public static string GetFormatedMemCachedKey(this DataRow myRow, List<string> PKColumnsList, CachedQuery QuerySpecs)
            string FormattedKey = string.Empty;

            if (myRow != null && myRow.Table.Columns != null && myRow.Table.Columns.Count > 0)
                if (PKColumnsList != null && PKColumnsList.Count > 1)
                    FormattedKey = string.Format("{0}.key=", QuerySpecs.KeyPrefix);

                    foreach(string ColumnName in PKColumnsList)
                        FormattedKey += myRow[ColumnName].ToString().ToUpper().Trim().Replace(" ", string.Empty) + "+";

                    int LastSeparatorPos = FormattedKey.LastIndexOf("+");
                    if (LastSeparatorPos > 0)
                        FormattedKey = FormattedKey.Remove(LastSeparatorPos);

                else if (PKColumnsList != null && PKColumnsList.Count == 1)
                    FormattedKey = string.Format("{0}.key={1}", QuerySpecs.KeyPrefix, myRow[PKColumnsList.ElementAt(0)].ToString());
                    FormattedKey = string.Format("{0}.key={1}", QuerySpecs.KeyPrefix, myRow[0].ToString());

            return FormattedKey;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the DataRows retrieved from MYSQL in a Generic Dictionary Ready to be Cached in MemCached. Uses Generic Collections but will have to be converted to a HashTable for the Memcached Client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MySQLConfig"></param>
        /// <param name="QuerySpecs"></param>
        /// <param name="MySQLTableRowsToCache"></param>
        /// <param name="DictionaryToCache"></param>
        /// <param name="ErrorMessage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool GetQueryCacheDictionaryFromDataTable(DatabaseSettings DBConfig, CachedQuery QuerySpecs, DataTable DataTableRowsToCache, out Dictionary<string,Dictionary<string, string>> DictionaryToCache, out string ErrorMessage)
            bool CreatedDictionary = false;
            ErrorMessage = string.Empty;

            DictionaryToCache = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
            List<string> PKColumnNames = null;

             * First Get Database Table Schema for the table to cache
            DataTable TableSchemaDefinition = Utils.GetSchemaTypeDatabaseSQLTable(DBConfig, QuerySpecs.DatabaseTableName, QuerySpecs.DBConnString);

             * Get Primary Key ColumnNames
            if (TableSchemaDefinition.Columns != null && TableSchemaDefinition.Columns.Count > 0)
                PKColumnNames = Utils.GetPrimaryKeyColumnNamesCollection(TableSchemaDefinition);

             * Build in Memory Dictionary to Load in Memcached service
            if (DataTableRowsToCache != null && DataTableRowsToCache.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow dr in DataTableRowsToCache.Rows)
                    string MainDictKey = dr.GetFormatedMemCachedKey(PKColumnNames, QuerySpecs);
                    Dictionary<string, string> NestedDictValue = dr.Table.Columns
                                    .ToDictionary(col => col.ColumnName, col => dr[col.ColumnName].ToString());

                    DictionaryToCache.Add(MainDictKey, NestedDictValue);

             * Determine whether dictionary was populated
            CreatedDictionary = (DictionaryToCache != null && DictionaryToCache.Count > 0);

            return CreatedDictionary;
        private static List<CachedQuery> LoadQueriesSettings(XmlNodeList queriesNodes)
            List<CachedQuery> ReturnCollection = new List<CachedQuery>();

            if (queriesNodes != null && queriesNodes.Count > 0)
                foreach (XmlNode queryNode in queriesNodes)
                    if (queryNode.HasChildNodes)
                        CachedQuery cachedQuery = new CachedQuery();

                        foreach (XmlNode XmlItem in queryNode.ChildNodes)
                            if (XmlItem.Name.Equals("keyprefix"))
                                cachedQuery.KeyPrefix = XmlItem.InnerText;
                            if (XmlItem.Name.Equals("sql"))
                                cachedQuery.Sql = XmlItem.InnerText;
                            if (XmlItem.Name.Equals("database_tablename"))
                                cachedQuery.DatabaseTableName = XmlItem.InnerText;
                            if (XmlItem.Name.Equals("db_connection"))
                                cachedQuery.DBConnString = XmlItem.InnerText;

