public void LoadConnections(Dictionary <string, UINode> lookup) { var connections = Node.GetConnections(); foreach (var con in connections) { string nid = con.node; int idx = con.index; int odx = con.outIndex; UINode on = null; if (lookup.TryGetValue(nid, out on)) { if (idx >= 0 && idx < on.InputNodes.Count) { UINodePoint p = on.InputNodes[idx]; //connect if (odx >= 0 && odx < OutputNodes.Count) { OutputNodes[odx].ConnectToNode(p); } } else { //log error } } else { //log error } } }
public void ConnectToNode(UINodePoint p, bool loading = false) { if (p.ParentNode == this) { return; } if (p.ParentNode != null) { p.ParentNode.RemoveNode(p); } if (!loading) { if (!CanConnect(p)) { return; } if (IsCircular(p)) { return; } Output.Add(p.Input); } NodePath path = new NodePath(graph.ViewPort, this, p, output != null && output.Type == NodeType.Execute); paths[p] = path; to.Add(p); p.ParentNode = this; }
public void ConnectToNode(UINodePoint p) { if (!CanConnect(p)) { return; } if (IsCircular(p)) { return; } if (p.ParentNode != null) { p.ParentNode.RemoveNode(p); } Output.Add(p.Input); Path path = new Path(); path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray); path.StrokeThickness = 2; paths[p] = path; to.Add(p); p.ParentNode = this; UpdatePaths(); graph.ViewPort.Children.Add(path); }
public void RemoveNode(UINodePoint p) { Path path = null; if (paths.TryGetValue(p, out path)) { graph.ViewPort.Children.Remove(path); } TextBlock num = null; if (numbers.TryGetValue(p, out num)) { graph.ViewPort.Children.Remove(num); } paths.Remove(p); numbers.Remove(p); to.Remove(p); if (p.ParentNode == this) { if (p.Input != null && p.Input.Input != null) { p.Input.Input.Remove(p.Input); } p.ParentNode = null; } UpdatePaths(); }
public UINode(Node n, UIGraph graph, double ox, double oy, double xs, double xy, double sc = 1) { InitializeComponent(); Width = defaultSize; Height = defaultSize; Focusable = true; InputNodes = new List <UINodePoint>(); OutputNodes = new List <UINodePoint>(); Graph = graph; xShift = xs; yShift = xy; scale = sc; Node = n; Id = n.Id; originX = ox; originY = oy; Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0); NodeName.Text = n.Name; foreach (NodeOutput op in n.Outputs) { UINodePoint outpoint = new UINodePoint(this, graph); outpoint.Output = op; outpoint.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; OutputNodes.Add(outpoint); OutputStack.Children.Add(outpoint); outpoint.UpdateColor(); } foreach (NodeInput i in n.Inputs) { UINodePoint inputpoint = new UINodePoint(this, graph); inputpoint.Input = i; inputpoint.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; InputStack.Children.Add(inputpoint); InputNodes.Add(inputpoint); inputpoint.UpdateColor(); } n.OnUpdate += N_OnUpdate; n.OnNameUpdate += N_OnNameUpdate; n.OnInputAddedToNode += N_OnInputAddedToNode; n.OnInputRemovedFromNode += N_OnInputRemovedFromNode; n.OnOutputAddedToNode += N_OnOutputAddedToNode; n.OnOutputRemovedFromNode += N_OnOutputRemovedFromNode; N_OnUpdate(n); }
private void N_OnInputAddedToNode(Node n, NodeInput inp) { UINodePoint inputpoint = new UINodePoint(this, Graph); inputpoint.Input = inp; inputpoint.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; InputStack.Children.Add(inputpoint); InputNodes.Add(inputpoint); inputpoint.UpdateColor(); ResizeHeight(); }
public bool CanConnect(UINodePoint p) { if (Output == null) { return(false); } if (p.Input == null) { return(false); } return((Output.Type & p.Input.Type) != 0); }
public bool IsCircular(UINodePoint p) { if (p.Node == Node) { return(true); } Stack <UINodePoint> stack = new Stack <UINodePoint>(); stack.Push(p); bool circ = false; while (stack.Count > 0) { UINodePoint pt = stack.Pop(); bool shouldBreak = false; UINode node = pt.Node; foreach (UINodePoint output in node.OutputNodes) { if (output != null && != null) { foreach (UINodePoint n in { if (n.Node == Node) { shouldBreak = true; circ = true; break; } else { stack.Push(n); } } } if (shouldBreak) { break; } } if (shouldBreak) { break; } } return(circ); }
private void N_OnOutputAddedToNode(Node n, NodeOutput inp, NodeOutput previous = null) { UINodePoint outpoint = new UINodePoint(this, Graph); outpoint.Output = inp; outpoint.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; OutputNodes.Add(outpoint); OutputStack.Children.Add(outpoint); outpoint.UpdateColor(); ResizeHeight(); }
