        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the singular value decomposition of the matrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The SVD of the matrix.</returns>
        public SingularValueDecomposition SingularValueDecomposition()
            if (rows >= cols)
                // copy the matrix so as not to distrub the original
                double[] copy = MatrixAlgorithms.Copy(store, offset, rowStride, colStride, rows, cols);

                // bidiagonalize it
                double[] a, b;
                MatrixAlgorithms.Bidiagonalize(copy, rows, cols, out a, out b);

                // form the U and V matrices
                double[] left  = MatrixAlgorithms.AccumulateBidiagonalU(copy, rows, cols);
                double[] right = MatrixAlgorithms.AccumulateBidiagonalV(copy, rows, cols);

                // find the singular values of the bidiagonal matrix
                MatrixAlgorithms.ExtractSingularValues(a, b, left, right, rows, cols);

                // sort them
                MatrixAlgorithms.SortValues(a, left, right, rows, cols);

                // package it all up
                return(new SingularValueDecomposition(left, a, right, rows, cols));
                double[] scratch = MatrixAlgorithms.Transpose(store, rows, cols);

                double[] a, b;
                MatrixAlgorithms.Bidiagonalize(scratch, cols, rows, out a, out b);

                double[] left  = MatrixAlgorithms.AccumulateBidiagonalU(scratch, cols, rows);
                double[] right = MatrixAlgorithms.AccumulateBidiagonalV(scratch, cols, rows);

                MatrixAlgorithms.ExtractSingularValues(a, b, left, right, cols, rows);

                MatrixAlgorithms.SortValues(a, left, right, cols, rows);

                left  = MatrixAlgorithms.Transpose(left, cols, cols);
                right = MatrixAlgorithms.Transpose(right, rows, rows);

                return(new SingularValueDecomposition(right, a, left, rows, cols));