private void lvText_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection selText = lvText.SelectedItems; if (selText == null || selText.Count <= 0) { return; } if (bOrder) { BoardInfoDetail info = lvText.Items[selText[0].Index].Tag as BoardInfoDetail; if (evtBoardText != null) { evtBoardText(info); } //this.Close(); } if (lvText.Items[selText[0].Index].Checked) { lvText.Items[selText[0].Index].Checked = false; } else { lvText.Items[selText[0].Index].Checked = true; } }
public BoardEditForm(BoardInfoDetail info, string _isPrimary) : this() { InitLang(); if (info == null) { bAdd = true; } else { this.infoD = info; cutInfoD = info; } Init(); this.primary = _isPrimary; if (_isPrimary == "1") { this.panel1.BackgroundImage = MewsBroad.Properties.Resources.bgTitle; } else { this.panel1.BackgroundImage = MewsBroad.Properties.Resources.bgTitleGreen; } }
private void AddListViewItem(BoardInfoDetail infoD) { bool imageFlag = false; for (int i = 0; i < infoD.cut.Length; i++) { if (infoD.cut[i]) { imageFlag = true; break; } } ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); if (imageFlag) { item.ImageIndex = 1; } else { item.ImageIndex = 0; } item.Text = ""; item.Tag = infoD; lvText.Items.Add(item); item.SubItems.Add(; item.SubItems.Add(infoD.text); //item.SubItems.Add(infoD.isBlack ? "Yes" : "No"); }
private void btnDel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TreeNode selNode = tvKind.SelectedNode; ListView.CheckedIndexCollection selText = lvText.CheckedIndices; if (selText == null || selText.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("Please choose the CG text to delete."), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("Want to delete?"), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < selText.Count; i++) { BoardInfoDetail info = lvText.Items[selText[i]].Tag as BoardInfoDetail; brdMng.dicBrd[info.kind].dicText.Remove(; brdMng.SaveBrdData(); } MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("Deleted."), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (this.OnCGChangedEvt != null) { this.OnCGChangedEvt(this, new CGChangedEventArgs()); } tvKind.SelectedNode = null; tvKind.SelectedNode = selNode; }
private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TreeNode selNode = tvKind.SelectedNode; ListView.CheckedIndexCollection selText = lvText.CheckedIndices; if (selText == null || selText.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("Please select the items to modify."), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (selText.Count != 1) { MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("Please choose one CG text to modify."), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } BoardInfoDetail info = lvText.Items[selText[0]].Tag as BoardInfoDetail; BoardEditForm form = new BoardEditForm(info, isPrimaryCG); form.OnCGChangeEvt += new EventHandler <CGChangeEventArgs>(form_OnCGChangeEvt); form.ShowDialog(); form.OnCGChangeEvt -= new EventHandler <CGChangeEventArgs>(form_OnCGChangeEvt); tvKind.SelectedNode = null; tvKind.SelectedNode = selNode; }
private void btnKindEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TreeNode node = tvKind.SelectedNode; if (node == null) { MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("Please select the items to modify."), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } string tmpName = string.Empty; string[] tmp = node.Text.Split('_'); tmpName = node.Text.Replace(tmp[0] + "_", ""); tmp[0] = tmp[0].Trim('('); tmp[0] = tmp[0].Trim(')'); this.brdNewName = tmpName; this.brdKindNum = int.Parse(tmp[0]); GroupEditForm form = new GroupEditForm(this); form.OnCGChangeBoxEvt += new EventHandler <CGChangeEventArgs>(form_OnCGChangeBoxEvt); if (DialogResult.OK != form.ShowDialog()) { form.OnCGChangeBoxEvt -= new EventHandler <CGChangeEventArgs>(form_OnCGChangeBoxEvt); return; } BoardInfo brd = new BoardInfo(); brd.kind = string.Format("({0})_{1}", this.brdKindNum, this.brdNewName); brd.kindNum = this.brdKindNum; Dictionary <string, BoardInfoDetail> dicNewBrd = new Dictionary <string, BoardInfoDetail>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, BoardInfoDetail> pair in brdMng.dicBrd[node.Text].dicText) { BoardInfoDetail newBrd = new BoardInfoDetail(); newBrd.kind = brd.kind; newBrd.kindNum = brd.kindNum; =; newBrd.text = pair.Value.text; dicNewBrd.Add(, newBrd); } brd.dicText = dicNewBrd; brdMng.dicBrd.Add(string.Format("({0})_{1}", this.brdKindNum, this.brdNewName), brd); brdMng.dicBrd.Remove(node.Text); brdMng.SaveBrdData(); AddTreeData(); form.OnCGChangeBoxEvt -= new EventHandler <CGChangeEventArgs>(form_OnCGChangeBoxEvt); }
private void lvText_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { TreeNode selNode = tvKind.SelectedNode; ListView.SelectedIndexCollection selText = lvText.SelectedIndices; BoardInfoDetail info = lvText.Items[selText[0]].Tag as BoardInfoDetail; BoardEditForm form = new BoardEditForm(info, isPrimaryCG); form.OnCGChangeEvt += new EventHandler <CGChangeEventArgs>(form_OnCGChangeEvt); form.ShowDialog(); form.OnCGChangeEvt -= new EventHandler <CGChangeEventArgs>(form_OnCGChangeEvt); tvKind.SelectedNode = null; tvKind.SelectedNode = selNode; }
