public TexExplorer CreateTextureExplorer(MeType type) { TexExplorer explorer = new TexExplorer(this, type); explorer.Text = "Mass Effect " + (int)type; explorer.MdiParent = this; explorer.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; explorer.Show(); return(explorer); }
public string PrepareListOfTextures(TexExplorer texEplorer, CachePackageMgr cachePackageMgr, MainWindow mainWindow, Installer installer, ref string log, bool force = false) { string errors = ""; treeScan = null; List <FoundTexture> textures = new List <FoundTexture>(); string path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } string filename = Path.Combine(path, "me" + (int)GameData.gameType + "map.bin"); if (force && File.Exists(filename)) { File.Delete(filename); } if (File.Exists(filename)) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { uint tag = fs.ReadUInt32(); uint version = fs.ReadUInt32(); if (tag != TexExplorer.textureMapBinTag || version != TexExplorer.textureMapBinVersion) { if (mainWindow != null) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong " + filename + " file!"); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel(""); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel2(""); texEplorer.Close(); } fs.Close(); log += "Wrong " + filename + " file!" + Environment.NewLine; return("Wrong " + filename + " file!" + Environment.NewLine); } uint countTexture = fs.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < countTexture; i++) { FoundTexture texture = new FoundTexture(); = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); texture.crc = fs.ReadUInt32(); texture.packageName = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); uint countPackages = fs.ReadUInt32(); texture.list = new List <MatchedTexture>(); for (int k = 0; k < countPackages; k++) { MatchedTexture matched = new MatchedTexture(); matched.exportID = fs.ReadInt32(); matched.path = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); texture.list.Add(matched); } textures.Add(texture); } if (fs.Position < new FileInfo(filename).Length) { List <string> packages = new List <string>(); int numPackages = fs.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < numPackages; i++) { string pkgPath = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); pkgPath = GameData.GamePath + pkgPath; packages.Add(pkgPath); } for (int i = 0; i < packages.Count; i++) { if (GameData.packageFiles.Find(s => s.Equals(packages[i], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == null) { if (mainWindow != null) { MessageBox.Show("Detected removal of game files since last game data scan." + "\n\nYou need to restore the game to vanilla state and reinstall vanilla DLCs and DLC mods." + "\n\nThen from the main menu, select 'Remove Textures Scan File' and start Texture Manager again."); return(""); } else if (!force) { errors += "Detected removal of game files since last game data scan." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "You need to restore the game to vanilla state and reinstall vanilla DLCs and DLC mods."; return(""); } } } for (int i = 0; i < GameData.packageFiles.Count; i++) { if (packages.Find(s => s.Equals(GameData.packageFiles[i], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == null) { if (mainWindow != null) { MessageBox.Show("Detected additional game files not present in latest game data scan." + "\n\nYou need to restore the game to vanilla state and reinstall vanilla DLCs and DLC mods." + "\n\nThen from the main menu, select 'Remove Textures Scan File' and start Texture Manager again."); return(""); } else if (!force) { errors += "Detected additional game files not present in latest game data scan." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "You need to restore the game to vanilla state and reinstall vanilla DLCs and DLC mods."; return(""); } } } } else { fs.SeekEnd(); fs.WriteInt32(GameData.packageFiles.Count); for (int i = 0; i < GameData.packageFiles.Count; i++) { fs.WriteStringASCIINull(GameData.RelativeGameData(GameData.packageFiles[i])); } } treeScan = textures; if (mainWindow != null) { mainWindow.updateStatusLabel(""); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel2(""); } return(errors); } } if (File.Exists(filename)) { File.Delete(filename); } if (Misc.detectBrokenMod(GameData.gameType)) { if (mainWindow != null) { MessageBox.Show("Detected ME1 Controller or/and Faster Elevators mod!\nMEM will not work properly due broken content in mod."); } return(""); } if (MipMaps.checkGameDataModded(cachePackageMgr)) { if (mainWindow != null) { MessageBox.Show("Detected modded game. Can not continue." + "\n\nYou need to restore the game to vanilla state and reinstall vanilla DLCs and DLC mods." + "\n\nThen start Texture Manager again."); return(""); } else if (!force) { errors += "Detected modded game. Can not continue." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "You need to restore the game to vanilla state and reinstall vanilla DLCs and DLC mods."; return(""); } } if (mainWindow != null) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Replacing textures and creating mods requires generating a map of the game's textures.\n" + "You only need to do it once.\n\n" + "IMPORTANT! Your game needs to be in vanilla state and have all original DLCs and DLC mods installed.\n\n" + "Are you sure you want to proceed?", "Textures mapping", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.No) { texEplorer.Close(); return(""); } } GameData.packageFiles.Sort(); if (mainWindow != null) { Misc.startTimer(); } for (int i = 0; i < GameData.packageFiles.Count; i++) { if (mainWindow != null) { mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Finding textures in package " + (i + 1) + " of " + GameData.packageFiles.Count + " - " + GameData.packageFiles[i]); } if (installer != null) { installer.updateStatusScan("Progress... " + (i * 100 / GameData.packageFiles.Count) + " % "); } errors += FindTextures(textures, GameData.packageFiles[i], cachePackageMgr, ref log); } using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { fs.WriteUInt32(TexExplorer.textureMapBinTag); fs.WriteUInt32(TexExplorer.textureMapBinVersion); fs.WriteInt32(textures.Count); for (int i = 0; i < textures.Count; i++) { fs.WriteStringASCIINull(textures[i].name); fs.WriteUInt32(textures[i].crc); fs.WriteStringASCIINull(textures[i].packageName); fs.WriteInt32(textures[i].list.Count); for (int k = 0; k < textures[i].list.Count; k++) { fs.WriteInt32(textures[i].list[k].exportID); fs.WriteStringASCIINull(textures[i].list[k].path); } } fs.WriteInt32(GameData.packageFiles.Count); for (int i = 0; i < GameData.packageFiles.Count; i++) { fs.WriteStringASCIINull(GameData.RelativeGameData(GameData.packageFiles[i])); } } if (mainWindow != null) { MipMaps mipmaps = new MipMaps(); if (GameData.gameType == MeType.ME1_TYPE) { errors += mipmaps.removeMipMapsME1(1, textures, null, mainWindow, null); errors += mipmaps.removeMipMapsME1(2, textures, null, mainWindow, null); } else { errors += mipmaps.removeMipMapsME2ME3(textures, null, mainWindow, null); } var time = Misc.stopTimer(); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Done. Process total time: " + Misc.getTimerFormat(time)); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel2(""); } treeScan = textures; return(errors); }
private string processTextureMod(string filenameMod, int previewIndex, bool extract, bool replace, bool verify, string outDir, List <FoundTexture> textures, TexExplorer texExplorer, ref string log) { string errors = ""; if (filenameMod.EndsWith(".tpf", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (!replace && !extract) { throw new Exception(); } int result; string fileName = ""; ulong dstLen = 0; string[] ddsList = null; ulong numEntries = 0; IntPtr handle = IntPtr.Zero; ZlibHelper.Zip zip = new ZlibHelper.Zip(); try { int indexTpf = -1; handle = zip.Open(filenameMod, ref numEntries, 1); for (ulong i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { result = zip.GetCurrentFileInfo(handle, ref fileName, ref dstLen); fileName = fileName.Trim(); if (result != 0) { throw new Exception(); } if (Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLowerInvariant() == ".def" || Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLowerInvariant() == ".log") { indexTpf = (int)i; break; } result = zip.GoToNextFile(handle); if (result != 0) { throw new Exception(); } } byte[] listText = new byte[dstLen]; result = zip.ReadCurrentFile(handle, listText, dstLen); if (result != 0) { throw new Exception(); } ddsList = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(listText).Trim('\0').Replace("\r", "").TrimEnd('\n').Split('\n'); result = zip.GoToFirstFile(handle); if (result != 0) { throw new Exception(); } for (uint i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { if (i == indexTpf) { result = zip.GoToNextFile(handle); continue; } try { uint crc = 0; result = zip.GetCurrentFileInfo(handle, ref fileName, ref dstLen); if (result != 0) { throw new Exception(); } fileName = fileName.Trim(); foreach (string dds in ddsList) { string ddsFile = dds.Split('|')[1]; if (ddsFile.ToLowerInvariant().Trim() != fileName.ToLowerInvariant()) { continue; } crc = uint.Parse(dds.Split('|')[0].Substring(2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); break; } string filename = Path.GetFileName(fileName); if (crc == 0) { log += "Skipping file: " + filename + " not found in definition file, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; errors += "Skipping file: " + filename + " not found in definition file, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; zip.GoToNextFile(handle); continue; } int index = -1; for (int t = 0; t < textures.Count; t++) { if (textures[t].crc == crc) { index = t; break; } } if (index != -1) { FoundTexture foundTexture = textures[index]; byte[] data = new byte[dstLen]; result = zip.ReadCurrentFile(handle, data, dstLen); if (result != 0) { log += "Error in texture: " + + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + ", skipping texture, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; errors += "Error in texture: " + + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + ", skipping texture, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; zip.GoToNextFile(handle); continue; } if (texExplorer != null) { texExplorer._mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Processing MOD " + Path.GetFileName(filenameMod) + " - File " + (i + 1) + " of " + numEntries + " - " +; } if (extract) { string name = + "_" + string.Format("0x{0:X8}", crc) + Path.GetExtension(fileName); using (FileStream output = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outDir, name), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { output.Write(data, 0, (int)dstLen); } } else if (replace) { int indexPremap = -1; for (int t = 0; t < texExplorer.texturesPreMap.Count; t++) { if (texExplorer.texturesPreMap[t].crc == crc) { indexPremap = t; break; } } if (indexPremap != -1) { zip.GoToNextFile(handle); log += "Texture skipped. File " + filename + string.Format(" - 0x{0:X8}", crc) + " is not present in premap database - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; continue; } PixelFormat pixelFormat = texExplorer.texturesPreMap[indexPremap].pixfmt; Image image = new Image(data, Path.GetExtension(filename)); if (image.mipMaps[0].origWidth / image.mipMaps[0].origHeight != texExplorer.texturesPreMap[indexPremap].width / texExplorer.texturesPreMap[indexPremap].height) { zip.GoToNextFile(handle); errors += "Error in texture: " + + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + " This texture has wrong aspect ratio, skipping texture, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filename + Environment.NewLine; continue; } if (!image.checkDDSHaveAllMipmaps() || (foundTexture.list.Find(s => s.path != "").numMips > 1 && image.mipMaps.Count() <= 1) || (image.pixelFormat != pixelFormat)) { texExplorer._mainWindow.updateStatusLabel2("Converting/correcting texture: " +; bool dxt1HasAlpha = false; byte dxt1Threshold = 128; if (texExplorer.texturesPreMap[indexPremap].flags == TexProperty.TextureTypes.OneBitAlpha) { dxt1HasAlpha = true; if (image.pixelFormat == PixelFormat.ARGB || image.pixelFormat == PixelFormat.DXT3 || image.pixelFormat == PixelFormat.DXT5) { errors += "Warning for texture: " + + ". This texture converted from full alpha to binary alpha." + Environment.NewLine; } } image.correctMips(pixelFormat, dxt1HasAlpha, dxt1Threshold); } ModEntry entry = new ModEntry(); entry.cacheImage = image; entry.textureCrc = crc; entry.textureName =; modsToReplace.Add(entry); } } else { log += "Texture skipped. File " + filename + string.Format(" - 0x{0:X8}", crc) + " is not present in your game setup - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; zip.GoToNextFile(handle); continue; } } catch { log += "Skipping not compatible content, entry: " + (i + 1) + " file: " + fileName + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; errors += "Skipping not compatible content, entry: " + (i + 1) + " file: " + fileName + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; } result = zip.GoToNextFile(handle); } zip.Close(handle); handle = IntPtr.Zero; } catch { log += "Mod is not compatible: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; errors += "Mod is not compatible: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; if (handle != IntPtr.Zero) { zip.Close(handle); } handle = IntPtr.Zero; } return(errors); } else if (filenameMod.EndsWith(".mod", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (!replace && !extract) { throw new Exception(); } try { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filenameMod, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { string package = ""; int len = fs.ReadInt32(); string version = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); if (version.Length < 5) // legacy .mod { fs.SeekBegin(); } else { fs.SeekBegin(); len = fs.ReadInt32(); version = fs.ReadStringASCII(len); // version } uint numEntries = fs.ReadUInt32(); for (uint i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { BinaryMod mod = new BinaryMod(); len = fs.ReadInt32(); string desc = fs.ReadStringASCII(len); // description len = fs.ReadInt32(); string scriptLegacy = fs.ReadStringASCII(len); string path = ""; if (desc.Contains("Binary Replacement")) { try { Misc.ParseME3xBinaryScriptMod(scriptLegacy, ref package, ref mod.exportId, ref path); if (mod.exportId == -1 || package == "" || path == "") { throw new Exception(); } } catch { len = fs.ReadInt32(); fs.Skip(len); errors += "Skipping not compatible content, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; continue; } mod.packagePath = Path.Combine(GameData.GamePath + path, package); len = fs.ReadInt32(); = fs.ReadToBuffer(len); if (!File.Exists(mod.packagePath)) { errors += "Warning: File " + mod.packagePath + " not exists in your game setup." + Environment.NewLine; log += "Warning: File " + mod.packagePath + " not exists in your game setup." + Environment.NewLine; continue; } if (replace) { ModEntry entry = new ModEntry(); entry.binaryModType = true; entry.packagePath = path; entry.exportId = mod.exportId; entry.binaryModData =; modsToReplace.Add(entry); } } else { string textureName = desc.Split(' ').Last(); FoundTexture f; int index = -1; try { index = Misc.ParseLegacyMe3xScriptMod(textures, scriptLegacy, textureName); if (index == -1) { throw new Exception(); } f = textures[index]; } catch { len = fs.ReadInt32(); fs.Skip(len); errors += "Skipping not compatible content, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; continue; } mod.textureCrc = f.crc; mod.textureName =; len = fs.ReadInt32(); = fs.ReadToBuffer(len); if (replace) { int indexPremap = -1; try { indexPremap = Misc.ParseLegacyMe3xScriptMod(texExplorer.texturesPreMap, scriptLegacy, textureName); if (indexPremap == -1) { throw new Exception(); } } catch { len = fs.ReadInt32(); fs.Skip(len); errors += "Skipping not compatible content, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; continue; } PixelFormat pixelFormat = texExplorer.texturesPreMap[indexPremap].pixfmt; Image image = new Image(, Image.ImageFormat.DDS); if (image.mipMaps[0].origWidth / image.mipMaps[0].origHeight != texExplorer.texturesPreMap[indexPremap].width / texExplorer.texturesPreMap[indexPremap].height) { errors += "Error in texture: " + + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", f.crc) + " This texture has wrong aspect ratio, skipping texture, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; continue; } if (!image.checkDDSHaveAllMipmaps() || (f.list.Find(s => s.path != "").numMips > 1 && image.mipMaps.Count() <= 1) || (image.pixelFormat != pixelFormat)) { texExplorer._mainWindow.updateStatusLabel2("Converting/correcting texture: " +; bool dxt1HasAlpha = false; byte dxt1Threshold = 128; if (texExplorer.texturesPreMap[indexPremap].flags == TexProperty.TextureTypes.OneBitAlpha) { dxt1HasAlpha = true; if (image.pixelFormat == PixelFormat.ARGB || image.pixelFormat == PixelFormat.DXT3 || image.pixelFormat == PixelFormat.DXT5) { errors += "Warning for texture: " + + ". This texture converted from full alpha to binary alpha." + Environment.NewLine; } } image.correctMips(pixelFormat, dxt1HasAlpha, dxt1Threshold); } ModEntry entry = new ModEntry(); entry.cacheImage = image; entry.textureCrc = f.crc; entry.textureName =; modsToReplace.Add(entry); } } } } } catch { errors += "Mod is not compatible: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; } return(errors); } using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filenameMod, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { texExplorer.listViewTextures.BeginUpdate(); } uint tag = fs.ReadUInt32(); uint version = fs.ReadUInt32(); if (tag != TreeScan.TextureModTag || version != TreeScan.TextureModVersion) { if (version != TreeScan.TextureModVersion) { errors += "File " + filenameMod + " was made with an older version of MEM, skipping..." + Environment.NewLine; log += "File " + filenameMod + " was made with an older version of MEM, skipping..." + Environment.NewLine; } else { errors += "File " + filenameMod + " is not a valid MEM mod, skipping..." + Environment.NewLine; log += "File " + filenameMod + " is not a valid MEM mod, skipping..." + Environment.NewLine; } if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { