private void OnEnable() { TableDirectory = new List <OpenFontFormat.TableRecord>(); string fullPath = RelativeToFullPath(FileLocation); if (!File.Exists(fullPath)) { Debug.Log("No file found at " + fullPath, this); return; } #region Read entire file Profiler.BeginSample("Read Entire File."); Int64 offsetInBuffer = 0; { IntPtr fileHandle = NativeFile.Create(fullPath, NativeFile.AccessRights.Read, NativeFile.ShareMode.Read, IntPtr.Zero, NativeFile.CreationDisposition.OpenExisting, 0, IntPtr.Zero); if ((Int64)fileHandle == NativeFile.InvalidHandle) { Debug.LogError("Something went wrong while trying to open the file at:'" + fullPath + "'. Aborting Meta Data read.", this); return; } Int64 fileSize = 0; bool foundSize = NativeFile.GetSize(fileHandle, ref fileSize); if (!foundSize) { Debug.LogError("Failed to determine file size.", this); return; } if (fileSize > _maxFileSize) { Debug.LogError("Arbitrary file limit reached. Are you sure you're loading a Font file? This font reader loads the entire file at once, which might require rethinking if font files get massive. If you like living wild, you can just increase the maxFileSize."); return; } _fontFileBuffer = new byte[fileSize]; Int64 fileOffset = 0; bool readSucceeded = NativeFile.ReadWithOffset(fileHandle, fileOffset, _fontFileBuffer); if (!readSucceeded) { Debug.LogError("Failed to read font file."); return; } bool succeeded = NativeFile.CloseHandle(fileHandle); if (!succeeded) { Debug.LogError("Something went wrong while trying to close the file handle. ", this); } fileHandle = IntPtr.Zero; } Profiler.EndSample(); #endregion #region Offset Table var OffsetTable = new OpenFontFormat.OffsetTable(); { OffsetTable.sfntVersion = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U32(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); if (OffsetTable.sfntVersion != OpenFontFormat.Convert.FourCharToInt("OTTO") && OffsetTable.sfntVersion != 0x10000) { Debug.LogWarning("The provided file isn't a supported font file.", this); return; } OffsetTable.numTables = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); OffsetTable.searchRange = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); OffsetTable.entrySelector = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); OffsetTable.rangeShift = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); } #endregion #region Table Directory int charToGlyphMappingIndex = -1; int fontHeaderIndex = -1; { for (int tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < OffsetTable.numTables; ++tableIndex) { Int64 spaceRemainingInBuffer = _fontFileBuffer.LongLength - offsetInBuffer; if (spaceRemainingInBuffer < 16) { Debug.LogError("Not enough space in the file to continue reading", this); } OpenFontFormat.TableRecord record = new OpenFontFormat.TableRecord(); record.tableTag = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U32(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); record.checksum = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U32(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); record.offset = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U32(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); record.length = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U32(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); TableDirectory.Add(record); switch (record.tableTag) { case (s32)OpenFontFormat.TableTag.CharToGlyphMapping: charToGlyphMappingIndex = tableIndex; break; case (s32)OpenFontFormat.TableTag.GlyphData: _glyphDataIndex = tableIndex; break; case (s32)OpenFontFormat.TableTag.FontHeader: fontHeaderIndex = tableIndex; break; case (s32)OpenFontFormat.TableTag.IndexToLocation: _indexToLocationIndex = tableIndex; break; case (s32)OpenFontFormat.TableTag.MaximumProfile: _maximumProfileIndex = tableIndex; break; } } } #endregion #region Check for missing required records: if (charToGlyphMappingIndex < 0) { Debug.LogError("Char to Glyph Mapping record is missing.", this); return; } if (fontHeaderIndex < 0) { Debug.LogError("Font Header record is missing", this); return; } #endregion #region parse font header var fontHeaderRecord = TableDirectory[fontHeaderIndex]; { FontHeader = new OpenFontFormat.FontHeader(); s64 arrayOffset = fontHeaderRecord.offset; FontHeader.MajorVersion = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.MinorVersion = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.fontRevision = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U32(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.checksumAdjustment = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U32(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.magicNumber = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U32(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.flags = (OpenFontFormat.FontHeaderFlags)BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.unitsPerEm = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.creationTimeStamp = (s64)BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U64(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.modificationTimeStamp = (s64)BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U64(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.xMin = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.yMin = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.xMax = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.yMax = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.macStyle = (OpenFontFormat.MacStyleFlags)BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.lowestRecPPEM = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.fontDirectionHint = (OpenFontFormat.FontDirection)BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.indexToLocFormat = (OpenFontFormat.IndexToLocFormat)BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); FontHeader.glyphDataFormat = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); if (FontHeader.magicNumber != OpenFontFormat.FontHeader.MagicNumberExpected) { Debug.LogError("Expected magic number in the font header with a value of " + OpenFontFormat.FontHeader.MagicNumberExpected + ", but instead it was: " + FontHeader.magicNumber, this); } } #endregion #region Verify all table checksums: Profiler.BeginSample("Verify all table checksums"); if (VerifyEachTableChecksumOnEnable) { for (s32 tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < TableDirectory.Count; ++tableIndex) { var tableRecord = TableDirectory[tableIndex]; switch (tableRecord.tableTag) { case (u32)OpenFontFormat.TableTag.FontHeader: { u32 calculatedChecksum = CalculateChecksum(_fontFileBuffer, fontHeaderRecord.length, fontHeaderRecord.offset) - FontHeader.checksumAdjustment; if (fontHeaderRecord.checksum != calculatedChecksum) { Debug.LogError("Checksum mismatch for font header. Expected " + fontHeaderRecord.checksum + ", got " + calculatedChecksum); return; } break; } default: { u32 calculatedChecksum = CalculateChecksum(_fontFileBuffer, tableRecord.length, tableRecord.offset); if (tableRecord.checksum != calculatedChecksum) { Debug.LogError("Checksum mismatch for " + OpenFontFormat.Convert.UIntToFourChar(tableRecord.tableTag) + " table. Expected " + tableRecord.checksum + ", got " + calculatedChecksum); return; } break; } } } } Profiler.EndSample(); #endregion #region Verify Checksum for entire file Profiler.BeginSample("Verify checksum entire file."); if (VerifyFullFileChecksumOnEnable) { u32 calculatedChecksum = CalculateChecksum(_fontFileBuffer, (u32)_fontFileBuffer.Length, (s64)0) - FontHeader.checksumAdjustment; if (OpenFontFormat.FontHeader.SubtractChecksumFromThis - calculatedChecksum != FontHeader.checksumAdjustment) { Debug.Log("File does not match checksum", this); } } Profiler.EndSample(); #endregion #region Character to Glyph Index Mapping Table { var cmapHeaderRecord = TableDirectory[charToGlyphMappingIndex]; offsetInBuffer = cmapHeaderRecord.offset; CharToGlyphMapping.version = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); CharToGlyphMapping.numTables = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); EncodingRecords = new List <OpenFontFormat.EncodingRecord>(); for (int tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < CharToGlyphMapping.numTables; ++tableIndex) { OpenFontFormat.EncodingRecord record = new OpenFontFormat.EncodingRecord(); record.platformID = (OpenFontFormat.PlatformID)BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); record.encodingID = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); record.offset = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U32(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); EncodingRecords.Add(record); } SubTables = new List <OpenFontFormat.EncodingFormats.Format4>(); for (int subTableIndex = 0; subTableIndex < EncodingRecords.Count; ++subTableIndex) { var encodingRecord = EncodingRecords[subTableIndex]; var subTable = new OpenFontFormat.EncodingFormats.Format4(); Int64 subTableOffset = cmapHeaderRecord.offset + encodingRecord.offset; subTable.format = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref subTableOffset); if (subTable.format != 4) { SubTables.Add(subTable); continue; } subTable.length = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref subTableOffset); subTable.language = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref subTableOffset); subTable.segCountX2 = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref subTableOffset); subTable.searchRange = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref subTableOffset); subTable.entrySelector = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref subTableOffset); subTable.rangeShift = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref subTableOffset); int segmentCount = subTable.segCountX2 / 2; subTable.endCodes = new u16[segmentCount]; subTable.startCodes = new u16[segmentCount]; subTable.idDeltas = new s16[segmentCount]; subTable.idRangeOffsets = new u16[segmentCount]; for (int segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < segmentCount; ++segmentIndex) { subTable.endCodes[segmentIndex] = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref subTableOffset); } subTable.reservedPad = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref subTableOffset); for (int segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < segmentCount; ++segmentIndex) { subTable.startCodes[segmentIndex] = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref subTableOffset); } for (int segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < segmentCount; ++segmentIndex) { subTable.idDeltas[segmentIndex] = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref subTableOffset); } s64 IDRangeOffsetLocation = subTableOffset; for (int segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < segmentCount; ++segmentIndex) { subTable.idRangeOffsets[segmentIndex] = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref subTableOffset); } if (encodingRecord.platformID == OpenFontFormat.PlatformID.Unicode) { _selectedEncoding = subTable; _selectedEncodingIDRangeOffsetLocation = IDRangeOffsetLocation; } SubTables.Add(subTable); } } #endregion #region Maximum Profile table { var maxpRecord = TableDirectory[_maximumProfileIndex]; offsetInBuffer = maxpRecord.offset; Maximums.version = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U32(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); Maximums.numberOfGlyphs = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); if (Maximums.version == 0x00010000) { Maximums.maxPoints = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); Maximums.maxContours = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); Maximums.maxCompositePoints = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); Maximums.maxCompositeContours = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); Maximums.maxZones = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); Maximums.maxTwilightPoints = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); Maximums.maxStorage = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); Maximums.maxFunctionDefs = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); Maximums.maxInstructionDefs = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); Maximums.maxStackElements = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); Maximums.maxSizeOfInstructions = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); Maximums.maxComponentElements = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); Maximums.maxComponentDepth = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref offsetInBuffer); } } #endregion }
public void GetControlPoints(int glyphID, List <Glyph> result) { if (glyphID >= Maximums.numberOfGlyphs) { return; } #region Parse location indexing table s64 offsetIntoGlyphArray = 0; if (_indexToLocationIndex >= 0) { var locaTableRecord = TableDirectory[_indexToLocationIndex]; s64 arrayOffset = locaTableRecord.offset; if (FontHeader.indexToLocFormat == OpenFontFormat.IndexToLocFormat.ShortOffsets) { s64 locationIndex = arrayOffset + glyphID * sizeof(u16); offsetIntoGlyphArray = BigEndianRead.U16(_fontFileBuffer, locationIndex) * sizeof(u16); if (offsetIntoGlyphArray == BigEndianRead.U16(_fontFileBuffer, locationIndex + sizeof(u16))) { return; // No contours. } } else if (FontHeader.indexToLocFormat == OpenFontFormat.IndexToLocFormat.LongOffsets) { s64 locationIndex = arrayOffset + glyphID * sizeof(u32); offsetIntoGlyphArray = BigEndianRead.U32(_fontFileBuffer, locationIndex); if (offsetIntoGlyphArray == BigEndianRead.U32(_fontFileBuffer, locationIndex + sizeof(u32))) { return; // No Contours. } } } #endregion #region Parse Glyph Profiler.BeginSample("Parse Glyph"); if (_glyphDataIndex >= 0) { var glyfHeaderRecord = TableDirectory[_glyphDataIndex]; GlyphHeader = new OpenFontFormat.GlyphHeader(); s64 arrayOffsetOfGlyphHeader = glyfHeaderRecord.offset; s64 arrayOffset = arrayOffsetOfGlyphHeader + offsetIntoGlyphArray; GlyphHeader.numberOfContours = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); GlyphHeader.xMin = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); GlyphHeader.yMin = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); GlyphHeader.xMax = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); GlyphHeader.yMax = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); if (GlyphHeader.numberOfContours == 0) { Debug.LogError("Encountered a glyph with 0 contours, which is undefined at this stage."); } if (GlyphHeader.numberOfContours < 0) { u16 flags = 0; do { // Composite glyph flags = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); u16 glyphIndex = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); s32 xOffset = 0; s32 yOffset = 0; s32 firstGlyphMatchPointNumber = 0; s32 thisGlyphMatchPointNumber = 0; float scale = 1.0f; float yScale = 1.0f; float scale01 = 1.0f; float scale10 = 1.0f; bool argsAreXYOffsets = (flags & (u16)OpenFontFormat.CompositeGlyphFlags.ArgsAreXyValues) > 0; bool argsAreWords = (flags & (u16)OpenFontFormat.CompositeGlyphFlags.Args1And2AreWords) > 0; if (argsAreXYOffsets) { if (argsAreWords) { xOffset += BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); yOffset += BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); } else { xOffset += BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U8(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); yOffset += BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U8(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); } } if ((flags & (u16)OpenFontFormat.CompositeGlyphFlags.WeHaveAScale) > 0) { scale = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.F2Dot14(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); } else