        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the next representable value after x in the direction of y.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">the value to get the next of</param>
        /// <param name="y">direction</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The next floating point value in the direction of y
        /// <para>If x == NaN || x == Infinity, returns NaN</para>
        /// <para>If y == NaN, returns NaN</para>
        /// <para>If y &gt; x, returns FloatNext(x)</para>
        /// <para>If y = x, returns x</para>
        /// <para>If y &lt; x, returns FloatPrior(x)</para>
        /// </returns>
        public static double Nextafter(double x, double y)
            if ((double.IsNaN(x) || double.IsInfinity(x)) ||
                Policies.ReportDomainError("Nextafter(x: {0}, y: {1}): Requires finite x, y not NaN", x, y);

            if (y > x)
            if (y == x)
        public static double ImpQ(double z, double p, double q)
            Debug.Assert(q <= 0.5);

            if (q == 0)

            var gs = new Stack <double>();

            // Set outside limits
            // Since Q(a, z) > 1/2 for a >= z+1, so maxA < z+1
            double minA = DoubleLimits.MinNormalValue;
            double maxA = z + 1;
            if (maxA == z)
                maxA = Math2.FloatNext(z);

            double step   = 0.5;
            double aGuess = 0;

            // We can use the relationship between the incomplete
            // gamma function and the poisson distribution to
            // calculate an approximate inverse.
            // Mostly it is pretty accurate, except when a is small or q is tiny.

            // Case 1: a <= 1 : Inverse Cornish Fisher is unreliable in this area

            var e = Math.Exp(-z);
            if (q <= e)
                if (q == e)

                maxA = 1;

                // If a <= 1, P(a, x) = 1 - Q(a, x) >= (1-e^-x)^a
                var den   = (z > 0.5) ? Math2.Log1p(-Math.Exp(-z)) : Math.Log(-Math2.Expm1(-z));
                var limit = Math2.Log1p(-q) / den;
                if (limit < 1)
                    minA = Math.Max(minA, limit);

                step   = (1 - minA) * 0.125;
                aGuess = minA * (1 + step);

                if (minA < 0.20)
                    // Use a first order approximation Q(a, z) at a=0
                    // Mathematica: Assuming[ a >= 0 && z > 0, FunctionExpand[Normal[Series[GammaRegularized[a, z], {a, 0, 1}]]]]
                    // q = -a * ExpIntegralEi[-z]
                    // The smaller a is the better the guess
                    // as z->0 term2/term1->1/2*Log[z], which is adequate for double precision

                    aGuess = -q / Math2.Expint(-z);
                    if (aGuess <= DoubleLimits.MachineEpsilon)
                        ExtraDebugLog(z, p, q, aGuess, aGuess, step, minA, maxA, 0, "");
                    step = aGuess * 0.125;
                else if (minA >= 0.40)
                    // Use a first order approximation Q(a, z) at a=1
                    // Mathematica: Assuming[ a >= 0 && z > 0, FunctionExpand[Normal[Series[GammaRegularized[a, z], {a, 1, 1}]]]]

                    var d = Math.Exp(-z) * (Math.Log(z) + Constants.EulerMascheroni) + Math2.Expint(1, z);
                    aGuess = (q - Math.Exp(-z)) / d + 1;

                aGuess = Math.Max(aGuess, minA);
                aGuess = Math.Min(aGuess, maxA);

                var r = SolveA(z, p, q, aGuess, step, minA, maxA);

                ExtraDebugLog(z, p, q, r.Result, aGuess, step, minA, maxA, r.Iterations, "");


            // Case 2: a > 1 : Inverse Poisson Corning Fisher approximation improves as a->Infinity

            minA   = 1;
            aGuess = 0.5 + InversePoissonCornishFisher(z, q, p);
            if (aGuess > 100)
                step = 0.01;
            else if (aGuess > 10)
                step = 0.01;
                // our poisson approximation is weak.
                step = 0.05;

            double og = aGuess;

            aGuess = Math.Max(aGuess, minA);
            aGuess = Math.Min(aGuess, maxA);

            if (og != aGuess)

            // For small values of q, our Inverse Poisson Cornish Fisher guess can be way off
            // Try to come up with a better guess
            if (q < DoubleLimits.MachineEpsilon)
                step *= 10;
                if (Math.Abs((aGuess - 1) / z) < 1.0 / 8)
                    double old = aGuess;
                    (aGuess, _) = RefineQ_SmallA_LargeZ(z, p, q, aGuess);
                    if (old != aGuess)

            var rr = SolveA(z, p, q, aGuess, step, minA, maxA);

            if (rr.Iterations > 6)
                string guesses = (gs.Count == 0) ? string.Empty : ", og: (" + string.Join(", ", gs) + ")";
                ExtraDebugLog(z, p, q, rr.Result, aGuess, step, minA, maxA, rr.Iterations, guesses);
