/// <summary> /// Create a tar entry with details obtained from <paramref name="fileName">file</paramref> /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">The name of the file to retrieve details from.</param> /// <returns>A new <see cref="TarEntry"/></returns> public TarEntry CreateEntryFromFile(string fileName) { return(TarEntry.CreateEntryFromFile(fileName)); }
/// <summary> /// Create a <see cref="TarEntry"/> based on named /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name to use for the entry</param> /// <returns>A new <see cref="TarEntry"/></returns> public TarEntry CreateEntry(string name) { return(TarEntry.CreateTarEntry(name)); }
/// <summary> /// Write an entry to the archive. This method will call the putNextEntry /// and then write the contents of the entry, and finally call closeEntry() /// for entries that are files. For directories, it will call putNextEntry(), /// and then, if the recurse flag is true, process each entry that is a /// child of the directory. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceEntry"> /// The TarEntry representing the entry to write to the archive. /// </param> /// <param name="recurse"> /// If true, process the children of directory entries. /// </param> void WriteEntryCore(TarEntry sourceEntry, bool recurse) { string tempFileName = null; string entryFilename = sourceEntry.File; TarEntry entry = (TarEntry)sourceEntry.Clone(); if (applyUserInfoOverrides) { entry.GroupId = groupId; entry.GroupName = groupName; entry.UserId = userId; entry.UserName = userName; } OnProgressMessageEvent(entry, null); if (asciiTranslate && !entry.IsDirectory) { if (!IsBinary(entryFilename)) { tempFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); using (StreamReader inStream = File.OpenText(entryFilename)) { using (Stream outStream = File.Create(tempFileName)) { while (true) { string line = inStream.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(line); outStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); outStream.WriteByte((byte)'\n'); } outStream.Flush(); } } entry.Size = new FileInfo(tempFileName).Length; entryFilename = tempFileName; } } string newName = null; if (rootPath != null) { if (entry.Name.StartsWith(rootPath)) { newName = entry.Name.Substring(rootPath.Length + 1); } } if (pathPrefix != null) { newName = (newName == null) ? pathPrefix + "/" + entry.Name : pathPrefix + "/" + newName; } if (newName != null) { entry.Name = newName; } tarOut.PutNextEntry(entry); if (entry.IsDirectory) { if (recurse) { TarEntry[] list = entry.GetDirectoryEntries(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; ++i) { WriteEntryCore(list[i], recurse); } } } else { using (Stream inputStream = File.OpenRead(entryFilename)) { byte[] localBuffer = new byte[32 * 1024]; while (true) { int numRead = inputStream.Read(localBuffer, 0, localBuffer.Length); if (numRead <= 0) { break; } tarOut.Write(localBuffer, 0, numRead); } } if ((tempFileName != null) && (tempFileName.Length > 0)) { File.Delete(tempFileName); } tarOut.CloseEntry(); } }
/// <summary> /// Get the next entry in this tar archive. This will skip /// over any remaining data in the current entry, if there /// is one, and place the input stream at the header of the /// next entry, and read the header and instantiate a new /// TarEntry from the header bytes and return that entry. /// If there are no more entries in the archive, null will /// be returned to indicate that the end of the archive has /// been reached. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The next TarEntry in the archive, or null. /// </returns> public TarEntry GetNextEntry() { if (hasHitEOF) { return(null); } if (currentEntry != null) { SkipToNextEntry(); } byte[] headerBuf = tarBuffer.ReadBlock(); if (headerBuf == null) { hasHitEOF = true; } else if (TarBuffer.IsEndOfArchiveBlock(headerBuf)) { hasHitEOF = true; // Read the second zero-filled block tarBuffer.ReadBlock(); } else { hasHitEOF = false; } if (hasHitEOF) { currentEntry = null; } else { try { var header = new TarHeader(); header.ParseBuffer(headerBuf, encoding); if (!header.IsChecksumValid) { throw new TarException("Header checksum is invalid"); } this.entryOffset = 0; this.entrySize = header.Size; StringBuilder longName = null; if (header.TypeFlag == TarHeader.LF_GNU_LONGNAME) { byte[] nameBuffer = new byte[TarBuffer.BlockSize]; long numToRead = this.entrySize; longName = new StringBuilder(); while (numToRead > 