                         * Add new query to return collection

             * Results
            return ReturnCollection;
        public static bool LoadQueryInRedis(MemcachedLoaderConfig Config, CachedQuery QueryToLoad, out string ErrMsg)
            bool LoadedQuery = false;
            ErrMsg = string.Empty;

            Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> MemoryDict;

            IRedisClientsManager RedisClientManager;
            string RedisConnectionString = Config.RedisConnectionSettings.GetConnectionString();

                using (RedisClientManager = new PooledRedisClientManager(RedisConnectionString))
                     * Get Redis Client
                    var client = RedisClientManager.GetClient();

                     * Retrieve Query Data from MySql
                    DataTable QueryDataTable = Utils.GetDataTable(Config.DBConnectionSettings, QueryToLoad);

                     * Determine whether to permanently persist kvp cached object in Redis
                    bool PersistCachedObject = (Config.RedisConnectionSettings.CacheObjectSeconds <= 0);

                     * Cache each row from the data table as a JSON serialized dictionary into the Redis Cache Server
                    if (QueryDataTable != null && QueryDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                        //Define a dictionary to store the data table to be serialized into a JSON object
                        MemoryDict = null;
                        ErrMsg = string.Empty;

                         * Convert DataTable / MySQL Query ResultSet in Dictionary<string,Dictionary<string,string>> object
                        bool Success = Utils.GetQueryCacheDictionaryFromDataTable(Config.DBConnectionSettings, QueryToLoad, QueryDataTable, out MemoryDict, out ErrMsg);

                         * Table Data Dictionary was successfully created - Cached each row in Memcached as a JSON dictionary
                        if (Success)
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, string>> TableDictionaryKvp in MemoryDict)
                                string Key = TableDictionaryKvp.Key;
                                string JsonStoreValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(TableDictionaryKvp.Value, new KeyValuePairConverter());

                                 * Store value permanently or set an Expires Datetime
                                if (PersistCachedObject)
                                    LoadedQuery = client.Set<string>(Key, JsonStoreValue);
                                    LoadedQuery = client.Set<string>(Key, JsonStoreValue, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(Config.RedisConnectionSettings.CacheObjectSeconds));

                     * Successfully loaded data table in Redis Cache
                    LoadedQuery = true;                    
                    Utils.GetEventLog().WriteEntry(string.Format("[MemcachedLoaderService.Redis] Successfully loaded table [{0}] in the memory cache.", QueryToLoad.KeyPrefix));

            catch (Exception ex)
                LoadedQuery = false;
                ErrMsg = string.Format("[MemcachedLoaderService.Redis] Can't load query into Cache. Memcached Error Message [{0}].", ex.Message);

            return LoadedQuery;
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a query from a Microsoft SQL Server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SqlServerConfig"></param>
        /// <param name="MemCQuery"></param>
        /// <param name="UseQueryDBOverride"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataTable GetMSSQLServerTable(DatabaseSettings SqlServerConfig, CachedQuery MemCQuery, bool UseQueryDBOverride = false)
            DataTable MyQueryTable = new DataTable();

                string ConnString = Utils.GetMSSQLServerConnectionString(SqlServerConfig);

                 * Use overriden query connection string if query specs has one
                if (UseQueryDBOverride) { ConnString = DBTypesUtils.GetDBTypeInfo(MemCQuery.DBConnString).ConnectionString; }

                 * Get Data Table logic using MySQL ADO.NET provider
                using (SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection(ConnString))

                    SqlCommand MySqlServerCmd = new SqlCommand(MemCQuery.Sql, dbConn);
                    MySqlServerCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    MySqlServerCmd.CommandTimeout = int.MaxValue;

                    SqlDataAdapter SqlServerAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(MySqlServerCmd);
                    DataSet MyCachedQueryDataSet = new DataSet();

                    if (MyCachedQueryDataSet != null && MyCachedQueryDataSet.Tables != null && MyCachedQueryDataSet.Tables.Count > 0)
                        MyQueryTable = MyCachedQueryDataSet.Tables[0];

            catch (Exception ex)
                string ErrorMessage = string.Format("MemcachedLoaderService. Error Retrieving data from Microsoft Sql Server. Select Query is [{0}]. Error Message is [{1}].", MemCQuery.Sql, ex.Message);

