protected override Boolean LoadExternal() { try { String importPath = ImportPath; if (!File.Exists(importPath)) { Log.Warning($"[{TypeName}] Import was skipped bacause a file does not exist: [{importPath}]."); return(false); } Log.Message($"[{TypeName}] Importing from [{importPath}]..."); TxtEntry[] entries = TxtReader.ReadStrings(importPath); ProcessEntries(entries); Log.Message($"[{TypeName}] Importing completed successfully."); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, $"[{TypeName}] Failed to import resource from."); return(false); } }
protected override Boolean LoadExternal() { try { String importDirectory = ImportDirectory; if (!Directory.Exists(importDirectory)) { Log.Warning($"[{TypeName}] Import was skipped bacause a directory does not exist: [{importDirectory}]."); return(false); } Log.Message($"[{TypeName}] Importing from [{importDirectory}]..."); Dictionary <Int32, String> locationNames = FF9TextTool.LocationNames; foreach (String filePath in Directory.GetFiles(importDirectory, "Names of *", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { TxtEntry[] entries = TxtReader.ReadStrings(filePath); LocationNameFormatter.Fill(filePath, entries, locationNames); } Log.Message($"[{TypeName}] Importing completed successfully."); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, $"[{TypeName}] Failed to import resource from."); return(false); } }
private void ReplaceDictionary() { try { if (_languageIndex < 0) { return; } if (!Configuration.Import.Enabled || !Configuration.Import.Text) { return; } String importPath = ModTextResources.Import.GetCurrentPath(ModTextResources.SystemPath); if (!File.Exists(importPath)) { Log.Warning($"[LocalizationDictionary] Loading was skipped because a file does not exists: [{importPath}]..."); return; } Log.Message($"[LocalizationDictionary] Loading from [{importPath}]..."); TxtEntry[] entries = TxtReader.ReadStrings(importPath); Dictionary <String, String> dic = CreateReplaceDictionary(entries); Log.Message("[LocalizationDictionary] Loading completed successfully."); SetReplacement(dic); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, "[LocalizationDictionary] Failed to load text."); } }
private Boolean ReadExternalText(out TxtEntry[] entries) { String inputPath = Path.Combine(ModTextResources.Import.FieldsDirectory, _fieldFileName + ".strings"); if (!File.Exists(inputPath)) { entries = null; return(false); } entries = TxtReader.ReadStrings(inputPath); return(!entries.IsNullOrEmpty()); }
private void LoadExternalText() { if (!Configuration.Import.Text) { return; } foreach (SortedList <String, String> languageDic in _languages.Values) { if (!languageDic.TryGetValue(SymbolKey, out String symbol)) { continue; } String importPath = ModTextResources.Import.GetSymbolPath(symbol, ModTextResources.SystemPath); if (!File.Exists(importPath)) { Log.Warning($"[LocalizationDictionary] Loading was skipped because a file does not exists: [{importPath}]..."); return; } Log.Message($"[LocalizationDictionary] Loading from [{importPath}]..."); TxtEntry[] entries = TxtReader.ReadStrings(importPath); foreach (TxtEntry entry in entries) { if (entry == null) { continue; } switch (entry.Prefix) { case "KEY": case "Symbol": case "Name": case "": continue; } languageDic[entry.Prefix] = entry.Value; } } Log.Message("[LocalizationDictionary] Loading completed successfully."); }
private Boolean TryLoadReplacements(out Dictionary <String, String> dic) { String importPath = ModTextResources.Import.Battle; if (!File.Exists(importPath)) { Log.Warning($"[{TypeName}] Import was skipped bacause a file does not exist: [{importPath}]."); dic = null; return(false); } Log.Message($"[{TypeName}] Loading from [{importPath}]..."); TxtEntry[] entries = TxtReader.ReadStrings(importPath); BattleFormatter.Parse(entries, out dic); Log.Message($"[{TypeName}] Loading completed successfully."); return(true); }
private static IList <KeyValuePair <String, TextReplacement> > ReadTagReplacements(String inputPath) { if (!File.Exists(inputPath)) { return(new List <KeyValuePair <String, TextReplacement> >()); } TxtEntry[] generalNames = TxtReader.ReadStrings(inputPath); if (generalNames.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(new List <KeyValuePair <String, TextReplacement> >()); } TextReplacements result = new TextReplacements(generalNames.Length); foreach (TxtEntry entry in generalNames) { result.Add(entry.Prefix, entry.Value); } return(result.Forward); }