private static string PromptForNewGuess(MasterMindBll masterMindBll, string guess) { Console.WriteLine($"'{guess}' is an invalid guess."); Console.WriteLine($"Please enter a guess with {masterMindBll.NumOfDigits} digits in length."); Console.WriteLine($"Also each digit within range of {masterMindBll.LowRange} through {masterMindBll.HighRange}."); guess = Console.ReadLine(); return(guess); }
private static void DisplayGuessResult(MasterMindBll masterMindBll, string guess) { if (masterMindBll.IsCorrectGuess(guess)) { Console.WriteLine($"Correct! {guess} was the answer!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"{masterMindBll.GuessResult(guess)}"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { int lowRange = 1; int highRange = 6; int numberOfAllowedGuesses = 10; int numberOfDigitsInAnswer = 4; MasterMindBll masterMindBll = new MasterMindBll(lowRange, highRange, numberOfAllowedGuesses, numberOfDigitsInAnswer); IntroductionToGame(masterMindBll); while (masterMindBll.AnotherGuessAllowed) { PlayAnotherRound(masterMindBll); } Console.WriteLine("Thank you for playing. Program will close when you hit 'Enter'"); Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void PlayAnotherRound(MasterMindBll masterMindBll) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your guess below."); string guess = Console.ReadLine(); while (!masterMindBll.IsValidGuess(guess)) { guess = PromptForNewGuess(masterMindBll, guess); } DisplayGuessResult(masterMindBll, guess); if (!masterMindBll.AnotherGuessAllowed && !masterMindBll.IsCorrectGuess(guess)) { Console.WriteLine($"Sorry, but that was your final guess and it was incorrect."); } }
private static void IntroductionToGame(MasterMindBll masterMindBll) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to a new game of Master Mind!"); Console.WriteLine($"A new answer has been generated which is {masterMindBll.NumOfDigits} digits in length"); Console.WriteLine($"The digits will be within range of {masterMindBll.LowRange} through {masterMindBll.HighRange}"); }