private void N_OnOutputAddedToNode(Node n, NodeOutput inp, NodeOutput previous = null) { UINodePoint outpoint = new UINodePoint(this, Graph); outpoint.Output = inp; outpoint.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; OutputNodes.Add(outpoint); OutputStack.Children.Add(outpoint); outpoint.UpdateColor(); if (previous != null) { foreach (var cinp in inp.To) { LoadConnection(cinp.Node.Id); } } }
public void ConnectToNode(UINodePoint p, bool loading = false) { if (!CanConnect(p)) { return; } if (IsCircular(p)) { return; } if (p.ParentNode != null) { p.ParentNode.RemoveNode(p); } if (!loading) { Output.Add(p.Input); } Path path = new Path(); if (output != null && output.Type == NodeType.Execute) { TextBlock number = new TextBlock(); number.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; number.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; number.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray); number.FontSize = 12; numbers[p] = number; graph.ViewPort.Children.Add(number); } path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray); path.StrokeThickness = 2; paths[p] = path; to.Add(p); p.ParentNode = this; UpdatePaths(); graph.ViewPort.Children.Add(path); }
public void LoadConnection(string id) { var connections = Node.GetConnections(); foreach (var con in connections) { if (con.node.Equals(id)) { string nid = con.node; int idx = con.index; int odx = con.outIndex; IUIGraphNode on = Graph.GetNode(nid); if (on != null) { if (idx >= 0 && idx < on.InputNodes.Count) { UINodePoint p = on.InputNodes[idx]; //connect if (odx >= 0 && odx < OutputNodes.Count) { OutputNodes[odx].ConnectToNode(p, true); } } else { //log error Log.Warn("Failed to connect a node's output to input"); } } else { //log error Log.Warn("Node does not exist for connection"); } break; } } }
public void RemoveNode(UINodePoint p, bool removeFromGraph = true) { NodePath path = null; if (paths.TryGetValue(p, out path)) { path.Dispose(); } paths.Remove(p); to.Remove(p); if (p.ParentNode == this) { if (p.Input != null && p.Input.Reference != null && removeFromGraph) { p.Input.Reference.Remove(p.Input); } p.ParentNode = null; } }
public void LoadConnection(string id) { var connections = Node.GetConnections(); foreach (var con in connections) { if (con.node.Equals(id)) { string nid = con.node; int idx = con.index; int odx = con.outIndex; UINode on = Graph.GetNode(nid); if (on != null) { if (idx >= 0 && idx < on.InputNodes.Count) { UINodePoint p = on.InputNodes[idx]; //connect if (odx >= 0 && odx < OutputNodes.Count) { OutputNodes[odx].ConnectToNode(p); } } else { //log error } } else { //log error } } } }
private void N_OnInputAddedToNode(Node n, NodeInput inp, NodeInput previous = null) { //need to take into account previous //aka we are just replacing the previous one UINodePoint previousNodePoint = null; UINodePoint previousNodePointParent = null; if (previous != null) { previousNodePoint = InputNodes.Find(m => m.Input == previous); } if (previousNodePoint != null) { previousNodePointParent = previousNodePoint.ParentNode; } UINodePoint inputpoint = new UINodePoint(this, Graph); inputpoint.Input = inp; inputpoint.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; InputStack.Children.Add(inputpoint); InputNodes.Add(inputpoint); inputpoint.UpdateColor(); //try and reconnect previous parent node to it graphically if (previousNodePointParent != null) { previousNodePointParent.ConnectToNode(inputpoint, true); } if (previous != null) { N_OnInputRemovedFromNode(n, previous); } ResizeHeight(); }
public void RemoveNode(UINodePoint p) { Path path = null; if (paths.TryGetValue(p, out path)) { graph.ViewPort.Children.Remove(path); } paths.Remove(p); to.Remove(p); if (p.ParentNode == this) { if (p.Input != null && p.Input.Input != null) { p.Input.Input.Remove(p.Input); } p.ParentNode = null; } }
public void LoadConnections(Dictionary <string, IUIGraphNode> lookup) { var connections = Node.GetConnections(); foreach (var con in connections) { string nid = con.node; int idx = con.index; int odx = con.outIndex; IUIGraphNode on = null; if (lookup.TryGetValue(nid, out on)) { if (idx >= 0 && idx < on.InputNodes.Count) { UINodePoint p = on.InputNodes[idx]; //connect if (odx >= 0 && odx < OutputNodes.Count) { OutputNodes[odx].ConnectToNode(p, true); } } else { //log error Log.Warn("Failed to connect a node's output to input"); } } else { //log error Log.Warn("Node does not exist for connection"); } } }
