public bool after(Stamp s, uint duration) { if (isEternal || s.isEternal) { return(false); } return(TemporalRules.order(s.occurrenceTime, occurrenceTime, duration) == TemporalRules.EnumOrder.FORWARD); }
public Stamp clone() { Stamp cloned = new Stamp(); cloned.tense = tense; cloned.dualStamp = dualStamp; cloned.creationTime = creationTime; cloned.privateOccurrenceTime = privateOccurrenceTime; return(cloned); }
public static Stamp makeByTimeTenseSerialAndDuration( long time, EnumTense tense, long serial, uint duration ) { Stamp created = new Stamp(tense, serial); created.setCreationTime(time, duration); return(created); }
// this is different from the OpenNARS implementation because we keep all the evidential base public Stamp cloneWithNewOccurrenceTime(long newOccurrenceTime) { Stamp result = clone(); if (newOccurrenceTime == ETERNAL) { result.tense = EnumTense.ETERNAL; } result.occurrenceTime = newOccurrenceTime; return(result); throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/** * Generate a new stamp for derived sentence by merging the two from parents * the first one is no shorter than the second * * \param first The first Stamp * \param second The second Stamp */ public static Stamp zipWithTime( Stamp first, Stamp second, long time ) { Debug.Assert(first.dualStamp.used >= second.dualStamp.used); Stamp result = new Stamp(); result.dualStamp =, second.dualStamp); result.creationTime = time; result.occurrenceTime = first.occurrenceTime; return(result); }
/** * Check whether the judgment is equivalent to another one * <p> * The two may have different keys * * \param that The other judgment * \return Whether the two are equivalent */ public bool checkEquivalentTo(ClassicalSentence that) { /* * if (Parameters.DEBUG) { * if ((!term.equals(term)) || (punctuation != that.punctuation)) { * throw new RuntimeException("invalid comparison for Sentence.equivalentTo"); * } * }*/ bool isStampEqual = Stamp.checkEquals( stamp, that.stamp, Stamp.EnumCompareCreationTime.NO, Stamp.EnumCompareOccurrenceTime.YES, Stamp.EnumCompareEvidentialBaseTime.YES); return(truth.checkEquals(that.truth) && isStampEqual); }
/** * project a judgment to a difference occurrence time * * \param targetTime The time to be projected into * \param currentTime The current time as a reference * \return The projected belief */ public ClassicalSentence projection(long targetTime, long currentTime) { TruthValue newTruth = projectionTruth(targetTime, currentTime); bool eternalizing = newTruth is EternalizedTruthValue; Stamp newStamp = eternalizing ? stamp.cloneWithNewOccurrenceTime(Stamp.ETERNAL) : stamp.cloneWithNewOccurrenceTime(targetTime); MakeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalizeParameters parameters = new MakeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalizeParameters(); parameters.term = term; parameters.punctation = punctation; parameters.truth = newTruth; parameters.stamp = newStamp; parameters.normalize = false; return(makeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalize(parameters)); }
/** * Check if two stamps contains the same types of content * * \param a The Stamp to be compared * \param b The Stamp to be compared * \return Whether the two have contain the same evidential base */ public static bool checkEquals( Stamp a, Stamp b, EnumCompareCreationTime compareCreatingTime, EnumCompareOccurrenceTime compareOccurrenceTime, EnumCompareEvidentialBaseTime compareEvidentialBase ) { if (a == b) { return(true); } if (compareCreatingTime == EnumCompareCreationTime.YES) { if (a.creationTime != b.creationTime) { return(false); } } if (compareOccurrenceTime == EnumCompareOccurrenceTime.YES) { if (a.occurrenceTime != b.occurrenceTime) { return(false); } } if (compareEvidentialBase == EnumCompareEvidentialBaseTime.YES) { // TODO if (a.evidentialHash != b.evidentialHash) return false; if (!DualStamp.checkEqual(a.dualStamp, b.dualStamp)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
// checks overlap _inside_ a stamp // see public static bool checkOverlap(Stamp stamp) { for (int i = 0; i < stamp.dualStamp.used; i++) { uint baseI = stamp.dualStamp.accessTermIdHistory(i); for (int j = 0; j < stamp.dualStamp.used; j++) { if (i == j) { continue; } if (baseI == stamp.dualStamp.accessTermIdHistory(j)) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
// TODO LOW OPTIMIZATION< use bit based hashing scheme to accelerate this and avoid allocating nonsense > // see public static bool checkBaseOverlap(Stamp a, Stamp b) { HashSet <uint> task_base = new HashSet <uint>(); for (int i = 0; i < a.dualStamp.used; i++) { if (task_base.Contains(a.dualStamp.accessTermIdHistory(i))) // can have an overlap in itself already { return(true); } task_base.Add(a.dualStamp.accessTermIdHistory(i)); } // too restrictive, its checked for non-deductive inference rules in derivedTask for (int i = 0; i < b.dualStamp.used; i++) { if (task_base.Contains(b.dualStamp.accessTermIdHistory(i))) // can have an overlap in itself already { return(true); } task_base.Add(b.dualStamp.accessTermIdHistory(i)); } return(false); }
// from /** * Select a belief to interact with the given task in inference * * get the first qualified one * * \param task The selected task * \return The selected isBelief */ public ClassicalSentence getBelief(DerivationContext nal, ClassicalTask task) { Stamp taskStamp = task.sentence.stamp; ClassicalSentence taskSentence = task.sentence; long currentTime = memory.time; int i = 0; foreach (ClassicalTask iBelief in beliefs) { ClassicalSentence beliefSentence = iBelief.sentence; // uncommented because event mechanism is not in place jet //nal.emit(EnumXXX.BELIEF_SELECT, iBelief); nal.setTheNewStamp(taskStamp, iBelief.sentence.stamp, currentTime); // TODO< projection > // return the first satisfying belief // HINT HUMAN< to return the first value doesn't make much sense without looking at the classical NARS code > return(beliefs[i].sentence); } return(null); }