static void Main(string[] args) { //design Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(new string('_', 55) + "PROGRAMM" + new string('_', 55) + "\n"); Console.ResetColor(); //end design choose : Console.WriteLine("Please choose which service to use - TCP(1) or UDP(2).\n If you want to change the protocol, write -other protocol- \n If you want to exit programm, go to choose protocol and enter -exit-\n"); //reading user's choice start : string ch = Console.ReadLine(); if (ch == "1") { TCP tcppr = new TCP(); tcppr.SendMessage(); } else if (ch == "2") { UDP udppr = new UDP(); udppr.SendMessage(); } else if (ch == "exit") { Console.WriteLine("End Programm"); return; } else { Console.WriteLine("Please,enter other number"); goto start; } goto choose; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Choose the protocol \n1. TCP \n2.UDP"); int protocol = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(protocol); Console.WriteLine("Write your expression with operator:first_value:second_value form"); string message = Console.ReadLine(); if (protocol == 1) { TCP tsp = new TCP(); tsp.SendMessage(message); } if (protocol == 2) { UDP udp = new UDP(); udp.SendMessage(message); } Console.ReadKey(); }