if ((flags & (u16)OpenFontFormat.CompositeGlyphFlags.SeparateScale) > 0) { scale = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.F2Dot14(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); yScale = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.F2Dot14(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); } else if ((flags & (u16)OpenFontFormat.CompositeGlyphFlags.HasMatrix2x2) > 0) { scale = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.F2Dot14(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); scale01 = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.F2Dot14(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); scale10 = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.F2Dot14(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); yScale = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.F2Dot14(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); } GetControlPoints(glyphIndex, result); } while ((flags & (u16)OpenFontFormat.CompositeGlyphFlags.MoreComponents) > 0); u16 instructionCount = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); u8[] instructions = new u8[instructionCount]; for (int instructionIndex = 0; instructionIndex < instructionCount; ++instructionIndex) { instructions[instructionIndex] = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U8(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); } } else if (GlyphHeader.numberOfContours > 0) { Glyph simpleGlyph = new Glyph(); result.Add(simpleGlyph); simpleGlyph.ControlPoints = new List <Vector2>(); simpleGlyph.OnCurve = new List <bool>(); simpleGlyph.EndIndices = new List <int>(GlyphHeader.numberOfContours); for (int contourIndex = 0; contourIndex < GlyphHeader.numberOfContours; ++contourIndex) { simpleGlyph.EndIndices.Add(BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset)); } u16 instructionCount = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.U16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); arrayOffset += instructionCount; // skip instructions for now, instructions are one byte. // Unroll the flags array: int totalPointCount = simpleGlyph.EndIndices[simpleGlyph.EndIndices.Count - 1] + 1; List <u8> unrolledFlags = new List <u8>(); while (unrolledFlags.Count < totalPointCount) { u8 flag = _fontFileBuffer[arrayOffset++]; u16 flagCount = 1; if ((flag & (u8)OpenFontFormat.GlyphFlags.Repeat) > 0) { flagCount += _fontFileBuffer[arrayOffset++]; } for (int identicalFlagIndex = 0; identicalFlagIndex < flagCount; ++identicalFlagIndex) { unrolledFlags.Add(flag); } } #region Parse X Coordinates var xCoordinates = new List <s16>(); s16 lastX = 0; for (int flagIndex = 0; flagIndex < unrolledFlags.Count; ++flagIndex) { var flag = unrolledFlags[flagIndex]; s16 xCoord = 0; bool isOnCurve = (flag & (u8)OpenFontFormat.GlyphFlags.OnCurvePoint) > 0; bool isShort = (flag & (u8)OpenFontFormat.GlyphFlags.X_ShortVector) > 0; bool sameOrPositive = (flag & (u8)OpenFontFormat.GlyphFlags.X_IsSameOrPositive) > 0; bool isRepeated = !isShort && sameOrPositive; bool isPositive = isShort && sameOrPositive; simpleGlyph.OnCurve.Add(isOnCurve); if (isOnCurve) { if (isRepeated) { xCoord = lastX; } else if (isShort) { xCoord = _fontFileBuffer[arrayOffset++]; if (!isPositive) { xCoord = (short)-xCoord; } xCoord += lastX; } else { xCoord = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); xCoord += lastX; } xCoordinates.Add(xCoord); lastX = xCoord; } else { if (isRepeated) { xCoord = lastX; } else if (isShort) { xCoord = _fontFileBuffer[arrayOffset++]; if (!isPositive) { xCoord = (short)-xCoord; } xCoord += lastX; } else { xCoord = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); xCoord += lastX; } xCoordinates.Add(xCoord); lastX = xCoord; } } #endregion #region Parse Y Coordinates var yCoordinates = new List <s16>(); s16 lastY = 0; for (int flagIndex = 0; flagIndex < unrolledFlags.Count; ++flagIndex) { var flag = unrolledFlags[flagIndex]; s16 yCoord = 0; bool isOnCurve = (flag & (u8)OpenFontFormat.GlyphFlags.OnCurvePoint) > 0; bool isShort = (flag & (u8)OpenFontFormat.GlyphFlags.Y_ShortVector) > 0; bool sameOrPositive = (flag & (u8)OpenFontFormat.GlyphFlags.Y_IsSameOrPositive) > 0; bool isRepeated = !isShort && sameOrPositive; bool isPositive = isShort && sameOrPositive; if (isOnCurve) { if (isRepeated) { yCoord = lastY; } else if (isShort) { yCoord = _fontFileBuffer[arrayOffset++]; if (!isPositive) { yCoord = (short)-yCoord; } yCoord += lastY; } else { yCoord = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); yCoord += lastY; } yCoordinates.Add(yCoord); lastY = yCoord; } else { if (isRepeated) { yCoord = lastY; } else if (isShort) { yCoord = _fontFileBuffer[arrayOffset++]; if (!isPositive) { yCoord = (short)-yCoord; } yCoord += lastY; } else { yCoord = BigEndianReadAndAdvance.S16(_fontFileBuffer, ref arrayOffset); yCoord += lastY; } yCoordinates.Add(yCoord); lastY = yCoord; } } #endregion for (int coordinateIndex = 0; coordinateIndex < xCoordinates.Count; ++coordinateIndex) { var x = xCoordinates[coordinateIndex] / 256f; var y = yCoordinates[coordinateIndex] / 256f; simpleGlyph.ControlPoints.Add(new Vector2(x, y)); } } } else { //Debug.LogError("No glyf table found", this); } Profiler.EndSample(); #endregion return; }