public static void InsecQMode(Obj_AI_Hero target) { if (target.IsValidTarget(Program.Q.Range)) { if (Steps == "One") //First hit q { if (Program.Q.IsReady() && ObjectManager.Player.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.Q).Name == "BlindMonkQOne") { if (Program.Q.CastIfHitchanceEquals(target, Program.HitchanceCheck("seth").GetValue <Slider>().Value))) // Continue like that { Steps = "Two"; } } } else if (Steps == "Two") // hit second q { if (ObjectManager.Player.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.Q).Name == "blindmonkqtwo") { SecondQTime = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Game.Ping + Program.Q.Instance.SData.SpellTotalTime, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)); if (Program.Q.Cast()) { if (!WardJump.getBestWardItem().IsValidSlot() &&"useflash").GetValue <bool>()) { Steps = "Flash"; } else { Steps = "Three"; } } } else { } } else if (Steps == "Three") // put ward { if (Program.Player.Distance(WardJump.getward(target)) <= 600 && Program.W.IsReady()) { Utility.DelayAction.Add(SecondQTime, () => WardJump.InsecJump(WardJump.Insecpos(target).To2D())); Steps = "Four"; } } else if (Steps == "Four") //go to the ward { Utility.DelayAction.Add(Game.Ping + 100, () => WardJump.InsecJump(WardJump.Insecpos(target).To2D())); Utility.DelayAction.Add(Game.Ping + 110, () => fiveornot()); } else if (Steps == "Flash") // hit w { if (WardJump.Insecpos(target).Distance(Program.Player.Position) < 400) { ObjectManager.Player.Spellbook.CastSpell(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlot("SummonerFlash"), WardJump.Insecpos(target)); Steps = "Five"; } } else if (Steps == "Five") // and hit the kick { Utility.DelayAction.Add(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Game.Ping + Program.W.Instance.SData.SpellTotalTime, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)), () => Program.R.CastOnUnit(target)); // it dont hit anything } else { Steps = "One"; } } }