public string WriteFileAs()
            string filename = null;

            // Configure save file dialog box
            SaveFileDialog dlg = new SaveFileDialog();

            dlg.FileName   = "Measurements";
            dlg.DefaultExt = ".mpk";
            dlg.Filter     = "MPK files (.mpk)|*.mpk";

            // Show save file dialog box
            Nullable <bool> result = dlg.ShowDialog();

            // Process save file dialog box results
            if (result == true)
                    // save document
                    ReadWriteMPK rwmpk = new ReadWriteMPK();
                    filename = dlg.FileName;
                    rwmpk.WriteFile(filename, false);
                catch (Exception e)
                    MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error at ReadWriteDialog.WriteFileAsCSV()");
        public void Save(bool isname)
            // In case user clicks Save straight away

            // Change save to saveas if needed
            if (fileName == defaultfileName || fileName == null)
                isname = false;

            // Store current textCursor position
            TextPointer textCursorPosition = Window.text.Selection.Start;

            // Textbox data for txt file
            string textToSave = Window.text.Selection.Text;

            // Measurement data for csv file
            List <string[]> dataToSave = new List <string[]>();

            foreach (var c in Window.Data)
                double y = Math.Truncate(c.Y * 100) / 100;

                int place = 0;
                if (c.Meter.ToString() == "AIRPORT")
                    place = 0;
                else if (c.Meter.ToString() == "CENTER")
                    place = 1;
                else if (c.Meter.ToString() == "RUISSALO")
                    place = 2;

                string[] array = new string[3];
                array[0] = c.X.ToString();
                array[1] = y.ToString();
                array[2] = place.ToString();


            ReadWriteDialog rwd = new ReadWriteDialog();

            // If there isn't an existing name or user clicked saveAs, do saveAs
            if (isname == false)
                fileName = rwd.WriteFileAs();
            // Else just save with existing filename
                // Call save on mpk file
                ReadWriteMPK rwmpk = new ReadWriteMPK();
                rwmpk.WriteFile(fileName, false);

            // Whether we've done Save or SaveAs, there should now be a working filename, and the MPK file is saved
            // All that's left is to save the txt and csv data to the relevant files
            if (fileName != null)
                    // Set txt and csv filenames by removing last 3 chars of (mpk) filename and adding txt or csv
                    string filenameBase = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - 3);
                    string txtFilename  = filenameBase + "txt";
                    string csvFilename  = filenameBase + "csv";

                    // Save txt file
                    ReadWrite rw = new ReadWrite();
                    rw.WriteFile(txtFilename, textToSave, false);
                    // Save csv file
                    ReadWriteCSV rwcsv = new ReadWriteCSV();
                    rwcsv.WriteFile(csvFilename, dataToSave, false);

                    // Set title
                    Window.Title = fileName;

                    // Put textCursor back in its previous position
                    Window.text.Selection.Select(textCursorPosition, textCursorPosition);
                catch (Exception)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error saving to existing file, try SaveAs instead");