public static bool Show(Form owner, string windowText, string mainTitle, string subTitle, string defaultName, ref string name, ref string comments, bool readOnly, Visualisable supports) { bool canRename = supports == null || IVisualisableExtensions.SupportsRename(supports); bool canComment = supports == null || IVisualisableExtensions.SupportsComment(supports); if (!canRename && !canComment) { FrmMsgBox.ShowInfo(owner, defaultName, "This item cannot be renamed."); return(false); } using (FrmEditINameable frm = new FrmEditINameable()) { frm.Text = windowText; frm.textBox1.Watermark = defaultName; frm.textBox1.Text = name; frm._txtInput.Text = comments; frm.ctlTitleBar1.Text = mainTitle; frm.ctlTitleBar1.SubText = subTitle; frm.AcceptButton = null; frm.CancelButton = frm._btnCancel; frm.textBox1.Visible = canRename; frm.label6.Visible = !canRename; frm.label6.Text = defaultName; frm._txtInput.Visible = canComment; frm.label2.Visible = canComment; if (readOnly) { frm._btnOk.Visible = false; frm._btnCancel.Text = " Close"; frm.AcceptButton = frm._btnCancel; frm.textBox1.ReadOnly = true; frm._txtInput.ReadOnly = true; } if (UiControls.ShowWithDim(owner, frm) == DialogResult.OK) { name = frm.textBox1.Text; comments = frm._txtInput.Text; return(true); } return(false); } }
private void Rename(Visualisable item) { string name = item.OverrideDisplayName; string comment = item.Comment; if (FrmEditINameable.Show(this, item.DefaultDisplayName, "Rename", item.ToString(), item.DefaultDisplayName, ref name, ref comment, false, item)) { this._backups.Backup(item, "Name changed"); item.OverrideDisplayName = name; item.Comment = comment; this._listViewHelper.Rebuild(EListInvalids.ValuesChanged); } }
public static bool Show(Form owner, TextBox name, ref string comments, bool readOnly) { if (readOnly) { FrmInputMultiLine.ShowFixed(owner, owner.Text, "View Comments", name.Text, comments); return(false); } else { string names = name.Text; if (FrmEditINameable.Show(owner, owner.Text, "Edit name and comments", null, name.Text, ref names, ref comments, readOnly, null)) { name.Text = names; return(true); } return(false); } }
private void _btnComment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FrmEditINameable.Show(this, this._txtName, ref this._comment, this._readOnly); }