public override bool Initialize() { bool result = false; try { Log.Info(" Visualization Manager: Initializing WMP visualization..."); RECT rect = new RECT(); rect.left = 0; = 0; rect.right = VisualizationWindow.Width; rect.bottom = VisualizationWindow.Height; OutputContextType outputType = VisualizationWindow.OutputContextType; result = WMPInterop.InitWMPEngine(VizPluginInfo.CLSID, VizPluginInfo.PresetIndex, OutputContextType.WindowHandle, IntPtr.Zero, VisualizationWindow.Handle, ref rect); _Initialized = result; Log.Info(" Visualization Manager: WMP visualization initialization {0}", (result ? "succeeded." : "failed!")); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("CreateGForceVisualization failed with the following exception: {0}", ex); Log.Error( " Visualization Manager: WMP visualization engine initialization failed with the following exception {0}", ex); return(false); } return(result); }
public override int RenderVisualization() { if (VisualizationWindow.InvokeRequired) { ThreadSafeRenderDelegate d = new ThreadSafeRenderDelegate(RenderVisualization); return((int)VisualizationWindow.Invoke(d)); } RECT rect = new RECT(); rect.left = 0; = 0; rect.right = VisualizationWindow.Width; rect.bottom = VisualizationWindow.Height; TimedLvl.waveform = new byte[2048]; TimedLvl.frequency = new byte[2048]; TimedLvl.State = (int)WMPInterop.AudioState.Playing; bool gotWaveData = GetWaveData(ref TimedLvl.waveform); bool gotfreqData = GetFftData(ref TimedLvl.frequency); IntPtr pTimedLevel = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WMPInterop.TimedLevel))); Marshal.StructureToPtr(TimedLvl, pTimedLevel, false); int result = 0; result = WMPInterop.RenderWMP(pTimedLevel, ref rect); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pTimedLevel); return(result); }
public override bool SetOutputContext(OutputContextType outputType) { if (VisualizationWindow == null) { return(false); } // If width or height are 0 the call will fail. If width or height are 1 the window is in transition if (VisualizationWindow.Width <= 1 || VisualizationWindow.Height <= 1) { return(false); } bool result = WMPInterop.SetOutputWMP(outputType, VisualizationWindow.Handle); return(result); }