texExplorer.listViewTextures.EndUpdate(); } return(errors); } else { uint gameType = 0; fs.JumpTo(fs.ReadInt64()); gameType = fs.ReadUInt32(); if ((MeType)gameType != GameData.gameType) { errors += "File " + filenameMod + " is not a MEM mod valid for this game" + Environment.NewLine; log += "File " + filenameMod + " is not a MEM mod valid for this game" + Environment.NewLine; if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { texExplorer.listViewTextures.EndUpdate(); } return(errors); } } int numFiles = fs.ReadInt32(); List <FileMod> modFiles = new List <FileMod>(); for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { FileMod fileMod = new FileMod(); fileMod.tag = fs.ReadUInt32(); = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); fileMod.offset = fs.ReadInt64(); fileMod.size = fs.ReadInt64(); modFiles.Add(fileMod); } numFiles = modFiles.Count; if (texExplorer != null && replace) { texExplorer._mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Processing MOD " + Path.GetFileName(filenameMod)); } for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { string name = ""; uint crc = 0; long size = 0, dstLen = 0; int exportId = -1; string pkgPath = ""; byte[] dst = null; if (previewIndex != -1) { i = previewIndex; } fs.JumpTo(modFiles[i].offset); size = modFiles[i].size; if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag || modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag2) { name = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); crc = fs.ReadUInt32(); } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileBinaryTag) { name = modFiles[i].name; exportId = fs.ReadInt32(); pkgPath = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileXdeltaTag) { name = modFiles[i].name; exportId = fs.ReadInt32(); pkgPath = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); } if (texExplorer != null && (extract || replace)) { texExplorer._mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Processing MOD " + Path.GetFileName(filenameMod) + " - File " + (i + 1) + " of " + numFiles + " - " + name); } if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag || modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag2) { FoundTexture foundTexture; foundTexture = textures.Find(s => s.crc == crc); if (foundTexture.crc != 0) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem( + " (" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(foundTexture.list.Find(s => s.path != "").path).ToUpperInvariant() + ")"); item.Name = i.ToString(); texExplorer.listViewTextures.Items.Add(item); } else { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(name + " (Texture not found: " + name + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + ")"); item.Name = i.ToString(); texExplorer.listViewTextures.Items.Add(item); log += "Texture skipped. Texture " + name + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + " is not present in your game setup" + Environment.NewLine; } } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileBinaryTag) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(name + " (Raw Binary Mod)"); item.Name = i.ToString(); texExplorer.listViewTextures.Items.Add(item); } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileXdeltaTag) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(name + " (Xdelta Binary Mod)"); item.Name = i.ToString(); texExplorer.listViewTextures.Items.Add(item); } else { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(name + " (Unknown)"); item.Name = i.ToString(); errors += "Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; log += "Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; } continue; } if (!replace || (modFiles[i].tag != FileTextureTag && modFiles[i].tag != FileTextureTag2)) { dst = decompressData(fs, size); dstLen = dst.Length; } if (extract) { if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag) { string filename = name + "_" + string.Format("0x{0:X8}", crc) + ".dds"; using (FileStream output = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outDir, Path.GetFileName(filename)), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { output.Write(dst, 0, (int)dstLen); } } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag2) { string filename = name + "_" + string.Format("0x{0:X8}", crc) + ""; using (FileStream output = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outDir, Path.GetFileName(filename)), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { output.Write(dst, 0, (int)dstLen); } } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileBinaryTag) { string path = pkgPath; string newFilename; if (path.Contains("\\DLC\\")) { string dlcName = path.Split('\\')[3]; newFilename = "D" + dlcName.Length + "-" + dlcName + "-"; } else { newFilename = "B"; } newFilename += Path.GetFileName(path).Length + "-" + Path.GetFileName(path) + "-E" + exportId + ".bin"; using (FileStream output = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outDir, newFilename), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { output.Write(dst, 0, (int)dstLen); } } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileXdeltaTag) { string path = pkgPath; string newFilename; if (path.Contains("\\DLC\\")) { string dlcName = path.Split('\\')[3]; newFilename = "D" + dlcName.Length + "-" + dlcName + "-"; } else { newFilename = "B"; } newFilename += Path.GetFileName(path).Length + "-" + Path.GetFileName(path) + "-E" + exportId + ".xdelta"; using (FileStream output = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outDir, newFilename), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { output.Write(dst, 0, (int)dstLen); } } else { errors += "Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; log += "Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; } continue; } if (previewIndex != -1) { if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag || modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag2) { Image image = new Image(dst, Image.ImageFormat.DDS); texExplorer.pictureBoxPreview.Image = image.getBitmapARGB(); } else { texExplorer.pictureBoxPreview.Image = null; } break; } else if (replace) { if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag || modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag2) { int index = -1; for (int t = 0; t < textures.Count; t++) { if (textures[t].crc == crc) { index = t; break; } } if (index != -1) { FoundTexture foundTexture = textures[index]; ModEntry entry = new ModEntry(); entry.textureCrc = foundTexture.crc; entry.textureName =; if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag2) { entry.markConvert = true; } entry.memPath = filenameMod; entry.memEntryOffset = fs.Position; entry.memEntrySize = size; modsToReplace.Add(entry); } else { log += "Error: Texture " + name + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + "is not present in your game setup. Texture skipped." + Environment.NewLine; } } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileBinaryTag) { string path = GameData.GamePath + pkgPath; if (!File.Exists(path)) { errors += "Warning: File " + path + " not exists in your game setup." + Environment.NewLine; log += "Warning: File " + path + " not exists in your game setup." + Environment.NewLine; continue; } ModEntry entry = new ModEntry(); entry.binaryModType = true; entry.packagePath = pkgPath; entry.exportId = exportId; entry.binaryModData = dst; modsToReplace.Add(entry); } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileXdeltaTag) { string path = GameData.GamePath + pkgPath; if (!File.Exists(path)) { errors += "Warning: File " + path + " not exists in your game setup." + Environment.NewLine; log += "Warning: File " + path + " not exists in your game setup." + Environment.NewLine; continue; } ModEntry entry = new ModEntry(); Package pkg = new Package(path); byte[] buffer = new Xdelta3Helper.Xdelta3().Decompress(pkg.getExportData(exportId), dst); if (buffer.Length == 0) { errors += "Warning: Xdelta patch for " + path + " failed to apply." + Environment.NewLine; log += "Warning: Xdelta patch for " + path + " failed to apply." + Environment.NewLine; continue; } entry.binaryModType = true; entry.packagePath = pkgPath; entry.exportId = exportId; entry.binaryModData = buffer; modsToReplace.Add(entry); pkg.Dispose(); } else { errors += "Error: Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; log += "Error: Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; } } else { throw new Exception(); } } if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { texExplorer.listViewTextures.EndUpdate(); } } return(errors); }
public string listTextureMod(string filenameMod, List <FoundTexture> textures, TexExplorer texExplorer, ref string log) { return(processTextureMod(filenameMod, -1, false, false, false, "", textures, texExplorer, ref log)); }
public string replaceTextureMod(string filenameMod, List <FoundTexture> textures, TexExplorer texExplorer, bool verify, ref string log) { return(processTextureMod(filenameMod, -1, false, true, verify, "", textures, texExplorer, ref log)); }
public string previewTextureMod(string filenameMod, int previewIndex, List <FoundTexture> textures, TexExplorer texExplorer, ref string log) { return(processTextureMod(filenameMod, previewIndex, false, false, false, "", textures, texExplorer, ref log)); }
