public CriteriaRow(string itemText, string fixitText, string errorText, bool succeeded, Action fixAction, ThemeConfig theme) : base(FlowDirection.LeftToRight) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch; VAnchor = VAnchor.Absolute; ErrorText = errorText; base.Height = 40; base.AddChild(new TextWidget(string.Format(" {0}. {1}", criteriaCount + 1, itemText)) { TextColor = stillSuccessful ? Color.White : disabledTextColor, VAnchor = VAnchor.Center }); if (stillSuccessful && !succeeded) { ActiveErrorItem = this; } base.AddChild(new HorizontalSpacer()); if (stillSuccessful) { if (succeeded) { // Add checkmark image AddSuccessIcon(); } else { // Add Fix button var button = theme.CreateDialogButton(fixitText); button.VAnchor = VAnchor.Center; button.Padding = new BorderDouble(3, 8); button.Click += (s, e) => fixAction?.Invoke(); base.AddChild(button); } } if (stillSuccessful) { this.BackgroundColor = (criteriaCount % 2 == 0) ? Color.Gray : toggleColor; } else { this.BackgroundColor = disabledBackColor; } stillSuccessful &= succeeded; criteriaCount++; }
public MessageBoxPage(Action <bool> callback, string message, string caption, MessageType messageType, GuiWidget[] extraWidgetsToAdd, double width, double height, string yesOk, string noCancel, ThemeConfig theme, bool useMarkdown = false) : base((noCancel == "") ? "No".Localize() : noCancel) { this.WindowSize = new Vector2(width * GuiWidget.DeviceScale, height * GuiWidget.DeviceScale); if (yesOk == "") { yesOk = (messageType == MessageType.OK) ? "Ok".Localize() : "Yes".Localize(); } this.HeaderText = caption; // this.IsModal = true; responseCallback = callback; unwrappedMessage = message; if (useMarkdown) { contentRow.AddChild(messageContainer = new MarkdownWidget(theme) { Markdown = message, }); } else { var scrollable = new ScrollableWidget(true); scrollable.AnchorAll(); scrollable.ScrollArea.HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch; contentRow.AddChild(scrollable); scrollable.AddChild(messageContainer = new TextWidget(message, textColor: theme.TextColor, pointSize: 12) { AutoExpandBoundsToText = true, HAnchor = HAnchor.Left }); } if (extraWidgetsToAdd != null) { foreach (GuiWidget widget in extraWidgetsToAdd) { contentRow.AddChild(widget); } } var affirmativeButton = theme.CreateDialogButton(yesOk); affirmativeButton.Click += (s, e) => { // If applicable, invoke the callback responseCallback?.Invoke(true); haveResponded = true; this.DialogWindow.Close(); }; this.AddPageAction(affirmativeButton, messageType != MessageType.YES_NO_WITHOUT_HIGHLIGHT); switch (messageType) { case MessageType.YES_NO_WITHOUT_HIGHLIGHT: case MessageType.YES_NO: this.WindowTitle = "MatterControl - " + "Please Confirm".Localize(); affirmativeButton.Name = "Yes Button"; this.SetCancelButtonName("No Button"); break; case MessageType.OK: this.WindowTitle = "MatterControl - " + "Alert".Localize(); affirmativeButton.Name = "Ok Button"; this.HideCancelButton(); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } this.AdjustTextWrap(); }
public DialogPage(string cancelButtonText = null, bool useOverflowBar = false) : base(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { theme = ApplicationController.Instance.Theme; this.HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch; this.VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch; this.BackgroundColor = theme.ActiveTabColor; if (cancelButtonText == null) { cancelButtonText = "Cancel".Localize(); } cancelButton = theme.CreateDialogButton(cancelButtonText); cancelButton.Margin = new BorderDouble(left: 3); cancelButton.Name = "Cancel Wizard Button"; // Create the header row for the widget if (useOverflowBar) { headerRow = new OverflowBar(theme) { Name = "HeaderRow", Margin = new BorderDouble(0, 3, 0, 0), Padding = new BorderDouble(0, 12), HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit }; } else { headerRow = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.LeftToRight) { Name = "HeaderRow", Margin = new BorderDouble(0, 3, 0, 0), Padding = new BorderDouble(0, 12), HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit }; } this.AddChild(headerRow); headerLabel = new TextWidget("Setup Wizard".Localize(), pointSize: 24, textColor: theme.Colors.PrimaryAccentColor) { AutoExpandBoundsToText = true, EllipsisIfClipped = true, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch }; headerRow.AddChild(headerLabel); // Create the main control container contentRow = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { Padding = new BorderDouble(10), BackgroundColor = theme.MinimalShade, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch }; this.AddChild(contentRow); // Create the footer (button) container footerRow = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.LeftToRight) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit | HAnchor.Right, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit, Margin = new BorderDouble(0, 6), Padding = new BorderDouble(top: 4, bottom: 2) }; this.AddChild(footerRow); #if !__ANDROID__ headerRow.Padding = new BorderDouble(0, 3, 0, 3); headerLabel.PointSize = 14; headerLabel.TextColor = theme.Colors.PrimaryTextColor; contentRow.Padding = new BorderDouble(5); footerRow.Padding = 0; footerRow.Margin = new BorderDouble(top: theme.DefaultContainerPadding); #endif }
public TerminalWidget(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme) : base(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { this.printer = printer; this.Name = "TerminalWidget"; this.Padding = new BorderDouble(5, 0); // Header var headerRow = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.LeftToRight) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Left | HAnchor.Stretch, Padding = new BorderDouble(0, 8) }; this.AddChild(headerRow); headerRow.AddChild(CreateVisibilityOptions(theme)); autoUppercase = new CheckBox("Auto Uppercase".Localize(), textSize: theme.DefaultFontSize) { Margin = new BorderDouble(left: 25), Checked = UserSettings.Instance.Fields.GetBool(UserSettingsKey.TerminalAutoUppercase, true), TextColor = theme.TextColor, VAnchor = VAnchor.Center }; autoUppercase.CheckedStateChanged += (s, e) => { UserSettings.Instance.Fields.SetBool(UserSettingsKey.TerminalAutoUppercase, autoUppercase.Checked); }; headerRow.AddChild(autoUppercase); // Body var bodyRow = new FlowLayoutWidget() { Margin = new BorderDouble(bottom: 4), HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch }; this.AddChild(bodyRow); textScrollWidget = new TextScrollWidget(printer, printer.Connection.TerminalLog) { BackgroundColor = theme.MinimalShade, TextColor = theme.TextColor, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, Margin = 0, Padding = new BorderDouble(3, 0) }; bodyRow.AddChild(textScrollWidget); bodyRow.AddChild(new TextScrollBar(textScrollWidget, 15) { ThumbColor = theme.AccentMimimalOverlay, BackgroundColor = theme.SlightShade, Margin = 0 }); textScrollWidget.LineFilterFunction = lineData => { var line = lineData.Line; var output = lineData.Direction == TerminalLine.MessageDirection.ToPrinter; var outputLine = line; var lineWithoutChecksum = GCodeFile.GetLineWithoutChecksum(line); // and set this as the output if desired if (output && !UserSettings.Instance.Fields.GetBool(UserSettingsKey.TerminalShowChecksum, true)) { outputLine = lineWithoutChecksum; } if (!output && lineWithoutChecksum == "ok" && !UserSettings.Instance.Fields.GetBool(UserSettingsKey.TerminalShowOks, true)) { return(null); } else if (output && lineWithoutChecksum.StartsWith("M105") && !UserSettings.Instance.Fields.GetBool(UserSettingsKey.TerminalShowTempRequests, true)) { return(null); } else if (output && (lineWithoutChecksum.StartsWith("G0 ") || lineWithoutChecksum.StartsWith("G1 ")) && !UserSettings.Instance.Fields.GetBool(UserSettingsKey.TerminalShowMovementRequests, true)) { return(null); } else if (!output && (lineWithoutChecksum.StartsWith("T") || lineWithoutChecksum.StartsWith("ok T")) && !UserSettings.Instance.Fields.GetBool(UserSettingsKey.TerminalShowTempResponse, true)) { return(null); } else if (!output && lineWithoutChecksum == "wait" && !UserSettings.Instance.Fields.GetBool(UserSettingsKey.TerminalShowWaitResponse, false)) { return(null); } if (UserSettings.Instance.Fields.GetBool(UserSettingsKey.TerminalShowInputOutputMarks, true)) { switch (lineData.Direction) { case TerminalLine.MessageDirection.FromPrinter: outputLine = "→ " + outputLine; break; case TerminalLine.MessageDirection.ToPrinter: outputLine = "← " + outputLine; break; case TerminalLine.MessageDirection.ToTerminal: outputLine = "* " + outputLine; break; } } return(outputLine); }; // Input Row var inputRow = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.LeftToRight) { BackgroundColor = this.BackgroundColor, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, Margin = new BorderDouble(bottom: 2) }; this.AddChild(inputRow); manualCommandTextEdit = new MHTextEditWidget("", theme, typeFace: ApplicationController.GetTypeFace(NamedTypeFace.Liberation_Mono)) { Margin = new BorderDouble(right: 3), HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Bottom }; manualCommandTextEdit.ActualTextEditWidget.EnterPressed += (s, e) => { SendManualCommand(); }; manualCommandTextEdit.ActualTextEditWidget.KeyDown += (s, keyEvent) => { bool changeToHistory = false; if (keyEvent.KeyCode == Keys.Up) { commandHistoryIndex--; if (commandHistoryIndex < 0) { commandHistoryIndex = 0; } changeToHistory = true; } else if (keyEvent.KeyCode == Keys.Down) { commandHistoryIndex++; if (commandHistoryIndex > commandHistory.Count - 1) { commandHistoryIndex = commandHistory.Count - 1; } else { changeToHistory = true; } } else if (keyEvent.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { manualCommandTextEdit.Text = ""; } if (changeToHistory && commandHistory.Count > 0) { manualCommandTextEdit.Text = commandHistory[commandHistoryIndex]; } }; inputRow.AddChild(manualCommandTextEdit); // Footer var toolbarPadding = theme.ToolbarPadding; var footerRow = new FlowLayoutWidget { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, Padding = new BorderDouble(0, toolbarPadding.Bottom, toolbarPadding.Right, toolbarPadding.Top) }; this.AddChild(footerRow); var sendButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Send".Localize()); sendButton.Margin = theme.ButtonSpacing; sendButton.Click += (s, e) => { SendManualCommand(); }; footerRow.AddChild(sendButton); var clearButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Clear".Localize()); clearButton.Margin = theme.ButtonSpacing; clearButton.Click += (s, e) => { printer.Connection.TerminalLog.Clear(); }; footerRow.AddChild(clearButton); var exportButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Export".Localize()); exportButton.Margin = theme.ButtonSpacing; exportButton.Click += (s, e) => { UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { AggContext.FileDialogs.SaveFileDialog( new SaveFileDialogParams("Save as Text|*.txt") { Title = "MatterControl: Terminal Log", ActionButtonLabel = "Export", FileName = "print_log.txt" }, (saveParams) => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(saveParams.FileName)) { string filePathToSave = saveParams.FileName; if (filePathToSave != null && filePathToSave != "") { try { textScrollWidget.WriteToFile(filePathToSave); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { Debug.Print(ex.Message); printer.Connection.TerminalLog.WriteLine(""); printer.Connection.TerminalLog.WriteLine("WARNING: Write Failed!".Localize()); printer.Connection.TerminalLog.WriteLine("Can't access".Localize() + " " + filePathToSave); printer.Connection.TerminalLog.WriteLine(""); UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { StyledMessageBox.ShowMessageBox(ex.Message, "Couldn't save file".Localize()); }); } } } }); }); }; footerRow.AddChild(exportButton); footerRow.AddChild(new HorizontalSpacer()); this.AnchorAll(); }