             * Return database table
            return MyQueryTable;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generic Get ADO.NET DataTable method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DatabaseConfig"></param>
        /// <param name="MemCQuery"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataTable GetDataTable(DatabaseSettings DatabaseConfig, CachedQuery MemCQuery)
            DataTable MyQueryTable = null;
            DBType DatabaseType;

             * First Determine whether to use the Main Database Connection Settings or use the Override Connection string of the Query. Override takes precedence over main
            bool UseQueryDBConnectionString = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MemCQuery.DBConnString) && MemCQuery.DBConnString.Contains("|"));

             * Determine Database Type
            if (UseQueryDBConnectionString)
                string[] DBConnArray = MemCQuery.DBConnString.Split('|');
                DatabaseType = DBTypesUtils.GetDBType(DBConnArray[0]);
                DatabaseType = DBTypesUtils.GetDBType(DatabaseConfig.DBType);

             * Use appropriate database retrieval logic based on DBType
            switch (DatabaseType)
                case DBType.MYSQL:
                    MyQueryTable = GetMySQLTable(DatabaseConfig, MemCQuery, UseQueryDBConnectionString);
                case DBType.ORACLE:                    
                case DBType.POSTGRESQL:
                case DBType.SQLSERVER:
                    MyQueryTable = GetMSSQLServerTable(DatabaseConfig, MemCQuery, UseQueryDBConnectionString);
                case DBType.UNSUPPORTED:

            return MyQueryTable;
        public static bool LoadQueryInMemCached(MemcachedLoaderConfig Config, CachedQuery QueryToLoad, out string ErrorMessage)
            bool LoadedQuery = false;
            ErrorMessage = string.Empty;

            ResponseCode response = ResponseCode.UnknownCommand;

            Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> MemoryDict;

                 * Connect to memcached server
                ServerConnectionCollection MemCachedServers = new ServerConnectionCollection();

                 * Add Server from Config Settings
                MemCachedServers.Add(Config.MemcachedConnectionSettings.Server, port: Config.MemcachedConnectionSettings.Port);

                 * Create the client
                IConnectionProvider provider = new ConnectionProvider(MemCachedServers);
                MemcachedClient client = new MemcachedClient(provider);

                 * Retrieve Query Data from MySql
                DataTable QueryDataTable = GetDataTable(Config.DBConnectionSettings, QueryToLoad);

                 * Determine whether to permanently persist kvp cached object in Redis
                bool PersistCachedObject = (Config.MemcachedConnectionSettings.CacheObjectSeconds <= 0);

                 * Cache each row from the data table as a JSON serialized dictionary
                if (QueryDataTable != null && QueryDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //Define a dictionary to store the data table to be serialized into a JSON object
                    MemoryDict = null;
                    string ErrMsg = string.Empty;

                     * Convert DataTable / MySQL Query ResultSet in Dictionary<string,Dictionary<string,string>> object
                    bool Success = Utils.GetQueryCacheDictionaryFromDataTable(Config.DBConnectionSettings, QueryToLoad, QueryDataTable, out MemoryDict, out ErrMsg);

                     * Table Data Dictionary was successfully created - Cached each row in Memcached as a JSON dictionary
                    if (Success)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, string>> TableDictionaryKvp in MemoryDict)
                            string Key = TableDictionaryKvp.Key;
                            string JsonStoreValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(TableDictionaryKvp.Value, new KeyValuePairConverter());

                             * Determine right expiration Datetime value
                            DateTime ExpireDate = (PersistCachedObject) ? DateTime.MaxValue : DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(Config.MemcachedConnectionSettings.CacheObjectSeconds);

                             * Load Kvp in Memcached
                            response = client.Set(Key, JsonStoreValue, ExpireDate);

                             * If key already exists replace it
                            if (response == ResponseCode.KeyExists)
                                response = client.Replace(Key, JsonStoreValue, ExpireDate);

                 * Success
                LoadedQuery = (response == ResponseCode.NoError);
                Utils.GetEventLog().WriteEntry(string.Format("[MemcachedLoaderService.Memcached] Successfully loaded table [{0}] in the memory cache.", QueryToLoad.KeyPrefix));

            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorMessage = string.Format("[MemcachedLoaderService.Memcached] Can't load query into Cache. Memcached Error Message [{0}].", ex.Message);

             * Results
            return LoadedQuery;