public string extractTextureMod(string filenameMod, string outDir, List <FoundTexture> textures, TexExplorer texExplorer, ref string log) { return(processTextureMod(filenameMod, -1, true, false, false, outDir, textures, texExplorer, ref log)); }
private bool generateBuiltinMapFiles = false; // change to true to enable map files generation public string PrepareListOfTextures(TexExplorer texEplorer, CachePackageMgr cachePackageMgr, MainWindow mainWindow, Installer installer, ref string log, bool force = false) { string errors = ""; treeScan = null; List <FoundTexture> textures = new List <FoundTexture>(); string path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } string filename = Path.Combine(path, "me" + (int)GameData.gameType + "map.bin"); if (force && File.Exists(filename)) { File.Delete(filename); } if (File.Exists(filename)) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { uint tag = fs.ReadUInt32(); uint version = fs.ReadUInt32(); if (tag != TexExplorer.textureMapBinTag || version != TexExplorer.textureMapBinVersion) { if (mainWindow != null) { MessageBox.Show("Detected wrong or old version of textures scan file!" + "\n\nYou need to restore the game to vanilla state then reinstall optional DLC/PCC mods." + "\n\nThen from the main menu, select 'Remove Textures Scan File' and start Texture Manager again."); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel(""); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel2(""); texEplorer.Close(); } fs.Close(); log += "Detected wrong or old version of textures scan file!" + Environment.NewLine; log += "You need to restore the game to vanilla state then reinstall optional DLC/PCC mods." + Environment.NewLine; log += "Then from the main menu, select 'Remove Textures Scan File' and start Texture Manager again." + Environment.NewLine; return("Detected wrong or old version of textures scan file!" + Environment.NewLine + "You need to restore the game to vanilla state then reinstall optional DLC/PCC mods." + Environment.NewLine + "Then from the main menu, select 'Remove Textures Scan File' and start Texture Manager again." + Environment.NewLine); } uint countTexture = fs.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < countTexture; i++) { FoundTexture texture = new FoundTexture(); int len = fs.ReadInt32(); = fs.ReadStringASCII(len); texture.crc = fs.ReadUInt32(); uint countPackages = fs.ReadUInt32(); texture.list = new List <MatchedTexture>(); for (int k = 0; k < countPackages; k++) { MatchedTexture matched = new MatchedTexture(); matched.exportID = fs.ReadInt32(); matched.linkToMaster = fs.ReadInt32(); len = fs.ReadInt32(); matched.path = fs.ReadStringASCII(len); texture.list.Add(matched); } textures.Add(texture); } List <string> packages = new List <string>(); int numPackages = fs.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < numPackages; i++) { int len = fs.ReadInt32(); string pkgPath = fs.ReadStringASCII(len); pkgPath = GameData.GamePath + pkgPath; packages.Add(pkgPath); } for (int i = 0; i < packages.Count; i++) { if (GameData.packageFiles.Find(s => s.Equals(packages[i], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == null) { if (mainWindow != null) { MessageBox.Show("Detected removal of game files since last game data scan." + "\n\nYou need to restore the game to vanilla state then reinstall optional DLC/PCC mods." + "\n\nThen from the main menu, select 'Remove Textures Scan File' and start Texture Manager again."); return(""); } else if (!force) { errors += "Detected removal of game files since last game data scan." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "You need to restore the game to vanilla state then reinstall optional DLC/PCC mods."; return(""); } } } for (int i = 0; i < GameData.packageFiles.Count; i++) { if (packages.Find(s => s.Equals(GameData.packageFiles[i], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == null) { if (mainWindow != null) { MessageBox.Show("Detected additional game files not present in latest game data scan." + "\n\nYou need to restore the game to vanilla state then reinstall optional DLC/PCC mods." + "\n\nThen from the main menu, select 'Remove Textures Scan File' and start Texture Manager again."); return(""); } else if (!force) { errors += "Detected additional game files not present in latest game data scan." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "You need to restore the game to vanilla state then reinstall optional DLC/PCC mods."; return(""); } } } treeScan = textures; if (mainWindow != null) { mainWindow.updateStatusLabel(""); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel2(""); } return(errors); } } if (File.Exists(filename)) { File.Delete(filename); } if (mainWindow != null) { List <string> badMods = Misc.detectBrokenMod(GameData.gameType); if (badMods.Count != 0) { errors = ""; for (int l = 0; l < badMods.Count; l++) { errors += badMods[l] + Environment.NewLine; } MessageBox.Show("Detected not compatible mods: \n\n" + errors); return(""); } } if (MipMaps.checkGameDataModded(cachePackageMgr)) { if (mainWindow != null) { MessageBox.Show("Detected modded game. Can not continue." + "\n\nYou need to restore the game to vanilla state then reinstall optional DLC/PCC mods." + "\n\nThen start Texture Manager again."); return(""); } else if (!force) { errors += "Detected modded game. Can not continue." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "You need to restore the game to vanilla state then reinstall optional DLC/PCC mods."; return(""); } } if (mainWindow != null) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Replacing textures and creating mods requires generating a map of the game's textures.\n" + "You only need to do it once.\n\n" + "IMPORTANT! Your game needs to be in vanilla state and have optional DLC/PCC mods installed.\n\n" + "Are you sure you want to proceed?", "Textures mapping", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.No) { texEplorer.Close(); return(""); } } GameData.packageFiles.Sort(); if (mainWindow != null) { Misc.startTimer(); } for (int i = 0; i < GameData.packageFiles.Count; i++) { if (mainWindow != null) { mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Finding textures in package " + (i + 1) + " of " + GameData.packageFiles.Count + " - " + GameData.packageFiles[i]); } if (installer != null) { installer.updateStatusScan("Scanning textures " + (i * 100 / GameData.packageFiles.Count) + "% "); } errors += FindTextures(textures, GameData.packageFiles[i], cachePackageMgr, ref log); } if (GameData.gameType == MeType.ME1_TYPE) { for (int k = 0; k < textures.Count; k++) { for (int t = 0; t < textures[k].list.Count; t++) { uint mipmapOffset = textures[k].list[t].mipmapOffset; if (textures[k].list[t].slave) { MatchedTexture slaveTexture = textures[k].list[t]; string basePkgName = slaveTexture.basePackageName; if (basePkgName == Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(slaveTexture.path).ToUpperInvariant()) { throw new Exception(); } bool found = false; for (int j = 0; j < textures[k].list.Count; j++) { if (!textures[k].list[j].slave && textures[k].list[j].mipmapOffset == mipmapOffset && textures[k].list[j].packageName == basePkgName) { slaveTexture.linkToMaster = j; textures[k].list[t] = slaveTexture; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { log += "Error: not able match 'slave' texture: + " + textures[k].name + " to 'master'."; } } } if (!textures[k].list.Exists(s => s.slave) && textures[k].list.Exists(s => s.weakSlave)) { List <MatchedTexture> texList = new List <MatchedTexture>(); for (int t = 0; t < textures[k].list.Count; t++) { MatchedTexture tex = textures[k].list[t]; if (tex.weakSlave) { texList.Add(tex); } else { texList.Insert(0, tex); } } FoundTexture f = textures[k]; f.list = texList; textures[k] = f; if (textures[k].list[0].weakSlave) { continue; } for (int t = 0; t < textures[k].list.Count; t++) { if (textures[k].list[t].weakSlave) { MatchedTexture slaveTexture = textures[k].list[t]; string basePkgName = slaveTexture.basePackageName; if (basePkgName == Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(slaveTexture.path).ToUpperInvariant()) { throw new Exception(); } for (int j = 0; j < textures[k].list.Count; j++) { if (!textures[k].list[j].weakSlave && textures[k].list[j].packageName == basePkgName) { slaveTexture.linkToMaster = j; textures[k].list[t] = slaveTexture; break; } } } } } } } using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); mem.WriteUInt32(TexExplorer.textureMapBinTag); mem.WriteUInt32(TexExplorer.textureMapBinVersion); mem.WriteInt32(textures.Count); for (int i = 0; i < textures.Count; i++) { mem.WriteInt32(textures[i].name.Length); mem.WriteStringASCII(textures[i].name); mem.WriteUInt32(textures[i].crc); if (generateBuiltinMapFiles) { mem.WriteInt32(textures[i].width); mem.WriteInt32(textures[i].height); mem.WriteInt32((int)textures[i].pixfmt); mem.WriteInt32(textures[i].alphadxt1 ? 1 : 0); mem.WriteInt32(textures[i].numMips); } mem.WriteInt32(textures[i].list.Count); for (int k = 0; k < textures[i].list.Count; k++) { mem.WriteInt32(textures[i].list[k].exportID); mem.WriteInt32(textures[i].list[k].linkToMaster); mem.WriteInt32(textures[i].list[k].path.Length); mem.WriteStringASCII(textures[i].list[k].path); } } if (!generateBuiltinMapFiles) { mem.WriteInt32(GameData.packageFiles.Count); for (int i = 0; i < GameData.packageFiles.Count; i++) { string s = GameData.RelativeGameData(GameData.packageFiles[i]); mem.WriteInt32(s.Length); mem.WriteStringASCII(s); } } mem.SeekBegin(); if (generateBuiltinMapFiles) { fs.WriteUInt32(0x504D5443); fs.WriteUInt32((uint)mem.Length); byte[] compressed = new ZlibHelper.Zlib().Compress(mem.ToArray(), 9); fs.WriteUInt32((uint)compressed.Length); fs.WriteFromBuffer(compressed); } else { fs.WriteFromStream(mem, mem.Length); } } if (mainWindow != null) { if (!generateBuiltinMapFiles) { MipMaps mipmaps = new MipMaps(); if (GameData.gameType == MeType.ME1_TYPE) { errors += mipmaps.removeMipMapsME1(1, textures, null, mainWindow, null); errors += mipmaps.removeMipMapsME1(2, textures, null, mainWindow, null); } else { errors += mipmaps.removeMipMapsME2ME3(textures, null, mainWindow, null); } } var time = Misc.stopTimer(); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Done. Process total time: " + Misc.getTimerFormat(time)); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel2(""); } treeScan = textures; return(errors); }