0) { int numRead = this.Read(nameBuffer, 0, (numToRead > nameBuffer.Length ? nameBuffer.Length : (int)numToRead)); if (numRead == -1) { throw new InvalidHeaderException("Failed to read long name entry"); } longName.Append(TarHeader.ParseName(nameBuffer, 0, numRead, encoding).ToString()); numToRead -= numRead; } SkipToNextEntry(); headerBuf = this.tarBuffer.ReadBlock(); } else if (header.TypeFlag == TarHeader.LF_GHDR) { // POSIX global extended header // Ignore things we dont understand completely for now SkipToNextEntry(); headerBuf = this.tarBuffer.ReadBlock(); } else if (header.TypeFlag == TarHeader.LF_XHDR) { // POSIX extended header byte[] nameBuffer = new byte[TarBuffer.BlockSize]; long numToRead = this.entrySize; var xhr = new TarExtendedHeaderReader(); while (numToRead > 0) { int numRead = this.Read(nameBuffer, 0, (numToRead > nameBuffer.Length ? nameBuffer.Length : (int)numToRead)); if (numRead == -1) { throw new InvalidHeaderException("Failed to read long name entry"); } xhr.Read(nameBuffer, numRead); numToRead -= numRead; } if (xhr.Headers.TryGetValue("path", out string name)) { longName = new StringBuilder(name); } SkipToNextEntry(); headerBuf = this.tarBuffer.ReadBlock(); } else if (header.TypeFlag == TarHeader.LF_GNU_VOLHDR) { // TODO: could show volume name when verbose SkipToNextEntry(); headerBuf = this.tarBuffer.ReadBlock(); } else if (header.TypeFlag != TarHeader.LF_NORMAL && header.TypeFlag != TarHeader.LF_OLDNORM && header.TypeFlag != TarHeader.LF_LINK && header.TypeFlag != TarHeader.LF_SYMLINK && header.TypeFlag != TarHeader.LF_DIR) { // Ignore things we dont understand completely for now SkipToNextEntry(); headerBuf = tarBuffer.ReadBlock(); } if (entryFactory == null) { currentEntry = new TarEntry(headerBuf, encoding); if (longName != null) { currentEntry.Name = longName.ToString(); } } else { currentEntry = entryFactory.CreateEntry(headerBuf); } // Magic was checked here for 'ustar' but there are multiple valid possibilities // so this is not done anymore. entryOffset = 0; // TODO: Review How do we resolve this discrepancy?! entrySize = this.currentEntry.Size; } catch (InvalidHeaderException ex) { entrySize = 0; entryOffset = 0; currentEntry = null; string errorText = string.Format("Bad header in record {0} block {1} {2}", tarBuffer.CurrentRecord, tarBuffer.CurrentBlock, ex.Message); throw new InvalidHeaderException(errorText); } } return(currentEntry); }
/// <summary> /// Extract an entry from the archive. This method assumes that the /// tarIn stream has been properly set with a call to GetNextEntry(). /// </summary> /// <param name="destDir"> /// The destination directory into which to extract. /// </param> /// <param name="entry"> /// The TarEntry returned by tarIn.GetNextEntry(). /// </param> void ExtractEntry(string destDir, TarEntry entry) { OnProgressMessageEvent(entry, null); string name = entry.Name; if (Path.IsPathRooted(name)) { // NOTE: // for UNC names... \\machine\share\zoom\beet.txt gives \zoom\beet.txt name = name.Substring(Path.GetPathRoot(name).Length); } name = name.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); string destFile = Path.Combine(destDir, name); if (entry.IsDirectory) { EnsureDirectoryExists(destFile); } else { string parentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(destFile); EnsureDirectoryExists(parentDirectory); bool process = true; FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(destFile); if (fileInfo.Exists) { if (keepOldFiles) { OnProgressMessageEvent(entry, "Destination file already exists"); process = false; } else if ((fileInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != 0) { OnProgressMessageEvent(entry, "Destination file already exists, and is read-only"); process = false; } } if (process) { bool asciiTrans = false; Stream outputStream = File.Create(destFile); if (this.asciiTranslate) { asciiTrans = !IsBinary(destFile); } StreamWriter outw = null; if (asciiTrans) { outw = new StreamWriter(outputStream); } byte[] rdbuf = new byte[32 * 1024]; while (true) { int numRead = tarIn.Read(rdbuf, 0, rdbuf.Length); if (numRead <= 0) { break; } if (asciiTrans) { for (int off = 0, b = 0; b < numRead; ++b) { if (rdbuf[b] == 10) { string s = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rdbuf, off, (b - off)); outw.WriteLine(s); off = b + 1; } } } else { outputStream.Write(rdbuf, 0, numRead); } } if (asciiTrans) { outw.Close(); } else { outputStream.Close(); } } } }