public EditLevelingSettingsPage(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme) { this.printer = printer; this.WindowTitle = "Leveling Settings".Localize(); this.HeaderText = "Sampled Positions".Localize(); var scrollableWidget = new ScrollableWidget() { AutoScroll = true, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, }; scrollableWidget.ScrollArea.HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch; contentRow.AddChild(scrollableWidget); // No right padding removes unexpected spacing to the right of scrollbar contentRow.Padding = contentRow.Padding.Clone(right: 0); var column = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, Padding = new BorderDouble(right: theme.DefaultContainerPadding + 4) }; scrollableWidget.AddChild(column); var positions = new List <Vector3>(); PrintLevelingData levelingData = printer.Settings.Helpers.GetPrintLevelingData(); for (int i = 0; i < levelingData.SampledPositions.Count; i++) { positions.Add(levelingData.SampledPositions[i]); } int tab_index = 0; for (int row = 0; row < positions.Count; row++) { var leftRightEdit = new FlowLayoutWidget { Padding = new BorderDouble(3), HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch }; var positionLabel = new TextWidget("{0} {1,-5}".FormatWith("Position".Localize(), row + 1), textColor: theme.TextColor); positionLabel.VAnchor = VAnchor.Center; leftRightEdit.AddChild(positionLabel); for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { leftRightEdit.AddChild(new HorizontalSpacer()); string axisName = "x"; if (axis == 1) { axisName = "y"; } else if (axis == 2) { axisName = "z"; } leftRightEdit.AddChild( new TextWidget($" {axisName}: ", textColor: theme.TextColor) { VAnchor = VAnchor.Center }); int linkCompatibleRow = row; int linkCompatibleAxis = axis; MHNumberEdit valueEdit = new MHNumberEdit(positions[linkCompatibleRow][linkCompatibleAxis], theme, allowNegatives: true, allowDecimals: true, pixelWidth: 60, tabIndex: tab_index++) { Name = $"{axisName} Position {row}" }; valueEdit.ActuallNumberEdit.InternalTextEditWidget.EditComplete += (sender, e) => { Vector3 position = positions[linkCompatibleRow]; position[linkCompatibleAxis] = valueEdit.ActuallNumberEdit.Value; positions[linkCompatibleRow] = position; }; valueEdit.Margin = new BorderDouble(3); leftRightEdit.AddChild(valueEdit); } column.AddChild(leftRightEdit); } var savePresetsButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Save".Localize()); savePresetsButton.Name = "Save Leveling Button"; savePresetsButton.Click += (s, e) => UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { PrintLevelingData newLevelingData = printer.Settings.Helpers.GetPrintLevelingData(); for (int i = 0; i < newLevelingData.SampledPositions.Count; i++) { newLevelingData.SampledPositions[i] = positions[i]; } printer.Settings.Helpers.SetPrintLevelingData(newLevelingData); this.DialogWindow.Close(); }); this.AddPageAction(savePresetsButton); var exportButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Export".Localize()); exportButton.Click += (s, e) => { UiThread.RunOnIdle(this.ExportSettings, .1); }; this.AddPageAction(exportButton); }
public TerminalWidget(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme) : base(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { this.printer = printer; this.Name = "TerminalWidget"; this.Padding = new BorderDouble(5, 0); // Header var headerRow = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.LeftToRight) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Left | HAnchor.Stretch, Padding = new BorderDouble(0, 8) }; this.AddChild(headerRow); filterOutput = new CheckBox("Filter Output".Localize(), textSize: theme.DefaultFontSize) { TextColor = theme.TextColor, VAnchor = VAnchor.Bottom, }; filterOutput.CheckedStateChanged += (s, e) => { if (filterOutput.Checked) { textScrollWidget.SetLineStartFilter(new string[] { "<-wait", "<-ok", "<-T" }); } else { textScrollWidget.SetLineStartFilter(null); } UserSettings.Instance.Fields.SetBool(UserSettingsKey.TerminalFilterOutput, filterOutput.Checked); }; headerRow.AddChild(filterOutput); autoUppercase = new CheckBox("Auto Uppercase".Localize(), textSize: theme.DefaultFontSize) { Margin = new BorderDouble(left: 25), Checked = UserSettings.Instance.Fields.GetBool(UserSettingsKey.TerminalAutoUppercase, true), TextColor = theme.TextColor, VAnchor = VAnchor.Bottom }; autoUppercase.CheckedStateChanged += (s, e) => { UserSettings.Instance.Fields.SetBool(UserSettingsKey.TerminalAutoUppercase, autoUppercase.Checked); }; headerRow.AddChild(autoUppercase); // Body var bodyRow = new FlowLayoutWidget() { Margin = new BorderDouble(bottom: 4), HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch }; this.AddChild(bodyRow); textScrollWidget = new TextScrollWidget(printer, printer.Connection.TerminalLog.PrinterLines) { BackgroundColor = theme.MinimalShade, TextColor = theme.TextColor, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, Margin = 0, Padding = new BorderDouble(3, 0) }; bodyRow.AddChild(textScrollWidget); bodyRow.AddChild(new TextScrollBar(textScrollWidget, 15) { ThumbColor = theme.AccentMimimalOverlay, BackgroundColor = theme.SlightShade, Margin = 0 }); // Input Row var inputRow = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.LeftToRight) { BackgroundColor = this.BackgroundColor, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, Margin = new BorderDouble(bottom: 2) }; this.AddChild(inputRow); manualCommandTextEdit = new MHTextEditWidget("", theme, typeFace: ApplicationController.GetTypeFace(NamedTypeFace.Liberation_Mono)) { Margin = new BorderDouble(right: 3), HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Bottom }; manualCommandTextEdit.ActualTextEditWidget.EnterPressed += (s, e) => { SendManualCommand(); }; manualCommandTextEdit.ActualTextEditWidget.KeyDown += (s, keyEvent) => { bool changeToHistory = false; if (keyEvent.KeyCode == Keys.Up) { commandHistoryIndex--; if (commandHistoryIndex < 0) { commandHistoryIndex = 0; } changeToHistory = true; } else if (keyEvent.KeyCode == Keys.Down) { commandHistoryIndex++; if (commandHistoryIndex > commandHistory.Count - 1) { commandHistoryIndex = commandHistory.Count - 1; } else { changeToHistory = true; } } else if (keyEvent.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { manualCommandTextEdit.Text = ""; } if (changeToHistory && commandHistory.Count > 0) { manualCommandTextEdit.Text = commandHistory[commandHistoryIndex]; } }; inputRow.AddChild(manualCommandTextEdit); // Footer var toolbarPadding = theme.ToolbarPadding; var footerRow = new FlowLayoutWidget { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, Padding = new BorderDouble(0, toolbarPadding.Bottom, toolbarPadding.Right, toolbarPadding.Top) }; this.AddChild(footerRow); var sendButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Send".Localize()); sendButton.Margin = theme.ButtonSpacing; sendButton.Click += (s, e) => { SendManualCommand(); }; footerRow.AddChild(sendButton); var clearButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Clear".Localize()); clearButton.Margin = theme.ButtonSpacing; clearButton.Click += (s, e) => { printer.Connection.TerminalLog.Clear(); }; footerRow.AddChild(clearButton); var exportButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Export".Localize()); exportButton.Margin = theme.ButtonSpacing; exportButton.Click += (s, e) => { UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { AggContext.FileDialogs.SaveFileDialog( new SaveFileDialogParams("Save as Text|*.txt") { Title = "MatterControl: Terminal Log", ActionButtonLabel = "Export", FileName = "print_log.txt" }, (saveParams) => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(saveParams.FileName)) { string filePathToSave = saveParams.FileName; if (filePathToSave != null && filePathToSave != "") { try { textScrollWidget.WriteToFile(filePathToSave); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { Debug.Print(ex.Message); printer.Connection.TerminalLog.PrinterLines.Add(""); printer.Connection.TerminalLog.PrinterLines.Add(writeFaildeWaring); printer.Connection.TerminalLog.PrinterLines.Add(cantAccessPath.FormatWith(filePathToSave)); printer.Connection.TerminalLog.PrinterLines.Add(""); UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { StyledMessageBox.ShowMessageBox(ex.Message, "Couldn't save file".Localize()); }); } } } }); }); }; footerRow.AddChild(exportButton); footerRow.AddChild(new HorizontalSpacer()); this.AnchorAll(); }