new ForallExpr(expr.tok, expr.TypeArgs, expr.BoundVars, expr.Range, expr.Term, TriggerUtils.CopyAttributes(expr.Attributes)) { Type = expr.Type, Bounds = expr.Bounds }; } else { expr = new ExistsExpr(expr.tok, expr.TypeArgs, expr.BoundVars, expr.Range, expr.Term, TriggerUtils.CopyAttributes(expr.Attributes)) { Type = expr.Type, Bounds = expr.Bounds }; } } return(expr); }
internal static bool Eq(TriggerMatch t1, TriggerMatch t2) { return(ExprExtensions.ExpressionEq(t1.Expr, t2.Expr)); }