private string processTextureMod(string filenameMod, int previewIndex, bool extract, bool replace, bool verify, string outDir, List <FoundTexture> textures, CachePackageMgr cachePackageMgr, TexExplorer texExplorer, ref string log) { string errors = ""; if (filenameMod.EndsWith(".tpf", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (!replace && !extract) { throw new Exception(); } int result; string fileName = ""; ulong dstLen = 0; string[] ddsList = null; ulong numEntries = 0; IntPtr handle = IntPtr.Zero; ZlibHelper.Zip zip = new ZlibHelper.Zip(); try { int indexTpf = -1; handle = zip.Open(filenameMod, ref numEntries, 1); for (ulong i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { result = zip.GetCurrentFileInfo(handle, ref fileName, ref dstLen); fileName = fileName.Trim(); if (result != 0) { throw new Exception(); } if (Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLowerInvariant() == ".def" || Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLowerInvariant() == ".log") { indexTpf = (int)i; break; } result = zip.GoToNextFile(handle); if (result != 0) { throw new Exception(); } } byte[] listText = new byte[dstLen]; result = zip.ReadCurrentFile(handle, listText, dstLen); if (result != 0) { throw new Exception(); } ddsList = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(listText).Trim('\0').Replace("\r", "").TrimEnd('\n').Split('\n'); result = zip.GoToFirstFile(handle); if (result != 0) { throw new Exception(); } for (uint i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { if (i == indexTpf) { result = zip.GoToNextFile(handle); continue; } try { uint crc = 0; result = zip.GetCurrentFileInfo(handle, ref fileName, ref dstLen); if (result != 0) { throw new Exception(); } fileName = fileName.Trim(); foreach (string dds in ddsList) { string ddsFile = dds.Split('|')[1]; if (ddsFile.ToLowerInvariant().Trim() != fileName.ToLowerInvariant()) { continue; } crc = uint.Parse(dds.Split('|')[0].Substring(2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); break; } string filename = Path.GetFileName(fileName); if (crc == 0) { log += "Skipping file: " + filename + " not found in definition file, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; errors += "Skipping file: " + filename + " not found in definition file, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; zip.GoToNextFile(handle); continue; } FoundTexture foundTexture = textures.Find(s => s.crc == crc); if (foundTexture.crc != 0) { byte[] data = new byte[dstLen]; result = zip.ReadCurrentFile(handle, data, dstLen); if (result != 0) { log += "Error in texture: " + + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + ", skipping texture, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; errors += "Error in texture: " + + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + ", skipping texture, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; zip.GoToNextFile(handle); continue; } if (texExplorer != null) { texExplorer._mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Processing MOD " + Path.GetFileName(filenameMod) + " - File " + (i + 1) + " of " + numEntries + " - " +; } if (extract) { string name = + "_" + string.Format("0x{0:X8}", crc) + Path.GetExtension(fileName); using (FileStream output = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outDir, name), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { output.Write(data, 0, (int)dstLen); } } else { Image image = new Image(data, Path.GetExtension(filename)); errors += replaceTexture(image, foundTexture.list, cachePackageMgr,, crc, verify); } } else { log += "Texture skipped. File " + filename + string.Format(" - 0x{0:X8}", crc) + " is not present in your game setup - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; zip.GoToNextFile(handle); continue; } } catch { log += "Skipping not compatible content, entry: " + (i + 1) + " file: " + fileName + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; errors += "Skipping not compatible content, entry: " + (i + 1) + " file: " + fileName + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; } result = zip.GoToNextFile(handle); } zip.Close(handle); handle = IntPtr.Zero; } catch { log += "Mod is not compatible: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; errors += "Mod is not compatible: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; if (handle != IntPtr.Zero) { zip.Close(handle); } handle = IntPtr.Zero; } return(errors); } else if (filenameMod.EndsWith(".mod", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (!replace && !extract) { throw new Exception(); } try { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filenameMod, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { string package = ""; int len = fs.ReadInt32(); string version = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); if (version.Length < 5) // legacy .mod { fs.SeekBegin(); } else { fs.SeekBegin(); len = fs.ReadInt32(); version = fs.ReadStringASCII(len); // version } uint numEntries = fs.ReadUInt32(); for (uint i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { TexExplorer.BinaryMod mod = new TexExplorer.BinaryMod(); len = fs.ReadInt32(); string desc = fs.ReadStringASCII(len); // description len = fs.ReadInt32(); string scriptLegacy = fs.ReadStringASCII(len); string path = ""; if (desc.Contains("Binary Replacement")) { try { Misc.ParseME3xBinaryScriptMod(scriptLegacy, ref package, ref mod.exportId, ref path); if (mod.exportId == -1 || package == "" || path == "") { throw new Exception(); } } catch { len = fs.ReadInt32(); fs.Skip(len); errors += "Skipping not compatible content, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; continue; } mod.packagePath = Path.Combine(GameData.GamePath + path, package); len = fs.ReadInt32(); = fs.ReadToBuffer(len); if (!File.Exists(mod.packagePath)) { errors += "Warning: File " + mod.packagePath + " not exists in your game setup." + Environment.NewLine; log += "Warning: File " + mod.packagePath + " not exists in your game setup." + Environment.NewLine; continue; } Package pkg = cachePackageMgr.OpenPackage(mod.packagePath); pkg.setExportData(mod.exportId,; } else { string textureName = desc.Split(' ').Last(); FoundTexture f; try { f = Misc.ParseLegacyMe3xScriptMod(textures, scriptLegacy, textureName); mod.textureCrc = f.crc; if (mod.textureCrc == 0) { throw new Exception(); } } catch { len = fs.ReadInt32(); fs.Skip(len); errors += "Skipping not compatible content, entry: " + (i + 1) + " - mod: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; continue; } textureName =; mod.textureName = textureName; len = fs.ReadInt32(); = fs.ReadToBuffer(len); PixelFormat pixelFormat = f.pixfmt; Image image = new Image(, Image.ImageFormat.DDS); errors += replaceTexture(image, f.list, cachePackageMgr,, f.crc, verify); } } } } catch { errors += "Mod is not compatible: " + filenameMod + Environment.NewLine; } return(errors); } using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filenameMod, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { texExplorer.listViewTextures.BeginUpdate(); } uint tag = fs.ReadUInt32(); uint version = fs.ReadUInt32(); if (tag != TexExplorer.TextureModTag || version != TexExplorer.TextureModVersion) { if (version != TexExplorer.TextureModVersion) { errors += "File " + filenameMod + " was made with an older version of MEM, skipping..." + Environment.NewLine; log += "File " + filenameMod + " was made with an older version of MEM, skipping..." + Environment.NewLine; } else { errors += "File " + filenameMod + " is not a valid MEM mod, skipping..." + Environment.NewLine; log += "File " + filenameMod + " is not a valid MEM mod, skipping..." + Environment.NewLine; } if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { texExplorer.listViewTextures.EndUpdate(); } return(errors); } else { uint gameType = 0; fs.JumpTo(fs.ReadInt64()); gameType = fs.ReadUInt32(); if (textures != null && (MeType)gameType != GameData.gameType) { errors += "File " + filenameMod + " is not a MEM mod valid for this game" + Environment.NewLine; log += "File " + filenameMod + " is not a MEM mod valid for this game" + Environment.NewLine; if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { texExplorer.listViewTextures.EndUpdate(); } return(errors); } } int numFiles = fs.ReadInt32(); List <FileMod> modFiles = new List <FileMod>(); for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { FileMod fileMod = new FileMod(); fileMod.tag = fs.ReadUInt32(); = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); fileMod.offset = fs.ReadInt64(); fileMod.size = fs.ReadInt64(); modFiles.Add(fileMod); } numFiles = modFiles.