/// <summary> /// Writes settings to mer file. /// </summary> private void WriteToConfigFile() { try { IniParser writer = new IniParser(this.merFilePath()); writer.AddSetting("programPath", this.ProgramPath); writer.AddSetting("workingDir", this.WorkingDir); writer.AddSetting("database", this.Database); writer.AddSetting("username", this.Username); writer.AddSetting("password", this.Password); string projects = ""; foreach (string s in this.Projects) { projects += ";" + s; } // Delete the first character which is the delimiter (';') projects = projects.Substring(1, projects.Length - 1); writer.AddSetting("projects", projects); writer.AddSetting("hostname", this.Host); writer.AddSetting("port", this.Port.ToString()); writer.AddSetting("logging", this.Logging.ToString()); writer.SaveSettings(); this.Version = this.ParseVersion(this.ProgramPath); } catch (Exception ex) { DialogProvider.ShowMessageDialog("Error writing .mer file. " + ex.Message, "Error writing .mer file"); } }
///<summary> /// Initializes the graph view by getting the graphs from MetaEdit. ///</summary> ///<returns>Array of graphs.</returns> public static Graph [] Init() { MetaEditAPI.MetaEditAPI port = Launcher.Port; METype graphType = new MetaEditAPI.METype(); graphType.name = "Graph"; List <Graph> graphs = new List <Graph>(); List <Graph> topLevelGraphs = new List <Graph>(); MetaEditAPI.MEOop[] meOops = new MetaEditAPI.MEOop[0]; if (!Launcher.IsApiOK()) { return(topLevelGraphs.ToArray()); } try { meOops = port.allSimilarInstances(graphType); } catch (Exception e) { DialogProvider.ShowMessageDialog("API error: " + e.Message, "API error"); } foreach (MEOop m in meOops) { Graph g = Graph.MEOopToGraph(m); graphs.Add(g); } List <Graph> done = new List <Graph>(); foreach (Graph g in graphs) { g.InitChildren(port, done); } foreach (Graph g in graphs) { if (!g.getIsChild()) { topLevelGraphs.Add(g); } } List <Graph> reachableGraphsList = ReachableGraphs(topLevelGraphs); graphs.Sort(delegate(Graph g1, Graph g2) { return(g1.Name.CompareTo(g2.Name)); }); foreach (Graph g in graphs) { if (!reachableGraphsList.Contains(g)) { topLevelGraphs.Add(g); BuildReachableGraphs(g, reachableGraphsList); } } return(topLevelGraphs.ToArray()); }
private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!VerifyAllFields()) { if (DialogProvider.ShowYesNoMessageDialog("Are you sure you want to save the settings?", "Confirm Save Settings")) { SaveSettings(); } } else { SaveSettings(); } this.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Run "Generate" action for the selected graph. Shows window containen all the possible generators. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void ButtonGenerate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { GraphViewModel gvm = (GraphViewModel)treeView1.SelectedItem; if (gvm == null) { return; } Settings s = Settings.GetSettings(); if (s.Version.IsEqualOrGreaterThan("5.0")) { string[] _generators = Launcher.Port.generatorNames(gvm.getGraph().GetMEType()).Split(new Char[] { '\r' }); List <string> generatorList = new List <string>(); foreach (string _generator in _generators) { if (!_generator.StartsWith("_") && !_generator.StartsWith("!")) { generatorList.Add(_generator); } } SelectionWindow sw = new SelectionWindow(generatorList, "Select the generator to run", false, false); sw.Height = 300; sw.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; sw.ShowDialog(); string generator = ""; if (sw.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { generator = sw.SelectedItems[0]; if (generator.Length > 0) { gvm.getGraph().ExecuteGenerator(generator); } } } else { gvm.getGraph().ExecuteGenerator("Autobuild"); } } catch (Exception err) { DialogProvider.ShowMessageDialog("API error: " + err.Message, "API error"); this.correctErrorSituation(); } }
