        public void Start(RegionPair region, int channel, int key, int velocity)
            this.exclusiveClass = region.ExclusiveClass;
            this.channel        = channel;
            this.key            = key;
            this.velocity       = velocity;

            if (velocity > 0)
                // According to the Polyphone's implementation, the initial attenuation should be reduced to 40%.
                // I'm not sure why, but this indeed improves the loudness variability.
                var sampleAttenuation = 0.4F * region.InitialAttenuation;
                var filterAttenuation = 0.5F * region.InitialFilterQ;
                var decibels          = 2 * SoundFontMath.LinearToDecibels(velocity / 127F) - sampleAttenuation - filterAttenuation;
                noteGain = SoundFontMath.DecibelsToLinear(decibels);
                noteGain = 0F;

            cutoff    = region.InitialFilterCutoffFrequency;
            resonance = SoundFontMath.DecibelsToLinear(region.InitialFilterQ);

            vibLfoToPitch = 0.01F * region.VibratoLfoToPitch;
            modLfoToPitch = 0.01F * region.ModulationLfoToPitch;
            modEnvToPitch = 0.01F * region.ModulationEnvelopeToPitch;

            modLfoToCutoff = region.ModulationLfoToFilterCutoffFrequency;
            modEnvToCutoff = region.ModulationEnvelopeToFilterCutoffFrequency;
            dynamicCutoff  = modLfoToCutoff != 0 || modEnvToCutoff != 0;

            modLfoToVolume = region.ModulationLfoToVolume;
            dynamicVolume  = modLfoToVolume > 0.05F;

            instrumentPan    = SoundFontMath.Clamp(region.Pan, -50F, 50F);
            instrumentReverb = 0.01F * region.ReverbEffectsSend;
            instrumentChorus = 0.01F * region.ChorusEffectsSend;

            volEnv.Start(region, key, velocity);
            modEnv.Start(region, key, velocity);
            vibLfo.StartVibrato(region, key, velocity);
            modLfo.StartModulation(region, key, velocity);
            oscillator.Start(synthesizer.SoundFont.WaveDataArray, region);
            filter.SetLowPassFilter(cutoff, resonance);

            smoothedCutoff = cutoff;

            voiceState  = VoiceState.Playing;
            voiceLength = 0;
        public static void Start(this Oscillator oscillator, short[] data, RegionPair region)
            var sampleRate  = region.Instrument.Sample.SampleRate;
            var loopMode    = region.SampleModes;
            var start       = region.SampleStart;
            var end         = region.SampleEnd;
            var startLoop   = region.SampleStartLoop;
            var endLoop     = region.SampleEndLoop;
            var rootKey     = region.RootKey;
            var coarseTune  = region.CoarseTune;
            var fineTune    = region.FineTune;
            var scaleTuning = region.ScaleTuning;

            oscillator.Start(data, loopMode, sampleRate, start, end, startLoop, endLoop, rootKey, coarseTune, fineTune, scaleTuning);