public ServerResponse<string, string, string> validateRegister(UserAccount userAccount, HttpRequestBase request) { ServerResponse<string, string, string> response = new ServerResponse<string, string, string>(ErrorMessages.SuccessString, "", ""); var userAccounts = baseRepo.getDb().UserAccount.Where(x => x.Username == userAccount.Username); if (userAccounts != null && userAccounts.Count() > 0) { response.status = ErrorMessages.ErrorString; response.message = "A user account with that name already exists. Please choose a different Username."; } else { try { baseRepo.Add<UserAccount>(userAccount); createOwinIdentity(userAccount, request); } catch (Exception e) { response.status = ErrorMessages.ErrorString; response.message = "There was an error with your account creation. Please try again."; } } return response; }
public ServerResponse<string, string, string> validateLogin(UserAccount userAccount, HttpRequestBase request) { UserAccount existingAccount = null; ServerResponse<string, string, string> response = new ServerResponse<string, string, string>(ErrorMessages.SuccessString, "", ""); var userAccounts = baseRepo.getDb().UserAccount.Where(x => x.Username == userAccount.Username); if (userAccounts != null && userAccounts.Count() > 0) { existingAccount = userAccounts.First(); if (existingAccount.UserPassword != userAccount.UserPassword) { response.status = ErrorMessages.ErrorString; response.message = "Incorrect Password. Please confirm you spelled your Password correctly"; } else { createOwinIdentity(userAccount, request); } } else { response.status = ErrorMessages.ErrorString; response.message = "Username does not exist."; } return response; }
public ActionResult Login(UserAccount user) { if(!ModelState.IsValid) { return Json(new ServerResponse<string, string, string>(ErrorMessages.ErrorString, ErrorMessages.ErrMsg_RequiredFieldsWereEmpty, "")); } ServerResponse<string, string, string> response = userAccountRepo.validateLogin(user, Request); return Json(response); }
public ActionResult Index(string returnUrl) { var model = new UserAccount { ReturnUrl = returnUrl }; return View(model); }
public void createOwinIdentity(UserAccount user, HttpRequestBase request) { var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, user.Username), }, "ApplicationCookie"); var ctx = request.GetOwinContext(); var authManager = ctx.Authentication; authManager.SignIn(identity); }
public ActionResult Register(UserAccount user) { return Json(userAccountRepo.validateRegister(user, Request)); }