文件: App.xaml.cs 项目: chsergey/sdk
        // Do not add any additional code to this method
        private void InitializePhoneApplication()
            if (phoneApplicationInitialized)

            // Create the frame but don't set it as RootVisual yet; this allows the splash
            // screen to remain active until the application is ready to render.
            RootFrame = new PhoneApplicationFrame();
            RootFrame.Navigated += CompleteInitializePhoneApplication;

            // Handle navigation failures
            RootFrame.NavigationFailed += RootFrame_NavigationFailed;

            // Handle reset requests for clearing the backstack
            RootFrame.Navigated += CheckForResetNavigation;
            //The next line enables a custom logger, if this function is not used OutputDebugString() is called
            //in the native library and log messages are only readable with the native debugger attached.
            //The default behavior of MegaLogger() is to print logs using Debug.WriteLine() but it could
            //be used to sends log to a file, for example.
            MegaSDK.setLoggerObject(new MegaLogger());

            //You can select the maximum output level for debug messages.
            //By default FATAL, ERROR, WARNING and INFO will be enabled
            //DEBUG and MAX can only be enabled in Debug builds, they are ignored in Release builds

            //You can send messages to the logger using MEGASDK.log(), those messages will be received
            //in the active logger
            MegaSDK.log(MLogLevel.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Example log message");

            // Initialize MegaSDK 
            MegaSdk = new MegaSDK(AppResources.AppKey, AppResources.UserAgent, ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, new MegaRandomNumberProvider());
            // Initialize the main drive
            CloudDrive = new CloudDriveViewModel(MegaSdk);

            // Ensure we don't initialize again
            phoneApplicationInitialized = true;
 public FetchNodesRequestListener(CloudDriveViewModel cloudDriveViewModel)
     this._cloudDriveViewModel = cloudDriveViewModel;