public void HeapifyDown(int pos) { if (pos <= _count / 2) { if (_holdthis[pos * 2] != null && _holdthis[(pos * 2) + 1] == null) { if (_holdthis[pos].Priority < _holdthis[pos * 2].Priority) { PQNode temp = _holdthis[pos * 2]; _holdthis[pos * 2] = _holdthis[pos]; _holdthis[pos] = temp; HeapifyDown(pos * 2); } } else if (_holdthis[pos * 2] != null && _holdthis[(pos * 2) + 1] != null && _holdthis[pos * 2].Priority > _holdthis[(pos * 2) + 1].Priority) { PQNode temp = _holdthis[pos * 2]; _holdthis[pos * 2] = _holdthis[pos]; _holdthis[pos] = temp; HeapifyDown(pos * 2); } else { PQNode temp = _holdthis[(pos * 2) + 1]; _holdthis[(pos * 2) + 1] = _holdthis[pos]; _holdthis[pos] = temp; HeapifyDown((pos * 2) + 1); } } }
/**Using heapsort, produce and return an array of PQNode instances sorted in non-decreasing order of priority. * Despite the typical convention of ignoring index 0 of the backing array, the array you return from this method * should start at 0 and continue to index n-1 (like a typical array in Java or C#) **/ public PQNode[] ToSortedArray() { PQNode [] outputArray = new PQNode[_count]; Array.Copy(_holdthis, 1, outputArray, 0, _count); HeapSort(outputArray); return(outputArray); }
//Removes the root node of the queue and returns it, adjusts the count, and heapifies as needed. public PQNode Dequeue() { PQNode temp = _holdthis[1]; _holdthis[1] = _holdthis[_count]; _holdthis[_count] = null; _count--; HeapifyDown(1); return(temp); }
private void HeapifyUp(int pos) { if (pos > 1) { int parentPos = (pos) / 2; if (_holdthis[pos].Priority > _holdthis[parentPos].Priority) { PQNode temp = _holdthis[parentPos]; _holdthis[parentPos] = _holdthis[pos]; _holdthis[pos] = temp; HeapifyUp(parentPos); } } }
private void HeapSort(PQNode[] a) { int count = a.Length; int end = count - 1; while (end > 0) { //swap max value of the heap with the last element of the heap PQNode tmp = a[end]; a[end] = a[0]; a[0] = tmp; //put the heap back in max-heap order Heapify(a, end - 1); //decrease size of the heap so that the previous max value will stay in its new place end--; } }
public void Heapify(PQNode[] a, int end) { int root = 0; while ((root * 2) + 1 <= end) { int child = root * 2 + 1; if (child + 1 <= end && a[child].Priority < a[child + 1].Priority) child = child + 1; if (a[root].Priority < a[child].Priority) { PQNode tmp = a[root]; a[root] = a[child]; a[child] = tmp; root = child; } else return; } }
/** Takes in the priority and value as parameters.Creates a new PQNode with this value and adds the node to the queue, * adjusts the count, and heapifies as needed. When heapifying, a child node with equal priority to its parent does NOT * promote and the heapifying of that particular child node stops. * 1. ignore zero * 2. priority matters * 3. p = n , left = 2n, right = 2n + 1 **/ public void Enqueue(int priority, int value) { _count++; PQNode addThis = new PQNode(priority, value); if (_count == _holdthis.Length) { PQNode[] doubleHold = new PQNode[_holdthis.Length * 2]; Array.Copy(_holdthis, 0, doubleHold, 0, _count); _holdthis = doubleHold; } _holdthis[_count] = addThis; if (_count > 1) { HeapifyUp(_count); } }
/** Takes in the priority and value as parameters.Creates a new PQNode with this value and adds the node to the queue, adjusts the count, and heapifies as needed. When heapifying, a child node with equal priority to its parent does NOT promote and the heapifying of that particular child node stops. 1. ignore zero 2. priority matters 3. p = n , left = 2n, right = 2n + 1 **/ public void Enqueue(int priority, int value) { _count++; PQNode addThis = new PQNode(priority, value); if (_count == _holdthis.Length) { PQNode[] doubleHold = new PQNode[_holdthis.Length * 2]; Array.Copy(_holdthis, 0, doubleHold, 0, _count); _holdthis = doubleHold; } _holdthis[_count] = addThis; if (_count > 1) { HeapifyUp(_count); } }
public void Heapify(PQNode[] a, int end) { int root = 0; while ((root * 2) + 1 <= end) { int child = root * 2 + 1; if (child + 1 <= end && a[child].Priority < a[child + 1].Priority) { child = child + 1; } if (a[root].Priority < a[child].Priority) { PQNode tmp = a[root]; a[root] = a[child]; a[child] = tmp; root = child; } else { return; } } }
/**Using heapsort, produce and return an array of PQNode instances sorted in non-decreasing order of priority. Despite the typical convention of ignoring index 0 of the backing array, the array you return from this method should start at 0 and continue to index n-1 (like a typical array in Java or C#) **/ public PQNode[] ToSortedArray() { PQNode [] outputArray = new PQNode[_count]; Array.Copy(_holdthis, 1, outputArray, 0, _count); HeapSort(outputArray); return outputArray; }