public static void Import(DefaultAsset defaultAsset, ImportSettings settings) { var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(defaultAsset); var context = new ImportContext { // file = file, settings = settings, fileDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(path), fileName = Path.GetFileName(path), fileNameNoExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path), animData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <AnimData>(), }; try { // = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<FrameData>>>(); ImportStage(context, Stage.LoadFile); context.file = ASEParser.Parse(File.ReadAllBytes(path)); context.atlasPath = Path.Combine(settings.atlasOutputDirectory, context.fileNameNoExt + ".png"); if (settings.controllerPolicy == AnimControllerOutputPolicy.CreateOrOverride) { context.animControllerPath = settings.animControllerOutputPath + "/" + settings.baseName + ".controller"; } context.animClipDirectory = settings.clipOutputDirectory; context.animDataDirectory = settings.dataOutputDirectory; // Create paths in advance Directory.CreateDirectory(settings.atlasOutputDirectory); Directory.CreateDirectory(context.animClipDirectory); Directory.CreateDirectory(context.animDataDirectory); if (context.animControllerPath != null) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(context.animControllerPath)); } ImportStage(context, Stage.GenerateAtlas); context.generatedSprites = AtlasGenerator.GenerateAtlas(context, context.file.layers.Where(it => it.type == LayerType.Content).ToList(), context.atlasPath); ImportStage(context, Stage.GenerateClips); GenerateAnimClips(context); ImportStage(context, Stage.GenerateController); GenerateAnimController(context); ImportStage(context, Stage.InvokeMetaLayerProcessor); context.file.layers .Where(layer => layer.type == LayerType.Meta) .Select(layer => { MetaLayerProcessor processor; layerProcessors.TryGetValue(layer.actionName, out processor); return(new LayerAndProcessor { layer = layer, processor = processor }); }) .OrderBy(it => it.processor != null ? it.processor.executionOrder : 0) .ToList() .ForEach(it => { var layer = it.layer; var processor = it.processor; if (processor != null) { processor.Process(context, layer); } else { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("No processor for meta layer {0}", layer.layerName)); } }); // calc num frames for each animation, save to animData foreach (var tag in context.file.frameTags) { string animName =; int numFrames = - tag.from + 1; if (context.animData.animDict.ContainsKey(animName)) { context.animData.animDict[animName].numFrames = numFrames; } else { context.animData.animDict.Add(animName, new AnimList { numFrames = numFrames, frameDict = new FrameDictionary(), }); } } // save each frame's pivot and dimensions in animData foreach (var tag in context.file.frameTags) { string animName =; var pivotDataList = new FrameDataList { frames = new List <FrameData>() }; var dimsDataList = new FrameDataList { frames = new List <FrameData>() }; for (int i = tag.from, j = 0; i <=; i++, j++) { pivotDataList.frames.Add(new FrameData { frame = j, coords = new List <Vector2> { context.spritePivots[i] } }); dimsDataList.frames.Add(new FrameData { frame = j, coords = new List <Vector2> { context.spriteDimensions[i] } }); } context.animData.animDict[animName].frameDict.Add("pivot", pivotDataList); context.animData.animDict[animName].frameDict.Add("dims", dimsDataList); } /* * var importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(context.atlasPath) as TextureImporter; * var spriteSheet = importer.spritesheet; * Debug.Log("== SPRITESHEET =="); * Debug.Log($"{spriteSheet[0].rect}"); * Debug.Log($"{spriteSheet[0].pivot}"); * Debug.Log(ObjectDumper.Dump(context.spriteDimensions)); * Debug.Log(ObjectDumper.Dump(context.spritePivots)); */ ImportStage(context, Stage.SaveAnimData); var filePath = context.animDataDirectory + "/" + context.settings.baseName + " data.asset"; AnimData asset = (AnimData)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(filePath, typeof(AnimData)); if (!asset) { asset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <AnimData>(); asset = context.animData; asset.ppu = context.settings.ppu; asset.pixelOrigin = context.settings.pixelOrigin.ToString(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, filePath); } else { asset.ppu = context.settings.ppu; asset.pixelOrigin = context.settings.pixelOrigin.ToString(); // merge any new animations with old (and overwrite matching old) foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AnimList> item in context.animData.animDict) { asset.animDict[item.Key] = item.Value; } EditorUtility.SetDirty(asset); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } ImportEnd(context); }
public override void Process(ImportContext ctx, Layer layer) { // the name of the data variable should be the first parameter. eg @data("leg l") string dataName = layer.GetParamString(0); var file = ctx.file; var importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(ctx.atlasPath) as TextureImporter; var spriteSheet = importer.spritesheet; // each tag represents a different animation. look at each frame of each tag. store coordinates of any visible pixels. // these represent the data points. foreach (var tag in ctx.file.frameTags) { string animName =; Vector3 distance =; var frameDataList = new FrameDataList { frames = new List <FrameData>() }; int numFrames = - tag.from + 1; for (int i = tag.from, j = 0; i <=; ++i, j++) { var frameData = new FrameData { frame = j, coords = new List <Vector2>() }; Cel cel; file.frames[i].cels.TryGetValue(layer.index, out cel); if (cel != null) { int pixelCount = 0; for (int y = 0; y < cel.height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < cel.width; ++x) { // tex coords relative to full texture boundaries int texX = cel.x + x; int texY = -(cel.y + y) + file.height - 1; // store position of any visible pixels var pxl = cel.GetPixelRaw(x, y); if (pxl.a > 0.1f) { // start the coordinate of the pixel on the layer (from bottom left corner) Vector2 coord = new Vector2(texX, texY); // default pixel origin is bottom left. if centered, add half a pixel in x and y directions if (ctx.settings.pixelOrigin == PixelOrigin.Center) { coord += new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); } // calculate position in relation to pivot Vector2 pivot = spriteSheet[i].pivot; Vector2 pivotPxl = new Vector2(pivot.x * spriteSheet[i].rect.width, pivot.y * spriteSheet[i].rect.height); // get coordinate relative to pivot coord -= ctx.spriteCropPositions[i]; coord -= pivotPxl; // if calculating "prev pivot" data, and this is first pixel (should only be one), then store its distance if (dataName == "prev pivot" && pixelCount == 0) { // coord is distance from pivot. negate to make positive, and round to get rid of float errors distance += new Vector3(-Mathf.Round(coord.x), -Mathf.Round(coord.y), 0); } // points are all relative to the sprite's bounding rectangle, which is 1 by 1 in both dimensions // regardless of sprite size. So (0.5, 0.5) would be the center of the sprite. // it's ok for points to be outside the bounding rectangle. they'll just be less than 0, or greater than 1. // WHY? so if the sprite is transformed, everything stays relative. You can multiply points by the transforms // to get their position relative to the transform. // NOTE: spriteSheet[i].rect.width/height are in pixels coord = new Vector2(coord.x / spriteSheet[i].rect.width, coord.y / spriteSheet[i].rect.height); frameData.coords.Add(coord); ++pixelCount; } } } if (pixelCount > 0) { frameDataList.frames.Add(frameData); } } } // if we've collected all the data for this animation, save it in appropriate dictionary spot if (frameDataList.frames.Count > 0) { if (ctx.animData.animDict.ContainsKey(animName)) { ctx.animData.animDict[animName].frameDict.Add(dataName, frameDataList); if (dataName == "prev pivot") { ctx.animData.animDict[animName].distance = distance; } } else { ctx.animData.animDict.Add(animName, new AnimList { numFrames = numFrames, distance = distance, frameDict = new FrameDictionary() { { dataName, frameDataList } } }); } // Debug.Log(["run e"]); } } // Debug.Log(data); }