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { string name = ""; uint crc = 0; long size = 0, dstLen = 0; int exportId = -1; string pkgPath = ""; byte[] dst = null; if (previewIndex != -1) { i = previewIndex; } fs.JumpTo(modFiles[i].offset); size = modFiles[i].size; if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag) { name = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); crc = fs.ReadUInt32(); } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileBinaryTag) { name = modFiles[i].name; exportId = fs.ReadInt32(); pkgPath = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); } if (texExplorer != null) { texExplorer._mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Processing MOD " + Path.GetFileName(filenameMod) + " - File " + (i + 1) + " of " + numFiles + " - " + name); } if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag) { FoundTexture foundTexture; foundTexture = textures.Find(s => s.crc == crc); if (foundTexture.crc != 0) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem( + " (" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(foundTexture.list[0].path).ToUpperInvariant() + ")"); item.Name = i.ToString(); texExplorer.listViewTextures.Items.Add(item); } else { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(name + " (Texture not found: " + name + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + ")"); item.Name = i.ToString(); texExplorer.listViewTextures.Items.Add(item); log += "Texture skipped. Texture " + name + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + " is not present in your game setup" + Environment.NewLine; } } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileBinaryTag) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(name + " (Binary Mod)"); item.Name = i.ToString(); texExplorer.listViewTextures.Items.Add(item); } else { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(name + " (Unknown)"); item.Name = i.ToString(); errors += "Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; log += "Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; } continue; } dst = decompressData(fs, size); dstLen = dst.Length; if (extract) { if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag) { string filename = name + "_" + string.Format("0x{0:X8}", crc) + ".dds"; using (FileStream output = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outDir, Path.GetFileName(filename)), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { output.Write(dst, 0, (int)dstLen); } } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileBinaryTag) { string path = pkgPath; string newFilename; if (path.Contains("\\DLC\\")) { string dlcName = path.Split('\\')[3]; newFilename = "D" + dlcName.Length + "-" + dlcName + "-"; } else { newFilename = "B"; } newFilename += Path.GetFileName(path).Length + "-" + Path.GetFileName(path) + "-E" + exportId + ".bin"; using (FileStream output = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outDir, newFilename), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { output.Write(dst, 0, (int)dstLen); } } else { errors += "Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; log += "Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; } continue; } if (previewIndex != -1) { if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag) { Image image = new Image(dst, Image.ImageFormat.DDS); texExplorer.pictureBoxPreview.Image = image.getBitmapARGB(); } else { texExplorer.pictureBoxPreview.Image = null; } break; } else if (replace) { if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag) { FoundTexture foundTexture; foundTexture = textures.Find(s => s.crc == crc); if (foundTexture.crc != 0) { Image image = new Image(dst, Image.ImageFormat.DDS); errors += replaceTexture(image, foundTexture.list, cachePackageMgr,, crc, verify); } else { log += "Error: Texture " + name + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + "is not present in your game setup. Texture skipped." + Environment.NewLine; } } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileBinaryTag) { string path = GameData.GamePath + pkgPath; if (!File.Exists(path)) { errors += "Warning: File " + path + " not exists in your game setup." + Environment.NewLine; log += "Warning: File " + path + " not exists in your game setup." + Environment.NewLine; continue; } Package pkg = cachePackageMgr.OpenPackage(path); pkg.setExportData(exportId, dst); } else { errors += "Error: Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; log += "Error: Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; } } else { throw new Exception(); } } if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { texExplorer.listViewTextures.EndUpdate(); } } return(errors); }
public string PrepareListOfTextures(MeType gameId, TexExplorer texEplorer, MainWindow mainWindow, Installer installer, ref string log, bool ipc) { string errors = ""; treeScan = null; Misc.MD5FileEntry[] md5Entries; if (gameId == MeType.ME1_TYPE) { pkgs = Program.tablePkgsME1; md5Entries = Program.entriesME1; } else if (gameId == MeType.ME2_TYPE) { pkgs = Program.tablePkgsME2; md5Entries = Program.entriesME2; } else { pkgs = Program.tablePkgsME3; md5Entries = Program.entriesME3; } List <FoundTexture> textures = new List <FoundTexture>(); string path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } string filename = Path.Combine(path, "me" + (int)gameId + "map.bin"); if (mainWindow != null) { if (File.Exists(filename)) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { uint tag = fs.ReadUInt32(); uint version = fs.ReadUInt32(); if (tag != textureMapBinTag || version != textureMapBinVersion) { MessageBox.Show("Detected wrong or old version of textures scan file!" + "\n\nYou need to restore the game to vanilla state then reinstall optional DLC/PCC mods." + "\n\nThen from the main menu, select 'Remove Textures Scan File' and start Texture Manager again."); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel(""); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel2(""); texEplorer.Close(); fs.Close(); log += "Detected wrong or old version of textures scan file!" + Environment.NewLine; log += "You need to restore the game to vanilla state then reinstall optional DLC/PCC mods." + Environment.NewLine; log += "Then from the main menu, select 'Remove Textures Scan File' and start Texture Manager again." + Environment.NewLine; return("Detected wrong or old version of textures scan file!" + Environment.NewLine + "You need to restore the game to vanilla state then reinstall optional DLC/PCC mods." + Environment.NewLine + "Then from the main menu, select 'Remove Textures Scan File' and start Texture Manager again." + Environment.NewLine); } uint countTexture = fs.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < countTexture; i++) { FoundTexture texture = new FoundTexture(); int len = fs.ReadInt32(); = fs.ReadStringASCII(len); texture.crc = fs.ReadUInt32(); uint countPackages = fs.ReadUInt32(); texture.list = new List <MatchedTexture>(); for (int k = 0; k < countPackages; k++) { MatchedTexture matched = new MatchedTexture(); matched.exportID = fs.ReadInt32(); matched.linkToMaster = fs.ReadInt32(); len = fs.ReadInt32(); matched.path = fs.ReadStringASCII(len); texture.list.Add(matched); } textures.Add(texture); } List <string> packages = new List <string>(); int numPackages = fs.