private void UpdateConnectionPreview() { if (UINodePoint.SelectOrigin != null) { //catch for when the node is removed and layout update is still triggered try { UINodePoint origin = UINodePoint.SelectOrigin; UINodePoint dest = UINodePoint.SelectOver; Point r1 = new Point(); if (origin.Output != null) { r1 = origin.TransformToAncestor(ViewPort).Transform(new Point(origin.ActualWidth, 8f)); } else if (origin.Input != null) { r1 = origin.TransformToAncestor(ViewPort).Transform(new Point(0f, 8f)); } Point r2 = Mouse.GetPosition(ViewPort); if (dest != null) { if (origin.Output != null) { r2 = dest.TransformToAncestor(ViewPort).Transform(new Point(dest.ActualWidth, 8f)); } else if (origin.Input != null) { r2 = dest.TransformToAncestor(ViewPort).Transform(new Point(0f, 8f)); } } Path path = ConnectionPathPreview; double dy = r2.Y - r1.Y; Point mid = new Point((r2.X + r1.X) * 0.5f, (r2.Y + r1.Y) * 0.5f + dy * 0.5f); if (path != null) { if (path.Data == null) { path.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; path.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; PathGeometry p = new PathGeometry(); PathFigure pf = new PathFigure(); pf.IsClosed = false; pf.StartPoint = r1; BezierSegment seg = new BezierSegment(r1, mid, r2, true); pf.Segments.Add(seg); p.Figures.Add(pf); path.Data = p; } else { PathGeometry p = (PathGeometry)path.Data; PathFigure pf = p.Figures[0]; pf.StartPoint = r1; BezierSegment seg = (BezierSegment)pf.Segments[0]; seg.Point1 = r1; seg.Point2 = mid; seg.Point3 = r2; } } ConnectionPathPreview = path; if (dest != null) { r2 = dest.TransformToAncestor(ViewPort).Transform(new Point()); } else { r2.X -= 8; r2.Y -= 8; } Canvas.SetLeft(ConnectionPointPreview, r2.X); Canvas.SetTop(ConnectionPointPreview, r2.Y); } catch { } } }
public bool IsCircular(UINodePoint p) { return(p.Node == Node); }
public int GetOutIndex(UINodePoint p) { return(to.IndexOf(p)); }
public UINode(Node n, UIGraph graph, double ox, double oy, double xs, double xy, double sc = 1) { InitializeComponent(); Focusable = true; InputNodes = new List <UINodePoint>(); OutputNodes = new List <UINodePoint>(); Graph = graph; xShift = xs; yShift = xy; scale = sc; Node = n; Id = n.Id; originX = ox; originY = oy; NodeName.Text = n.Name; for (int i = 0; i < n.Outputs.Count; i++) { NodeOutput op = n.Outputs[i]; UINodePoint outpoint = new UINodePoint(this, graph); outpoint.Output = op; outpoint.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; OutputNodes.Add(outpoint); OutputStack.Children.Add(outpoint); } for (int i = 0; i < n.Inputs.Count; i++) { NodeInput inp = n.Inputs[i]; UINodePoint inputpoint = new UINodePoint(this, graph); inputpoint.Input = inp; inputpoint.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; InputStack.Children.Add(inputpoint); InputNodes.Add(inputpoint); } n.OnNameUpdate += N_OnNameUpdate; n.OnInputAddedToNode += N_OnInputAddedToNode; n.OnInputRemovedFromNode += N_OnInputRemovedFromNode; n.OnOutputAddedToNode += N_OnOutputAddedToNode; n.OnOutputRemovedFromNode += N_OnOutputRemovedFromNode; n.OnDescriptionChanged += N_OnDescriptionChanged; if (n is MathNode) { DescPreview.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Desc.Text = n.GetDescription(); LoadIcon(); } if (graph.Graph is FunctionGraph) { FunctionGraph f = graph.Graph as FunctionGraph; f.OnOutputSet += F_OnOutputSet; if (n == f.OutputNode) { OutputIcon.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; DescPreview.Background = HighlightBrush; } else { DescPreview.Background = DefaultBrush; OutputIcon.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } if (n == f.Execute) { InputIcon.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { InputIcon.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } else { if (n is OutputNode) { OutputIcon.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { OutputIcon.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } if (n is InputNode) { InputIcon.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { InputIcon.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } }