        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="senderId"></param>
        /// <param name="receiverId"></param>
        /// <param name="envelope"></param>
        /// <param name="requestConfirm">Only valid for remote clients, since all local calls are confirmed or denied by default.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override SendToClientResultEnum DoSendToClient(ClientId senderId, ClientId receiverId, 
                                                                 Envelope envelope, TimeSpan? requestConfirmTimeout)
            if (receiverId.IsMessageBusIndexValid && (receiverId.MessageBus == this))
                //|| receiverId.MessageBus == null)) // This allows for "lost" ids.
            {// Receiver seems to be a local item.
                SendToClientResultEnum result = base.DoSendToClient(senderId, receiverId, envelope, requestConfirmTimeout);
                if (result != SendToClientResultEnum.ClientNotFound)
                    return result;

            int clientSocketId = 0;
            lock (_syncRoot)
                if (_remoteClientNetId.TryGetValue(receiverId, out clientSocketId) == false)
                    return SendToClientResultEnum.ClientNotFound;

            // Send message.
            EnvelopeMessage message = new EnvelopeMessage() { Envelope = envelope,
                                                              Receivers = new ClientId[] { receiverId },
                                                              Sender = senderId,
                                                              RequestResponse = false

            if (ToClient(clientSocketId, message, requestConfirmTimeout) == false)
                return SendToClientResultEnum.Failure;
                return SendToClientResultEnum.Success;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestConfirm">Only valid for remote clients, since all local calls are confirmed or denied by default.</param>
        protected override SendToClientResultEnum DoSendToClient(ClientId senderId, ClientId receiverId, 
                                                                 Envelope envelope, TimeSpan? requestConfirmTimeout)
            if (receiverId.IsMessageBusIndexValid && receiverId.MessageBus == this)
            {// Seems to be a local client Id.
                SendToClientResultEnum result = base.DoSendToClient(senderId, receiverId, envelope, requestConfirmTimeout);
                if (result != SendToClientResultEnum.ClientNotFound)
                    return result;

            // Receiver was not local in parrent, try remote.
            if (IsConnected == false)
                return SendToClientResultEnum.Failure;

            EnvelopeMessage message = new EnvelopeMessage()
                                              Envelope = envelope,
                                              Receivers = new ClientId[] { receiverId },
                                              Sender = senderId

            return ToServer(message, requestConfirmTimeout) ? SendToClientResultEnum.Success : SendToClientResultEnum.Failure;