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < numPackages; i++) { int len = fs.ReadInt32(); string pkgPath = fs.ReadStringASCII(len); pkgPath = GameData.GamePath + pkgPath; packages.Add(pkgPath); } for (int i = 0; i < packages.Count; i++) { if (GameData.packageFiles.Find(s => s.Equals(packages[i], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == null) { MessageBox.Show("Detected removal of game files since last game data scan." + "\n\nYou need to restore the game to vanilla state then reinstall optional DLC/PCC mods." + "\n\nThen from the main menu, select 'Remove Textures Scan File' and start Texture Manager again."); return(""); } } for (int i = 0; i < GameData.packageFiles.Count; i++) { if (packages.Find(s => s.Equals(GameData.packageFiles[i], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == null) { MessageBox.Show("Detected additional game files not present in latest game data scan." + "\n\nYou need to restore the game to vanilla state then reinstall optional DLC/PCC mods." + "\n\nThen from the main menu, select 'Remove Textures Scan File' and start Texture Manager again."); return(""); } } treeScan = textures; mainWindow.updateStatusLabel(""); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel2(""); } if (!texEplorer.verifyGameDataEmptyMipMapsRemoval()) { MessageBox.Show("Detected empty mips in game files." + "\n\nYou need the game in vanilla state and optional DLC/PCC mods." + "\n\nThen from the main menu, select 'Remove Textures Scan File' and start Texture Manager again."); return(""); } return(errors); } if (mainWindow != null) { List <string> badMods = Misc.detectBrokenMod(GameData.gameType); if (badMods.Count != 0) { errors = ""; for (int l = 0; l < badMods.Count; l++) { errors += badMods[l] + Environment.NewLine; } MessageBox.Show("Detected not compatible mods: \n\n" + errors); return(""); } List <string> mods = Misc.detectMods(GameData.gameType); if (mods.Count != 0 && GameData.gameType == MeType.ME1_TYPE && GameData.FullScanME1Game) { errors = ""; for (int l = 0; l < mods.Count; l++) { errors += mods[l] + Environment.NewLine; } DialogResult resp = MessageBox.Show("Detected NOT compatible/supported mods with this version of game: \n\n" + errors + "\n\nPress Cancel to abort or press Ok button to continue.", "Warning !", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel); if (resp == DialogResult.Cancel) { return(""); } } } DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Replacing textures and creating mods requires generating a map of the game's textures.\n" + "You only need to do it once.\n\n" + "IMPORTANT! Your game needs to be in vanilla state and have optional DLC/PCC mods installed.\n\n" + "Are you sure you want to proceed?", "Textures mapping", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.No) { texEplorer.Close(); return(""); } Misc.startTimer(); } if (!GameData.FullScanME1Game) { int count = GameData.packageFiles.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (GameData.packageFiles[i].Contains("_IT.") || GameData.packageFiles[i].Contains("_FR.") || GameData.packageFiles[i].Contains("_ES.") || GameData.packageFiles[i].Contains("_DE.") || GameData.packageFiles[i].Contains("_RA.") || GameData.packageFiles[i].Contains("_RU.") || GameData.packageFiles[i].Contains("_PLPC.") || GameData.packageFiles[i].Contains("_DEU.") || GameData.packageFiles[i].Contains("_FRA.") || GameData.packageFiles[i].Contains("_ITA.") || GameData.packageFiles[i].Contains("_POL.")) { GameData.packageFiles.Add(GameData.packageFiles[i]); GameData.packageFiles.RemoveAt(i--); count--; } } } if (!generateBuiltinMapFiles && !GameData.FullScanME1Game) { List <string> addedFiles = new List <string>(); List <string> modifiedFiles = new List <string>(); loadTexturesMap(gameId, textures); List <string> sortedFiles = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < GameData.packageFiles.Count; i++) { sortedFiles.Add(GameData.RelativeGameData(GameData.packageFiles[i]).ToLowerInvariant()); } sortedFiles.Sort(); for (int k = 0; k < textures.Count; k++) { for (int t = 0; t < textures[k].list.Count; t++) { string pkgPath = textures[k].list[t].path.ToLowerInvariant(); if (sortedFiles.BinarySearch(pkgPath) >= 0) { continue; } MatchedTexture f = textures[k].list[t]; f.path = ""; textures[k].list[t] = f; } } if (installer != null) { installer.updateProgressStatus("Scanning packages"); } if (mainWindow != null) { mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Scanning packages..."); } if (ipc) { Console.WriteLine("[IPC]STAGE_CONTEXT STAGE_SCAN"); Console.Out.Flush(); } for (int i = 0; i < GameData.packageFiles.Count; i++) { int index = -1; bool modified = true; bool foundPkg = false; string package = GameData.RelativeGameData(GameData.packageFiles[i].ToLowerInvariant()); long packageSize = new FileInfo(GameData.packageFiles[i]).Length; for (int p = 0; p < md5Entries.Length; p++) { if (package == md5Entries[p].path.ToLowerInvariant()) { foundPkg = true; if (packageSize == md5Entries[p].size) { modified = false; break; } index = p; } } if (foundPkg && modified) { modifiedFiles.Add(md5Entries[index].path); } else if (!foundPkg) { addedFiles.Add(GameData.RelativeGameData(GameData.packageFiles[i])); } } int lastProgress = -1; int totalPackages = modifiedFiles.Count + addedFiles.Count; int currentPackage = 0; if (ipc) { Console.WriteLine("[IPC]STAGE_WEIGHT STAGE_SCAN " + string.Format("{0:0.000000}", ((float)totalPackages / GameData.packageFiles.Count))); Console.Out.Flush(); } for (int i = 0; i < modifiedFiles.Count; i++, currentPackage++) { if (installer != null) { installer.updateProgressStatus("Scanning textures " + ((currentPackage + 1) * 100) / totalPackages + "% "); } if (mainWindow != null) { mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Finding textures in package " + (currentPackage + 1) + " of " + totalPackages + " - " + modifiedFiles[i]); } if (ipc) { Console.WriteLine("[IPC]PROCESSING_FILE " + modifiedFiles[i]); int newProgress = currentPackage * 100 / totalPackages; if (lastProgress != newProgress) { Console.WriteLine("[IPC]TASK_PROGRESS " + newProgress); lastProgress = newProgress; } Console.Out.Flush(); } errors += FindTextures(gameId, textures, modifiedFiles[i], true, ref log); } for (int i = 0; i < addedFiles.Count; i++, currentPackage++) { if (installer != null) { installer.updateProgressStatus("Scanning textures " + ((currentPackage + 1) * 100) / totalPackages + "% "); } if (mainWindow != null) { mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Finding textures in package " + (currentPackage + 1) + " of " + totalPackages + " - " + addedFiles[i]); } if (ipc) { Console.WriteLine("[IPC]PROCESSING_FILE " + addedFiles[i]); int newProgress = currentPackage * 100 / totalPackages; if (lastProgress != newProgress) { Console.WriteLine("[IPC]TASK_PROGRESS " + newProgress); lastProgress = newProgress; } Console.Out.Flush(); } errors += FindTextures(gameId, textures, addedFiles[i], false, ref log); } for (int k = 0; k < textures.Count; k++) { bool found = false; for (int t = 0; t < textures[k].list.Count; t++) { if (textures[k].list[t].path != "") { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { textures[k].list.Clear(); textures.Remove(textures[k]); k--; } } } else { int lastProgress = -1; for (int i = 0; i < GameData.packageFiles.Count; i++) { if (installer != null) { installer.updateProgressStatus("Scanning textures " + ((i + 1) * 100) / GameData.packageFiles.Count + "% "); } if (mainWindow != null) { mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Finding textures in package " + (i + 1) + " of " + GameData.packageFiles.Count + " - " + GameData.packageFiles[i]); } if (ipc) { Console.WriteLine("[IPC]PROCESSING_FILE " + GameData.packageFiles[i]); int newProgress = i * 100 / GameData.packageFiles.Count; if (lastProgress != newProgress) { Console.WriteLine("[IPC]TASK_PROGRESS " + newProgress); lastProgress = newProgress; } Console.Out.Flush(); } FindTextures(gameId, textures, GameData.RelativeGameData(GameData.packageFiles[i]), false, ref log); } } if (gameId == MeType.ME1_TYPE) { for (int k = 0; k < textures.Count; k++) { for (int t = 0; t < textures[k].list.Count; t++) { uint mipmapOffset = textures[k].list[t].mipmapOffset; if (textures[k].list[t].slave) { MatchedTexture slaveTexture = textures[k].list[t]; string basePkgName = slaveTexture.basePackageName; if (basePkgName == Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(slaveTexture.path).ToUpperInvariant()) { throw new Exception(); } for (int j = 0; j < textures[k].list.Count; j++) { if (!textures[k].list[j].slave && textures[k].list[j].mipmapOffset == mipmapOffset && textures[k].list[j].packageName == basePkgName) { slaveTexture.linkToMaster = j; slaveTexture.slave = true; textures[k].list[t] = slaveTexture; break; } } } } if (!textures[k].list.Exists(s => s.slave) && textures[k].list.Exists(s => s.weakSlave)) { List <MatchedTexture> texList = new List <MatchedTexture>(); for (int t = 0; t < textures[k].list.Count; t++) { MatchedTexture tex = textures[k].list[t]; if (tex.weakSlave) { texList.Add(tex); } else { texList.Insert(0, tex); } } FoundTexture f = textures[k]; f.list = texList; textures[k] = f; if (textures[k].list[0].weakSlave) { continue; } for (int t = 0; t < textures[k].list.Count; t++) { if (textures[k].list[t].weakSlave) { MatchedTexture slaveTexture = textures[k].list[t]; string basePkgName = slaveTexture.basePackageName; if (basePkgName == Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(slaveTexture.path).ToUpperInvariant()) { throw new Exception(); } for (int j = 0; j < textures[k].list.Count; j++) { if (!textures[k].list[j].weakSlave && textures[k].list[j].packageName == basePkgName) { slaveTexture.linkToMaster = j; slaveTexture.slave = true; textures[k].list[t] = slaveTexture; break; } } } } } } } if (File.Exists(filename)) { File.Delete(filename); } using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); mem.WriteUInt32(textureMapBinTag); mem.WriteUInt32(textureMapBinVersion); mem.WriteInt32(textures.Count); for (int i = 0; i < textures.Count; i++) { if (generateBuiltinMapFiles) { mem.WriteByte((byte)textures[i].name.Length); } else { mem.WriteInt32(textures[i].name.Length); } mem.WriteStringASCII(textures[i].name); mem.WriteUInt32(textures[i].crc); if (generateBuiltinMapFiles) { mem.WriteInt16((short)textures[i].width); mem.WriteInt16((short)textures[i].height); mem.WriteByte((byte)textures[i].pixfmt); mem.WriteByte((byte)textures[i].flags); mem.WriteInt16((short)textures[i].list.Count); } else { mem.WriteInt32(textures[i].list.Count); } for (int k = 0; k < textures[i].list.Count; k++) { mem.WriteInt32(textures[i].list[k].exportID); if (generateBuiltinMapFiles) { if (GameData.gameType == MeType.ME1_TYPE) { mem.WriteInt16((short)textures[i].list[k].linkToMaster); if (textures[i].list[k].linkToMaster != -1) { mem.WriteStringASCIINull(textures[i].list[k].basePackageName); } } mem.WriteByte(textures[i].list[k].removeEmptyMips ? (byte)1 : (byte)0); mem.WriteByte((byte)textures[i].list[k].numMips); mem.WriteInt16((short)pkgs.IndexOf(textures[i].list[k].path)); } else { mem.WriteInt32(textures[i].list[k].linkToMaster); mem.WriteInt32(textures[i].list[k].path.Length); mem.WriteStringASCII(textures[i].list[k].path); } } } if (!generateBuiltinMapFiles) { mem.WriteInt32(GameData.packageFiles.Count); for (int i = 0; i < GameData.packageFiles.Count; i++) { string s = GameData.RelativeGameData(GameData.packageFiles[i]); mem.WriteInt32(s.Length); mem.WriteStringASCII(s); } } mem.SeekBegin(); if (generateBuiltinMapFiles) { fs.WriteUInt32(0x504D5443); fs.WriteUInt32((uint)mem.Length); byte[] compressed = new ZlibHelper.Zlib().Compress(mem.ToArray(), 9); fs.WriteUInt32((uint)compressed.Length); fs.WriteFromBuffer(compressed); } else { fs.WriteFromStream(mem, mem.Length); } } if (mainWindow != null) { if (!generateBuiltinMapFiles) { MipMaps mipmaps = new MipMaps(); if (GameData.gameType == MeType.ME1_TYPE) { errors += mipmaps.removeMipMapsME1(1, textures, mainWindow, null, false); errors += mipmaps.removeMipMapsME1(2, textures, mainWindow, null, false); } else { errors += mipmaps.removeMipMapsME2ME3(textures, mainWindow, null, false, false); } if (GameData.gameType == MeType.ME3_TYPE) { TOCBinFile.UpdateAllTOCBinFiles(); } } } treeScan = textures; if (mainWindow != null) { var time = Misc.stopTimer(); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Done. Process total time: " + Misc.getTimerFormat(time)); mainWindow.updateStatusLabel2(""); } return(errors); }
private string processTextureMod(string filenameMod, int previewIndex, bool extract, bool replace, string outDir, List <FoundTexture> textures, CachePackageMgr cachePackageMgr, TexExplorer texExplorer, ref string log) { string errors = ""; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filenameMod, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { texExplorer.listViewTextures.BeginUpdate(); } uint tag = fs.ReadUInt32(); uint version = fs.ReadUInt32(); if (tag != TexExplorer.TextureModTag || version != TexExplorer.TextureModVersion) { if (version != TexExplorer.TextureModVersion) { errors += "File " + filenameMod + " was made with an older version of MEM, skipping..." + Environment.NewLine; log += "File " + filenameMod + " was made with an older version of MEM, skipping..." + Environment.NewLine; } else { errors += "File " + filenameMod + " is not a valid MEM mod, skipping..." + Environment.NewLine; log += "File " + filenameMod + " is not a valid MEM mod, skipping..." + Environment.NewLine; } if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { texExplorer.listViewTextures.EndUpdate(); } return(errors); } else { uint gameType = 0; fs.JumpTo(fs.ReadInt64()); gameType = fs.ReadUInt32(); if (textures != null && (MeType)gameType != GameData.gameType) { errors += "File " + filenameMod + " is not a MEM mod valid for this game" + Environment.NewLine; log += "File " + filenameMod + " is not a MEM mod valid for this game" + Environment.NewLine; if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { texExplorer.listViewTextures.EndUpdate(); } return(errors); } } int numFiles = fs.ReadInt32(); List <FileMod> modFiles = new List <FileMod>(); for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { FileMod fileMod = new FileMod(); fileMod.tag = fs.ReadUInt32(); = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); fileMod.offset = fs.ReadInt64(); fileMod.size = fs.ReadInt64(); modFiles.Add(fileMod); } numFiles = modFiles.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { string name = ""; uint crc = 0; long size = 0, dstLen = 0; int exportId = -1; string pkgPath = ""; byte[] dst = null; if (previewIndex != -1) { i = previewIndex; } fs.JumpTo(modFiles[i].offset); size = modFiles[i].size; if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag) { name = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); crc = fs.ReadUInt32(); } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileBinaryTag) { name = modFiles[i].name; exportId = fs.ReadInt32(); pkgPath = fs.ReadStringASCIINull(); } if (texExplorer != null) { texExplorer._mainWindow.updateStatusLabel("Processing MOD " + Path.GetFileName(filenameMod) + " - File " + (i + 1) + " of " + numFiles + " - " + name); } if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag) { FoundTexture foundTexture; foundTexture = textures.Find(s => s.crc == crc); if (foundTexture.crc != 0) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem( + " (" + foundTexture.packageName + ")"); item.Name = i.ToString(); texExplorer.listViewTextures.Items.Add(item); } else { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(name + " (Texture not found: " + name + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + ")"); item.Name = i.ToString(); texExplorer.listViewTextures.Items.Add(item); log += "Texture skipped. Texture " + name + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + " is not present in your game setup" + Environment.NewLine; } } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileBinaryTag) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(name + " (Binary Mod)"); item.Name = i.ToString(); texExplorer.listViewTextures.Items.Add(item); } else { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(name + " (Unknown)"); item.Name = i.ToString(); errors += "Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; log += "Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; } continue; } dst = decompressData(fs, size); dstLen = dst.Length; if (extract) { if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag) { string filename = name + "_" + string.Format("0x{0:X8}", crc) + ".dds"; using (FileStream output = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outDir, Path.GetFileName(filename)), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { output.Write(dst, 0, (int)dstLen); } } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileBinaryTag) { string filename = name; using (FileStream output = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outDir, Path.GetFileName(filename)), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { output.Write(dst, 0, (int)dstLen); } } else { errors += "Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; log += "Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; } continue; } if (previewIndex != -1) { if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag) { DDSImage image = new DDSImage(new MemoryStream(dst, 0, (int)dstLen)); texExplorer.pictureBoxPreview.Image = image.mipMaps[0].bitmap; } else { texExplorer.pictureBoxPreview.Image = null; } break; } else if (replace) { if (modFiles[i].tag == FileTextureTag) { FoundTexture foundTexture; foundTexture = textures.Find(s => s.crc == crc); if (foundTexture.crc != 0) { DDSImage image = new DDSImage(new MemoryStream(dst, 0, (int)dstLen)); if (!image.checkExistAllMipmaps()) { errors += "Error in texture: " + name + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + " Texture skipped. This texture has not all the required mipmaps." + Environment.NewLine; log += "Error in texture: " + name + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + " Texture skipped. This texture has not all the required mipmaps." + Environment.NewLine; continue; } errors += replaceTexture(image, foundTexture.list, cachePackageMgr,, crc); } else { log += "Error: Texture " + name + string.Format("_0x{0:X8}", crc) + "is not present in your game setup. Texture skipped." + Environment.NewLine; } } else if (modFiles[i].tag == FileBinaryTag) { string path = GameData.GamePath + pkgPath; if (!File.Exists(path)) { errors += "Warning: File " + path + " not exists in your game setup." + Environment.NewLine; log += "Warning: File " + path + " not exists in your game setup." + Environment.NewLine; continue; } Package pkg = cachePackageMgr.OpenPackage(path); pkg.setExportData(exportId, dst); } else { errors += "Error: Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; log += "Error: Unknown tag for file: " + name + Environment.NewLine; } } else { throw new Exception(); } } if (previewIndex == -1 && !extract && !replace) { texExplorer.listViewTextures.EndUpdate(); } } return(errors); }
public string replaceTextureMod(string filenameMod, List <FoundTexture> textures, CachePackageMgr cachePackageMgr, TexExplorer texExplorer, ref string log) { return(processTextureMod(filenameMod, -1, false, true, "", textures, cachePackageMgr, texExplorer, ref log)); }