public static Task ShowWindowAndExecuteTests(SystemWindow initialSystemWindow, AutomationTest testMethod, double secondsToTestFailure = 30, string imagesDirectory = "", Action closeWindow = null)
            var testRunner = new AutomationRunner(InputMethod, DrawSimulatedMouse, imagesDirectory);

            var resetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            // On load, release the reset event
            initialSystemWindow.Load += (s, e) =>

            int testTimeout = (int)(1000 * secondsToTestFailure);
            var timer       = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            bool testTimedOut = false;

            // Start two tasks, the timeout and the test method. Block in the test method until the first draw
            Task <Task> task = Task.WhenAny(
                Task.Run(() =>
                // Wait until the first system window draw before running the test method, up to the timeout


            // Once either the timeout or the test method has completed, store if a timeout occurred and shutdown the SystemWindow
            task.ContinueWith(innerTask =>
                long elapsedTime = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                testTimedOut     = elapsedTime >= testTimeout;

                // Invoke the callers close implementation or fall back to CloseOnIdle
                if (closeWindow != null)

            // Main thread blocks here until released via CloseOnIdle above

            // Wait for CloseOnIdle to complete
            testRunner.WaitFor(() => initialSystemWindow.HasBeenClosed);

            if (testTimedOut)
                // Throw an exception for test timeouts
                throw new TimeoutException("TestMethod timed out");

            // After the system window is closed return the task and any exception to the calling context
            return(task?.Result ?? Task.CompletedTask);