bool isValidHousePosition(House house) { foreach (House other in houses.Values) { bool xIntersects = false; bool yIntersects = false; if (house.x >= other.x && house.x < other.x + other.width) xIntersects = true; if (other.x >= house.x && other.x < house.x + house.width) xIntersects = true; if (house.y >= other.y && house.y < other.y + other.width) yIntersects = true; if (other.y >= house.y && other.y < house.y + house.width) yIntersects = true; if (xIntersects && yIntersects) { IPlayer player = bot.Room.getPlayer(house.builder); if (player != null) { string builder = house.builder; string neighbor = other.builder; player.Reply("Your house would be too close to " + neighbor + "'s house."); player.Reply("The size of the house is " + house.width + "x" + house.height + " blocks."); } return false; } } for (int x = 0; x < house.width; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < house.height; ++y) { int bx = house.x + x; int by = house.y + y; int blockId = bot.Room.getBlock(0, bx, by).Id; if (!house.houseType.isGroundBlockAllowed(blockId)) { IPlayer player = bot.Room.getPlayer(house.builder); if (player != null) { player.Reply("You must build the house on empty space without dirt and ores!"); player.Reply("The size of the house is " + house.width + "x" + house.height + " blocks."); } return false; } } } foreach (var isValidPos in isValidPosEvent) { if (!isValidPos(house)) return false; } return true; }
public void DrawHouse(House house, IPlayer builder = null) { for (int xx = 0; xx < house.houseType.Width; ++xx) { for (int yy = 0; yy < house.houseType.Height; ++yy) { int blockId = 22; int backgroundBlock = house.houseType.BackgroundBlock; if (xx == 0 || xx == house.houseType.Width - 1 || yy == 0 || yy == house.houseType.Height - 1) blockId = house.houseType.WallBlock; else blockId = house.houseType.BaseBlock; if (builder == null || (builder.BlockX != house.x + xx || builder.BlockY != house.y + yy)) { if (!house.Furniture.ContainsKey(new BlockPos(0, xx + house.x, yy + house.y))) + house.x, yy + house.y, new Room.Block.NormalBlock(blockId)); } + house.x, yy + house.y, new Room.Block.NormalBlock(backgroundBlock)); } } foreach (var v in house.Furniture) bot.Room.setBlock(v.Key.X, v.Key.Y, v.Value.getBlock(bot, builder, house)); }
public void Load() { houses.Clear(); SaveFile saveFile = new SaveFile("data/houses"); saveFile.Load(); Dictionary<string, Node> nodes = saveFile.Nodes; if (nodes.ContainsKey("houses")) { Node houses2 = nodes["houses"]; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Node> house in houses2.Nodes) { int x = int.Parse(house.Value.Nodes["x"].Value); int y = int.Parse(house.Value.Nodes["y"].Value); string type = house.Value.Nodes["type"].Value; House newhouse = new House(houseTypes[type], house.Key, x, y, houseTypes[type].Width, houseTypes[type].Height); if (house.Value.Nodes.ContainsKey("furniture")) // <furniture> { Node furniture = house.Value.Nodes["furniture"]; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Node> furnitures in furniture.Nodes) { // <x|y> int furniturex = int.Parse(furnitures.Value.Nodes["x"].Value); int furniturey = int.Parse(furnitures.Value.Nodes["y"].Value); string furnituretype = furnitures.Value.Nodes["type"].Value; Furniture newFurniture = FurnitureManager.FurnitureTypes[furnituretype].FromNode(furnitures.Value); newhouse.Furniture.Add(new BlockPos(0, furniturex, furniturey), newFurniture); } } this.houses.Add(newhouse.builder, newhouse); DrawHouse(newhouse); } } }
public bool BuildHouse(IPlayer builder, string houseTypeStr) { if (buildingHouses.ContainsKey(builder)) { builder.Reply("You are already building a house, use !finishhouse to finish it."); return false; } if (houses.ContainsKey(builder.Name)) { builder.Reply("You already have a house. Use !destroyhouse to delete it. ;)"); return false; } HouseType houseType = null; if (!houseTypes.ContainsKey(houseTypeStr)) { builder.Reply("There is no building called '" + houseTypeStr + "'!"); ShowHouses(builder); return false; } houseType = houseTypes[houseTypeStr]; // Make sure the player cna buy the house! if (!houseType.CanBuy(builder)) { //builder.Reply("You don't have enough resources to build " + houseType.Name + "."); //houseType.PrintCost(builder); return false; } int x = builder.BlockX - houseType.Width / 2; int y = builder.BlockY - houseType.Height / 2; House house = new House(houseType, builder.Name, x, y, houseType.Width, houseType.Height, HouseState.Building); if (!isValidHousePosition(house)) return false; buildingHouses.Add(builder, house); houses.Add(builder.Name, house); DrawHouse(house, builder); bot.ChatSayer.Command("/tp " + builder.Name + " " + builder.BlockX + " " + builder.BlockY); // Nothing went wrong, let the player pay for his house. houseType.Buy(builder); return true; }