/// <summary> /// Action for the "Run Autobuild" button. Runs Autobuild for the selected graph. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void ButtonRunAutobuild_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { GraphViewModel gvm = (GraphViewModel)treeView1.SelectedItem; if (gvm == null) { return; } gvm.getGraph().ExecuteGenerator("Autobuild"); } catch (Exception err) { DialogProvider.ShowMessageDialog("API error: " + err.Message, "API error"); this.correctErrorSituation(); } }
/// <summary> /// Launches MetaEdit+, or uses available API connection if found. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void ButtonStartMetaEdit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { bool runUpdate = true; if (IsAPI()) { DialogProvider.ShowMessageDialog("Found an existing API connection.", "API connection found."); runUpdate = true; } else { runUpdate = Launcher.DoInitialLaunch(); } if (runUpdate) { UpdateGraphView(); } }
private void ButtonOpen_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (treeView1.SelectedItem == null) { return; } GraphViewModel gvm = (GraphViewModel)treeView1.SelectedItem; MetaEditAPI.MetaEditAPI port = Launcher.Port; MEAPI.AllowSetForegroundWindow(); port.open(gvm.getGraph().ToMEOop()); } catch (Exception err) { DialogProvider.ShowMessageDialog("API error: " + err.Message, "API error"); this.correctErrorSituation(); } }
/// <summary> /// Reads settings from mer file. /// </summary> private void ReadFromConfigFile() { try { IniParser reader = new IniParser(this.merFilePath()); this.ProgramPath = reader.GetSetting("programPath"); this.WorkingDir = reader.GetSetting("workingDir"); this.Database = reader.GetSetting("database"); this.Username = reader.GetSetting("username"); this.Password = reader.GetSetting("password"); this.Projects = reader.GetSetting("projects").Split(new Char[] { ';' }); this.Host = reader.GetSetting("hostname"); int tempPort; int.TryParse(reader.GetSetting("port"), out tempPort); this.Port = tempPort; this.Logging = reader.GetSetting("logging").Equals("true"); this.Version = this.ParseVersion(this.ProgramPath); } catch (Exception ex) { DialogProvider.ShowMessageDialog("Error reading .mer file. " + ex.Message, "Error reading .mer file"); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the named generator /// </summary> /// <param name="port">Connection to MetaEdit+ API server.</param> /// <param name="generator">Name of the generator</param> /// <returns>Was the generation successful (unknown=true, e.g. for 4.5)</returns> public bool RunGenerator(MetaEditAPI.MetaEditAPI port, String generator) { bool success = true; MEAPI.AllowSetForegroundWindow(); try { if (Settings.GetSettings().Version.IsEqualOrGreaterThan("5.0")) { success = port.forGraphRun(this.ToMEOop(), generator); } else { MetaEditAPI.MENull meNull = new MetaEditAPI.MENull(); port.forName(meNull, this.Name, this.TypeName, generator); } } catch (Exception e) { DialogProvider.ShowMessageDialog("API error: " + e.Message, "API error"); success = false; } return(success); }
/// <summary> /// Lauches MetaEdit+ logs in opens one or more projects and starts API. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if launching succeeded.</returns> public static Boolean launchMetaEdit() { // Create the arguments string arguments = " currentDir: " + '"' + settings.WorkingDir + '"' + " " + "loginDB:user:password: "******" " + settings.Username + " " + settings.Password; string[] projects = settings.Projects; foreach (string project in projects) { if (!project.Equals("")) { arguments += " setProject: " + '"' + project + '"'; } } arguments += " startAPIHostname:port:logEvents: " + settings.Host + " " + settings.Port + " " + settings.Logging; //Then launch MetaEdit+ try { needStopAPI = true; System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Normal; startInfo.FileName = settings.ProgramPath; startInfo.Arguments = arguments; process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { DialogProvider.ShowMessageDialog("Could not start MetaEdit+: " + e.Message + "\nPlease start MetaEdit+ API and click OK to proceed", "Launch error"); return(false); } }