public void QuickPulseTelemetryModuleManagesTimersCorrectly()
            if (QuickPulseTelemetryModuleTests.Ignored)

            // ARRANGE
            var pollingInterval           = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
            var collectionInterval        = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(400);
            var timings                   = new QuickPulseTimings(pollingInterval, collectionInterval);
            var collectionTimeSlotManager = new QuickPulseCollectionTimeSlotManagerMock(timings);
            var serviceClient             = new QuickPulseServiceClientMock {
                ReturnValueFromPing = false, ReturnValueFromSubmitSample = true
            var performanceCollector = new PerformanceCollectorMock();
            var topCpuCollector      = new QuickPulseTopCpuCollectorMock();

            var module = new QuickPulseTelemetryModule(collectionTimeSlotManager, null, serviceClient, performanceCollector, topCpuCollector, timings);

            // ACT & ASSERT
            module.Initialize(new TelemetryConfiguration()
                InstrumentationKey = "some ikey"

            // initially, the module is in the polling state
            Thread.Sleep((int)(2.5 * pollingInterval.TotalMilliseconds));
            serviceClient.CountersEnabled = false;

            // 2.5 polling intervals have elapsed, we must have pinged the service 3 times (the first time immediately upon initialization), but no samples yet
            Assert.AreEqual(3, serviceClient.PingCount, "Ping count 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, serviceClient.SnappedSamples.Count, "Sample count 1");

            // now the service wants the data
            serviceClient.ReturnValueFromPing         = true;
            serviceClient.ReturnValueFromSubmitSample = true;

            serviceClient.CountersEnabled = true;
            Thread.Sleep((int)(5 * collectionInterval.TotalMilliseconds));
            serviceClient.CountersEnabled = false;

            // a number of  collection intervals have elapsed, we must have pinged the service once, and then started sending samples
            Assert.AreEqual(1, serviceClient.PingCount, "Ping count 2");
            Assert.IsTrue(serviceClient.SnappedSamples.Count > 0, "Sample count 2");

            lock (serviceClient.ResponseLock)
                // the service doesn't want the data anymore
                serviceClient.ReturnValueFromPing         = false;
                serviceClient.ReturnValueFromSubmitSample = false;

                serviceClient.CountersEnabled = true;

            Thread.Sleep((int)(2.9 * pollingInterval.TotalMilliseconds));
            serviceClient.CountersEnabled = false;

            // 2 polling intervals have elapsed, we must have submitted one batch of samples, stopped collecting and pinged the service twice afterwards
            Assert.AreEqual(1, serviceClient.SnappedSamples.Count / serviceClient.LastSampleBatchSize, "Sample count 3");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, serviceClient.PingCount, "Ping count 3");