public void addEvent(String pathNameX, String EventNameX, DateTime endTimeX) { if (firstPath == null) { Console.WriteLine("There are not paths"); } else { PS = firstPath; pathNode pathToAddTo = null; while (PS.getNextPath() != null) { if (PS.getPathName().Equals(pathNameX)) { pathToAddTo = PS; } PS = PS.getNextPath(); } if (pathToAddTo == null) { Console.WriteLine("That path does not exsist"); } else { pathToAddTo.getEvents().addEvent(EventNameX, endTimeX); M.debug("Event added"); } } }
public pathNode() { //Defult constructor prevPath = null; nextPath = null; timers = new timerNodeControl(); events = new eventNodeControler(); }
public pathNode(String pathNameX, pathNode prevPathX) { //Constructor for when only the prev path is know (The second path created) pathName = pathNameX; prevPath = prevPathX; prevPath = null; timers = new timerNodeControl(); events = new eventNodeControler(); }
public pathNode(String pathNameX) { //Constructor used for the first path created prevPath = null; nextPath = null; pathName = pathNameX; timers = new timerNodeControl(); events = new eventNodeControler(); }
public pathNode(String pathNameX, pathNode prevPathX, pathNode nextPathX) { //Constructor that is going to be used the most often. Used when > 2 paths created pathName = pathNameX; prevPath = prevPathX; nextPath = nextPathX; timers = new timerNodeControl(); events = new eventNodeControler(); }
public void addTimer(String pathNameX, String timerNameX, String medNameX) { medNode medToAdd = null; medToAdd = medMaster.findMed(medNameX); if (medToAdd == null) { Console.WriteLine("That medication does not exsist"); } else { if (firstPath == null) { Console.WriteLine("There are not paths"); } else { PS = firstPath; pathNode pathToAddTo = null; while (PS.getNextPath() != null) { if (PS.getPathName().Equals(pathNameX)) { pathToAddTo = PS; } PS = PS.getNextPath(); } if (pathToAddTo == null) { Console.WriteLine("That path does not exsist"); } else { pathToAddTo.getTimers().addTimer(timerNameX, medToAdd, pathToAddTo.getPathName()); M.debug("Med added"); } } } }
public void startEvent(string pathNameX) { if (firstPath == null) { Console.WriteLine("No paths exist"); } else { PS = firstPath; while (PS.getNextPath() != null) { if (PS.getPathName().Equals(pathNameX)) { PS.getEvents().startEvent(); } } } }
public void addPath(String pathNameX) { /* * Three Conditions * First Path == null - No Paths - FirstPath = New Path * First Path.getNext() == null - One Path - FirstPath.getNext().setNext(New Path) * First path.getNext() != null - > Two Path - find last and assign */ if (firstPath == null) { pathNode newPath = new pathNode(pathNameX); firstPath = newPath; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; M.debug("New Path Created, assigned to firstPath"); } else if (firstPath.getNextPath() == null) { pathNode newPath = new pathNode(pathNameX, firstPath); firstPath.setNextpath(newPath); // = newPath newPath.setPrevpath(firstPath); M.debug("New path Created, registered as second path created"); } else { PS = firstPath; while (PS.getNextPath() != null) { //Find last path PS = PS.getNextPath(); } pathNode newPath = new pathNode(pathNameX); PS.setNextpath(newPath); // = newPath newPath.setPrevpath(PS); //newPath.last = lastPath M.debug("Path created, Unkown path possiton, Prev/Next Path values assigned accordingly"); } }
public pathNodeControl() { firstPath = null; PS = null; medMaster = medNodeControl.Master(); }
public void setPS(pathNode PSX) { PS = PSX; }