public BoardMngForm(BoardInfoDetail info, bool bOrder, string _isPrimary) : this() { InitLang(); this.brdInfo = info; this.bOrder = bOrder; brdMng = BoardDataMng.GetBrdMng(); InitCtrl(); this.isPrimaryCG = _isPrimary; if (this.isPrimaryCG == "1") { this.panel1.BackgroundImage = MewsBroad.Properties.Resources.bgTitle; } else { this.panel1.BackgroundImage = MewsBroad.Properties.Resources.bgTitleGreen; } }
private void lvText_ItemCheck(object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e) { ListView.CheckedIndexCollection selText = lvText.CheckedIndices; if (selText == null || selText.Count <= 0) { return; } if (bOrder) { BoardInfoDetail info = lvText.Items[selText[0]].Tag as BoardInfoDetail; if (evtBoardText != null) { evtBoardText(info); } //this.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// cut add 버튼 클릭 이벤트 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void cutAddBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BoardInfo info = brdMng.dicBrd[cbKind.Text]; BoardInfo tmp = new BoardInfo(); if (cutInfoD == null) { this.cutInfoD = new BoardInfoDetail(); } cutInfoD.kindNum = info.kindNum; cutInfoD.kind = cbKind.Text; tmp.kind = cbKind.Text; tmp.kindNum = info.kindNum; tmp.dicText.Add(cutInfoD.kind, cutInfoD); using (BoardCutMng form = new BoardCutMng(tmp, this.primary)) { form.OnCGCutEvt += new EventHandler <CGCutImageEventArgs>(form_OnCGCutEvt); form.ShowDialog(); form.OnCGCutEvt -= new EventHandler <CGCutImageEventArgs>(form_OnCGCutEvt); } }
private void btnView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ListView.CheckedIndexCollection selText = lvText.CheckedIndices; if (selText == null || selText.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("Please select CG text to preview."), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (selText.Count != 1) { MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("Please select one CG text to preview."), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } BoardInfoDetail info = lvText.Items[selText[0]].Tag as BoardInfoDetail; BoardViewForm form = new BoardViewForm(info.text, info.isBlack, this.isPrimaryCG); form.ShowDialog(); lvText.Items[selText[0]].Checked = false; }
/// <summary> /// CG CUT 선택 이벤트 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void form_OnCGCutEvt(object sender, CGCutImageEventArgs e) { MethodInvoker set = delegate() { bool cutFlag = false; bool cutClear = false; string[] tmp = this.tbText.Text.Split('{'); string cutTmp = string.Empty; this.cutInfoD = e.Info; this.cutImageList.Images.Clear(); this.cutImageLV.Items.Clear(); if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-1.png")) { Image img = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-1.png"); this.cutImageList.Images.Add(img); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-2.png")) { Image img = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-2.png"); this.cutImageList.Images.Add(img); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-3.png")) { Image img = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-3.png"); this.cutImageList.Images.Add(img); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-4.png")) { Image img = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-4.png"); this.cutImageList.Images.Add(img); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-5.png")) { Image img = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-5.png"); this.cutImageList.Images.Add(img); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-6.png")) { Image img = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-6.png"); this.cutImageList.Images.Add(img); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-7.png")) { Image img = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-7.png"); this.cutImageList.Images.Add(img); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-8.png")) { Image img = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-8.png"); this.cutImageList.Images.Add(img); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-9.png")) { Image img = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + e.Info.kindNum.ToString() + "-9.png"); this.cutImageList.Images.Add(img); } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (e.Info.cut[i]) { cutTmp = cutTmp + (i + 1).ToString(); ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(); lvi.ImageIndex = i; lvi.Text = (i + 1).ToString(); this.cutImageLV.Items.Add(lvi); if (i != 8) { cutTmp = cutTmp + ","; } } } if (cutTmp != string.Empty) { if (cutTmp[cutTmp.Length - 1] == ',') { cutTmp = cutTmp.Substring(0, cutTmp.Length - 1); } } if (cutTmp == string.Empty) { cutClear = true; } string cutPrt = "{CUT" + cutTmp + "}"; try { if (tmp[1].Substring(0, 3) == "CUT") { cutFlag = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { cutFlag = false; } if (!cutFlag) //기존에 cut 선택이 없으면.. { if (!cutClear) //컷 해제가 아니면 { this.tbText.Text = cutPrt + this.tbText.Text; } } else { int endPoint = this.tbText.Text.IndexOf('}'); this.tbText.Text = this.tbText.Text.Substring(endPoint + 1, this.tbText.Text.Length - (endPoint + 1)); if (!cutClear) { this.tbText.Text = cutPrt + this.tbText.Text; } } }; if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.Invoke(set); } else { set(); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbName.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("Please enter the CG title."), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); tbName.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbText.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("Please enter the CG text."), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); tbText.Focus(); return; } if (bAdd) { BoardInfo info = brdMng.dicBrd[cbKind.Text]; if (info.dicText != null && info.dicText.ContainsKey(tbName.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("The same title already exists. Please enter check again after."), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); tbName.Focus(); return; } BoardInfoDetail dinfo = new BoardInfoDetail(); = tbName.Text; dinfo.text = tbText.Text; dinfo.kindNum = info.kindNum; dinfo.kind = cbKind.Text; dinfo.isBlack = (cbBlack.SelectedIndex == 0 ? false : true); if (this.cutInfoD != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { dinfo.cut[i] = this.cutInfoD.cut[i]; } } brdMng.dicBrd[cbKind.Text].dicText.Add(tbName.Text, dinfo); MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("Stored."), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); ResetCtrl(); } else { // Name(Key) 수정 if (this.oldName != tbName.Text) { // 기존 Name(Key) 삭제 brdMng.dicBrd[cbKind.Text].dicText.Remove(this.oldName); // 새로운 Name(Key) 등록 BoardInfoDetail dinfo = new BoardInfoDetail(); = tbName.Text; dinfo.text = tbText.Text; dinfo.kind = cbKind.Text; dinfo.kindNum = infoD.kindNum; dinfo.isBlack = (cbBlack.SelectedIndex == 0 ? false : true); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { dinfo.cut[i] = this.cutInfoD.cut[i]; } brdMng.dicBrd[cbKind.Text].dicText.Add(tbName.Text, dinfo); } else { brdMng.dicBrd[cbKind.Text].dicText[tbName.Text].text = tbText.Text; brdMng.dicBrd[cbKind.Text].dicText[tbName.Text].isBlack = (cbBlack.SelectedIndex == 0 ? false : true); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { brdMng.dicBrd[cbKind.Text].dicText[tbName.Text].cut[i] = this.cutInfoD.cut[i]; } } brdMng.SaveBrdData(); MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("Modified."), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Close(); } if (this.OnCGChangeEvt != null) { this.OnCGChangeEvt(this, new CGChangeEventArgs()); } }
/// <summary> /// 생성자 /// </summary> /// <param name="_state"></param> public CGCutImageEventArgs(BoardInfoDetail _info) { = _info; }
private void init() { this.pictureBox3.Tag = 3; this.pictureBox4.Tag = 4; this.pictureBox5.Tag = 5; this.pictureBox6.Tag = 6; this.pictureBox7.Tag = 7; this.pictureBox8.Tag = 8; this.pictureBox9.Tag = 9; this.pictureBox10.Tag = 10; this.pictureBox11.Tag = 11; this.panel3.Tag = 3; this.panel4.Tag = 4; this.panel5.Tag = 5; this.panel6.Tag = 6; this.panel7.Tag = 7; this.panel8.Tag = 8; this.panel9.Tag = 9; this.panel10.Tag = 10; this.panel11.Tag = 11; if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-1.png")) { this.pictureBox3.Image = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-1.png"); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-2.png")) { this.pictureBox4.Image = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-2.png"); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-3.png")) { this.pictureBox5.Image = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-3.png"); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-4.png")) { this.pictureBox6.Image = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-4.png"); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-5.png")) { this.pictureBox7.Image = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-5.png"); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-6.png")) { this.pictureBox8.Image = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-6.png"); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-7.png")) { this.pictureBox9.Image = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-7.png"); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-8.png")) { this.pictureBox10.Image = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-8.png"); } if (File.Exists(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-9.png")) { this.pictureBox11.Image = Image.FromFile(Util.file_CGCutImage + this.bdInfo.kindNum.ToString() + "-9.png"); } if (this.bdInfo.dicText.Count > 0) { BoardInfoDetail tmp = this.bdInfo.dicText[this.bdInfo.kind]; PictureBox pic = new PictureBox(); for (int i = 3; i < 12; i++) { if (tmp.cut[i - 3]) { pic.Tag = i; this.pictureBox3_Click(pic, new EventArgs()); } } } }