文件: Paragraph.cs 项目: Mani0811/TW
         * <p>This method process the line for type how_much question<br>
         * It extracts all the constant identifiers from line and calculates the value from the constantAssignments hashMap<br>
         * It will generate an error
         * @param line
         * @throws Exception
        private void processHowMuchQuestion(String line)
                //Break the how much question line based on "is" keyword
                // the second part will contain the identifiers whooose values are to determined

                //  String formatted = line.split("\\sis\\s")[1].trim();
                String formatted = line.Split(" is ")[1].Trim();

                //Remove the question mark from the string
                formatted = formatted.Replace("?", "").Trim();

                //Now since the string will contain only identifiers,break them into words by splitting through space
                String[] keys = formatted.Split(" ");

                String romanResult    = "";
                String completeResult = null;
                bool   errorOccured   = false;

                foreach (String key in keys)
                    //For each identifier gets its value
                    String romanValue = constantAssignments.GetValueOrDefault(key);
                    if (romanValue == null)
                        // This means that user has entered something thats not in the hash map
                        completeResult = this.eMessage.GetMessage(ErrorCodes.NO_IDEA);
                        errorOccured   = true;
                    romanResult += romanValue;

                if (!errorOccured)
                    romanResult    = RomanNumbers.romanToArabic(romanResult);
                    completeResult = formatted + " is " + romanResult;

            catch (Exception e)
文件: Paragraph.cs 项目: Mani0811/TW
         * <p>This method process the line for credit computation for line type CREDITS defined in ConversationLine.type<br>
         * It extracts the constant identifier from line and compute the variable identifier<br>
         * The variable identifier is assumed to be closest to 'is' keyword in the line
         * </p>
         * @param line String

        private void processCreditsLine(String line)
                //Remove the unwanted words like "is" and "credits"
                // String formatted = line.replaceAll("(is\\s+)|([c|C]redits\\s*)", "").trim();

                //string testString = "<b>Hello, <i>world</i></b>";
                Regex  regex     = new Regex("(is\\s+)|([c|C]redits\\s*)");
                string formatted = regex.Replace(line, "");

                //string formatted = line.Replace("is ","").Replace("Credit","").Replace("credit","").Trim();

                //Split the remaining based on space
                string[] keys = formatted.Split(" ");
                Array.Resize(ref keys, keys.Length - 1);
                //concatenate all keys to form roman number except the second last and last one. because the second last one is to be computed.
                // The last one is the value itself
                // get the value for that roman number

                String toBeComputed = keys[keys.Length - 2];
                float  value        = float.Parse(keys[keys.Length - 1]);

                //concatenate remaining initial strings

                String roman = "";

                for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length - 2; i++)
                    roman += constantAssignments.GetValueOrDefault(keys[i]);

                int   romanNumber = int.Parse(RomanNumbers.romanToArabic(roman));
                float credit      = (float)(value / romanNumber);

                computedLiterals.Add(toBeComputed, credit + "");
            catch (Exception e)
文件: Paragraph.cs 项目: Mani0811/TW
         * This will calculate the answer for how many credits question.
         * @param line
        private void processHowManyCreditsQuestion(String line)
                //Remove the unwanted words like "is" and "?"
                String formatted = line.Split(" is ")[1];

                formatted = formatted.Replace("?", "").Trim();

                // search for all numerals for their values to compute the result
                String[] keys = formatted.Split(" ");

                bool          found        = false;
                String        roman        = "";
                String        outputResult = null;
                Stack <float> cvalues      = new Stack <float>();

                foreach (String key in keys)
                    found = false;

                    String romanValue = constantAssignments.GetValueOrDefault(key);
                    if (romanValue != null)
                        roman += romanValue;
                        found  = true;

                    String computedValue = computedLiterals.GetValueOrDefault(key);
                    if (!found && computedValue != null)
                        found = true;

                    if (!found)
                        outputResult = this.eMessage.GetMessage(ErrorCodes.NO_IDEA);

                if (found)
                    float res = 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < cvalues.Count; i++)
                        res *= cvalues.ToArray()[i];

                    int finalres = (int)res;
                    if (roman.Length > 0)
                        finalres = (int)(int.Parse(RomanNumbers.romanToArabic(roman)) * res);
                    outputResult = formatted + " is " + finalres + " Credits";

            catch (Exception e)