public void editPath(String pathName) { if (firstPath != null) { //If firstPath == null there are no paths PS = firstPath; pathNode toEdit = null; while (PS.getNextPath() != null) { if (PS.getPathName().Equals(pathName)) { //Finding the first path with that name, storing it, and breaking out of the loop toEdit = PS; break; } PS = PS.getNextPath(); } if (toEdit == null) { //No path by that name Console.WriteLine("There is no path by that name. Please make sure it was spelt correctly, this is Case Sensative"); } else { //The path was found Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do in path " + pathName + "?"); M.BL(); Console.WriteLine("1) Edit the Path's name"); Console.WriteLine("2) Edit the timer set in Path " + pathName); M.BL(); ConsoleKeyInfo answer = Console.ReadKey(); M.BL(); M.BL(); switch (answer.KeyChar) { case '1': { toEdit.changePathName(pathName); break; } case '2': { Console.WriteLine("What timer would you like to edit?"); M.BL(); M.BL(); toEdit.getTimers().printTimers(); string timerToEdit = Console.ReadLine(); toEdit.getTimers().editTimer(timerToEdit); M.BL(); break; } default: { Console.WriteLine("that is not an option"); M.BL(); break; } } } } else { Console.WriteLine("There are no paths to Edit. Please Create some First"); } }
public void setFirstPath(pathNode firstPathX) { firstPath = firstPathX; }
public void removePath(pathNode remove) { /* * The getters for pathNodes are not build to not return null, meaning if you try and call a method like * remove.getNext().setNext(null) but remove.getNext() is null it will hard error */ if (remove == firstPath) //If the path to remove is the first path, you simple need to re-assign first path. { if (remove.getNextPath() == null) //Program will error out w/o these error checks { firstPath = null; } else { firstPath = remove.getNextPath(); firstPath.setPrevpath(null); } } else if (remove == firstPath.getNextPath()) /* * This is a simi-redundent case * This could be handled with the else statment * however I like handling this case seperatly I don't know why * Anyt thing I mess with anything to do with firstPath, I like to call it Directly */ { if (remove.getNextPath() == null) { firstPath.setNextpath(null); remove.setPrevpath(null); //This is a redudent clean up that I like to do, it is not necissary } else { firstPath.setNextpath(remove.getNextPath()); remove.getNextPath().setPrevpath(firstPath); remove.setNextpath(null); remove.setPrevpath(null); } } else { if (remove.getNextPath() == null) { remove.getPrevPath().setNextpath(null); remove.setNextpath(null); } else { remove.getPrevPath().setNextpath(remove.getNextPath()); remove.getNextPath().setPrevpath(remove.getPrevPath()); remove.setNextpath(null); remove.setPrevpath(null); } } }
public void removePath(String pathNameToRemove) { pathNode toRemove = null; if (firstPath != null) //if FP == null then there are no paths { PS = firstPath; while (PS.getNextPath() != null) { if (PS.getPathName().Equals(pathNameToRemove)) { toRemove = PS; //finding the first path with this name and exiting loop break; } PS = PS.getNextPath(); //incriment loop } if (toRemove == null) { Console.WriteLine("There was no Path With that Name. Pleaes make sure it was spelled correctly, this is Case sensative"); //No path found with proper nam } else { M.BL(); Console.WriteLine("Are you Sure you want to remove path " + pathNameToRemove + "?"); //Double checking can't hurt Console.WriteLine("This CANNOT be undone"); Console.WriteLine("Y/N"); M.BL(); ConsoleKeyInfo answer = Console.ReadKey(); //Reading answer M.BL(); switch (answer.KeyChar) { case 'y': //making sure this works for either case { Console.WriteLine("Removing path " + pathNameToRemove + "."); removePath(toRemove); break; } case 'Y': //making sure this works for either case { Console.WriteLine("Removing path " + pathNameToRemove + "."); removePath(toRemove); break; } default: { Console.WriteLine("Cancling remove operation, returning to menu"); break; } } } } else { Console.WriteLine("There are no paths to remove, please add some, so I can remove them"); } }
public void setNextpath(pathNode nextPathX) { nextPath = nextPathX; }
public void setPrevpath(pathNode prevPathX) { prevPath = prevPathX; }