private async Task <HttpServiceRequest> ParseRequest(HttpListenerContext context) { var request = await _deserializationTime.Time(async() => { using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream)) { var json = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync(); return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <HttpServiceRequest>(json, JsonSettings)); } }); // TODO: We have an issue when calling from Legacy: // // var errors = new List<ValidationResult>(); // // if ( !_validator.TryValidateObjectRecursive(request.Overrides, errors) // || !_validator.TryValidateObjectRecursive(request.TracingData, errors) // ) // { // _failureCounter.Increment("InvalidRequestFormat"); // throw new RequestException("Invalid request format: " + string.Join("\n", errors.Select(a => a.MemberNames + ": " + a.ErrorMessage))); // } request.TracingData = request.TracingData ?? new TracingData(); request.TracingData.RequestID = request.TracingData.RequestID ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); return(request); }
private async Task HandleRequest(HttpListenerContext context, long ticks, long timeFromLastReq) { try { var deltaDelayTicks = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - ticks; var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); RequestTimings.ClearCurrentTimings(); using (context.Response) { // Special endpoints should not be logged/measured/traced like regular endpoints // Access is allowed without HTTPS verifications since they don't expose anything sensitive (e.g. config values are encrypted) if (await TryHandleSpecialEndpoints(context)) { return; } // Regular endpoint handling using (_activeRequestsCounter.NewContext("Request")) { RequestTimings.GetOrCreate(); // initialize request timing context string methodName = null; // Initialize with empty object for protocol backwards-compatibility. var requestData = new HttpServiceRequest { TracingData = new TracingData() }; object[] argumentsWithDefaults = null; ServiceMethod serviceMethod = null; ServiceCallEvent callEvent = _serverRequestPublisher.GetNewCallEvent(); try { try { await CheckSecureConnection(context); ValidateRequest(context); requestData = await ParseRequest(context); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Don't move TracingContext writes main flow, IT have to be here, to avoid side changes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TracingContext.SetRequestID(requestData.TracingData.RequestID); TracingContext.SpanStartTime = requestData.TracingData.SpanStartTime; TracingContext.AbandonRequestBy = requestData.TracingData.AbandonRequestBy; TracingContext.SetParentSpan( requestData.TracingData.SpanID ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")); TracingContext.SetOverrides(requestData.Overrides); if (requestData.TracingData.Tags != null) { TracingContext.Tags = new ContextTags(requestData.TracingData.Tags); } TracingContext.AdditionalProperties = requestData.TracingData.AdditionalProperties; callEvent.ServiceMethodSchema = context.Request.IsSecureConnection ? "HTTPS" : "HTTP"; SetCallEventRequestData(callEvent, requestData); serviceMethod = ServiceEndPointDefinition.Resolve(requestData.Target); callEvent.CalledServiceName = serviceMethod.GrainInterfaceType.Name; methodName = serviceMethod.ServiceInterfaceMethod.Name; var arguments = requestData.Target.IsWeaklyTyped ? GetParametersByName(serviceMethod, requestData.Arguments) : requestData.Arguments.Values.Cast <object>().ToArray(); argumentsWithDefaults = GetConvertedAndDefaultArguments(serviceMethod.ServiceInterfaceMethod, arguments); if (_extendedDelayTimeLogging) { callEvent.RecvDateTicks = ticks; callEvent.ReqStartupDeltaTicks = deltaDelayTicks; callEvent.TimeFromLastReq = timeFromLastReq; var outstandingReqs = Interlocked.Read(ref OutstandingRequests); callEvent.OutstandingRequests = outstandingReqs; if (deltaDelayTicks > 10_000_000) { callEvent.CollectionCountGen0 = GC.CollectionCount(0); callEvent.CollectionCountGen1 = GC.CollectionCount(1); callEvent.CollectionCountGen2 = GC.CollectionCount(2); } } } catch (Exception e) { callEvent.Exception = e; if (e is RequestException) { throw; } throw new RequestException("Invalid request", e); } RejectRequestIfLateOrOverloaded(); var responseJson = await GetResponse(context, serviceMethod, requestData, argumentsWithDefaults); if (await TryWriteResponse(context, responseJson, serviceCallEvent: callEvent)) { callEvent.ErrCode = 0; _successCounter.Increment(); } else { _failureCounter.Increment(); } } catch (Exception e) { callEvent.Exception = callEvent.Exception ?? e; _failureCounter.Increment(); Exception ex = GetRelevantException(e); string json = _serializationTime.Time(() => ExceptionSerializer.Serialize(ex)); await TryWriteResponse(context, json, GetExceptionStatusCode(ex), serviceCallEvent : callEvent); } finally { sw.Stop(); callEvent.ActualTotalTime = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds; _roundtripTime.Record((long)(sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds * 1000000), TimeUnit.Nanoseconds); if (methodName != null) { _endpointContext.Timer(methodName, Unit.Requests) .Record((long)(sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds * 1000000), TimeUnit.Nanoseconds); } _serverRequestPublisher.TryPublish(callEvent, argumentsWithDefaults, serviceMethod); } } } } finally { Interlocked.Decrement(ref OutstandingRequests); } }
private async Task <object> InvokeCore(HttpServiceRequest request, Type resultReturnType, JsonSerializerSettings jsonSettings) { if (request == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request)); } request.TracingData = new TracingData { HostName = CurrentApplicationInfo.HostName?.ToUpperInvariant(), ServiceName = CurrentApplicationInfo.Name, RequestID = TracingContext.TryGetRequestID(), SpanID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), //Each call is new span ParentSpanID = TracingContext.TryGetSpanID(), SpanStartTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, AbandonRequestBy = TracingContext.AbandonRequestBy }; PrepareRequest?.Invoke(request); while (true) { var config = GetConfig(); var clientCallEvent = EventPublisher.CreateEvent(); clientCallEvent.TargetService = ServiceName; clientCallEvent.RequestId = request.TracingData?.RequestID; clientCallEvent.TargetMethod = request.Target.MethodName; clientCallEvent.SpanId = request.TracingData?.SpanID; clientCallEvent.ParentSpanId = request.TracingData?.ParentSpanID; string responseContent; HttpResponseMessage response; var nodeAndLoadBalancer = await ServiceDiscovery.GetNode().ConfigureAwait(false); // can throw int?effectivePort = GetEffectivePort(nodeAndLoadBalancer.Node, config); if (effectivePort == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot access service. Service Port not configured. See tags to find missing configuration", unencrypted: new Tags { { "ServiceName", ServiceName }, { "Required configuration key", $"Discovery.{ServiceName}.DefaultPort" } }); } // The URL is only for a nice experience in Fiddler, it's never parsed/used for anything. var uri = BuildUri(nodeAndLoadBalancer.Node.Hostname, effectivePort.Value, config) + ServiceName; if (request.Target.MethodName != null) { uri += $".{request.Target.MethodName}"; } if (request.Target.Endpoint != null) { uri += $"/{request.Target.Endpoint}"; } try { Log.Debug(_ => _("ServiceProxy: Calling remote service. See tags for details.", unencryptedTags: new { remoteEndpoint = nodeAndLoadBalancer.Node.Hostname, remotePort = effectivePort, remoteServiceName = ServiceName, remoteMethodName = request.Target.MethodName })); clientCallEvent.TargetHostName = nodeAndLoadBalancer.Node.Hostname; clientCallEvent.TargetPort = effectivePort.Value; request.Overrides = TracingContext.TryGetOverrides()?.ShallowCloneWithDifferentPreferredEnvironment(nodeAndLoadBalancer.PreferredEnvironment) ?? new RequestOverrides { PreferredEnvironment = nodeAndLoadBalancer.PreferredEnvironment }; string requestContent = _serializationTime.Time(() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request, jsonSettings)); var httpContent = new StringContent(requestContent, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); httpContent.Headers.Add(GigyaHttpHeaders.ProtocolVersion, HttpServiceRequest.ProtocolVersion); clientCallEvent.RequestStartTimestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); try { response = await GetHttpClient(config).PostAsync(uri, httpContent).ConfigureAwait(false); responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } finally { clientCallEvent.ResponseEndTimestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); } if (response.Headers.TryGetValues(GigyaHttpHeaders.ExecutionTime, out IEnumerable <string> values)) { var time = values.FirstOrDefault(); if (TimeSpan.TryParse(time, out TimeSpan executionTime)) { clientCallEvent.ServerTimeMs = executionTime.TotalMilliseconds; } } } catch (HttpRequestException ex) { Log.Error("The remote service failed to return a valid HTTP response. Continuing to next " + "host. See tags for URL and exception for details.", exception: ex, unencryptedTags: new { uri }); _hostFailureCounter.Increment("RequestFailure"); clientCallEvent.Exception = ex; EventPublisher.TryPublish(clientCallEvent); // fire and forget! if (nodeAndLoadBalancer.LoadBalancer != null) { nodeAndLoadBalancer.LoadBalancer.ReportUnreachable(nodeAndLoadBalancer.Node, ex); continue; } throw; } catch (TaskCanceledException ex) { _failureCounter.Increment("RequestTimeout"); Exception rex = new RemoteServiceException("The request to the remote service exceeded the " + "allotted timeout. See the 'RequestUri' property on this exception for the URL that was " + "called and the tag 'requestTimeout' for the configured timeout.", uri, ex, unencrypted: new Tags { { "requestTimeout", LastHttpClient?.Timeout.ToString() }, { "requestUri", uri } }); clientCallEvent.Exception = rex; EventPublisher.TryPublish(clientCallEvent); // fire and forget! throw rex; } if (response.Headers.Contains(GigyaHttpHeaders.ServerHostname) || response.Headers.Contains(GigyaHttpHeaders.ProtocolVersion)) { try { if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var returnObj = _deserializationTime.Time(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(responseContent, resultReturnType, jsonSettings)); clientCallEvent.ErrCode = 0; EventPublisher.TryPublish(clientCallEvent); // fire and forget! _successCounter.Increment(); return(returnObj); } else { Exception remoteException; try { remoteException = _deserializationTime.Time(() => ExceptionSerializer.Deserialize(responseContent)); } catch (Exception ex) { _applicationExceptionCounter.Increment("ExceptionDeserializationFailure"); throw new RemoteServiceException("The remote service returned a failure response " + "that failed to deserialize. See the 'RequestUri' property on this exception " + "for the URL that was called, the inner exception for the exact error and the " + "'responseContent' encrypted tag for the original response content.", uri, ex, unencrypted: new Tags { { "requestUri", uri } }, encrypted: new Tags { { "responseContent", responseContent } }); } _applicationExceptionCounter.Increment(); clientCallEvent.Exception = remoteException; EventPublisher.TryPublish(clientCallEvent); // fire and forget! if (remoteException is RequestException || remoteException is EnvironmentException) { ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(remoteException).Throw(); } if (remoteException is UnhandledException) { remoteException = remoteException.InnerException; } throw new RemoteServiceException("The remote service returned a failure response. See " + "the 'RequestUri' property on this exception for the URL that was called, and the " + "inner exception for details.", uri, remoteException, unencrypted: new Tags { { "requestUri", uri } }); } } catch (JsonException ex) { _failureCounter.Increment("Serialization"); Log.Error("The remote service returned a response with JSON that failed " + "deserialization. See the 'uri' tag for the URL that was called, the exception for the " + "exact error and the 'responseContent' encrypted tag for the original response content.", exception: ex, unencryptedTags: new { uri }, encryptedTags: new { responseContent }); clientCallEvent.Exception = ex; EventPublisher.TryPublish(clientCallEvent); // fire and forget! throw new RemoteServiceException("The remote service returned a response with JSON that " + "failed deserialization. See the 'RequestUri' property on this exception for the URL " + "that was called, the inner exception for the exact error and the 'responseContent' " + "encrypted tag for the original response content.", uri, ex, new Tags { { "responseContent", responseContent } }, new Tags { { "requestUri", uri } }); } } else { var exception = response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable ? new Exception($"The remote service is unavailable (503) and is not recognized as a Gigya host at uri: {uri}") : new Exception($"The remote service returned a response but is not recognized as a Gigya host at uri: {uri}"); nodeAndLoadBalancer.LoadBalancer.ReportUnreachable(nodeAndLoadBalancer.Node, exception); _hostFailureCounter.Increment("NotGigyaHost"); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable) { Log.Error("The remote service is unavailable (503) and is not recognized as a Gigya host. Continuing to next host.", unencryptedTags: new { uri }); } else { Log.Error("The remote service returned a response but is not recognized as a Gigya host. Continuing to next host.", unencryptedTags: new { uri, statusCode = response.StatusCode }, encryptedTags: new { responseContent }); } clientCallEvent.ErrCode = 500001; //(int)GSErrors.General_Server_Error; EventPublisher.TryPublish(clientCallEvent); // fire and forget! } } }