public ResultSetViewModel()
     Search     = new SearchParam();
     DistanceDD = new DistanceViewModel();
     //  TimeDD = new TimeViewModel();
     Facets = new Dictionary <string, ICollection <KeyValuePair <string, int> > >();
     // providerproductjqmodel = new TwoLevelHierarchyJqGridModel();
     //PickUpTimeFacet = new Dictionary<string, int>();
     //DistanceFacet = new Dictionary<string,int>();
     ProviderList = new List <Provider>();
     // ProductList = new List<Product>();
     PickUpDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
        public ActionResult Index(SearchParam parameters)
            if (TempData["ErrorMessage"] != null)
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = TempData["ErrorMessage"];
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "";
            var ChangeLocation = HttpContext.Request.QueryString["ChangeLocation"];

            if ((ChangeLocation != null) && (ChangeLocation != ""))

                GLatLong loc = new GLatLong();
                loc = GeoCodingHelper.GetLatLong(ChangeLocation.ToString());

                if (loc != null)
                    Session["UserLocLat"] = loc.Latitude;
                    Session["UserLocLong"] = loc.Longitude;
                Session["UserLoc"] = ChangeLocation;
                var LocationsSearched = dbmeals.LocationsSearcheds.Where(x => x.UserID == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId).OrderByDescending(x => x.DateCreated).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
                if (LocationsSearched != null)
                    Session["UserLoc"] = LocationsSearched.Location;
                    parameters.FreeSearch = LocationsSearched.Keywords;
                    Session["UserLocLat"] = LocationsSearched.Latitude;
                    Session["UserLocLong"] = LocationsSearched.Longitude;
                    parameters.DistanceSearch = LocationsSearched.Distance.HasValue ? LocationsSearched.Distance.Value.ToString() : string.Empty;
                    parameters.PickUpDateSearch = Common.AbsoluteEnd(LocationsSearched.DateRangeStart.HasValue ? LocationsSearched.DateRangeStart.Value : DateTime.Now);// LocationsSearched.DateRangeStart;
                    //parameters.DateRangeEnd = LocationsSearched.DateRangeEnd;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.DistanceSearch))
                parameters.DistanceSearch = "100";

            if (parameters.PickUpDateSearch == null)
                parameters.PickUpDateSearch = DateTime.Now;

            string pointofreference = Session["UserLocLat"] + "," + Session["UserLocLong"];

            LocationsSearched ls = new LocationsSearched();
            ls.Location = Convert.ToString(Session["UserLoc"]);//.ToString();
            ls.Keywords = parameters.FreeSearch;
            ls.Latitude = Convert.ToDecimal(Session["UserLocLat"]);
            ls.Longitude = Convert.ToDecimal(Session["UserLocLong"]);
            ls.DateRangeStart = Common.AbsoluteStart(parameters.PickUpDateSearch);
            ls.DateRangeEnd = Common.AbsoluteEnd(parameters.PickUpDateSearch);
            ls.Distance = Convert.ToInt32(parameters.DistanceSearch);
            ls.DistanceUnit = "km";
            ls.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
            ls.UserID = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId;
            catch (Exception e)

                string message = e.Message;

                ICollection<ISolrFacetQuery> list =
            Select(f => new SolrFacetFieldQuery(f) { MinCount = 1 })

                var start = (parameters.PageIndex - 1) * parameters.PageSize;

                var matchingProducts = solr.Query(BuildQuery(parameters), new QueryOptions
                    FilterQueries = BuildFilterQueries(parameters),
                    Rows = parameters.PageSize,
                    Start = start,
                    OrderBy = GetSelectedSort(parameters),
                    SpellCheck = new SpellCheckingParameters(),
                    Facet = new FacetParameters
                        Queries = list


                    ExtraParams = new Dictionary<string, string>
                                              // uncomment for filtering by distance
                                              {"fq", "{!geofilt}"},
                                              {"d", parameters.DistanceSearch},// distance.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} replace distance with your radius filter
                                              {"sfield", "latlng"}, // replace lat_long with your field in solr that stores the lat long values
                                              {"pt", pointofreference},// this is the point of reference
                                             // {"sort","geodist() asc"},



                var distancemodel = new DistanceViewModel();

                // var matchingProducts

                var ProductModel = new ProductView
                    WholeSet = matchingProducts,
                    Search = parameters,
                    TotalCount = matchingProducts.NumFound,
                    Facets = matchingProducts.FacetFields,
                    //  PickUpTimeFacet = GetPickUpTimeFacet(matchingProducts.FacetQueries),
                    // DistanceFacet = GetDistanceFacet(matchingProducts.FacetQueries),
                    DidYouMean = GetSpellCheckingResult(matchingProducts),
                    //DistanceLimitList.SelectedDistance = parameters.DistanceLimit


                // Preselect the option with Value = "US"
                // Make sure you have such option in the Countries list

                List<SolrResultSet> SolrResultSetList = new List<SolrResultSet>();
                SolrResultSetList = (from n in ProductModel.WholeSet
                                     select n).ToList();

                var ProductViewModel = new ResultSetViewModel();
                ProductViewModel.Search = ProductModel.Search;
                ProductViewModel.TotalCount = ProductModel.TotalCount;
                ProductViewModel.Facets = ProductModel.Facets;
                ProductViewModel.DidYouMean = ProductModel.DidYouMean;
                ProductViewModel.ProviderList = (from n in SolrResultSetList
                                                 group n by new
                                                 } into g
                                                 select new Provider()
                                                     ProviderName = g.Key.ProviderName,
                                                     ProviderType = g.Key.ProviderType,
                                                     Distance = g.Key.Distance,
                                                     latlng = g.Key.latlng,
                                                     PhoneNumber = g.Key.PhoneNumber,
                                                     FullAddress = g.Key.FullAddress,
                                                     Cuisine = g.Key.Cuisine,

                foreach (Provider p in ProductViewModel.ProviderList)

                    p.Products = (from n in SolrResultSetList
                                  where n.ProviderName == p.ProviderName
                                  select new Product()

                                          MealAdID = n.MealAdID,
                                          MealItemName = n.MealItemName,
                                          FoodType = n.FoodType,
                                          MealType = n.MealType,
                                          Price = n.Price,
                                          Ingredients = n.Ingredients,
                                          AllergenicIngredients = n.AllergenicIngredients,
                                          Timestamp = n.Timestamp,
                                          Description = n.Description


                distancemodel.SelectedDistanceLimit = parameters.DistanceSearch;
                ProductViewModel.DistanceDD = distancemodel;

                return View(ProductViewModel);

            catch (SolrConnectionException e)

                string msg = e.Message;
                return View(new ResultSetViewModel
                    QueryError = true,

 public ResultSetViewModel()
     Search = new SearchParam();
     DistanceDD = new DistanceViewModel();
     //  TimeDD = new TimeViewModel();
     Facets = new Dictionary<string, ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, int>>>();
        // providerproductjqmodel = new TwoLevelHierarchyJqGridModel();
     //PickUpTimeFacet = new Dictionary<string, int>();
     //DistanceFacet = new Dictionary<string,int>();
     ProviderList = new List<Provider>();
        // ProductList = new List<Product>();
     PickUpDate = DateTime.Now.Date;