private ReflectionAppBuilder(CommandLineApplication app) { App = app; App.OnExecute((Func <int>)OnExecute); App.OnValidationError(r => { App.Invoke(); var ctx = (BindContext)App.State; ctx.ValidationResult = r; }); }
private int Execute(List <string> args) { CommandLineApplication command = this; CommandOption option = null; IEnumerator <CommandArgument> arguments = null; for (var index = 0; index < args.Count; index++) { var arg = args[index]; if (command.HandleResponseFiles && index > _responseFileArgsEnd && arg.Length > 1 && arg[0] == '@') { var path = arg.Substring(1); var fullPath = Path.IsPathRooted(path) ? path : Path.Combine(command.WorkingDirectory, path); var rspArgs = ResponseFileParser.Parse(fullPath); args.InsertRange(index + 1, rspArgs); _responseFileArgsEnd = index + rspArgs.Count; continue; } var processed = false; if (!processed && option == null) { string[] longOption = null; string[] shortOption = null; if (arg != null) { if (arg.StartsWith("--")) { longOption = arg.Substring(2).Split(new[] { ':', '=' }, 2); } else if (arg.StartsWith("-")) { shortOption = arg.Substring(1).Split(new[] { ':', '=' }, 2); } } if (longOption != null) { processed = true; var longOptionName = longOption[0]; option = command.GetOptions().SingleOrDefault(opt => string.Equals(opt.LongName, longOptionName, StringComparison.Ordinal)); if (option == null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(longOptionName) && !command.ThrowOnUnexpectedArgument && AllowArgumentSeparator) { // skip over the '--' argument separator index++; } HandleUnexpectedArg(command, args, index, argTypeName: "option"); break; } // If we find a help/version option, show information and stop parsing if (command.OptionHelp == option) { command.ShowHelp(); option.TryParse(null); return(0); } else if (command.OptionVersion == option) { command.ShowVersion(); option.TryParse(null); return(0); } if (longOption.Length == 2) { if (!option.TryParse(longOption[1])) { command.ShowHint(); throw new CommandParsingException(command, $"Unexpected value '{longOption[1]}' for option '{option.LongName}'"); } option = null; } else if (option.OptionType == CommandOptionType.NoValue) { // No value is needed for this option option.TryParse(null); option = null; } } if (shortOption != null) { processed = true; option = command.GetOptions().SingleOrDefault(opt => string.Equals(opt.ShortName, shortOption[0], StringComparison.Ordinal)); // If not a short option, try symbol option if (option == null) { option = command.GetOptions().SingleOrDefault(opt => string.Equals(opt.SymbolName, shortOption[0], StringComparison.Ordinal)); } if (option == null) { HandleUnexpectedArg(command, args, index, argTypeName: "option"); break; } // If we find a help/version option, show information and stop parsing if (command.OptionHelp == option) { command.ShowHelp(); return(0); } else if (command.OptionVersion == option) { command.ShowVersion(); return(0); } if (shortOption.Length == 2) { if (!option.TryParse(shortOption[1])) { command.ShowHint(); throw new CommandParsingException(command, $"Unexpected value '{shortOption[1]}' for option '{option.LongName}'"); } option = null; } else if (option.OptionType == CommandOptionType.NoValue) { // No value is needed for this option option.TryParse(null); option = null; } } } if (!processed && option != null) { processed = true; if (!option.TryParse(arg)) { command.ShowHint(); throw new CommandParsingException(command, $"Unexpected value '{arg}' for option '{option.LongName}'"); } option = null; } if (!processed && arguments == null) { var currentCommand = command; foreach (var subcommand in command.Commands) { if (string.Equals(subcommand.Name, arg, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { processed = true; command = subcommand; break; } } // If we detect a subcommand if (command != currentCommand) { processed = true; } } if (!processed) { if (arguments == null) { arguments = new CommandArgumentEnumerator(command.Arguments.GetEnumerator()); } if (arguments.MoveNext()) { processed = true; arguments.Current.Values.Add(arg); } } if (!processed) { HandleUnexpectedArg(command, args, index, argTypeName: "command or argument"); break; } } if (option != null) { command.ShowHint(); throw new CommandParsingException(command, $"Missing value for option '{option.LongName}'"); } return(command.Invoke()); }