public CookWindow(Cook cook) { InitializeComponent(); this.currentCook = cook; dbAccess = SingletonDatabaseAccess.DBInstance; lblCookActiveSince.Content = currentCook.ActiveSince.ToShortDateString(); lblCookName.Content = currentCook.Name; lblCookCity.Content = currentCook.City; if (currentCook.ValidPVG == Cook.pvg_hygiene_statuses.OK) { lblPVGstatusOK.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; readMeals(); } else if (currentCook.ValidPVG == Cook.pvg_hygiene_statuses.AwaitingResults) { lblPVGstatusAwaiting.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; disableButtons(); } else { lblPVGstatusBAD.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; disableButtons(); } if (currentCook.ValidHygieneCertificate == Cook.pvg_hygiene_statuses.OK) { lblHygieneStatusOK.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; readMeals(); } else if (currentCook.ValidHygieneCertificate == Cook.pvg_hygiene_statuses.RenevalWith3months) { lblHygieneStatusRenew.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; lblHygieneTitle.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; lblCookRenewalDate.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; lblCookRenewalDate.Content = currentCook.HygieneRenevalDate.ToShortDateString(); readMeals(); } else { lblHygieneStatusBAD.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; lblHygieneTitle.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; lblHygieneOverdue.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; disableButtons(); } }
public SendMealOffer(Cook cook, Eater eater) { InitializeComponent(); dbAccess = SingletonDatabaseAccess.DBInstance; this.currentCook = cook; this.currentEater = eater; //filling in the combobox with available times for (int i = 12; i < 20; i++) { cmbSetTime.Items.Add(i + ":00"); cmbSetTime.Items.Add(i + ":30"); } this.lblCookName.Content = currentCook.Name; this.lblEaterName.Content = currentEater.Name; this.lblEaterCity.Content = currentEater.City; currentMealOffer = new Meal(); }
private void btnSubmit_Cook_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { cookAccount = new Cook(); cookAccount.Name = txtCookName.Text; cookAccount.PhoneNumber = txtCookPhone.Text; if (cmbChoosePVG.SelectedIndex == 0) { cookAccount.ValidPVG = Cook.pvg_hygiene_statuses.OK; } else if (cmbChoosePVG.SelectedIndex == 1) { cookAccount.ValidPVG = Cook.pvg_hygiene_statuses.Rejected; } else { cookAccount.ValidPVG = Cook.pvg_hygiene_statuses.AwaitingResults; MessageBox.Show("In order to be able to share the meals you need to have valid PVG Certificate"); } if (cmbChooseHygieneCertificate.SelectedIndex == 0) { cookAccount.ValidHygieneCertificate = Cook.pvg_hygiene_statuses.OK; } else { cookAccount.ValidHygieneCertificate = Cook.pvg_hygiene_statuses.None; MessageBox.Show("In order to be able to share the meals you need to have valid Hygiene Certificate and renew that when it is needed."); } cookAccount.City = txtCityCook.Text; if (cookAccount.ValidPVG == Cook.pvg_hygiene_statuses.OK && (cookAccount.ValidHygieneCertificate == Cook.pvg_hygiene_statuses.OK || cookAccount.ValidHygieneCertificate == Cook.pvg_hygiene_statuses.RenevalWith3months)) { cookAccount.ActiveSince = DateTime.Today.Date; Console.WriteLine("Today is " + cookAccount.ActiveSince.Date); } dbAccess.CooksDB.Add(cookAccount); savingAccountAndClosingWindow(e); }
private void btnLogIn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { String nameToFind = Regex.Match(cmbChooseAccount.SelectedItem.ToString(), @"Name: ([A-Za-z]+)").Value; //String nameToFind = Regex.Match(cmbChooseAccount.SelectedItem.ToString(), @"\bName\W+\s\w+\W+\s\b").Value; nameToFind = Regex.Replace(nameToFind, @"Name: ", ""); //MessageBox.Show("Name to find is " + nameToFind); Console.WriteLine("Name to find is " + nameToFind); if (accountToLogIn == 1) { Cook currentCook = new Cook(); foreach (Cook cook in dbAccess.CooksDB) { currentCook = dbAccess.CooksDB.Find(c => c.Name == nameToFind); } if (passwordBox.Password == SingletonDatabaseAccess.PasswordForAll) { CookWindow cookWindow = new CookWindow(currentCook); this.Close(); cookWindow.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the valid password!"); } } else if (accountToLogIn == 2) { Eater currentEater = new Eater(); foreach (Eater eater in dbAccess.EatersDB) { currentEater = dbAccess.EatersDB.Find(eat => eat.Name == nameToFind); } if (passwordBox.Password == SingletonDatabaseAccess.PasswordForAll) { EaterWindow eaterWindow = new EaterWindow(currentEater); this.Close(); eaterWindow.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the valid password!"); } } else if (accountToLogIn == 3) { Administrator currentAdmin = new Administrator(); foreach (Administrator admin in dbAccess.AdminsDB) { currentAdmin = dbAccess.AdminsDB.Find(a => a.Name == nameToFind); } if (passwordBox.Password == SingletonDatabaseAccess.PasswordForAll) { AdminWindow adminWindow = new AdminWindow(currentAdmin); this.Close(); adminWindow.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the valid password!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select one of the accounts from above to Log In"); } }